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02x03 - Attack of the Mutant pt. 2

Posted: 03/29/24 15:04
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Man ]

Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Cackling ]

[ Man ]
Previously on Goosebumps.

I didn't mean to
interrupt your reading.

- My name's Libby.
- I'm Skipper.

- Do you collect comic books?
- Yeah.

- The Masked Mutant?
- I know everything about the Mutant.

He's the most evil super villain
of them all.

The Mutant's headquarters!

Look what the Mutant's saying.

"I'm tracking each one of them.

I've thrown an invisibility curtain
around my entire headquarters!"

We are now stepping through
the invisibility curtain.

- Very funny.
- [ Gasps ]

[ Skipper Gasps ]

This must be where
they make the comic books.

It's me.

- [ Footsteps ]
- Who's there?

Libby? Libby? Is that you?


[ Screaming ]

No! Please!

Please what?

Please don't thr*aten you
with a cardboard cutout?

Huh? What?

"Huh? What?"
[ Laughs ]

- Where did you get that?
- Down a hallway.

And I also found another elevator.
Now we can get out of here.

Oh, good. Let's go. Oh, wait!
You gotta check this out.

I found all these drawings,
and they're drawings of me.

They were right here.

- I swear.
- Come on, Skipper. Let's go.

We've fooled around long enough.

- I'm not kidding, Libby.
- Come on. The elevator's waiting.

- But--
- Come on, Skipper!



- Libby, wait up!
- I've got to get home.

My mom's gonna have a cow!

You have to believe me.
There were drawings of me in there.

Great. Whatever. Look,
this whole thing's too weird for me.

I've gotta go.
See you around.

Is there something wrong
with the spaghetti, Skipper?

Oh, no.
I'm just not that hungry.

Hmm. There's a first.
Mark it on the calendar.

- The weirdest thing happened today--
- Oh, by the way!

I'm driving to work this morning
and what do I hear on the radio?

- What?
- A child psychologist...

is talking about how he thinks some
kids get so involved in comic books--

Eh? That they-- they start
living in their fantasies.

Now, is that what
I have been saying or what?

- That's what you've been saying.
- Mm-hmm.

What were you about to say,

Oh, I-- I-I forget, Mom.

Are you feeling all right, dear?

Yeah, I-I feel okay.
I'm just, you know, kinda tired.

I'm gonna go to bed.
Good night.



if he's not going to eat them.

- Maybe you're going nuts.
- [ Sighs ]

I swear I saw them.

They were drawings of me.
They even drew my braces.

Too bad you don't have one
of those drawings to show me.

- You don't believe me either?
- Well, I'm not saying you're lying.

And what about
the invisibility curtain?

Am I just imagining that too?

You know, that's what I like
about collecting my rocks.

There's nothing weird about them.

No invisible rocks.
No rocks that look like me.

I like that about them.

I don't know.
Maybe I am going crazy.

It's like I don't know
what's real anymore.

It's like my Uncle Ralph. First, he
started seeing things that weren't there.

Then he started smelling things.
Then they took him away.

[ Dad ]



Yeah, Dad?

- What is the matter with you?
- I-I don't know.

- Are you sick?
- No.

- Y-You're sweatin'.
- I'm okay, Dad.

Gosh, I don't want you spending
so much time on algebra,

- you don't get enough sleep.
- Okay.

- Here's some mail for you.
- [ Grunts ]

Okay. What is it?

It's one of your comic books.
That oughta cheer you up.

- [ Grunts ]
- But, uh,

- you do your homework first, huh?
- Okay.

"A new foe for the Mutant"?

[ Gasps ]

That's me!

"The boy
sneaked down the hallway.

He knew that at any moment
he could be destroyed."

This is crazy.

"Two more minutes
and I'll be a grilled Gazelle.

Only the boy can save me now.

Only the boy can save the world
from the Masked Mutant's evil.

But where is he?"

I'm right here.

This is insane!

Mom! Dad!

- [ Groaning ]
- Mom! Dad!

I'm inside this comic book!

- Not now!
- Not now!

- Dad, you've gotta see this!
- Ooh!

[ Sniffles ] Did you get a letter
to the editor published, Son?

No, Dad!
Look, I'm in the comic book!

I can't see a thing.
Get that thing away from me!

Can't you see what these
onions are doing to my eyes?

Oh, well, there's a trick to cutting
onions. I have no idea what it is.

Oh, forget it.

Oh, well.

Oh, honey.

Hey, kid.

- You all by yourself?
- Huh?

- Is somebody picking you up?
- Oh. No.

This part of town's not a good
place for a kid to be at night.

Yeah, well,
there's something I have to do.

- Oh. You into comic books?
- [ Siren Wailing ]


You gotta be careful with those
things. They can warp your mind.

[ Mutters ]

Hey, kid.

Be careful out there.

Be real careful.

[ Cackling ]

[ Screaming, Faint ]

[ Cackling Laughter ]

[ Laughter Continues ]

[ Exhales ]

It's just too weird.




[ Loud Clanking ]

[ Lasers Whizzing ]

Help! Hey, kid!

What took you so long?

Don't you know you have
to help me save the world?

[ Lasers Whizzing ]

You're the Galloping Gazelle.

- You're real!
- Real tired of waiting.

Turn that heat off.
Come on! I'm broiling!

[ Grunting ]

Now untie me.
We have to hurry.

- I can't believe this!
- I'll give you my autograph later.

- Hurry up. We don't have much time.
- Time?

He'll be back. We want to get
him before he gets to us, right?

- Us?
- You're the kid, aren't ya?

You're the one who's supposed to help
me fight the evil forces, aren't you?

- I--
- What's your name?

- Skipper.
- Weird name for a superhero.

