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01x12 - Thunder the Poet / the Strawberry Patch

Posted: 03/15/24 08:44
by bunniefuu

♪ You use your head I'll use mine ♪

♪ We'll put them together and what do we find ♪

♪ We can do it when we do it together ♪

♪ We have fun whatever we do ♪

♪ Let's keep thinking 'til we think it through ♪

♪ We can do it when we do it together ♪

♪ I've got an idea

♪ And though we might mess up

♪ We'll put our heads together

♪ And we won't give up!



♪ We're a team with lots to share ♪

♪ It's not where we're going

♪ It's how we're gonna get there ♪

♪ We can do it

♪ When we do it together

♪ We can do it

♪ Me and my friend rabbit



I bet you're wondering what I'm doing.

I can't tell you yet,

But it's so clever!

It's an idea my friend rabbit had,

To help thunder remember something important.

It all started this morning...


(Inhales, sighs)

The flowers smell so sweety-sweet!

(Bird chirps)

Oh, hello, birdie!

Tweety-tweet! (Giggles)


(Slurp) berries are my favourite thing.


Birds... Flowers... (Giggles)

It must be spring!

Hey, I did a poem!

The flowers smell so sweety-sweet

Hello birdie, tweety tweet

Berries are my favourite thing

Birds and flowers...

It must be spring!

Oh! I've got to tell mouse and rabbit!


The best way to build nut-towers,

Is to make them somewhere quiet...


Thunderrabbit! Mouse!

Whoa! Guess what I made!

Um. Nut-mash? (Giggles)

Oopsie! Oh!

I'm sorry!

Oh, that's okay,

It was an accident.

So? What did you make?

I made up a poem.

All by myself!


Mouseway to go, thunder!

Can we hear it?


(Big breath) eep!

Oh no, I forgot how it goes!

Thorny horns!

The first poem I ever made up,

And now I can't remember it!

What do I do?

Rabbitfirst of all... (Giggles)

Worrying won't help you remember your poem.

But we will!

You can help me remember?


We'd better hop-think on it.

The question is...

How can we help thunder remember his poem?


Maybe thunder's remember-er is broken.

I'd better check.

Thunder, what's my name?



So that part of your remember-er is working.

Just not the poem part.

I always think better after a snack...

Maybe food would help?

Here, have some of this nut-mash.



Well, do you remember your poem?

Not exactly.

But some of it might have been about food?

I like food.


Sometimes, poems tell how we feel

About things we see around us.

Was your poem about... Ferns?

[ … ]

Mousehmm. Mushrooms?


Mouseuh, rabbits?


But I wasn't here when I did my poem.

I was in the meadow.

Thumpeka, that's it!

Let's go back to where you made up the poem!

Good idea!

Maybe thunder'll see something to help him remember?

Okay, thunder,

What were you doing when you made up your poem?


Smelling the flowers!

(Sniffs) ahh...

They smell so sweet.

Smell sweet... Sweety-sweet.

The flowers smell so sweety-sweet!

That was the first part!

Rabbit and mouseyay thunder! Good remembering!

Allthe flowers smell so sweety-sweet!

The flowers smell so sweety-sweet!

(Giggles) if we say it lots of times,

I won't forget it either!

Wait, that was just the first part.

Oh... What was the rest?!

Mousedon't worry.

It's okay if you don't remember it all at once.


You can remember it in little hops.

(Chuckles) one bit at a time.

But what if I forget the first part,

While I'm remembering the rest?

Hmm... I know what you need!

Mousea giant leaf?

Oh, it's not just a leaf...

It's a memory-keeper!

How do I keep a poem in this?

Every time you remember a bit of your poem,

Put a reminder-thing into the memory-keeper.

That way you'll remember each part!


So, for the first part,

The flowers smell so sweety-sweet...

I'll put a sweety-sweet flower in here,

So I won't forget!



Now what came next?

The flowers smell so sweety-sweet...

Ohhh, I can't remember!

Poor thunder.

Maybe you're thinking too hard.

When I'm thump-stumped,

It helps if I take a hop stop

And do something else for a while.

Hey, I know a great way to take a hop stop!

This is my tappa-tappa tree!

This always helps me relax.

Ha ha! Try it!


(Banging) (laughs)





Thunderhello birdie!

You're a good tapper.

Wait a sec! Hello birdie...

That reminds me of something.

