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02x01 - Be Careful What You Wish For

Posted: 03/29/24 15:02
by bunniefuu
[ Wind Whistling ]

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Man ]

Viewer beware.

You're in for a scare.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Coach ]
Lay it!

Get with it, Judith.
Come on.

[ Girl ]
Let's go!

[ Cheering ]

Oh! Oh!

Have a nice trip, Byrd?

- [ Girls Laughing ]
- Samantha Byrd.

Keep your head up.
Get back in there.

It's no good, Coach.

You're a natural, Samantha!

- A natural klutz.
- Now, that's enough of that.

Come on, Byrd.
You're my tallest player.

I need you on my team.

One more time, Anna.

- Go for it, Sam!
- Hey, Cory.


- Okay.
- Oops!

[ Coach ]
Come on, Sam! Get into the game!

Why don't you fly away, Byrd?
Take off!

- Give the team a chance.
- All right, Judith. That's enough!

Okay, girls. Back to work!
[ Claps Hands ]

Free throws!
Judith, back to the line.

[ Chattering ]


- Here you go, Byrd.
- [ Cory ] Oh, come on, guys.

- Give her a break.
- She stinks!

[ Screams ]

- [ Screaming Continues ]
- Sam!

Oh, my God! Help!

[ Whimpers ]

[ Screams ]

- [ Girls Chatter ]
- [ Coach ] Sam, it's okay.

[ Voice Slow, Lower ]
Just relax.

I know you're scared.
Just try to breathe.

You just had the wind
knocked out of you.

For a moment there, I thought
the Byrd was really gonna do it.

- Do what?
- Fly away.

Byrd girl cleared for takeoff.

- Shh!
- Samantha?

[ Kids Chattering, Laughing ]

[ Whispering, Not Audible ]

- [ Girls Laughing ]
- Want to help me strangle Judith?

- Bad idea.
- Why? Give me one good reason.

Your basketball team
will never win another game.

But why does she pick on me?
I did nothing to her.

Don't let her get to you.
Judith is Judith.

I wish--
I don't know what.

[ Girls Laughing Continues ]

The Byrd actually tried to fly today.

She's as clumsy at flying
as she is at basketball.

I tripped because of--

- Nice lip control.
- [ Kids Laughing ]

That is so disgusting.

- [ Clattering ]
- [ Kids Laughing ]

I-I'm really sorry!

[ Laughing Continues ]

[ Boy ]

Hey, Bobby.

[ Bird Cawing ]

- Oh!
- Oh, I'm sorry. I--

- Excuse me.
- I'm really sorry. I--

- I-I didn't see you.
- No.

I'm sorry to have frightened you.


There it is.
I have been looking all over for this.

It's yours?
I found it in the gym.

Isn't it amazing how lost objects--

they find their way to strange places?

Really strange.
But if it's yours, here.

Thank you.

Now, maybe you can help me
with something else.

- Can you tell me how to get to Moss Avenue?
- Moss Avenue.

- That's way across town.
- Oh.

How could that have happened?
How could I be so far out of my way?

That happens to me all the time.

It's kind of you to say so,
but I don't believe it.

- Oh, no. Really. It's true.
- Would you mind taking me there?

Gee, I have to get home.


I'd be so grateful.

If it's not too far out of your way.

I guess it's not that far.

You are so kind.
Thank you, uh--

Samantha Byrd.

Thank you, Samantha Byrd.

You may call me Clarissa.

[ Chatters, Indistinct ]

[ Clarissa ]

I don't know how
I could have got so lost.

- Ah.
- Are you sure this is where you want to be?

- This is fine.
- Okay, then. Bye.

I'd like to give you something...

for being so kind to a stranger.

You don't have to
give me anything, really.

Most young people
wouldn't be so kind.

You must let me repay you.
Please. I insist.

I shall grant you...
three wishes.

Uh, sure.
I mean, that's really cool.

But I don't have any wishes right now.
I've gotta go.

Of course!
I've kept you far too long already.

But understand that
this is no joke, Samantha.

Make your first wish.

Uh, okay.

I wish I was the best player
on the basketball team.

Uh, that's not important.
Really, just forget it.

- I've got to go.
- Wait.

