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01x11 - Why Don't We Do It in the Road?/The Word

Posted: 03/26/24 09:22
by bunniefuu

[chorus] ♪ Love, love, love ♪

♪ Love, love, love ♪

♪ There's nothing you can do
That can't be done ♪


♪ Nothing you can sing
That can't be sung ♪

♪ Nothing you can say but you can learn
How to play the game ♪

♪ It's easy ♪

♪ Nothing you can make
That can't be made ♪

♪ No one you can save
That can't be saved ♪

♪ Nothing you can do but you can learn
How to be you in time ♪

♪ It's easy ♪

[all] ♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ Love ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

[Kumi] But doesn't it
kind of get in the way?

My squish? [laughing]

In the way? [laughs]

The squish is the highest form
of bug evolution.

It has so many uses.

Such as?

Well, yeah, such as, uh...

Well, uh, the, uh-- This--


[Walter yells]



Help! I'm squashed.

Oh, sorry, Buzz.


Whoa. Where did you get that?

Cool, huh? We found it
in the Mountain of Amazing Marvels.

Wow. What's it called?

-Uh, we don't have a name yet.
-How about the motor mobile?

-Or autowagon.
-Or the engine cart.

Or-- Or Blungle Schnot.

Uh, blong-- Blongle-- Blong-- Blongsen...

Blongle Schnot!

Blongle Schnot. I like it.


So, is our Blongle Schnot
ready for blast-off, Crick?

Yeah, almost.

Come on. [grunting]

Three, two, one, zero.

Wow. It can go that far, huh?

We, uh... We just need somewhere... flat.

Yeah, with nothing in the way.

[Walter] The road?

But we can't play on the road.
You've all heard the stories.

I've seen them go out there.
Bunch of bees playing tag on the road.

Next day, nothing left.

Nothing, but a puddle of honey.

So? They're just stories. And we need
somewhere to drive our Blongle Schnot.

By my calculations, the road is, uh...

-Crickto-matically perfect.
-But isn't playing on the road--

Crazy? Reckless? Totally insane?

Bugs, it'll be fine.

No one's gonna stop us,
so let's just do it in the road.

♪ Why don't we do it in the road? ♪

Couldn't we try the Great Desert instead?

♪ Why don't we do it in the road? ♪

We could clear a path here maybe.

♪ Why don't we do it in the road? ♪

Are we really supposed to?

♪ No, no, no, no, no, no, no ♪

♪ Why don't we do it in the road? ♪

But what if Postman Bee or Doris see us?

♪ No one will be watching us
Why don't we do it in the road? ♪

♪ No, no, no, no, no, no, no ♪

Uh-huh! Yup!


[Jay and Crick grunting]


[Walter farts then chuckles]

[clears throat] Scusi.

Huh. See? No big deal.

Okay, Walter, we're all set.

All right. Hold on to your horseflies.

Three, two, one.

[all] Whoa!

Ooh! Ha, ha! I love the feeling
of the wind in my squish.

-Uh, Walter?
-What a smooth ride.

-Ha, ha!

We must be breaking
the Bugs Speed Record.



Um, Walter, maybe your squish
doesn't really... fit.

Not fit?

Not fit?

Surely you're not dissing the squish, Jay.
I am the squish.

The squish is me.

Oh, he didn't mean...

Oh, yeah, I didn't mean--

Don't worry about me.

I have plenty of other things to do.

You know, places to go,
stuff to slither on,

things to slime.

-Walter, please don't be--
-I'm fine.

So, I'll just... go.



[Kumi sighs]

Come on, guys, let's roll!

♪ Why don't we do it in the road? ♪

♪ Mm, mm ♪

♪ Why don't we do it in the road? ♪

♪ Ah, ah ♪

♪ Why don't we do it in the road? ♪

♪ Ah, ah ♪

♪ Why don't we do it in the road? ♪

♪ Mm, mm ♪

♪ Ah, ah ♪

♪ No one will be watching us
Why don't we do it in the road? ♪

♪ Ah, ah ♪


[car engine starts]



Uh-- Uh--

There's-- There's a--

There's a bl...

A blonster blot!

No, Walter,
it's called the Blongle Schnot.

Not that Blongle Schnot,
that Blongle Schnot!

[all gasp then yell]



Buzz, that sizzle is hot!


Let's get out before we're all sizzled.


Uh, we've forgotten something, um,

-Our Blongle Schnot.

-Oh, yeah.
-Bugs, you can't be...



Where are you going? No, no, stop.

Don't panic, Walter.

