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01x10 - Day Tripper/In My Life

Posted: 03/26/24 09:22
by bunniefuu

[chorus] ♪ Love, love, love ♪

♪ Love, love, love ♪

♪ There's nothing you can do
That can't be done ♪


♪ Nothing you can sing
That can't be sung ♪

♪ Nothing you can say but you can learn
How to play the game ♪

♪ It's easy ♪

♪ Nothing you can make
That can't be made ♪

♪ No one you can save
That can't be saved ♪

♪ Nothing you can do but you can learn
How to be you in time ♪

♪ It's easy ♪

[all] ♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ Love ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

[Crick] Ah, now the whatchamacallit...

Oh... Loosey, righty-tighty.

Mm-mm. Mmm.

Two crick-adjustments here, and, uh...

Oh. [chuckles]

I'm sorry. Did I wake you?

-Mm-mm. Is it finished?
-Is it? Is it?

Not quite. I just need a bit more time.

Don't rush, Crick. Sometimes good things
just take time, don't they?



[all] Whoa!

What--? What's happening?
What's going on?

[all yelling]

Well, hello! [chuckles]

Aren't you all just so adorable?

[camera clicking]

Connie's the name.
Delighted to meet you.

-Even though it wasn't on my list.
-What list?

Oh, the list of things I have to do
while I'm above ground.

It's a long list, and I'm short on time.

Oh, wow! What do you call that?

That's just grass.

I knew it! That's one down.

Grass. Amazing.

You've never seen grass before?

Oh, ha-ha, of course not, silly.
I'm a cicada.

I've been underground for seven years,

eating nothing but sap.

Not that I'm complaining. I love sap.

[gasps] Ooh.

Now what do you call that?

Well, you see, uh, it's...
It's not quite ready.

It's ready, it's ready, it's ready!

-Jay, I haven't had enough time!
-It's ready.

Well, aren't you
the cute creative one? [gasps]

This is the best, most fabulous...

What is it exactly?

Oh, uh...

The latest in bug transportation.

-I call it--
-Bug transportation, eh?

Could your crickto-thingy take us there?

You mean, the Big House?

Getting to the Big House is my number one,

top of the charts, lifelong dream!

Me too.


Sorry, but I still have
to figure out the, uh, fuel mix.

I need something a little sticky,
a little runny and a little...

A little sappy?

Well, um... possibly.

Then start her up, smart guy.

I don't think you should let
anyone rush you, if it's not ready.

Of course it's ready. Let's go!

-Awesome! It works!
-[laughs] Yes. Great. I knew it.

You totally owe me a ride
to the Big House now.

I-I just need to, uh...

make a few final adjustments.

Just make them on the way!

-You're a clever cricket.
-The cleverest!

Okay, as long as we're home before dark.

-Why? What happens then?
-Don't you remember?

Bad Blue.

Now I 'member.

[stammers] That thing gives me
the heebies.

If we're going, we need to go now.


There's something about cicadas...


I remember that, uh...

First, tiny eggs hatch into cicada nymphs.

The nymphs spend seven years
underground feeding on sap.

A fully grown cicada then digs
its way to the surface and--

-[Jay] Come on, Crick.

-Let's go, go, go!
-Ah... Yes, coming.

You have enough sap
to get us there and back, correct?

Oh, mmm.

Oh! Of course. Now, hit it.

[Crick chuckles]

Uh... ready?

Here we go!

Uh, hello? I'm on a schedule here.

Can we go faster?

Of course we can.

Mind if I have a go?


I... I guess. That is, if you're careful.

[all yelling]



It's okay. I can do this.

[all yelling]

[groaning] Oh, man.

That was so...



Everything's gone dark.

I can't see. I can't see! I can't...

I can see! I can see!


[Crick] Let's see.

Ah, looks like...

Well, no major damage, luckily.

Great. So, how long to get it fixed?

Well, a snapped crickto-matic valve,

crickta-drive may need attenuation--

Cut to the chase. [chuckles] How long?

Just... Just give him some time.

I don't have any time.

It's okay.

You can have some of mine.

Oh, that's real nice of you,

but time is one thing
you can't borrow or lend.

Everyone has their share,
and they spend it how they choose.

I plan to spend mine getting
to the Big House, heh,

so I really have to go.

What's the hurry?
You can try again tomorrow!

Yeah! Tomorrow!


W-Wait, you can't leave.

What about the sap you promised?

We need it to get home.


I'm real sorry,

but I got a long journey ahead
and I need to eat.

But, thanks, for everything.

I know you're a clever cricket

and you'll work something out.

And this? This is my one shot.

[Crick] She only gets one day.

One day above ground.


♪ Got a good reason ♪

What reason?

♪ For taking the easy way out ♪

She better have one.

♪ Got a good reason ♪

I don't see it.

♪ For taking the easy way out now ♪

♪ She was a day tripper ♪

♪ A one-way ticket, yeah ♪

♪ It took me so long to find out ♪

♪ And I found out ♪

Done. And I think we have
just enough sap to get home,

as long as I drive.

♪ She's a big teaser ♪

♪ She took me half the way there ♪

♪ She was a day tripper ♪

♪ A one-way ticket, yeah ♪

♪ It took me so long to find out ♪

♪ And I found out ♪


Bad Blue's awake.

-We have to get out of here.
-We need more sap.

Sap? Or an alternative solution?

Uh... What solution?

I... I don't know yet.

But I'm sure it will present itself, uh,

[all] Crick! Crick!


Well, that's it!