I want you to have this.

And by the way,
your wish will come true.

You will be
the best player on the team.

One, two, three, Mustangs!

- Yeah! Let's go!
- [ Cheering ]

[ Coach ]
Let's do it!

- [ Gasps ]
- [ Grunts ]

Try it again.

[ Coach ]
It's okay, Sam.

[ Kids Cheering ]

[ Coach ]
It's okay! It's all right.

[ Coach ]

[ Crowd Groans ]

[ Coach ]
Let's get some points going!

Oh, boy. Okay.
Let's keep it in.

- Come on now.
- [ Buzzer Sounds ]

[ Whistle Blows ]

What is going on out there?

I don't know.
I don't feel so good.

- Anna, how are you feeling?
- Hmm?

[ Kids Cheering ]

[ Coach ]
Come on!

- Throw it to me!
- No, Sam! The other way!

Other way!

Come on, Sam!
Come on!

Try again.

One more time!

- [ Cheering ]
- [ Buzzer Sounds ]

Oh, God.

[ Sighs ]

[ Whooshing ]

Oh! Oh-ho-ho!
[ Laughing ]

- [ Sighs ]
- It was you, wasn't it?

- Oh!
- You made us lose the game.

No! It was your wish.

I just carried it out.

- But I wanted to be the best on the team.
- Oh!

I was the best, all right,
because everyone else was terrible!

Well, wishes are complicated.

Magic isn't an exact science,
you know!

- I mean, I did the best that I could.
- Great.

I know you're upset, Samantha.
That's why I'm here.

The next time...

you must be very careful
what you wish for...

and very clear...

how you phrase it.

- Do you have another wish?
- Not right now, thank you.

I've gotta go.

- [ Man On PA, Indistinct ]
- You found it?

This weird lady said it was hers,
and then she gave it back to you?


- What's your problem?
- Our problem is you.

When are you going to
quit the team?

It's your fault
we lost yesterday.

I didn't see you two
make any great plays.

That's because we spent our time
covering for Byrd brain here.

Just-- Just leave me alone!

I wish everyone
would just buzz off!

- [ Whimpers ]
- [ Buzzing ]

[ Whimpers ]

- [ Buzzing Continues ]
- Cory?



[ Buzzing ]

[ Gasping ]

Please, is--
is anybody here?

I-- I didn't mean it!
Really, I'm sorry!

Mr. Johnson! Oh!


[ Loud Buzzing ]


[ Buzzing ]

[ Loud Buzzing ]

I didn't mean it, Clarissa!

Not everyone!

Hello! Anybody there?

- Please!
- [ Screeching ]


[ Upbeat ]


Mom! Dad!

[ Door Opens ]

[ Door Closes ]

No! Don't!
That's my mom or my dad!

[ Gasps ]

- My goodness.
- [ Buzzing ]


[ Exhales ]
Look what you've done.

I knew you'd be unhappy
with your wish.

It's all Judith's fault.
If she weren't so mean--

I never meant to
turn anyone into a fly.

I know,
but remember what you said.

- Buzz off?
- Mm-hmm.

I followed your instructions
as best I could.

- I do have some powers, Sam--
- [ Buzzing ]

I'm not a mind reader.

I do as I'm asked.

But what good is a wish
if it always backfires?

They don't always backfire.

you still have one more wish.

Only you must be careful.

This is your last wish.

- I wish--
- Ah, ah!

I have to get this one right.

Take your time.

[ Buzzing Continues ]

[ Snoring ]

- [ Snores ]
- Okay!

- I've got my wish.
- There.

Tell me your wish.

I wish everything
to go back to normal--

the way it was before the flies--

except I want Judith to be my friend.

- All right.
- No, wait!

I want Judith to think
I'm the greatest.

I understand.

[ Whooshing ]

- Who are you talking to, honey?
- Is Dad okay?

Of course.
He's in the living room.

[ Phone Rings ]

One moment, please.

Someone by the name of Judith.

[ Chattering ]

Sam! Over here.

How do you like it?
I made it just for you.

It's good.

- And how do you like this?
- Great.

It's just like yours.

Come on, ladies.
We've got a lot of work to do!

Sam? Judith?

