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02x09 - The Fearsome Libra

Posted: 03/15/24 09:59
by bunniefuu
♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip! ♪

♪ Let's fight an epic battle

♪ Faceoff and spin the metal

♪ No time for doubt now

♪ No place for backing down

♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip! ♪

♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip! ♪

♪ Spin out the play now

♪ Bring on the power

♪ Right to the top, yeah!

♪ We're never giving up

♪ Here it comes

♪ Here it comes

♪ Metal fusion!

♪ Let's go beyblade, let it rip! ♪

♪ Metal fusion, let it rip! ♪

♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip! ♪

♪ This is it!

♪ Get a grip!

♪ Let it rip!

Narratorlast time on "beyblade":

As the wbba blimp hovers above beyblade island,

The survival battle is in full swing below.

Battle after battle is won or lost

As opponents from all over the world spin their beys

As they try to become the last blader standing

Gingka is still in the running

As he defeats all his opponents.

Kyoya and hyoma are locked in a fierce battle,

Each determined to knock the other out.

Meanwhile kenta, benkei, hikaru and yu

Are in a four way bey battle

And yu's libra is really taking it

To the other bladers.

The four beys are doing their best,

But when yu unleashes libra's special move,

It looks like he is going to move on...

But against who?


Blade dj(laughs)



Gingkawhat is this?

Kyoyathat is one huge hole...

Madokawhat happened here?

Gingkakenta! Kyoyabenkei! Hikaru!

Gingkakenta! Hey, kenta! Are you all right?


(Grunts) gingka!

Just take it easy!

Oh no, we lost!

How did you lose?

Uh well, before I knew what was happening,

I was knee deep in sand...


Kentayeah. Yeah. Yu's flame libra did it.

Gingkayu, huh?

Kyoyaflame libra...?


Madokayou were all beaten at the same time?!

Kyoyaby that one bey?


Uh-huh, that's the scoop.

But I was hoping that kenchi and benben and hippety hop

Would last longer...

You're yu, then?

How did you defeat them?

Yuyou'll find out soon enough.


Because now you have to battle with me.

Madokafour bladers left!



Blader djyes! The competitor who survives out of these four

Will be the winner!

Madokaehhh! Why am I in there?

Blader djand, here's a stage worthy of the final battle...

Take a look!


Blader djand of course, this battle will be broadcast world wide

Via the wbba's broadcast network.

The survival battle is coming to its exciting finale.


Blader djwell, which bladers want to go first?




Uh, uh, ummm!!

What should I do, you guys?


Stay back and watch.

We'll handle this, madoka.

Y-yeah, okay.

Yugingka and kyoya!


Yui've heard of you two.

They say you're really strong.

This is gonna be so fun!

I've always wanted to battle with you!

Yeah, thanks, I'm honored, kid.
[ … ]

Yugreat! Let's hurry up and start!

Sadly, I'm in this to battle gingka...

I'm not interested in a battle with you or anyone else.

Oh yeah?

So you're running away then?

What did you say?

No problem, that's okey-dokey.

I'll just battle with gingka first if you're afraid.

Gingka, you won't run away, right?

Huh? No! Of course not!


Yuattaboy! That's the spirit.

That's why you're gingka!

But if I win, then yo yo can't battle with gingka-

Is that all right yo yo?

Who ya callin' "yo yo!"

Seems like you need to be taught a little respect.

Okay, fine.

I'll start by defeating you!

That sounds like fun!


Hey, just be careful, kyoya!

He uses an unusual move that turns the field into sand!

He beat all of you at once.

So I know he's a strong opponent!

But he's going to lose to me!

Hm-hm! You sure about that, yo yo!


Here we go. Three!



Alllet it rip! Yeah!

(Beys whoosh)

Blader djwho will be the last blader standing

Out of one thousand competitors?!

It's down to the crunch

And we're on the edge of our seats!

Don't hold back now; give me all you've got!

You can count on it, kid!

(Bey whooshes)

Oh yeah, even though it's a defensive type bey,

It's pretty good at attacking!

I'm just gettin' started buddy!

(Beys grind)

Hikaruhe's good!

Benkeihe keeps attacking so his opponent doesn't have time

To get its balance back!

Blader djleone's attack is awesome!

Will libra be the next one knocked out?

Wah! Libra!

Humph! How pathetic.

Just kidding! Ha ha!




Blader djjumpin' beyblades!

Libra snapped right back up as if nothing had happened!



It looked like he was finished!

Whoa! How did he do that?

I've got it!


There has to be some secret in its performance tip...

Look, check this out!

Benkei, kenta, hikaruhm?

Madokathe free-spinning eternal sharp performance tip

Produces incredible balance!

