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01x04 - Good Day Sunshine/Sun King

Posted: 03/26/24 09:17
by bunniefuu

[chorus] ♪ Love, love, love ♪

♪ Love, love, love ♪

♪ There's nothing you can do
That can't be done ♪


♪ Nothing you can sing
That can't be sung ♪

♪ Nothing you can say but you can learn
How to play the game ♪

♪ It's easy ♪

♪ Nothing you can make
That can't be made ♪

♪ No one you can save
That can't be saved ♪

♪ Nothing you can do but you can learn
How to be you in time ♪

♪ It's easy ♪

[all] ♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ Love ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

Watch out below!

I'm going for a new world record!

Jay, wait.
Uh, according to my crickto-calculations,

with your take-off velocity
plus wind speed, this is...

[Jay] Here I come!

...certain disaster.

Yay! Yay for Jay.

Yep, winter can be
the fun-est time of the year,

for a month or two, but then...


It's so cold, my squish
has turned into a squish-sicle!

So, um, this really isn't great. [grunts]

Oh, there.

Oh, but that's... That's about it.

Oh, that's happened so many times.

Hmm. "Quiet. Trying to hibernate."

Huh? Glow worms don't hibernate.

[Glowies] This year we do.


Anyway, winter is
just the fun-est, right?

And when we left Jay,
he was about to...

Well, let's just see
what he's about to do.

-Wow, sensational.

Ouchie. I'm not trying that again.

Winter is just too... freezicle.

When's it over, Crick?

Well, uh, Mr. Sun has been
on holiday for a long time,

but I crickto-calculate

that he is due to appear exactly...

ten days ago.

Mr. Sun is ten days late?

He's forgotten all about us.

Sorry the mail is late.

Got so much ice on my wings,
I hadn't been cleared for take-off.

Here, postcard from Mr. Sun.

"Having a wonderful holiday.

Perfect weather, as usual,
seems to follow me around.


So, I'm going to stay a bit longer.

Hope you don't mind. Smiley face."

Uh, precisely how long is a bit?

It better not be much or we'll freeze.

I's already did.

Hear that? That's what we'll be soon.
Frozen solid!

We have think of a way to...
To stay warm.

Let's do it... indoors.

Uh-oh. Look.

Why is that "uh-oh"?

It's "uh-oh" because the
sunflower's come up too early,

and that sunflower makes power
for our whole village.

Absolutely correct, Kumi.

When Mr. Sun comes out in the summer,

the sunshine makes
the sunflower petals spin,

which generates lots of elec-crick-ity.

And the elec-crick-ity is stored

in a special battery
for us to use all year round.

Oh, I get it.

What's "elec-crick-ity"?

is what powers everything.

If it wasn't for that
sunflower spinning around,

we wouldn't have any power in winter

for heaters or lights in our houses.

-Yeah. You mean like now.
-And once the battery gives out...

Like now.

It'll get really, really brr.

Like now.

Yes. The sunflower must've
expected Mr. Sun last week.

That's why it flowered too soon.

And... And if anything
happens to that sunflower,

we won't be able to make
anymore elec-crick-ity ever again.

You're saying
we're definitely going to freeze.

So-- So, how much time
do you think we have left?

Crick? Kumi? How much time?!

I'd tell you, Walter,
but my watch is frozen.

[all groaning]

Okay. Here's my plan:

If we align the crickto-magnifier
just so...

Whee! will focus all the heat
left in the sky,

so, the sunflower
will feel warm as toast.


As it appears, the sky
doesn't have any heat left.

My apologies.

It was a good plan, Crick.

I don't want to alarm anyone,

but my squish-sicle
is becoming a squish-berg!

I will. I... I will think of something.

I have to.

Oh, think. Think!

Uh... My, uh... brain is frozen.

[Buzz] Guys! Guys! He's here!

Mr. Sun is back!

It's Mr. Sun! He's in there!

[all gasp]

Oh, it's not Mr. Sun. Sorry.

Aw, it's okay, Buzz.

Hey, if that little light...

If it could fool us,
maybe it can fool the sunflower.

-What do you say, Crick?
-It's worth a try.

[all groaning]

Here's my new plan:

We lift the light up into the sky,

and shine it through
my crickto-magnifier, then...

No way. That may have
been our last chance.

-The last-est?
-Our last-est chance?

Stay calm, everyone. Stay calm! [laughs]

You know, I almost panicked
for a minute there,

but now, I'm... totally in control!

Bugs, we have to get a message
to Mr. Sun asking him to come back.

Otherwise our sunflower
is gonna die, and then--

Of course!

We, uh... We could send a message
to Mr. Sun

on my old faithful crickta-gram.

- Yeah! Go, Crick!
- Crick is a star!

Except the crickta-gram needs
elec-crick-ity, too.

[all sighing]

Crick, how much power
would you need to send a message?

Quite a lot, I'm afraid.

But it doesn't need to last for long.

I... I think I might know how to do it.

Wake up, Glowies! Wake up!

[Glowies] Go away!

Hey, little guys. Wouldn't you love
to see Mr. Sun come back?

So, you could be
all cozy and warm again?

And you just have to do
one teeny-weensy tiny thing...

And it's the fun-est thing ever-er.

Yes. Uh, ready to go.

Jay? Buzz?

Are the Glowies ready?

They are ready, Kumi!

Three, two, one, go!

[Glowies shouting]


Has to work, has to work, has to...

-Crick, is it...?
-It is. It is!

Dear Mr. Sun,

we need you back. Now.

So, hurry up!


Did it work? Did it? Did it? Did it?

I, uh... I can't be sure.

[wind howling]


Look out, bugs, I'm back!

