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07x04 - Date Night

Posted: 03/27/24 11:11
by bunniefuu
An isobar is a line
of equal barometric pressures.

Not to be confused with an isotach,

which is a line of equal wind speeds,

or an isodrosotherm,

which is a line of
equal dew point temperatures.

And now that you have swallowed
excess air, you need...


Very good.


His poop was orange brown,
which is expected,

given his iron supplement.

He is changed, fed, and burped.

Mm. Best dad ever.




I think it worked.

MORGAN: Jazz is soothing,

and kind of sexy at the same time.

You know, since we got back
together, we haven't...

Had sex?

It's been almost two months.

We have a good excuse.


People with kids have sex, right?

♪ Dreams are dreams,
some dreams come true ♪

You want to?

♪ I found a real dream, baby,
when I found you ♪

♪ You're so strong, but tender too ♪

♪ You're my angel ♪




Maybe we should go somewhere else.

- Yeah.

Ah, but later.

We have to get ready for work.


You want the head trauma or
the rebar through the shoulder?

Rebar. It will be much more exciting.

In that case, Dom, you're with me on...

No, Dom is with me.

Welcome to Team Park.

LIM: Mom?

Hey, Audie.

Well, what are you doing here?
Are you okay?

Oh, I'm great.
I'm just here for a drug trial,

for my hyperthyroid. I... For two weeks,

I am making $5,500.

Why didn't you tell me you were coming?

I just... I figured I would
call you once I settled in.

I found a cute hotel

with a microwave
and a mini fridge and...

Mom, you are not staying at a hotel.

Mm, you and Clay need your privacy.

Clay is in Chicago doing a fellowship,

and he'll be gone for another month,

which you would have known
if you had called me.

- Cancel the hotel.

I have a microwave and a maxi fridge.

Yeah, I know. I'm on my way.


Cameron Howard, 38,

drove his car through
the back of his garage.

BP is stable.

Stat trauma panel labs and an E-FAST.

- Whose garage?
- Our garage, Cam.

He just, you know, forgot
which was the gas

and which was the brake.

And also that he's not
supposed to drive.

Who said I'm not supposed to drive?

Your doctor.

He's been diagnosed with
Early Onset Alzheimer's.

At 38? That is so young.


He's tachycardic and hypotensive.

- He is in hemorrhagic shock.
- What?

Pushing a 500cc bolus.

Call the O.R. We're on our way.


John Doe, scalp abrasions,

possible head trauma and drug overdose.

His name is Nathan Speed.
I know him from my church.


No deep lacerations or skull
or c-spine step offs.

Body is limp, shallow breathing,

old track marks,

constricted pupils. What'd you take?


Slurred speech.
Could be an opioid overdose.

I need 8 milligrams naloxone
and a urine tox screen.

He's tachycardic and warm.
Doesn't correlate with an O.D.

This looks more like a stroke.

His respiratory rate is fast.

And he has a port.

Si-Sick. [GRUNTS]

Sick. Sick.

Those aren't track marks.
They're blown veins

from I.V. placements. It's not an O.D.

Nathan has sickle cell disease,
and he's in a crisis.

Push I.V. fluids and morphine for pain.

Check a CBC and hemoglobin S.


♪ Oh, I know that I can make it ♪

♪ I know that I can stand ♪

♪ No matter what may come my way ♪

♪ My life is in your hands ♪


You have an amazing voice.

So do you, Dr. Allen.

Thank you.

Seems like you're feeling
a little better today.

And you remembered
how much I love that song.

We've missed you in choir
for the past couple months.

Mm. I had another crisis,

ended up in a different hospital,

and it took me days to convince
the docs I wasn't an addict.

But you know, it seems like God decided

I was due for an upgrade
this time around.

That's an excellent compliment.

I think you're flirting, which is fine,

because I think she likes you.

You know, I think so, too.
But how come she turned me down

when I asked her out a few months back?

Bad timing.

Is it still bad timing?

You haven't mentioned a boyfriend.

Oh, that's good to know.

Charlie, Mr. Speed is our patient.

Let's keep it professional.

At least until he's discharged
later today.



ASHER: Balloon catheter in position.

How is fatherhood treating you?

SHAUN: Steve is very good.

