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01x18 - Saving Harvey Cohen

Posted: 03/27/24 09:01
by bunniefuu
[ upbeat blues theme playing ]

I know, I know, I'm late.

But then again, I'm inexpensive.

That's the trade-off.

What is my book doing out here?

Well, since you were late,
I thought I'd get a jump

on diagnosing the patients.

Mr. Ross here is complaining
about swelling of the ankles,

and that could mean
congestive heart failure,

kidney disease,

or a large obstructing
ovarian mass.

His ovaries, huh?

You know, I think it's time
for you and Margaret

to have that little chat
you've been putting off.

Mr. Ross,
swelling of the ankles

is a common side effect
when you're on nephedipine.

Give me a sec and I'll
switch you to something new.

That is, if my colleague
is in agreement.

Good call.

Good morning, John.
Yeah, Margaret.

Linda had this out front.

Before she performs
a hysterectomy on Mr. Ross,

I think we need
some new rules around here.

Whatever's in my office
stays in my office.

My office, my stuff.

Oh, yeah, one other thing.

Did you get those travel
brochures I asked you for?

Oh, not the
vacation dance again.

John, we go through this
every year.

I get the brochures,

I clear your calendar,
and then you don't go.

Besides, you find a problem

with every single place
I suggest.

I do not.


How about two weeks in France?

With the French?

Come on, Margaret.

Find me someplace
decent to stay, will you?

What a pain.

I heard that.
You were supposed to.


What's wrong now?

What is this cat doing in here?

At the moment,
I would say licking himself.

But that's as specific
as I care to get.

How did it get in here?

Probably through the window
in the exam room.

I told you that latch
keeps coming open.

Yeah, I told you to call that
slack-ass of a handyman,

Milveski, to get
over here and fix it.

Now, in the meantime,
just get rid of the cat.

Not my problem. Remember?

Your office, your stuff.

G-go away. Shoo, shoo.

Look, a mouse.

Okay, Mrs. Reuben,
you're all set.

And happy birthday.

Margaret, it's
Mrs. Reuben's birthday.

Can you believe she's only 39?

Heh. She's got stretch marks
older than 39.

Hey, we have
the patients' birthdays

in their charts,

so if they should happen to come
in on their birthdays,

why don't we have
a little party for them?


Yes, uh, this is
Dr. Becker's office.

I'm calling Mr. Milveski
about our window.

But people love birthdays,
and people hate doctors.

And people hate going to
the doctor's on their birthday.

But if you have to go to the
doctor on their birthdays,

then wouldn't it be nice
to go to a doctor who knew

it was your birthday and helped
you celebrate your birth--?

Linda, Linda.
Why don't you go ask the doctor?

He's in an extra
good mood today.

Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Hey, Dr. Becker?

Do we ever acknowledge
our patients' birthdays?

Only when they stop having them.

John, the window can't be fixed
until Thursday.

What? How long does it take
to get a latch,

two screws and one arthritic
old slack-ass with a tool box?

I tell you something,

Milveski better have a damn good
reason for not being here.

He died last year.

All right then,
that's a damn good reason.

[ upbeat blues theme playing ]

[ upbeat blues theme playing ]

Uh, John?

Can I ask you something?

Do you think it's weird
to have a dream about a friend?

What kind of--?
What kind of dream?

A very erotic dream.

I don't think I like
where this is going.

Oh, no, no, no, not--
Not about you.

Reggie. Well, at least
I think it was Reggie.

I've never actually
seen her.

So tell me,
what does she look like?

Reg? Well, she has days
she puts herself together

you don't look away in fear.

Because-- Because in my dream,
she was awesome.

I mean, smooth, creamy skin,
full lips, gorgeous eyes.

She was the best of
every woman I've ever seen.

So Jake, this, uh--

This dream,
tell me more about it.

Reggie and I are alone
in the diner.

It's closing time, right?

Suddenly she comes over
to the newsstand,

takes me by the hand
and pulls me over to this booth.

Then she pushes me down
and kisses me.

And I'm telling you,
this is maybe the best kiss

I've ever had in my entire life.

