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02x06 - Tomorrow Never Knows/Nowhere Man

Posted: 03/26/24 09:32
by bunniefuu

♪ Love, love, love ♪

♪ Love, love, love ♪

♪ There's nothing you can do
That can't be done ♪


♪ Nothing you can sing
That can't be sung ♪

♪ Nothing you can say but you can learn
How to play the game ♪

♪ It's easy ♪

♪ Nothing you can make
That can't be made ♪

♪ No one you can save
That can't be saved ♪

♪ Nothing you can do but you can learn
How to be you in time ♪

♪ It's easy ♪

♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ Love ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪


Ninja Kumi, one. Evil trees, zero.



Whoa! Huh?


[loud stomp]

[Julia crying]

[woman] Try to remember
where you had it last.

[Julia] I can't, Mom. [crying]

[woman] Oh, honey,
it's not worth getting upset over.

[Julia] But it's my rainbow brooch,
and I've lost it.

[woman] Julia...

[Julia] And you don't care!



Oh. I'm over here.

Uh, Buzz, we're playing hide-and-seek,

But I got lonely.

Uh, hey, bugs,
how about we play a new game?

It's called, um...
"Find the Rainbow Brooch."


Uh... what's a rainbow brooch?

I have no idea,
but it's very important to her.

The littlest gigant, I mean.


The littlest gigant.

Oh, we have to help her.

-But, uh...

how do we find something
if, um, we don't know what it is?

Let's just figure it out on the way.



I hate to rain on your parade,
but it's about to, uh... rain.

Crick, no offense,
but is that thing ever ri--

[thunder crashing]

Huh. Never doubted you
for a second, Crick.



Rain, rain, go away.
Come again some other day.

Huh. Nice work, Buzz,
and check out the rainbow.

Do you think the rainbow leads
to the rainbow brooch?

-Uh... maybe.
-One way to find out. Come on!

[yelps] Mud on my squish!
Mud on my squish! [gasping]

I'm sorry, bugs,
but this slug can venture no further.

Very, uh, sensible, Walter.

The Weather Pre-Cricktor predicts
more rain on the way.

Hmm. Well, we'll just have to risk it.
That rainbow won't last forever.

[sighs] We must be getting close.

Yeah? Time for a rest, then.

[screams] Ouchee!

Ah! The ground is pointy.

And sparkly.

And colorful.


That's it! The rainbow brooch!

The ouchee was the rainbow brooch!


[Walter sighs]

They must be having a wonderful time
out there, don't you think?

Three bugs pitted against the elements.

Adventure, excitement.

Mud, rain, uncomfortableness.

And... violent storms.

Ahh. When you say "violent," you mean...?

Thunder. Lightning. Wind. Floods.

But that's so, so horri-belly.

We have to go help them.

Uh, did I mention mud?

A little mud never stood
between Walter and a friend in need.

Nothing can stop me going to
their rescue. [gasps]

Stay calm. Stay calm.


Oh. I really don't think
this is a great idea.

[all] Wow.


Well, we found it.

Now we just have to get it back to her.


I got this. Here we go. And... [grunting]

[Buzz cheering]

-Oops. Buzz?
-[Buzz] I's okay.

[both grunting]


Come on, Buzz.
Can't hold this forever.

How are we gonna move this thing?

Maybe I can kick it through the forest.

Hi-ya! [winces]


Very, very ouchee.

Can't lift it. Can't kick it.

Maybe I can slide it.



Fabulous. We can't shift it.

What else could possibly go wrong?

[thunder crashing]

Huh. Hey, you asked.

Ah. This is wonderful.

Exsquish me. Wonderful how? [yelps]

It means my Weather Pre-Cricktor
is 100% correct. Walter?

Walter? Is that, uh... you?

Did I mention that-- that I hate mud?



Walter! [yells]

-Mud monsters!
-[Buzz screams]


[Crick sputtering]


You came to find us?

Through the mud?

Indeed. Yes.

It was a long journey,
but Walter and the mud are now one.


Uh, what are you bugs doing here?

We're here to, uh, save you.

And you're just in time.

[gasps] No! We can't let it float away!