Lea and I are exchanging

Jerome's been in Sydney
for the last 10 days

for a nursing course.

I've called him like three times.

All I've gotten back
are like two one-word texts

and a thumbs up.

And Carter Nix,
that cute pedes nurse, is there.

Okay, let's remove the rebar.

DOM: Set up a FaceTime date with him.

Last year I played for Cal,

my girlfriend got a job in Zurich.

Had to schedule our phone calls
like doctor's appointments,

but it was the only thing
that kept us going.

Mm! How long have you been together?

We aren't anymore. She cheated on me.




He tried to get out of bed and fell.

JORDAN: Nathan, are you in any pain?

The transfusions didn't work.
He's in crisis.

Get him subcutaneous tinzaparin.

- I-I can't hear out of this ear.

KALU: That's not from his sickle cell.

He needs a brain MRI and audiogram.


You okay, Nathan?

Yeah, um, I'm just going to
close my eyes

and think of where I'mma
take you to dinner

when all this is over.

Aww, he's so romantic.

Are you going to go out with him?

You have to go out with him.

So when you said you
"knew him from church"?

Moving on to the next imaging sequence.

- Okay.
- Okay.

He asked her out. She said no.

I think it's because of another guy,

but he's still interested,
and so is she.

Makes sense.

He does seem to tick your boxes.

T2 axial images are ready to be viewed.

By that, you're saying he's smart,

educated, talented, funny...

He needs you.

What's that supposed to mean?


Is that normal?


I got your text.

Not sure I have time for lunch.

How about a snack?

I love snacks.

- Yeah?


This is going to be so hot. So hot.



- LIM: Morgan?

Uh, just a second!



Why didn't you tell me my mother

was in one of your clinical trials?

Eileen Lim?

I didn't know she was your mother.
She never mentioned it.

- She was accepted into the trial?
- Mm-hmm.

Which means no significant
underlying health issues?

I can't tell you that,
but solid deduction.


I need you for a surgical consult.

And you missed a button.


What about the third floor
supply closet? That's new.

Sexy. I'll text you a time for tomorrow.


And there was surprisingly
little muscle damage.

With physiotherapy,

he should make a complete recovery.


Your husband is on
all of the recommended meds

for Alzheimer's.

I'm afraid to say there's
nothing more we can do.

God. Three months ago,
he was nothing like this,

just a bit forgetful.

Now, I mean, there are moments still.

But then he slips back into the fog.

I miss him.


And it just breaks my heart
to know how much he will miss.


I'm pregnant.


Cam's Alzheimer's is so
atypical, given his age

and the rate he's declining,
I just think it's worth

reconsidering all treatment options.

There are no viable treatment options,

so it is not worth reconsidering.

How about vagus nerve stimulation?

Nice. It hasn't been testedc

for early onset cases.

- Not viable.
- Focused ultrasound.

That may stabilize the plaque burden,

but would not improve clinical symptoms.

- Not viable.
- Deep brain stimulation.

I did some homework.

Highly invasive with limited efficacy.

- Not viable.
- What about non-invasive

deep brain stimulation,
using temporal interference?

Stimulating the hippocampus
could improve episodic memory.

So... viable?


Alright. Nice.

PARK: You have benign tumors
near your brain stem

called vestibular schwannomas.

The one on your right is very large,

causing the imbalance and hearing loss.

Benign is good, though, right?

They're growing.

If left untreated, eventually,
they will k*ll you.

We recommend surgical removal of both.

Surgery will be complicated

because of your recent
sickle cell crisis.

And removing the tumors risks
complete hearing loss.





♪ No w*apon ♪

♪ Formed against me ♪

♪ Shall prosper ♪


If I can't hear, I can't sing.

That's not living.

I'll take my chances.




SHAUN: Okay.






Good morning.

Denver omelet.

Home fries, extra crispy. Your favorite.

When I was 13 and burning

What are you doing here, Mom? Really?

I told you.

There is a website that
lists all the drug trials

currently running, including
one for hyperthyroidism

that is 10 miles from your house

and pays $500 more than we do.

But that one doesn't come with a visit

to my high-powered doctor daughter.

If there's something going on with you,

I just wish you'd tell me.

I'm here because I am worried about you.