Next thing I know, we're tearing
each other's clothes off, right?

Oh, give me a break.

Oh, God. Thanks a lot, John.

Couldn't resist.

What is it with guys
and tearing clothes off?

Don't you ever dream
of unbuttoning clothes

and neatly folding them
over a chair?

Look, Reg, I'm really sorry.
It was just a dream.

No big deal.

But do me a favor, the next time
you have a dream about us,

could it be somewhere exotic?

Even in your dreams, I can't
get out of this lousy diner.

So, uh-- So Jake,

this thing with
you and Reggie.

What, a one-night stand?

No, it's been every night
this week.

It's like she's insatiable.

Bob can't believe
what he's hearing.

Oh, damn it, John.

I didn't see him.
I swear to God.

Reggie, how could you?

You slept with him?

Hey, hey,
what's wrong with him?

You're blind.

You can't even enjoy
the best parts of sex.

You can't see the mirror
over the bed.

You can't adjust the camcorder.

Hell, you can't even see
your friends cheering you on.

Come on, Slim, if you lowered
your standards enough

to sleep with Mr. Ray-Ban here,
why not me?

Bob, you make my skin crawl.


give me half a chance,
I can make it roll over and beg.

[ upbeat blues theme playing ]

Mrs. Davis, hypoglycemia
is a very manageable condition.

Just watch your diet
and stay away from those sweets.

Okay. Thank you, Dr. Becker.

Hi, it's Mrs. Garland's
birthday. Have a cupcake.

Thank you, no.

Oh, come on. It's a party.

No, I, uh--
I really shouldn't.

Oh, come on.
What's it gonna do, k*ll you?

What's the point of living

if you can't have a little

Well, okay.


Oh, good, Mrs. Davis,
you lasted what, ten seconds?

I'll start tomorrow.

Hey, Linda, nice work.

Yeah, I got a patient coming in
a little while

with cirrhosis of the liver.

Maybe you could have
a margarita waiting for him.


I spoke to the travel agent.

What do you think
about a cruise?

Oh, great idea.

Bunch of people I don't know
doing things I can't stand

in a place I can't escape from.

I've got a place you can go.

Mr. Bursky, I think we're gonna
need to order some tests here.

Uh, you're gonna need
some blood work, EKG,

MRI and maybe an EEG.

Why not an FBI, REM,
and WXYZ while you're at it?

Excuse me?

You doctors and your tests.

Anything to run up a tab.

It's just a couple of
fainting spells.

I see. Now, what tests
do you suggest we cancel?

How should I know?

Well, here's an idea.

Why don't we consult a doctor?

Oh, lucky for you,
we have one right here.

All right, let's see now.

the fainting spells could mean

that you're having episodes
of heart block.

And if we missed that, you--
You could die.

Or maybe the fainting
is because of seizures,

and if we don't get you
on the right medicine,

you could, uh-- sh**t. What's
that word I'm looking for?

Oh, yeah, die.

You sensing a pattern here?

You know, I'll tell you what,
you're so smart,

why don't you just look
at your own chart there

and tell Margaret which
tests you'd like to take?

What a pant load.


You mind telling me
why this damn cat

keeps coming into my office?

I don't know, John.

Maybe he was bad
and the other cats

sent him here for punishment.

Oh, look, a kitty.

When I was little,
I had a cat just like this.

Oh, he was the cutest thing
I ever saw,

until he took a nap
in the dryer.

He was never quite
the same after that.

Margaret, I don't care.
You know, take it to the woods,

put it out on the street,

I don't care,
just get rid of it.

Just to be clear,
we are talking about the cat.

Doctor, I don't think
this kitty's feeling very well.

He's really hot
and he's trembling.

You know something?
You're right.

Can't you do something?

You do something.

You know, take him somewhere.
Take him to the pound.

Oh, no, not the pound
because if no one claims him,

they'll put him to sleep.

And that's not
really sleep, doctor--

I know, I know, I know.

You know, take him
to the vet, then.

Well, I would,
but I have to be downtown by 6.

And I don't wanna be late
for my best friend's wedding

'cause there's a real good
chance she could go into labor.