Kenta, benkeiohh!

Phht! What an annoying bey...

Ha! Ha! That's funny -

All the bladers I battle say that.

Because no matter what att*cks it,

Libra isn't affected at all!

Gingkayou really are sure of yourself!

If that's the case, why don't you try this on for size?!

(Beys whoosh)


Yuas expected, pegasus is strong!


But i...


It's still spinning perfectly after taking so many att*cks.

Its staying power is unbelievable!

Even among stamina-types, libra's survival is impressive!

So, you have pretty good reason to be confident!

Okay, it'll be a competition between pegasus's power

And libra's stamina!


Ah! Kyoya!

He's mine gingka. Don't get in the way!

(Wind gusting)

Benkeithere it is!

Kyoya's special move, lion gale-force wall!

Madokait takes way less time to perform that move now.

When did that happen?


Way to go, kyoya.

My goal is to battle you gingka-one on one.

So just wait, I'll take care of him quickly
[ … ]

And then it's me and you to the end!


Yuwhoa! That's awesome!

So, that's the famous lion gale-force wall.

Ha! Ha! That is so neat!

But this is neater!

Go, libra!

Humph! Are you so excited

That you're willing to walk right into defeat!





Allwha? Benkeiwhaaaat!

He broke through the lion gale-force wall!

(Bey whooshes)

No way!

How did you manage to do that?

Madokahe read the flow of the wind!


He did what, madoka?

He figured out the direction and strength of the wind

In an instant and found a tiny opening!

How could he possibly do that!?

If you enter the data and use a computer to calculate,

It can be done...

But without a computer, beats me.

Wha! You guys can't do that? It's so easy.



He was able to find the smallest of openings

Using only his eyes!

It was a lucky break, that's all!

Okay then, try this!

Special move! King lion! Tearing blast!


Go ahead and have fun reading all of this wind at once!

Hmm... I'd really like to, but that seems a bit tricky.

So, I'll attack now, okay?!

Libra... Sonic wave!



Whoa! What's that?

That's bad, that's what! It's the move that beat us!

Gingka, kyoya! Keep your heads up!

Phht, no big deal! My leone won't be stopped

By some amateur kid like this!


(Wing gusts)

Benkeioh no! The performance tip is trapped.

It can't increase rotation speed!

This is so strange!

There's something else going on here.


That's it!!

Leone's performance tip is getting seriously damaged!

Benkeithat can't be good!

Blader djwhoa boy! There seems to be a problem with leone!

Its rotation speed is slowing!

Kyoyanow your aries has no where to hide...

Try handling this tornado attack!

But, then leone will also...

I've got it covered!

So that's when it happened... With me.

Benkeican't you do something?

It reached its limit!

And its grip is really bad too.

If he continues to use his special move, it's bad...!



Benkeithis is serious.

Kyoya, you gotta stop it!

Kentaleone will break apart!


What's wrong, leone!

Howl more, howl stronger, leone!

Madokait's no use, he can't hear us!

Benkeithen we have to take action, now.


Kentagot it!

Blader djhey, stop right there!

It is a major breach of the rules for any blader

Who has already been defeated to enter the battle.


What are we gonna do now, kenta?

Madokanothing. I'll do it!


I'll do it, you guys.

I still have the right to battle!

No one else can do it. No one.

I'll stop kyoya right now!

That's crazy!

Benkeithere's no way you could stop the king lion tearing blast!


Madoka! You can't!

I should be able to do it. Libra did it.

If I can just find a split second opening in the wind,

I can...

Wind speed...! Wind pressure...!

The angle of entry is...
[ … ]


I've got it!

What's wrong! Come on, go, leone!

Benkeino! Kyoya!




Madokaangle of dip-twelve degrees, right-twenty seven degrees...

I only have one chance, I have to do this...

Let it rip!



Go go go!



Blader djwhoa! Madoka's sudden entry into the battle

Has stomped out the king lion tearing blast!

Kentamadoka! Benkeimadoka!

Hikaruhey! Are you gonna be all right?


What did you think you were doing?

Never mess with my battles! Huh!



So that's why...

Blader djmadoka is out!

Leone just barely continues to spin!

What is kyoya's next move?

What's this, what's going on?

Kyoya has climbed into the stadium

In the middle of the battle!

Oh! Oh! Oh!


Blader djk-kyoya is out, he's out!

He's out!

I didn't notice you were in such bad shape.

I'm selfish,

I should've taken care of you better!

What are you doing down there?

You're not supposed to do that!

Humph. Hah?

Blader djin a surprising turn of events, kyoya forfeits!

The only two bladers that remain in the running

For victory in the survival battle are gingka and yu!

He had the courage to drop out of the battle.