- I'm fine.
- You always say you're fine,

whether you're in a wheelchair

or you're in the middle of a pandemic

or recovering from PTSD...

Mom, I told you I didn't
want to see anyone...

I know, and I respected your wishes.

But then I call you,
and you rush me off the phone,

or you say you're going to call me back,

- and you don't.

- You always deflect.
- I'm not deflecting,

- I'm working.
- Of course, especially

now that you're hospital co-president

as well as chief of surgery.

I mean, it's a lot, but I'm handling it.

[CHUCKLES] I'm your mother.

I was there when you melted down

because you had a book report
and a science project

- due the same day...
- I can't have this conversation again.

That was 30 years ago.

And by the way, I aced them both.

Well, of course you did. You've
always taken after your father.

- Why is that a bad thing?
- It isn't.

He was driven, and he was brilliant.

And he was too proud...

And you just wish
that he had worked less.

- I wish...
- Right? And that he was

more present as a husband and father.

I wish that he had been able
to ask for help.

Well, maybe he didn't want your help.


I have to grab a shower. We leave in 30.


Mm, we could try a middle fossa approach

on Nathan's left side tumor.

Mm, 30% rate of hearing loss

and won't be able to
fully resect the tumor.

What'd you mean?

That Nathan ticks boxes
because he needs me?

Just that taking care of people

seems to be your comfort zone.

What about radiosurgery?

Delayed efficacy and potential
damage to cranial nerves.

Taking care of people is my job.

And mine, too, but I don't seek that out

in my personal relationships.

Perez was an addict.
Nathan has a chronic illness.

Just, you know, seems like
you have a bit of a type.

And what's your type?

- The model who cheats with married men?
- Okay.

Oh, wait, that was your fake girlfriend

who was really with your boss.

That sounds complicated.
I don't really have a type.

Short, tall, blonde, brunette,
neurodiverse, neurotypical,

I've dated them all.
As long as there's chemistry.

Uh, what about a suboccipital approach?

Too high a risk of
cerebellar injury or stroke.

You don't know me, okay? So you
should stop acting like you do.

- I think I do.
- Oh.

I think I see something in you

that you don't even see in yourself.

- You guys like each other.
- Don't be ridiculous.

No way.

What I'd like is for us to
focus on finding a surgery

to safely save Nathan's hearing.


- Okay.
- Thank you.

- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.


I miss you, too.


Dr. Shaun Murphy.


- Mm!
- Okay.

This may not be appropriate
workplace behavior.

I know. And I missed it so much.

I've been so tired, and there
hasn't been any time for us.

We need to make an appointment.

Yeah. We do.

- We need a date night.
- Okay.

Our favorite karaoke bar has
a two-for-one special tonight.

We should go there and drink tequila

and sing "Islands in the Stream"
just like old times.

I don't know if I'm
ready to leave Steve,

you know, just yet.




You know what? Karaoke sounds great.

- I'll call Jordan.
- Okay.

- Oh.

My patient is waking up.


I'm very glad we are having
date night tonight.



What were the four words
I asked you to remember?

Apple, elephant,

planet, table.

Very good. And the color?

Oh, that would be the color
of my Gilly's eyes. Brown.

- Very viable.
- Okay.

- Hello.
- Hey.


Uh, you...

You have brown eyes, too.


Are you the hospital
social worker, or...?



I was going to give you a ride.

Mm, seemed like you needed some space.

And so did I.

Co-signed, as we decided,

- together.
- Thank you.

Uh, this is my mother, Eileen.

Aaron Glassman, my co-president.

Oh, hi. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

She taking good care of you?

She is. Now if she'd just
do that for herself.

Uh, in the "recommendations"
sections, you wrote,

- "same as last quarter."
- And?

And Gail specifically asked
for detailed feedback,

so I told her we would.

Knock yourself out.
Very nice to meet you.

That's another two hours of work.

If he doesn't think
it's necessary, why do you?

Because I'm the responsible one.

And please don't tell me
I sound like my father.

Could the procedure have made him worse?

No, it just doesn't make sense.

It won't be long before he requires

for the rest of his life,

which could be 15 to 20 years.


You may want to consider
a long-term care facility.