Well, fine, fine.
Margaret, please--

Now, I would,

but I've got a helpless animal
of my own at home,

and we are having dinner
with his parents tonight.

Fine. You know, fine.

Like I don't have enough
two-legged patients

to take care of around here.

Open up the ark, you know,
let in all the animals.

Between Mrs. Kramer's cataracts
and Mr. Santiago's arthritis,

I suppose I could
fit in a grooming

and the occasional flea dip.

Actually, you know,

some of our patients
could use a good flea dip.

[ upbeat blues theme playing ]

Oh, you wittle angel, you.

Your daddy must wuv you
very much.

Yes, he does.

Get away from us.

[ upbeat blues theme playing ]

Dr. Becker?

Harvey Cohen.
Yeah, so, what's the story?

Well, near as I can see,
you've got a sick cat.

Well, slow down, you know.
Give it to me in layman's terms.

Look, I'm not gonna find
anything out

unless we run some tests.

I mean, we need to do
a complete blood work-up,

plus check for metabolic
disorders, rule out F.I.--

What is it with you vets
and all these tests?

It's just a sick cat,
for God's sake.

Oh. Well, since you're
the expert, here.

Your call.
Just be sure not to overlook

idiopathy, cardiomyopathy,
intestinal lymphoma--

All right, all right, smartass.

Look, I know
this can get expensive.

Uh, if you don't wanna spend
the money--

I mean, this is an older animal.

--I suppose you could choose

Hey, hey, Dr. Kevorkian,
take it easy, will you?

Just do the tests
and call my office.


By the way,
what's the cat's name?

It doesn't have a name.

You must love him very much.

Fine. Put down Harvey Cohen.

You're naming the cat after me?

Why not? It'd be easy for you
give up

on a Muffin or a Mittens,

but you might have to think
twice before you pull the plug

on Harvey Cohen.

[ upbeat blues theme playing ]

Okay, here's how
I got it figured.

You slept with Squinty here,

so why not extend your open door
policy and give me a shot?

Give me a g*n.

Come on.

Let Bob show you what he's got.
Bob is nimble.

Bob is agile.

Hell, sometimes Bob is so good,
he screams out his own name.

Come on, Reg,

what do I gotta do?


I've always thought
it would be romantic for a man

to prove his love
by committing su1c1de for me.

Bob is disturbed.

Yet encouraged
by the give and take.


Becker, Margaret called
and said to tell you

that Harvey Cohen's going
to need some more tests.

Oh, screw Harvey Cohen.

You know, I've had it with him.
If he dies, he dies.


Oh, he's at least

He's lived long enough.

Can I have some
coffee to go, please?

He's a cat for God's sake.

He snuck into my office

and somehow I got stuck
taking care of him.

Wow, Becker, this is
a whole other side to you

I've never seen before.

The caring side,
the nurturing side--

The feminine side.

First it's cats,
then it's needlepoint.

Can staying home to watch
your stories be far behind?

Hey, wait a minute.
You've got a cat.

Yeah, but I'm Jake.

[ upbeat blues theme playing ]

Can I have everyone's
attention, please?

It seems we're
celebrating a birthday.

Ms. Russell here
is 47 years old today.

Whoo. Yea.

Thank you. Oh.

Thank you so much for
reminding me how old I am.

I'm sure to you birthdays
are just cake and ice cream.

Gravity hasn't visited your
little gingerbread house yet.

But just you wait
till those perky breasts

start bungee jumping
off your chest.

Just wait till your hormones
are so out of whack

that you burst into tears
for no damn reason

and the only thing
thinner than your hair

is your husband's new

Just see if you think

your birthday's
such a happy day then.

Don't look at me.

Uh, Linda, did Ms. Russell come
in yet? She's got a 3:15.

Uh, something came up.

By the way, what's she seeing
Dr. Becker for anyways?


Ever since she turned 40,

she's having a real hard time
dealing with it.


No reason.


I looked at all these travel
folders you got for me.

You know, what
were you thinking?

I mean, you know, too hot,
too cold,

too far, too stupid.

Mexico? I mean,
what's the point?

In a few weeks,
they'll all be up here.

