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01x44 - Back Out in the Outback

Posted: 03/26/24 16:45
by bunniefuu
Life is like a hurricane

Here in Duckburg

Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes

It's a duck-blur

Might solve a mystery

Or rewrite history

DuckTales, ooh-ooh

Every day, they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do,
bad and good-luck tales


Watch behind you

There's a stranger out to find you

What to do?
Just grab onto some DuckTales


Every day, they're out there
making DuckTales


Tales of derring-do
bad and good-luck tales


Not ponytails or cottontails
no, DuckTales


Fair dinkum job, mate.

It looks like we're in
for a bit of a blow.

Well, no worries, mate.

You can share me poncho.

It's them!

The willywisps are back.

Oh, no. Yeow!
Run, Dingo, run!

Scrooge McDuck better get his tail feathers
down here if he wants to save his ranch.

The Australian outback -
rugged, desolate, dangerous.

I've had some wonderful times here.

Why is it called "the outback"?

Yeah, what's it out back of?

Why, it's out back of,
uh, uh, the front, uh...

Uh, why do they call it
the outback, Mr. McD?

- Well, uh...
- Kangaroos!

Oh, I can't wait to meet one.

Better buckle up, kids.
We'll be at the ranch any minute.

Must be Mr. Scrooge a-comin' now.

See you didn't get too fancied up,
eh, Sundowner?

You're lookin' a bit too fancied up
to be doin' any real work, Duke.

Go on, you pelican. I'm Mr. McDuck's
ranch manager, don't forget.

- That was a terrible landing.
- Should I take off and land again?

I'd say, "Don't be a fool," but I'd be
asking too much, I suppose.

Aw, anything for you, Mr. McD.

G'day, Mr. McDuck. G'day.

Well, Dashing Duke Duggan
and Sundowner. Ha-ha-ha!

It's been 12 years.
You havna changed.

- Just me hat.
- I'm Webby.

Can you introduce me to any kangaroos?

Oh, I fancy we can find you
one or two, Miss Webby.

Well, I think Dingo's took a likin' to ya.

- Oh, animals are my favorite people.
- Ha-ha-ha. You don't say.

- It's McDuck, all right.
- Here, give me a look, Digger.

You're chokin' me,
you ratbag.


They start snoopin' round with
that aeroplane, and we're fired.

This is right, mate.

We gotta do this just like
the boss telled us to.

- They've been poodle-ized!
- They're so embarrassed.

'Twas them willywisps we wrote ya about,
Mr. Scrooge.

They've destroyed our wool production.

What are willywisps?

Whatever they are,
they make lousy barbers.


If we don't stop those willywisps,
I'll have to sell my sheep ranch.

We'll start wi' an air search.
You'll do the flying, Duke.

But, Mr. McD, I...

Duke is an excellent pilot,
and he knows the terrain.

This investigation
is going to take teamwork,

each of us doing the job
he's most suited for. Launchpad...

you can gas up the plane.

What do you want us to do,
Uncle Scrooge?

You boys will have to stay here
and look after Webby.

- Look after Webby?!
- Some teamwork.

We didn't even make the team.

Wait, Mr. Kangaroo.
I just wanna introduce myself.

- Some important job.
- Yeah, anybody can baby-sit a little...

She's gone!

Cheer up, McQuack. You can learn
a lot watching a real pilot fly.

I've crashed more planes
than you'll ever fly, you...

Teamwork, Launchpad.
Remember teamwork?

Yeah. Sorry, Mr. McD.
So, uh, what are we lookin' for, anyway?

Sundowner says the little beasties
are miniature UFOs.

Ha. Like tiny, little flyin' saucers
full of tiny, little green guys, huh?

- So he says, mate.
- They kinda glow and spin?

Aye, and they only come out at night.

Oh, good. For a second there,
I thought we found 'em.

- That's them!
- I knew it - UFWWs!

- UFWWs?
- Unidentified Flyin' Willywisps.

- They're breakin' off their att*ck.
- Try to make it to the ranch.

Webby! Webby!

It's no use. She's lost.

We better get back
before we get lost, too.

Sundowner's dog might be
able to find her. Come on!

Landing gear won't come down.
Have to bring her in on her belly.

I'll take over.
Crash landings are my speciality.

Let go of that, bloke.

Here, now.
That's not what I meant by teamwork!


Come on.


- I don't think this team is going to work.
- Sorry, Coach.

Did you hear that?

Sounded like one of Launchpad's landings.
Come on.

I just wanna make friends,
Mr. Kangaroo.

I don't wanna pick your pocket
or anything.

There's nothing to be afraid of.


Why, it's just a teddy bear.

Some of your best friends
are teddy bears.


My, but you Australian animals
sure have a funny way of making friends.

I suppose that's why
they keep you out back.

Now, this is my Quacky Patch Doll.

She has a jelly bean for each of you.

It's just her little way
of making friends.

Here's yours.

If you want to save it for later,
that's all right.

You'll never make any friends
by running away.

Uh, hello?