♪ Good day sunshine ♪

♪ Good day sunshine ♪

♪ Good day sunshine ♪

♪ Good day sunshine ♪

♪ Good day sunshine ♪

♪ Good day sunshine ♪

♪ I need to laugh
Oh, when the sun is out ♪

♪ I've got something I can laugh about ♪

♪ I feel good in a special way ♪

♪ I'm in love and it's a sunny day ♪

♪ Good day sunshine ♪

♪ Good day sunshine ♪

♪ Good day sunshine ♪

♪ I need to laugh
Oh, when the sun is out ♪

♪ I've got something I can laugh about ♪

♪ I feel good in a special way ♪

♪ I'm in love and it's a sunny day ♪

♪ Good day sunshine ♪

♪ Good day sunshine ♪

♪ Good day sunshine ♪

So, how do I look? [laughs]

Hot, right?

It's summer,
my favorite time of the year.

It's my chance to shine, you know?


Oh, yeah! These crickto-squirts
are your fun-est invention yet, Crick.

Hey, Mr. Sun.

This is the most-est awesome
summer you've ever made.

Why, thank you, Buzz.

I want to be just like you
when I grow up.

You're the king of the garden.

[chuckles] King, huh? Well, I guess
everyone does look up to me.

They don't have a choice.

[ground rumbles then all gasp]



What's that?!


[all shouting]

-Oh, my belly-ness.
-What is it?

It's, uh... safe to come out.

I know what this is, I know.

What? What is it?

It's a tent, for a camping trip.

-We can have the most amazing time.

But, guys, it's totally a waterslide!




Uh, sorry, Jay,

but this is the perfect material
for a new cooling device I invented:

The Crick-O-Fan.

-Even... Even awesom-er-er-er!
-Oh, can't you see?

This would make fabulous costumes
for my latest play.

The material is to die for.


Buzz, what do you think it should be?

Me? Um...

Well, me thinks you all have
the most-est awesome ideas.

But it's totally a waterslide.

Camping is the fun-est thing ever.

But the Crick-O-Fan
will cool us all down.

-Uh, hello?

Why are we even talking...?

I... I don't really have any ideas.

I wish I could have an idea.

All my friends have ideas
'cause they're good at stuff.

So, what am I good at?

Do I have a... special talent?

Oh, I know!
I'll go on a journey to find out!



Mr. Mudwasp!

Buzz. Come on in.

I'm in a big hurry
to finish these house renovations,

'cause me and the missus got
another clutch of little ones on the way.


[speaking indistinctly]

What's that mean, Mr. Wasp?

Thinks he can speak Spanish, he does. Ha.

Well, I'll have you know, Buzz,
it means...

It... [laughs]

It means, "Ouch."

Wow, you sure are clever.

Oh, well. Thank you.

Here's a bit.

[speaking indistinctly]

I'm actually on a journey, Mr. Mudwasp,

to find my special talent.

Maybe I can give building a try.

Well, I'll take all the help I can get.


[Mudwasp shouting]


[speaking indistinctly]

Sorry, Mr. Mudwasp.

Building is a most-est special talent,

and you're the best-est builder
in the world.

Wait a blooming minute.

Now I got a view.

Open plan.

I don't know why I didn't think
of that myself, Buzz.


She's a great kid.

There. We just need a few more tent poles.

Ladybirds and Beetlemen,

get ready for a spine tingling,

squish-quivering show!

-If this works--


[Kumi giggles]

Okay, we need to settle this.

Let's get Buzz to decide.

-Where is she?
-She seem to be, uh... absent?

But it's not intermission yet.

Uh... Maybe we didn't
pay enough attention to her.

Well, we did talk over her.

She's run away?

[gasps then wails]

What if she's been stepped on?

It's a jungle out there.

We need our Buzz back. Come on.



[screams then chuckles]

-Oh, Buzz.
-What are you making, Miss Doris?

[sighs] Well, it's a web sculpture
for my next art exhibition,

but I'm afraid I have an artistic block.

My web simply won't come out.

But your sculptures
are the best-est, Miss Doris.

Why, thank you, Buzz.

I'm actually on a journey
to find my special talent.

-Do you think I can give art a try?
-Of course, Buzz.

Just imagine you are the web.


Nice work, Buzz.

You... became the web.



Sorry, Miss Doris.

Art is a most-est special talent,

and you're the
best-est artist in the world.

Oh, oh, oh, oh!


That's it! Buzz, you helped me unblock.


Hmm. Lovely little bug,
and so full of talent.

Wha-- Whoa! Ouchie.

Can't even fly!

I've tried everything,
and I'm not good at anything.

So, my special talent must be nothing.

Oh, why so overcast, Buzz?

Everyone has a special talent,
excepting me.

Mr. Mudwasp is an awesome builder,

and Miss Doris is an awesome artist,

and... and... and you go around
brightening everyone's day.

I wish I could be like you
when I grow up, Mr. Sun.


Maybe you already are, kid.

[Jay] Buzz!

[laughing] Oh, thank goodness gracious.

Oh, we missed you.

You made us feel special,
but you're the special one.

The special-est!

Come home.
We've got a surprise for you.

Buzz, we wanted you to know...

That you brighten everyone's day.

Which we think makes you just like...

Just like the sun.


[chorus] ♪ Here comes ♪

♪ The sun king ♪

♪ Here comes ♪

♪ The sun king ♪

Everybody's... laughing.


Everybody's happy.

♪ Here comes ♪

♪ The sun king ♪

I'm gonna try a bit of Spanish here.

[singing in Spanish]

Oh, don't, darling.

[continues singing]

Hey, nice Spanish skills.

[speaking in Spanish]

Hey, Mr. Sun!

See, kid,
we're not so different after all.


♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ All you need is love ♪

♪ All you need is love, love ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪

♪ Love is all you need ♪