That's it. Forget it, I'm done.

Plan your own vacation.

Doesn't matter anyway
because like every year,

you won't go.

That's not true. I will too.

Why don't you just
go to New York?

Linda, I'm in New York.

Yeah, but that's the thing.

It's the most exciting city
in the world,

but the people who live here
never get to enjoy it.

You could check into
a great hotel,

go to all the best restaurants,

catch some Broadway shows,
you know, really live it up.

You know something, that's--
That's a great idea.

Yeah, it's like that song,

Something, something,
That's a hell of a town.

[ phone rings ]

Hello? Doctor's office.

Oh, yes, he's right here.

John, it's the vet's office.

[ sighs ]


How much?

Why don't you just stick
a g*n in my back?

No, no, absolutely not.

Oh, all right.


You know, it's not fair.

I mean, that cat's
out on the street

living like Keith Richards,

and then the second
he gets a cough,

he comes into my office
and expects me to foot the bill.

You know, I tell you,
at the rate I'm paying out here,

I'm not gonna be able
to take a vacation.

Huh. Big surprise.

Exactly what's wrong
with the cat?

Oh, he needs surgery.

He's got a blockage
in his intestinal tract.

Probably my wallet.

[ upbeat blues theme playing ]

Hey, Becker. Coffee?

I can't afford it.
Let me just suck on the filter.

If you take it to go,
it's on the house.


What's your problem?

Harvey Cohen,

that oven mitt with a pulse.

Is he okay?

Yeah, yeah. Surgery went fine.

I get to bring him home today.

How much did he end up
costing you?

Soup to nuts,

about 1500.
[ whistles ]

Actually, the nuts
were an extra 250.


Move it, Lurch.
I got business.


Bob's had it.

He can't eat. He can't sleep.

Bob has been standing in line

for this merry-go-round
for months.

And then the minute
he turns his back,

he jumps on Bob's
favorite horse.

Oh, thank you.

I can't listen to
anymore of this, Bob.

I did not sleep with Reggie.

Yeah, we didn't sleep at all.

Come on, Jake, we might as well
tell him the truth.

What truth?

That you're the best lover

I ever had.

Oh, yeah, heh, that truth.

Just k*ll me.

Sex with Jake
was the most erotic,

sensual experience
I've ever had.

He knew exactly what to say
and how to say it,

what to do and how to do it.

He touched me in ways

you can't even begin to imagine.

And it wasn't just sexual.

It was somehow spiritual.

What can I say?

I was in the zone.

Bob needs to go home now.

Bob needs to process this.

[ giggling ]

That was fun.

That's a nice touch.

It just came to me.

[ sighs ]

So Reg--?


Well, I'd be a fool not to ask.

[ upbeat blues theme playing ]

Mr. Bursky's coming in tomorrow
for his test results,

all of them.


Okay. Well, good night, John.

Good night, Margaret.

Linda, if you wanna walk
to the train, I'm leaving.

I can't find
Harvey Cohen anywhere.

I put food down for him and
he didn't even come to eat it.

Yeah, he's probably off
relaxing somewhere

after a very taxing day
of sleeping.

Come to think of it, I haven't
seen him all afternoon.

And he couldn't have gotten

through the window
in the exam room

because the new slack-ass was
here this morning and fixed it.

You know what I bet happened?

Probably one of the patients
let him out by accident.

Oh, great. All that money
and he just takes off.

Like a four-legged
version of my ex-wife.

Well, what's he gonna eat?
Where is he gonna sleep?

It's supposed to be
cold out tonight.

Linda, he's an alley cat.
He'll be fine.

John, are you gonna
sit there

and tell me that
you don't care at all?

You know something, Margaret,
what do you want from me?

I took him to the vet.
Nobody else did.

I paid for him to get better.
Nobody else did.

What more do you want from me?
He's gone, you know?

Nothing I can do about it.

[ sighs ]

Come on, Linda,
we'd better be going.

Boy, is he a hard case.

Maybe he just needs someone

to show him they really care
about him.

When's his birthday?

[ blues theme playing ]

[ upbeat blues theme playing ]