Let it go, Kumi. Let it go.

You're right, Walter.

Everyone, hop on.

Are you crazy?!
Like you said, it's gonna float away.

Exactly, and we'll float with it.

Us? Float?

But that's not...

I's don't wanna float away.

Yeah, I'm with them, Kumi.

It'll be fine, I promise.

Just step on board, sit down and relax.

♪ Turn off your mind
Relax and float downstream ♪

♪ Lay down all thought
Surrender to the void ♪

♪ It is shining ♪

♪ It is shining ♪

♪ That you may see
The meaning of within ♪

♪ It is being ♪

♪ It is being ♪


♪ Love is all and love is everyone ♪

♪ It is knowing ♪

♪ It is knowing ♪

♪ But listen to the color of your dreams ♪

♪ It is not living ♪

♪ It is not living ♪

♪ Or the play the game
Existence to the end ♪

♪ Of the beginning ♪

♪ Of the beginning ♪

♪ Of the beginning ♪

Docked and safe. Everybody out.

What is it?

We still have to let her know
her brooch is back,

or, well, it might get lost again.

But we can't let that happen.

We have to think, bugs, think.

Thinking, thinking, thinking!

Hmm. [gasps]

[Crick] Yeah.

So, when I hold it like so
and blow into it,

uh, ahem...

the sound should, uh...

[flower trumpeting]




[foot stomps]

[Julia] What was that?


[Julia] My brooch!

Mom! Mom!

I found my brooch!

-And it wasn't where I left it.
-[woman] Oh, honey, I'm sure it was.

♪ That love is all
And love is everyone ♪

♪ Or play the game
Existence to the end ♪


[Kumi] ♪ Of the beginning ♪

♪ Of the beginning ♪

-Ready or not, here I come!
-[bugs giggling]

♪ Of the beginning ♪





[sighs] Crazy headsticks.

Ah! Will you--
Will you stop that? [grunts]

What is your problem?

Hey, uh, you bugs see anything up ahead?

Uh, nope. Nothing. Why?

Someone must be watching us.

My headsticks are going nuts.

Well, they-- they were, a second ago.

Dear Kumi, perhaps it's time we stopped
for a snack,

just so we don't all start
imagining things.


Hmm. Huh.

I guess it was nothing,
but we should check the map.

-Ah. Yes. [grunting]

Do you really need all this stuff?

Well, I've never been camping before,

so, I wanted to cover every possible--



-Crick! Are you okay?
-[Crick] Uh...

Uh, I think so.

Where did you land?

[Crick] Uh, well, I--

I-- I guess it's, uh... nowhere.

Where is that switch?

[grunts] Ah!

Now we're, uh... somewhere. [chuckles]


What is this place?

Crick! Grab hold!



What was down there, Crick?

Well, it seems to be, uh...

someone's home.

But you said it was nowhere.

How can somebody live nowhere?

[gasps] It must be the home
of the Nowhere Man.

What's a Nowhere Man?

Well, heh, let me tell you a story.

Sorry, Walter. It's getting dark,
and we have to find that campsite,

or we'll end up nowhere.

Kumi's right, Walter.

Got the map, Crick?


Uh... well, I did until it blew away.

But I'm sure I remember the way.

It's, um... that direction.
[stammering] Definitely.

Okay. Let's go, go, go.

[panting] Crick, how much further?

By my Crickto-calculations,
it's just up ahead.


[all] Huh?

No way. It's the same hole.

How can anyone fall
in the same hole twice?

[sighs] I'll get the rope.


-So, we're going in circles, right?

Well, possibly.

Oh, my bellyness, we're lost.

Lost, I tell you!

We is lost?!

Chillax, everyone.

We'll just have to camp here tonight.

And look for the map in the morning.

[Glowies muttering]

Can you tell the story
of the Nowhere Man now?

Oh, well, since you insist.
[clears throat]

Back when I was a little tiny sluglet,

Uncle Tusk told me
about a long, slimy, creepy creature,

a creature who would slither around
in the night,

then slink up behind you and--

[screams] There he is!

[Buzz screams]

Walter, that's just my scarf.