[man] I'll give it a wash,
then hit the road.

[Jay] It's a flood.

A sud flood!

[tires screech]

We're trapped.
We'll have to swim for it.

Um, I think I forgot my floatie.

There's only one place to go.

Great shot, Kumi!

Come on.

[all grunting]

I's don't like this much.


We're just gonna stay here
till the water goes.

We'll be fine, Buzz.

Uh, wh-- Where are they?

Julia, we don't wanna miss the flight.

[Julia] Coming.


-[shrieks] What's that?

Uh, probably... nothing?

-[engine revs]
-[all scream]

[Julia] Wait, Dad, I forgot my book.
[man] Oh, Julia.

[Julia] I know where it is.
[man] You've got 20 seconds.

-Twenty, 19--
-What am I gonna do?

[man] I'm not kidding. --18, 17...

You're right, Squish.
I have to save them somehow.

Huh? Where did everyone go?

[Jay] Up here.

-What are you doing up there?
-Oh, just enjoying the view.

Well, there's no time for that.

You have to get down, fast.

Don't worry. If this moves, I'll stop it.


Uh, if that moves, it will, uh...
squash you flat.

Okay. Let's go with Plan B.

Plan B, Plan B. What's Plan B?

Grab the rope so we can slide down.

I know.
I'll grab the rope so you can slide down.

[all grunting]

[Julia] Got it!

Uh, guys... Uh, don't be alarmed,
but, uh, you have to hurry up!

[all scream]

-Save us!


Stay calm, stay calm.

Nobody panic. Who's panicking? [laughs]

Not me.

[all yelling]

I'm freaking out. I'm freaking out.
No, no. Don't freak out, Walter.

You can do this. You can do this.

I can't do this.

Walter, we're running out of time!

Okay. Now you can freak out.

I did it.

I did it. Who's the slug? Who's the slug?

Yeah, I'm the slug.

When I say who, you say slug,
and point at me and-- What?

Now what do I do?

-Did you say something, Squish?
-[Squish] Use the Squish, Walter.

Use the Squish.

The Squish?

That's it. Squish power.

[all screaming]

Walter, that... was... amazing.

Group squishalicious hug, everybody.

[muffled shouting]

Heh. Who wants to come for another spin?

Seriously? The road is bad news, Jay.

Not on the road.
You don't think I'm that crazy, do you?

How about we play squish ball?

What's a squish ball?

-You're looking at it.

[all laughing]

♪ No one will be watching us
Why don't we do it in the road? ♪

[Mr. Sun sighs then chuckles]

[bugs laughing]

[Jay] Come on, bugs, let's go.

[all cheering and laughing]

That was awesome fun!

Uh, Kumi, what's going on up there?

Uh... Ooh. Uh...

I've seen this before.

It means-- Well, I think it means...

That it's going to, uh, rain?

I know, it means you're hungry.
I'm sort of a bit peckish myself.

No. Would you--?
It means we're being watched.

[both gasp]

Being washed? But I is not dirty.

[grunting and whimpering]

[rustling nearby]

[Walter] Oh, my, it's a mystical symbol.

Ah. By my, uh, crickta-calculations,
it's made of... wood.

But what's it for?

Uh, isn't it just an arrow
telling us to go straight?



In case you forgot...

there's still a mystery happening
on my head.

Hey, look, a leaf.

And something's drawn on it.

[all scream] Monster!

[all scream] Monster!


I'm not a monster.
I'm a stalk-eyed fly, okay?

That means I'm a bug, like you.

[all sigh in relief]

Oh, yeah, sorry.

We-- We totally--

[screams] We totally knew that.


My name's Melvin.
I was watching you guys play...

so I made a treasure hunt for you.

[chuckles] So, you were watching us.

Your eye sticks set off my head sticks.

Sorry about that.
Anyway, I'm kind of a game master.

I created this new game
called Dandelions and Wagons.

-Wanna play?

I love dandelions and wagons.

Great. I'll just get out
my pocket rulebook.


Here's the list of rules
for reading the rulebook.

Kumi rolled three consecutive twos,

so she takes three steps sideways
and two jumps back.

But that's where I am.

Oh, yes,
so you get sent to the dark cavern.

Over there.

Uh, can both of us be in the, uh,
dark cavern?

No. You have to go to the Enchanted Garden
and miss five turns.

Or is it six? I'll check the rules again.


This game is so compli-micated!

Come on. Let's play something else.



That means you finally scored
the Dandelion.

Go around the board six more times
to put it in the wagon.