Something in my poem...

The flowers smell so sweety-sweet,

Hello birdie, tweety-tweet!

That's it!

That's the next line!


Rabbitdon't forget to put your reminder-thing

In your memory-keeper.

(Chuckles) a feather!

The flowers smell so sweety-sweet,

Hello birdie, tweety-tweet!

Now I know two parts of my poem!

Rabbitand I bet you'll remember the rest of it, easy-peasy.

Was the next part about grass?




I wish someone could give me a hint.


It's too bad you were alone when you said your poem.

Wait, I wasn't alone.

Robin was there!

She went tweety-tweet!

Flappin' feathers!

If robin heard him say his poem,

Then maybe she can help him remember.

We've gotta find her!

Not to worry, thunder,

I'll find that tweety-tweeting bird!

(Crickets chirp)
[ … ]

Hmm. Crickets...


(Frog ribbits) frogs...

(Bird chirps)

Oh! That's robin tweeting!


Thunderrobin, we found you!

Mousewe followed your pretty song.

Robindid you?

Rabbitdo you remember seeing thunder this morning?

Oh, yes!

(Chuckles) thunder was in the meadow,

Talking to himself.

Thunderyeah! I was doing a poem!

Mouseand now he's trying to remember it.

Do you remember what thunder said?

Oh, it was very pretty.

He said,

"The flowers smell so sweety-sweet,

Hello birdie, tweety tweet!"


Ooh, this is it!

Robinhe said something I couldn't hear,

Because his mouth was full.

(Gasps) berries!

I was eating berries!

And then I put it in my poem!

Berries are my favourite thing!


Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I've got to put a berry in my memory-keeper,

So I don't forget!

Berries really are my favourite thing.

Mmm. Mine too.

And just so I don't forget...

"The flowers smell so sweety-sweet

Hello, birdie tweety tweet!

Berries are my favourite thing..."

Hm. My poem had one more part.

The first two parts of the poem have rhyming words -

Sweety-sweet and tweety-tweet.

Maybe the last two parts have rhyming words too!


They did have rhyming words!

Berries are my favourite thing!

The last part rhymes with thing!

Rabbitmaybe we can guess it!

Was it - do you know that fish can't sing?

Mousea birdie's arm is called a wing?

Rabbitrabbit's good at tappa-tapping?

No, that wasn't it.

Oh, we're so close!

What else rhymes with thing?


Mousetree-ring? Spring?

Spring? Spring!

Berries are my favourite thing,

Birds and flowers, it must be spring!

That's it!


The rhyming worked!

We helped him remember the whole thing!



I still have to put something in my memory-keeper,

For the last part.


"Birds and flowers, it must be spring."

Well, what makes you think of spring?

Ooh! p*ssy-willows!

They're fuzzy and cuddly

And they come out in spring.

Birds and flowers, it must be spring!

(Relieved sighs)

Now I can do the whole poem, whenever I want.


'Cause I know who'd love to hear it.

Rabbitready to say the whole poem?


(Clears throat)


"The flowers smell so sweety-sweet

Um... Hello birdie tweety-tweet

Um... Berries are my favourite thing

Birds and flowers, it must be spring."


And that's how we helped thunder remember his poem.

We got him to stay calm and do it bit by bit.

Sometimes he had to take a break,

Repeat the words, or ask for help.

But he finally remembered!

Thunder was so happy,

That he made up a brand new poem...


"Rabbit told me not to worry

When my memory got blurry,

I remembered how it ends...

Ummm... (Chuckles)

With some help from three great friends!"

[ … ]


(Hopping grunts)

Oh hi!

Have you ever tried to do two things at once?

Whoa! Heh heh.

I guess I shouldn't try to hop and talk

At the same time.

Anyway, today my friend rabbit and I

Both tried to do two things at once.

And it was so hard!

It all started with rabbit's twitchy nose.




When my nose twitches like this,

It only means one thing.


They must be around here somewhere.

Ooh! I just love juicy red strawberries!


I was looking all over for you.

It's time to play rocks!

Rabbitmaybe later, thunder.

There's a berry patch around here somewhere.

And I'm going to find it!

But you promised to let me teach you

How to play rock friends.

(Sniffing) you're right.

I did promise.

And a promise is a promise.


Wow. I've never seen rabbit give up strawberries before.

Now that's a good friend!

Mouse, do you want to come too?