Even if we could afford that,
I-I would never do that to him.

It will be quite challenging...
looking after both of them.

How far along are you?

I'm, um...


Wait, do you mean...

I could still terminate my pregnancy?


That is your choice.


Hi, Gilly.

Hi. Hi.

I'm so sorry about this.


I know that I'm slipping.

You have to put me in a nursing home.

And I-I do not want you
to use our savings.

It's got to be a place
that our insurance will cover.

- [CRYING] No, I can't.
- You have to, Gilly.

It'll be too much to take care
of both of us, okay?

You have to, Gilly.

For our baby.

Okay? Okay.



Why am I in a hospital?

Wha-What, um...

What's wrong with me?

- What... What...
- Okay, okay.

- What is happening?
- It's okay.

I don't, um...

Oh, my God. What's happening to me?

[SOBBING] What's happening to me?

- Oh, my God!
- Shh, shh, shh, shh.

Why is this happening to me?

It's okay. Shh. Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.





This is really not sexy.

Well, we can change that.



Mm, ow, my hair.

Oh, it's my watch.

What was that?

Something lemon-scented.

Here. Take that off.



- Leave it!
- What?

It takes my mind off the smell!
Keep going!





Are you okay?

Yeah, the window cleaner broke my fall.

I'm fine.


Are your eyes burning?
Nothing we can't handle.




Do you smell ammonia?



- Dr. Park?

I'm gonna walk this off.



- You smell very lemony.

What are you still doing here?

Didn't the residents
tell you to go home?

I ignored them.
This is my one job and my one mission.

Okay, there was a case in Mauritius

where they removed bilateral schwannomas

in a patient with
recent sickle cell crisis

using a bilateral endoscopic-
assisted keyhole approach

with preserved hearing.

How'd you find this?

I used A.I. software to search

all potentially relevant
non-English-language articles.

This is great, Charlie.

Tell Jordan and Kalu
to take it to the patient.

Now my tablet smells lemony.

- But it's streak-free.
- Oh.



You heard they're calling
a board meeting tomorrow?

LIM: Mm-hmm.

[SIGHS] Can you cover for me?

I got Warrior tickets.

Show them to me.

You think I'm making up Warrior tickets?

Take out your phone
and show me the tickets.

Does it count if I buy them right now?

Honestly, I wish I could cover it.

It would be preferable
to taking my mom shopping.

She wants a TV tray,

and tomorrow's my one free night.

You're kidding, right? You'd
rather cover a board meeting

than hang out with your mom?


Does she have leprosy?

I mean, look, she's a lovely
person with everyone else,

but when it's just us,
conversation starts

as a critique of my life
and devolves into an argument.

That's a sad story.

I'll take her shopping,
for two board meetings.





The endoscopic keyhole approach

poses a much smaller risk.

If there's any chance
of me losing my hearing,

I can't do it.

I mean, my music, it's all I have.

KALU: Not too long ago,
I thought I had it all.

I traveled the world.

Cushy job, great benefits.

It ticked every box on the list

of what I thought was right for me.

Then luck of the draw
brought me back here,

and I realized how much
better things might be.

I just had to embrace the unknown.


Best decision I ever made.

What do you think?


That God wants you to really live.

And he brought you here
so we can save you.


Let's embrace the unknown.



His numbers all look good.
We can discharge him tomorrow.

We always wanted kids.

He couldn't wait to be a dad.

Then I got diagnosed with breast cancer.

Stage three. Really aggressive.
I was so sick.

And Cam?

He took a leave of absence
so that he could be with me

every miserable hour
of every miserable day.

And that wonderful man
is still in there somewhere.

If I try to look after both of them,

I won't be enough for either of them.


I'm going to terminate my pregnancy.



First, I check his diaper,
if it's pinching anywhere,

then his bottom
to see if there's a rash.

If he's still crying, try a cuddle,

but he prefers a swaying motion,
not an up and down.

- And if that doesn't work, he...
- SHAUN: I have compiled

a comprehensive "Guide to Steve Care,"

which includes links
for diagnosing conjunctivitis,

UTIs, febrile seizures, menin...

Okay, first of all, I'm a doctor.

Second of all, I grew up
watching brothers, cousins,

neighbors' kids,
and some of their cousins.