What are you waiting for?
Hustle up now.

Oh, here.
Let me get you a clean uniform.

It doesn't matter what Byrd wears.

She's a walking catastrophe.

And what have you done
with your hair?

Don't you love it?
It's just like Sam's!

Anybody home?

- [ All ] Defense!
- Can you help me?

- [ Coach ] The other way.
- Me, help you?

You're a natural.
Show me how you do it.

[ Coach ]
Shake it out. All right.

Okay. Sure.

Get low!

- [ Girls Shouts ]
- To this side.

The other way.
That's it, that's it.

Tough break.
That's how I want to learn to sh**t.

[ Coach ]
Good. Back!

[ Girls ]

[ Man On PA, Indistinct ]

- What are you gonna have?
- I don't know. What are you gonna have?

Whatever you have.
You have such great taste.

[ Chattering ]

And maybe on the weekend,
we can go shopping.

I mean, you have to tell me
where you get your shoes.

They're just your basic shoes.

But I love the color.

Yeah. Basic black.

Have you ever noticed how Sam
has the coolest colored pencils?

I was just going to say.

She can do so much with
your eight basic colors.

- Sam, can I talk to you?
- Sure.

- Alone.
- Oh, hey, sure.

Uh, listen, Sam.
I'll talk to you later.

Maybe we can study
together tonight?

Uh, I think I'll be busy.

That's cool.


- What's going on?
- What's up with her?

You wouldn't believe it.
It's m-- my--

It must have been something I said.

It feels like something I ate.

Well, what do I do?

Well, if your old worst enemy
is your new best friend,

shouldn't you be happier?

[ Rewinding, Beeps ]

Hi, Sam. It's Judith.

You're not in,
so I guess I'll call you later.

Hi! It's Judith again!
Call me when you get in.

Hey, where are you? It's Judith.
Call me. - [ Phone Rings ]

[ On Tape ]
Hi. It's Judith. I'll call you later.

- [ Ringing ]
- Sam, it's Judith. I hope you're okay.

[ Sighs ]

[ Clicks ]

- [ Gasps ]
- Shh! It's just me, Judith.

What are you doing here?

I snuck in and hid in your closet.

- What, are you nuts?
- You said we could study together later.

Not tonight.
It's way too late!

[ Mom ] Sam?
Are you talking on the phone?

No, Mom. It's okay.

You know you're not allowed
on the phone after lights out.

Good night, Mom.

I just love your room.

- These sheets are so cool.
- Shut up!

You have to be completely quiet

until I can find a way
to get you out of here.

- [ Whispers ] Sorry.
- [ Sighs ]

[ Man On TV ] The forecast:
mostly sunny skies today.

Bye, Mom.
I'll see you after school.

- [ Mom ] Have a good day, dear.
- Hi!

[ Groans ]

I thought maybe we could
walk to school together.


Sam! Wait! What's the matter?
I thought we were best friends!

Short cut.

- Stop bothering me!
- What do you mean?

- [ Bird Cawing ]
- [ Whooshing ]

- Oh!
- Oh! Oh!

- Oh. Uh--
- You!

I know. I know, I know.
You're still unhappy.

Your wishes have ruined my life!

- Hello, everyone.
- [ Clarissa ] Oh!

I don't want you to be unhappy.

I was only trying
to repay your kindness.

- I wish I'd never met you.
- What are you guys talking about?

If that is what you desire,

I will cancel your last wish
and give you another chance.

- Sam, you know the most interesting people.
- It is my desire.

Then make your wish.
[ Inhales ]

Here's my wish.
I wish I'd never met you.

- Is that your wish?
- N-No. Here's my full wish.

- I wish I-- Get lost.
- Isn't she the greatest?

I wish I'd never met you.

I wish you'd met Judith instead.

So, you know what
you're gonna wish for?

What are you doing here, Byrd?

- Lose your compass on your migration?
- She's back.

If you don't mind, I'm trying to
have a private conversation here.

- Oh, sure.
- [ Huffs ]

I wish...

that wherever I was, people would
gather around and admire me.


Oh, look. How beautiful.

[ Woman ]
It's lovely.

[ Sam ]

[ Cawing ]