Well, kyoya... You live up to your reputation.



Stickin' your nose in someone else's business?

Next time you butt in, I won't let you off so easily.

You got it?

My bey...! Huh?

Hikaruso what's his deal?

Benkeiwell, that is just kyoya's way of showing his thanks.

Madoka, kentahuh?

Awwww! Losing by choice?

I don't get it.

He must've given up

Because he knew he was gonna lose against me. (Chuckle)

Gingkayou got it all wrong!


Kyoya put his bey first

Rather than worrying about his own personal victory.

And madoka, she stuck her neck out

And entered the battle to tell him about leone's damage.

Even though she's not used to battling!


That's nice but I really don't care about that stuff.

The battle had just started getting interesting too.

Now it's no fun.

You seem to forget that I'm still here, buddy!

I'll make this battle interesting enough for you,

Just watch!

Really? Okay, then, here I go!

Libra! Sonic buster!



It's that special move again!

It's happening faster than it did before!




Oh no!

Benkeipe-pegasus has been swallowed up by the sand!

Oh man, this is so much easier than I'd hoped.

Oh well, at least we know who the winner is. Me!

Gingkadon't plan the parade yet!




You can't stop pegasus that easily!

Go, pegasus!

Haha! What a cool attack!

I'm not done yet!


It's not sinking into the sand!

It's skimming over the surface

Because it's moving too fast to sink!

Way to go, gingka! All right!

This is great!
[ … ]

I've been hoping for something like this!

Bring it on, pegasus!!


This is what beyblading is all about!

It's a true test of skill

To battle such an amazing blader!

You said it, buddy!

This is so much fun I can't stand it!

Blader djhere we go folks,

The final match of the survival battle

Is heating up with both beys attacking head-on -

No holds barred!

You can do it, gingka!

These two are so evenly matched!

But, the kid's antlion trap doesn't work anymore!

That's the break gingka's been looking for, you guys!

But is it enough for him to beat me?

I still have another trick up my sleeve, you know.

Huh? What?


Just watch closely and I'll show you...

Libra's true power.



Blader djuwahhh!


Benkeiwhat's happening?!

Special move!

Libra! Inferno blast!



Benkeiwhat is this, guys?

Madokafeels like my head is gonna spin off!





Guess what, the verdict for pegasus is guilty!

Er... Ah!

Pegasus? What's wrong, pegasus?!

Yuhm-hm-hm! Pegasus is caught in the ripples

Of libra's supersonic waves.

Madokasupersonic waves - not good!

Yeah; and its rotation speed will gradually be drained

Until it stops - the end!

Oh no! Hang in there, pegasus!

Totally useless!

All the air around us is shaking like an earthquake.

So where are you planning to hide then?


Blader djlibra uses its frightening special move!

It looks like pegasus may face defeat

With a sleep-out!

Kentaah, yu was right.

Benkeiits rotation power is dropping!

Not cooked yet!

As long as pegasus is spinning even a little bit,

We're still in the game!

There has to be a way!

Some way to turn this battle around...


I know! Before all of pegasus's power is drained,

I'm gonna bet it all on pegasus's special move!



(Bey whooshes)


Benkeiwhaddya know?!

Gingka had another trick up his sleeve too!

Have a look at this, guys!

Pegasus's starblast attack!


Madoka, benkeiall right!

Gingka wins it!






(Pained grunts)

(Wind gusts)



Blader djp-pegasus ended up being the bey that was blown away!

The pegasus starblast attack wasn't good enough!

Benkeiit-it can't be...!

Kentahow can that be...?


(Angry growl)

When libra is inside the supersonic waves,

It's as if it were wearing heavy armor!

You can't expect to win just by attacking head on!

Heavy armor?

(Laughs) thank you, gingka!


Thanks to you, I was able to have a super fun battle.

It's been a really long time

Since I've felt this excited, you know?


Oh, yeah, me too. It actually was fun!
[ … ]

Blader djit's been one fierce battle after another!

After overcoming many tough matches,

The winner of this survival battle is yu!


Blader djeveryone, let's have a big round of applause!

Here is the winner of the survival battle, yu!

(Applause) kentai can't believe gingka lost.

Gingkamaybe I'll win next time!

Madokayeah, but, yu... He's really advanced!

Gingkayeah! We had no idea

There was such an amazing blader out there.

I'm so glad I entered this battle

Or I never would've had the chance to hook up with him.

Congratulations, yu.

So, you know what happens next, buddy?

You'll grant me any wish, right?

That's right champ!

So come on, tell us; what is your wish?

I have only one wish... Battle bladers!

(Confused reactions)

Gingkabattle bladers?! Benkeiwhat are battle bladers?