- Just untie me, would ya?
- Okay.

How old are you, kid?
Eight? Nine?

- I'm 12.
- Hey, don't get an attitude.

Gazelle to League of Good Guys.
Gazelle to League of Good Guys.

Heck sakes!
He jammed it.

Come on, kid.
Hurry up.

How'd you find
the secret headquarters anyway?

You used your secret
cyber-radar powers, right?

Or your ultra mind control to read
my thoughts and hurry to my rescue?

No, I--
I just took the bus.

- [ Sighs ]
- There.

[ Sighs ]
Thanks, kid.

Now... let's pay him
a surprise visit.

Come on!

- Coming?
- Uh, can't we take an elevator?

No climbing abilities, huh?

You know, kid,
if you're gonna be a superhero,

you've gotta start working out.


Oh, all right,
we'll take the stairs.

Take your time.
Take your time.

We only have to save the planet.
[ Laughing ]

The Mutant's headquarters.

It's so overdone.


This is incredible!


Not nearly as impressive as the control
room for the League of Good Guys.

We have a soft drink machine.

What about the Masked Mutant?

We'll just wait right here
and surprise him.

Just take a little off the top.
Trim around the horns, please.

[ Laughing ]

[ Laughing Stops, Clears Throat ]

Not a very comfortable chair either.

- Snake!
- [ Screams ] The Masked Mutant!

- [ Cackling ]
- There's a snake in my face!

- [ Cackling Continues ]
- Don't worry, kid. I've got an idea.

Shall I give it a whirl?

[ Cackling Continues ]

You don't like snakes, kid?

Gee. And I was just
getting comfortable.

Going somewhere?

- I-- I was--
- [ Whirring ]

Look at that windbag.
[ Cackling ]


[ Crashing ]

That's it.

- I'm out of here.
- Wait!

- Where are you going?
- He's right.

I am too old
for this superhero stuff.

You're on your own, kid.
[ Huffs ]

[ Mutant Cackling ]

Oh, another victory
for the League of Scared Guys!

Now you.

Look! The Silver Swan!

Libby! You better watch out!
The M--

- Where did he go?
- Where did who go?

Didn't you hear me call you?

I was across the street.

I saw you go into the building.


This is so cool!

We've gotta be careful.
The Mutant's in here.

Libby, he could be anything.

He could be the desk,

or the floor, or the railing,

or these pipes, or the ceiling.

I know, I know.
He's the Masked Mutant.

He could be anything.

He could even be me.

Libby, that's not funny.

There is no Libby.
There never was.


And now I must do something...

very bad to you, Skipper.

- Please.
- [ Libby Cackling ]

I'll just leave and take a bus home.
I won't tell anybody. Honest!

I can't let you leave.

[ Cackling ]
You belong here now!

I knew,

when I saw you on that
bus the first time.

[ Chuckling ]
I knew you were perfect.

You said you knew
everything about me.

[ Laughing ]

It's so hard to find good
characters for my stories.

It's so hard to find good foes!

[ Yelling ]

[ Cackling ]

What are you gonna do?

- Destroy you, of course.
- No, you can't!

You're just a character
in a comic book!

But I'm real!
I'm a real boy!


You're not, Skipper.

You're not real.

- You're a comic book character too.
- You're a liar!

Yes, I'm a liar!

It's one of my better qualities.

But I'm not lying this time.

- You're not real anymore.
- It's not true!

Remember when you entered the
building for the first time?

Remember when you walked
through the glass door...

and a beam of light
passed over you?

- Yeah, I remember.
- That was a scanner.

When you passed through it,
it scanned your entire body.

It turned you into tiny dots of ink.

- No!
- You're a comic book character.

Just like me!

[ Cackling ]

Say good-bye, Skipper.

[ Cackling ]

No, wait!

I'm not Skipper.

Oh, really?

Then who are you?

I'm-- I'm--

I'm the Colossal Elastic Boy!

Ah! Elastic Boy!

I thought you looked familiar.

Well, good-bye, Mutant. I have to
go back to my home planet of Zargos.

You know, I can't guest star
in other comic books.

Nice try, Elastic Boy,

but you invaded
my secret headquarters.

Now I must destroy you.

No. You can't!

I'll just stretch out my elastic arms
and I'll squeeze you into putty.

I don't think so.

I'm gonna tear you into pieces,

and then tear your pieces
into pieces!

- [ Cackling ] - No, you can't.
I'll bend, but I won't break.

There's only one way
you can destroy Elastic Boy.

What's that,
if you don't mind me asking?

By sulfuric acid. That's the only
way you can destroy my elastic body.

Oops. I guess
I shouldn't have said that.

Too late!

Say good-bye, Elastic Boy.

[ Cackling ]

- [ Sizzling ] - Aha! There's one thing
you've forgotten, Mutant.

You can change into
a solid and back,

but once you change into a liquid,
you're dead.

Huh? You tricked me!

The great Masked Mutant
tricked by a boy!

[ Shrieking ]

I've destroyed him!

The most evil super villain
to walk the planet is dead!

[ Skipper Laughing Triumphantly ]

there's mail for you again.

If it's a comic book,
you can just throw it out, Mom.

Well, I'll just put it over here.

Maybe you'll change your mind.

Aren't you gonna eat your soup?

No, I'm not hungry.

Are you feeling all right?

Yeah, Mom.
Come on. I feel fine.

Oh, Skipper.

What happened last night?

Mom, I don't want to talk about it.
I'll tell you someday.

What on earth have you got on
your hands? It looks like ink.


I won't get any on the furniture.

I'm gonna go watch TV.

[ Stretching ]

Elastic Boy?

[ Screams ]

Stretch it!

[ Laughing ]