I will call you at the slightest issue.

Now, please go.



♪ And you turned me inside out ♪

♪ And you paved
the road I am walking on ♪

♪ You are the only one I want ♪

♪ The only one I'll ever need ♪




This does kinda seem like old times.

The karaoke selection no longer
offers "Islands in the Stream,"

but they do have a lot of A-B-B-A.

Still, look at us, out on a date night,

just the two of us. This is nice, right?

And they replaced the ballast

on the neon sign that was buzzing.



Mm, this is not

the same brand of tequila
they used to serve.


It's Jordan!

It's Jordan.


No, it's in the fridge.

Is he crying?

Oh, okay.

Everything else good?

Great. Yeah, okay.

Okay, bye.

She couldn't find his pacifier.

Steve's fine.





I'm sorry, but this is not
like old times.

It's not just the tequila

and the music that's changed.

Everything has changed...

how I see the world, how I see you,

how I see me.

One teeny-tiny, little baby, and
the whole world looks different.



I should go to the hospital.

You go to the hospital.
I'll go home to Steve.






Felt like an apology
offering was in order.

Dinner? Shaun mentioned
you were babysitting.

I am starving, and it smells delicious.

It tastes even better.

It is, uh, fenkata,

a Maltese stew with vegetable,
wine, and rabbit.

- Hmm.

What if your favorite dish
is something you've never tried?

Y-You think me facing the
unknown is eating bunny soup?

- Hard pass.
- Look, if you don't like it,

we can order something else, okay?

- Um...

Do not be a coward.




- It's...
- Bussin'.

Definitely bussin'.


I'll make you a plate.

I got your ultrasound set up
on his left side.

Okay. I am testing a theory.

Wake up, please!

What are the words
we asked you to remember?

What are you doing in my house?

I'm... I'm calling the police.


What are the words
we asked you to remember?

A-Apple, elephant, planet, and table.


What just happened?

His Alzheimer's is atypical
because it is not Alzheimer's.

His left jugular is compressed

and restricting blood flow
from his brain,

which is only restored
when his head is turned

to the right at least 60 degrees.

There definitely is
a viable treatment option...

a surgery.

I will tell your wife.


That guy's good.

PARK: Let's optimize hemoglobin.
Stand by with two more units of RBCs.

CHARLIE: It's ethnically
matched, and our supply is low,

so I'm working on a plan

to recruit African American blood donors

to help sickle cell patients.

KALU: Thank you, Charlie.

Opening arachnoid
and draining CSF from cistern.

Retracting the cerebellum.


And there's our big schwannoma.

Dr. Allen, would you like
to debulk the tumor?

JORDAN: Rhoton dissector
and microsuction.


You did some great work on this case.

Can you tell Dr. Murphy?

Charlie, I know Shaun is your hero,

but I can see that you have
a future as a surgeon.

You just need to believe it, too.

Of course I believe it. The only one

who lacks confidence
in me is Dr. Murphy.

I just thought it might help
if you told him he's wrong.


[WHISPERING] What's your favorite song?

Say you won't let go.


"Say You Won't Let Go" by James Arthur.

Your hearing is intact.


And we have a spot
in our sickle cell disease

gene therapy trial, if you'd like.

Thank you. Thank you for
taking care of me.

It's what I do.

You never answered my question.

About dinner.

I think I'm going to take a rain check.

Nathan, you are amazing,

and you're everything I pray for.

But I know myself, and...

I might need to face some unknowns, too.


For now,

I'd love to hear that song.

- Mm-hmm.

♪ I met you in the dark, you lit me up ♪

♪ You made me feel
as though I was enough ♪

♪ We danced the night away,
we drank too much ♪

♪ And you smiled over your shoulder ♪

♪ For a minute, I was stone cold sober ♪

- CAM: Gilly.
- ♪ I pulled you closer to my chest ♪

♪ And you asked me to stay over ♪

Talk to him from here.

♪ Already told ya, I think that
you should get some rest ♪

♪ I knew I loved you then ♪


♪ But you'd never know ♪

♪ 'Cause I played it cool ♪

Why are you standing?

♪ Letting go, I knew I needed you ♪

You should be sitting.