Oh. [laughs]

My mistake. [clears throat]

Anyway, Uncle Tusk said that:

♪ He's a real Nowhere Man ♪

♪ Sitting in his nowhere land ♪

[screams] It's the Nowhere Man!

Where? I can't see anything.

It's just a story, Buzz. Right, Walter?

Uh... yes, of course. Just a story.

[Kumi] Hmm. If we wanna get home,
we have to find that map.

Hmm. Does everyone know their search area?


Here, mappy, mappy map.

Must find the-- must find that map.


[gasps, squeals]


[man] Nothing to see here.

-Who said that?
-[man] Nobody.

But the voice is coming
from somewhere.

[man] Nope. Nowhere. Nowhere at all.

Nowhere? [gasps]

Is-- is you the-- the Nowhere Man?

[man] Yeah.

I've been called that too many times.

But my real name's Warren...
if you wanna know.

But aren't you supposed to be scary?

Some folks say so,
but I never understood why exactly.

Well... Well, my name's Buzz,
and I think you is okay.

Why, thank you, Buzz.

-I'm very pleased to meet--
-Buzz! Stay back!

Go away, Nowhere Man.

You don't scare us.

Here we go again. Okay.

I'm going, all right.

Buzz! No!

[Buzz] Don't go, Nowhere Man.

I mean-- I mean Warren.


That's his real name,
and he's not scary at all.

Is you?

Warren, huh?

[chuckles] It is kind of hard
to be scared of a Warren.

Warren, these are my friends.

Delighted, I'm sure.

Uh... we're over here.

Oh. My apologies.

A real pleasure to meet you all.

Uh... Warren,
where did you find our, uh, map?

Map? What map?

The one, um, on your--
It's stuck to you.

Oh. Nowhere.

Were you planning on going somewhere?

Me? Oh, no.

I never go anywhere,
'cause when I do, bugs start screaming.

It is kind of off-putting.

Oh, my. You poor thing.

It's just like Uncle Tusk said.

♪ He's a real Nowhere Man ♪

♪ Sitting in his nowhere land ♪

♪ Making all his nowhere plans
For nobody ♪

♪ Doesn't have a point of view ♪

♪ Knows not where he's going to ♪

♪ Isn't he a bit like you and me? ♪

♪ Nowhere Man, please listen ♪

♪ You don't know what you're missin' ♪

♪ Nowhere Man ♪


♪ The world is at your command ♪

♪ He's as blind as he can be ♪

♪ Just sees what he wants to see ♪

♪ Nowhere Man, can you see me at all? ♪

So, Warren, was that your hole I fell in?

Surely was,

and with you folks setting up camp right
on top of it,

I was homeless last night.

Oh, sorry about that.

Well, if we can have our map back, uh...

we'll be on our way.

-[chuckles] Uh... Oh.

It's all wet.

Now we'll never find our way home.

We're lost... forever! [crying]

Hey, now, don't cry.

Maybe I can help you find your way home.

Uh... no offense,
but you can't actually, uh... see.

Well, you don't need to see to know
where you're going, if you get my meaning.

Just tell me where you all live.

Uh, do you know where the bug village is?

I might.
Just tell me what it sounds like...

and smells like and feels like.

Oh, it sounds like a quiet sunny clearing
in the forest.

Smells like grease, gadgets and gear.

And it feels like, uh... home.

[sniffing] Okay. Follow me.


Why are we sniffing everything?



Thanks so much
for getting us home, Warren.

My pleasure, bugs.

And in return,
we want to help you go somewhere.

Go where, exactly?

Wherever-er you want to, Warren,
but without the bugs screaming.

So, we invited all our friends here
to meet you.

Now everyone in the garden will know
you're not scary at all.

That's-- That's very kind of you all.

Hey, everyone!
Come and meet our new friend Warren!

Hello, Warren.

Hello, Warren.

Hello, Warren.

-Hello, Warren.

Well, hello there.

Oh, my. So many new friends.

♪ Nowhere Man, please listen ♪

♪ You don't know what you're missin' ♪

♪ Nowhere Man ♪

♪ The world is at your command ♪

♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ All you need is love, love ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