♪ She's a big teaser ♪

♪ She took me half the way there ♪

♪ She was a day tripper ♪

♪ A one way ticket, yeah ♪

♪ It took me so long to find out ♪

♪ And I found out ♪

Come on!


See you at home!


[Walter] Whee!


♪ Day tripper ♪

- ♪ Day tripper, yeah ♪

♪ Day tripper ♪

♪ Day tripper, yeah ♪



Sorry, Crick.
We should have listened to you.

-From the very beginning.
-It's okay, guys.

Some of us just need
more time than others.


I wonder if she made it.

-Good evening, good evening.
-Hi, Postman Bee!

Special delivery for Crick.

It's direct from the Big House.


[Jay] I'm gonna get you!


Hey, watch it!

[Kumi] Everybody say,
"Happy Birthday, Katter the Pillar."

[all] Happy Birthday, Katter!

This is our bestest costume party ever!

This is our bestest birthday party ever.

This is our happiest birthday party ever.

That's why they call it a happy birthday.

Uh... Where's your costume, Katter?

I-I wasn't feeling--

I... I ran out of time.

I really wish I had made a costume.

[Kumi] I made you leaf cakes.


You get the first cake, and... and...

I'll take the second cake.

[all gasp]

It's very nice,

but... I can't eat any more.

I'm sorry.

You have to eat cake at parties.

Especially your own party.
Isn't that the rule?

I don't know what's wrong with me.

I just don't feel right.

But... leaf cake is your favorite.

-[Buzz] Me too. Mmm.

Sorry. Very sorry.

Maybe it's 'cause you're getting older
and bigger.

Sometimes growing bigger
can make you feel a little unwell.

And sometimes...

You know, you just keep on feeling fine.


I made you a photo album

of some of the best things
we have all done together.

Thank you very much, Kumi.

[Walter] Heh. That was your birthday
two years ago.

Let's play limbo.




I am the bestest at limbo!

You're good at limbo too, Katter.

Of course, being tall places me
at a significant disadvantage.

Significant disadvantage.

You're getting taller, Katter.

Limbo gets harder
the taller and bigger you are.

Am I getting taller?

And bigger?

-Yeah, of course.
-The taller-est!

That was a good memory.

There are more photos to look at.

More memories to remember.

Oh, oh! Let's look at another photo.

[stomach rumbling]

What--? What's that?

Hmm. Sounds like, uh...

-Swelly Belly.
-Oh, no, Swelly Belly.

[all] Ouchie.

I do feel sick.

I'm going to have to go.

-Your own party?

I think I need to sleep.

[all groan]





They're irresistible.

We need to get everyone back together.

[horn blowing]

-What is it?


[chuckles] Sorry, that's just inertia.

We can't let Katter not have a party
on her birthday.

We have to take the party to her,
and bring your own costume, too.

This was my backup costume
as Prince Slugly.

Will it do?

Jay, you and Buzz go that way.

Crick and Walter, you go that way.

We need to give her
the best birthday memory ever.

The bestest!

♪ There are places
I'll remember all my life ♪

♪ Though some have changed ♪

♪ Some forever, not for better ♪

♪ Some have gone and some remain ♪

♪ All these places have their moments ♪


♪ In my life, I've loved them all ♪


I'm never going to get older.

-You can't stop it.
-Yes, you can.

You just don't have birthday parties.

-[grunts] My balloon!
-Oh, no!


-Ah. It's gone. Sorry.

-Have you found Katter?
-Uh-uh. Not yet.


[all] Katter!

-[Jay] Hey, Katter!

[all] Huh?

-Shh. She's asleep.
-You can't sleep on your birthday.

[Buzz] Katter? Katter?

Wake up. It's your birthday.

I guess we'd better not wake her.

This birthday isn't awesome.

Not awesome at all.



Two days.

To be precise,
by my calculations, it's been, uh...

Two days.

Well, approximately.

Who sleeps that long?

Katter! Katter!

I mean, I love my beauty sleep too,

but, uh, seriously.


She's very a-sleepy.

This is the longer-est
and the sleepiest birthday party ever.

What are you taking a photo of?

[Kumi] Katter sleeping,
for the photo album.

-What's happening?

[all gasp]

What happened to me?

Oh, my.


[gasps] Belly- lisimo!

I've changed.

You look very pretty.

I can fly.

[all] She can fly!

♪ There are places
I'll remember all my life ♪

♪ Though some have changed ♪

♪ Some forever, not for better ♪

♪ In my life, I've loved them all ♪

♪ But of all these friends and lala ♪

♪ There is no one compares with you ♪

♪ And these memories lose their meaning ♪

♪ When I think of love as something new ♪

♪ Though I know
I'll never lose affection ♪

♪ For people and things that went before ♪

♪ I know I'll often stop
And think about them ♪

♪ In my life, I love you more ♪

♪ Though I know
I'll never lose affection ♪

♪ For people and things that went before ♪

♪ I know I'll often stop
And think about them ♪

♪ In my life, I love you more ♪

♪ In my life ♪

♪ I love you more ♪

-You're back.

-I changed.

Look at you.

[all gasp]

It's the best costume ever.

The beautiful-est.

-But you are still my bestest friends.
-And you're still our bestest friend.

Our bestest butterfly friend
that used to be our caterpillar friend.

[gasps] It's back!

My balloon!

Whoa, it's changed.

-It looks different.
-It's better.

[Kumi] That's what growing does.
Makes us even better.


[all] Happy birthday, Katter!

♪ In my life, I love you more ♪

♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ All you need is love, love ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