♪ You'd never know,
'cause I played it cool ♪

You're pregnant, Gilly.

♪ Scared of letting go ♪

♪ I knew I needed you,
but I never showed ♪

Yeah. I am.

♪ But I wanna stay with you
until we're gray and old ♪

♪ Just say you won't let go ♪

♪ Just say you won't let go ♪

♪ Just say you won't let go ♪

What if we never get it back?

PARK: Get what back?

How hot we used to be for each other.

We used to be unstoppable,

and that was before I even liked you.

We're in a better place now.

We're a team, raising Eden.

I love the new us,

but I don't want
to lose the old version.

Me, either.

It took Mia and I awhile
to get our groove back.

This is normal.

Thanks for comparing me to your ex-wife.

Relax. I'm trying to make a point.

Did you just tell me to relax?
That is so dismissive.

I'm offering perspective,
but if you're gonna go

from zero to bitch in 10 seconds...

Oh, you think I'm a bitch now,
you have no idea.


This is my wedding dress.

Oh, that's gorgeous.

She's turning red.
I will have a heart attack.

- Ooh!

- Take it off.

Go change. Go change.

- Hang in there. Hang in there.
- You look beautiful.

WOMAN #2: It's a beautiful
dress, but I just don't see it

for your wedding day.


- ASHER: We had a date.
- Yeah, I know we had a...

I wore my nice cashmere sweater,

the one that you bought me
for our anniversary.

- I know, I...
- But you were too busy, right?

You were probably hooking up
with Carter Nix.

- What?
- And, sure, we never talked about

ground rules, but I just thought...

- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop.

I am so sorry that I missed our date,

but jet lag is kicking my ass,

so I fell asleep, unfed, uncharged,

which is why my phone's
been dead all day today.

But I have zero interest

in anyone in the entire world
besides you.

And Carter Nix will not stop
doing the Aussie accent.

And it's... it's terrible.


You look adorable, by the way.


Alright, I'll get the wine.

Well, mission accomplished.

Thank you for your help.

Oh, no. Happy to help.

You have no idea.

So, how do you like to consume your TV?

Are you a binger or a savorer?


Yeah, no, I don't really
watch much anymore at all.

Then what's with the TV tray?

Just an excuse
to spend time with Audrey.

Thought we'd do better with an activity.

See, and here you are, stuck with me.

Oh. No.

You have been very sweet.

I just wish Audrey liked me more.

Yeah, parenting, not for the meek, huh?

Speaking from experience?


How many kids?

My daughter. She passed when she was 19.

Oh, I am so sorry.

I-I didn't mean...

No, no, no, no, no. It's fine.

- After you.

May I ask,

what was your daughter's name?


What is that smell?

Oh, my God. Best crepes in town.
May I buy you one?

I would k*ll for a Galette Bretonne.

I don't know what that is,
but it sounds delicious.



Here we go.

- Thank you.
- MAN: Hello.

♪ Slow down these daydreams ♪

Mm, olives are gross.

You thought rabbit was gross
until you tried it.

Unh-unh-unh. I've had olives.
I hate olives.

Don't "unh-unh." You haven't
tried Castelvetrano olives.

- Mm-hmm? Uh-huh?
- Okay? They're mild, buttery,

meaty, with a crisp bite.

- Mm.
- Mm-hmm.



But only because I do need
to refuel after this.

♪ Ooh-whoo ♪

How are olives meaty? How are they not?

Okay, first it was rabbit,
and now it's olives.

Like, what is the meal...

♪ Ooh-whoo ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh ♪

Last night, I missed Steve, too.

♪ Stored in higher places ♪

And it's very difficult,

because whenever I'm away
from you, I miss you.

And when I'm away
from Steve, I miss him.

♪ ...Moon we're dreaming ♪

♪ It's where we're gonna land ♪

♪ I'm gonna be there ♪

I know, Shaun.

But having more people to miss

means having more people to love.

♪ Ooh-whoo ♪

You were right.


Our lives will never be the same again.

♪ Ooh-whoo ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh ♪

They'll be better.


♪ I'm gonna be there ♪

♪ Running to catch up to where
you needed me the most ♪

♪ Now we can stay here ♪

♪ Flying our paper kites
over rivers running home ♪