But how could you have been so careless?
I was gone less than 15 minutes.

Actually, we lost her
in less than 15 seconds.

Duke, Sundowner, the three of us
will start a search.

All right, the four of us.

you and the boys stay here

and try to get that plane flying again.

Let's go, men.

Aw, it's a baby wartyhog.
We better help her find her parents.

Oh, Mr. And Mrs. Wartyhog,
we were just talking about you.

You know, you look
just like your daddy.




Oh... Oh!


Ohh, look what those nasty animals
did to me.


Now I've lost my doll
and torn my dress.

I hope I never see another
Australian animal as long as I live.

Dingo's found a trail again,
Mr. Scrooge.

She couldn't have gone that way.

The mutt must be after a rabbit
or something.

Mutt? Why, Dingo's got more
brains than you.

- Dresses better, too.
- Why, you no-good ratbag, I oughta...

Teamwork, men.

All that matters
is finding wee Webbigail.

I suggest we split up and...
The willywisps.

- Run!
- Look out!

They're after us!
Get away!




- Anybody?
- Over here, Mr. Scrooge.

- Sundowner, have you seen Duke?
- Not a glimpse, mate. Dingo's run off, too.

I wanted us to split up,
but not this way.

We'll just have to keep looking.

Landing gear A-OK.

We'll have her all patched up by morning.

This isn't part of the engine.

That oughta do... Uhh!

It's a boomerang.

I didn't know boomerangs had an antenna
and computer chips and a built-in light.

What was it doin'
stuck in the engine?

Don't ya see, Launchpad?

The willywisps are really
remote-controlled boomerangs.

With their built-in
light and power source,

they spin so fast, they look like
little flying saucers.

- It's made out of metal.
- Uh-huh. Aluminum, I think.

And the edges have been sharpened.

That's how they poodle-ized
Uncle Scrooge's sheep.

Just who are "they," anyway?

Someone who wants Uncle Scrooge's
sheep ranch to go broke.

I say we fight fire with fire.

Or should I say boomerangs
with boomerangs?

Gee, where'd you find those?

When we were lookin'
for tools and canvas,

I saw them
in Sundowner's room.

Whew! And Uncle Scrooge
thinks our room is a mess.

But how can we fight
remote-controlled boomerangs?

I think I know a way.


Are you sure there's a water hole
up ahead, Sundowner?

Day's just starting,
and it's hot already.

- Oh, you saved my life, Sundowner.
- Oh, what are friends for, Mr. Scrooge?

You and Duke aren't just my friends,

you're loyal, trustworthy,
low-paid employees.

Now go find us
that water hole, m'boy.

They're gettin' mighty close, Boss.

McDuck will never sell this ranch
if he finds our secret mines.

We're through playin' games, mates.

I've watched Scrooge McDuck get rich off
of my sweat long enough.

They'll make fair dinkum targets
once the sun is full up.


Stay away from me!

Quacky Patch, you came back to...
Wait a minute.

Did you do this for me?

And you kept me warm last night, too.
You are friendly.

You're just shy, aren't you?

Oh, it's that little wartyhog again.

Won't she ever stay out of trouble?

She's fallen down one of those wells.
Is that you, little wartyhog?

Well, as Uncle Scrooge says,
this is going to take teamwork.

Got her!

Pull, Mr. Kangaroo. Pull!

Gee, look at all the pretty blue stones.

Stop it this instant!

That's better.

- You ratbags ready?
- Ready, boss.

Let 'em fly.

- You found a water hole.
- Them's hardly water wells, Mr. Scrooge.

Them's opal mines.

B-But I still don't know
what those things are.

Curse me kilt, we're trapped!

Ratbags, let's finish him.

It's Launchpad and the boys.

There's Uncle Scrooge and Sundowner.

Those willywisps are about to
poodle-lize them.

Let's show 'em what happens
when you put a little American ingenuity

together with Australian ingenuity.

Ready... aim...


All right!

That oughta show Uncle Scrooge
how much we're worth.

Yeah, especially since we're getting such
a good return on our investment.

Let's finish off that overstuffed parka.
Time to fly the widowmaker.

Yeah, let 'er fly.

You leave
my Uncle Scrooge alone.

- Well, if it ain't the cavalry.
- Heh-heh-heh.

Oh, nothin' scares me more
than an angry little girl,

especially one with a dolly.

And a koala bear.

And a kangaroo.
And a d-d-dog?

And a pack of blinkin' warthogs!



- Watch it!
- Ow! Ow!

So, when Duke found opals
on your grazing land,

he hired them other two blokes
to ruin your wool production

so's you'd sell the ranch.

Well, you're runnin' my business in
Australia now, Sundowner,

the sheep ranch and the opal mines.

Uh, just so long as I don't have to
dress up all neat and tidy

like Dashin' Duke Duggan.

Just stay as you are, Sundowner -

the right man for the job.

You were the right men
for the job, too.

And, Webby, how did you ever manage
to capture such desperate criminals?

Teamwork, Uncle Scrooge.