Uh, so, that's the only point of the game?
To put this in a wagon?

Well, I mean, yes, but there's
much, much more to it than that.


Actually, yeah, that is the whole game.

-Hey, bugs.

We're playing a game I invented.

-I call it Throwing a Stick.
-I'd love to hear about it.

-Tell me every single rule.
-Okay, okay. Listen carefully.

Someone throws a stick,

and then... we run after it.

[all laughing]

-[Buzz] I got it! I got it! I got-- Okay.
-That's it?

Uh, yeah. Come on, bugs. Let's play.

Wanna play my game again?

You'll love it once you get more into it.

-Really, you will.
-[Buzz] I got it! Okay.

Think I'll just go.
Do something fun like...

Oh, I don't know,
maybe... go to the Big House.

[Jay gasps]

Did he just say
he's going to the Big House?

[Buzz] What?
[Walter] The Big House?

Yep, the Big House.
Hang out there all the time.

Kind of, you know, totally amazing.

Whoa. That is amazing.

I know a shortcut
if anyone wants to join me.

Do we ever!

[Crick mumbling]

Hey, Jay, you have to look at this.

The... crickta-wayfinder says
the Big House is in the...


The opposite direction.

Then it must be wrong.

It doesn't matter. Melvin knows the way.

That doesn't look like the Big House.



But if you climb up to the top,
you'll see how close we are to it.

Um, and how exactly can we get to the top?

You can use, eh, that.

[grunting and panting]

I don't see the Big House. Whoa!

This is as slippery as ice.

Whoa. Whoa!

[all yell]


You need balance and poise like me.

Whoa. [screams]


[all laughing]

Well, it's not the Big House,
but it's kind of fun.

Sticky. I wanna get out.

Welcome. Make yourself comfy.

This is my home.

You mean... you tricked us?

I'm sorry. I--
I just wanted you to come here.

I don't mind. I like this.

Maybe now we can play another game
of Dandelions and Wagons.

But it's kind of slimy in here.

Yeah, and sticky.

Hey, Bugs, this is my home, you know.

Okay. Let's play a different game.

Is it called, uh,
How to Get Out of The, um... Slime?


Kind of. I'll help you get out.
First, you have to guess the password.

Uh, what do we have to do?

We have to guess a word?

♪ Say the word and you'll be free ♪

♪ Say the word and be like me ♪

♪ Say the word I'm thinking of ♪

♪ Have you heard the word is-- ♪

And now you'll have to guess it.

How are we gonna guess a word?

It could be any word.




So... any guesses for the password?

-Uh, sticky?


No. I'll give you another clue.

♪ And in the beginning I misunderstood ♪

♪ But now I've got it, the word is good ♪

Uh, the word is good?


♪ Say the word and you'll be free ♪

♪ Say the word and be like me ♪

♪ Say the word I'm thinking of ♪

♪ Have you heard, the word is-- ♪

[all grunting]

[Buzz screams]


Okay. Not fun anymore.
How do we get out of here?

So, any more guesses?

We want out of here, Melvin, now!

But aren't you guys having fun?

Melvin, we're not having fun.
This isn't how you treat your friends.

Oh. Wow. I'm so sorry. I didn't realize.

I'll-- I'll just get my rope
and pull you out.


I think Melvin is sad.

I feel bad,
but this isn't the way to treat friends.

[Walter] Hmm.

Do you think... maybe being friends
is a clue to the password?

Ah. Perhaps.

So, uh... what do friends need?

Uh, to be nice, kind, friendly!

Yeah, I guess... all you need is love.

Ah! That's it! Love! The password!

♪ Say the word and you'll be free ♪

♪ Say the word and be like me ♪

♪ Say the word I'm thinking of ♪

♪ Have you heard, the word is-- ♪

[all] Love! Love is the password!

Whoa. You got it!

So, this was all because
you wanted to be our friend?


You should've just said so.
We'd love to be your friends.

You would? Really?

That-- That makes me so happy.

♪ Now that I know
What I feel must be right ♪

♪ I'm here to show everybody the light ♪

♪ Give the word a chance to say ♪

♪ That the word is just the way ♪

♪ It's the word I'm thinking of ♪

♪ And the only word is-- ♪

-[all] Love.
- ♪ Love, love, love, love ♪

♪ It's so fine, it's sunshine ♪

♪ It's the word, love ♪

♪ Say the word, love ♪

♪ Say the word, love ♪

♪ Say the word, love ♪

♪ Say the word, love ♪

♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ All you need is love, love ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