Mousethanks, but um...

I have to um, do something important for...

Uh, a friend! Yeah.

You two go ahead.

Thunderokay. See you later!




I know how much rabbit likes strawberries,

So I'm going to find them for him.

Ooh, he's going to be so surprised!

Rabbitthe dark red strawberries are the best.

They're squisha-licious!

Thunderyeah. Strawberries are nice...

But this is even better.

My rock friends game!

See, each rock likes to do one special thing

And when you hold it -

You have to do what it likes.

(Girly voice) I'm twirly!

And I like to twirl.


(Deep voice) and I'm jumpy.

I like to jump,

Especially over stumps!

Jump, jumpity, jump, jump!


Stump! That's it!

They must have been behind the big stump!

Uh... What must have been behind a stump?

The strawberries!

That's why we couldn't find them.

Rabbit, we're supposed to be playing rock friends now.

Sorry. Heh heh.

You're right. Go on.

Okay. This is hoppy.

She likes to-

Look for strawberries?

No! She likes to hop.

On one foot, like this.

Hoppy hoppy hop! Hee hee!

And this one's wiggly.

Guess what wiggly likes to do?


See how easy this is?

Wiggle wiggly wiggle! Wiggle wiggly wiggle!


Okay, now you tell me their names.

You have to know who's who before you can play!

Who's this?

Uh... Hoppity?

No, twirly.

And this one?


Jumpy! (Sighs)

Okay, let's start again...


I've been looking and looking,

But I can't find the strawberries!


Oh, hi hazel!

Have you seen any strawberries around here?

I want to find some to surprise rabbit.


I've seen mooseberries, gooseberries,

A goose eating mooseberries
[ … ]

And a moose eating gooseberries,

But nope! No strawberries.

(Disappointed) oh.

But maybe I can spot some if I climb up high.

Well, what do you know!

I do see strawberries!

Ta-da! They're right here.


Behind this thistle patch.

But they're going to be tough to reach

Without getting all scratched up.

No problem.

Rabbit'll think of something.

Wait! Big problem!

We can't ask rabbit how to get the strawberries.

It'll wreck the surprise!

Let's see...

How are we going to get to those strawberries?


I wish I were rabbit.

He can figure out how to do anything!

You can do it, mouse.

I know you can!

And I'll help.

Right after I dig up this nut.

(Effort grunts)


Great hopping hidey-holes, that's it!

We can dig a tunnel under the thistles,

And crawl through to get to the strawberries?

I bet that's just what rabbit would do!

(Digging grunts)


I don't think this is going to work.

The roots are too thick!

Mouseoh! If only rabbit were here!

He'd hop-think a way to get to those berries.

Hazelwell, why don't we hop-think?

Hop-think? Without rabbit?

Sure! (Giggles)

Why not?

I guess we could try. Hmm.

Rabbit usually starts by hopping...

The question is...

If we can't go under the thistle patch,

How can we reach the berries?

I know!

What if I chew a way through the thistles?

(Gnawing grunts)


(Gasp) oh, did it prick you?

No. But it tastes yucky!


We'll have to think of another way to get through.


Mouseoh, I wish I had a shell like a turtle

So the thistles couldn't prick me.

(Gasps) thumpeka!

I can use something else to protect me!

Hazel, do you know where I can find a wasps' nest

That has no more wasps in it?

Hazelyou mean, like that one?



No wasps! (Grunts)

Look out below!

(Grunt) there!

Now I'm prickle-proof.

Strawberries, here I come!



(Pained grunts)

I forgot about my feet!

Hmm... (Gasp)

Here, use this prickle-pusher

To push the thorns out of the way.


Strawberries, here I come!

(Laughs) hoo hoo! Yipee!


(Pained grunts)

Now it's easier to tell them apart;

Twirly, jumpy, hoppy, wiggly!


Thunderwhen you're holding hoppy

You have to hop on one leg.


And if you're holding hoppy and wiggly

You have to hop on one leg

And wiggle!

(Giggles) like this!

Now you try!

Huh? Oh. Okay.

(Grunts and chuckles)

(Giggles) rabbit, wait!

That's twirly.

She likes to twirl.


Why can't I remember the rocks' names

And what they do?
[ … ]

Thunderi know why.

It's 'cause you're so busy thinking about strawberries

That you keep forgetting to learn my game!

You're right.

I'm sorry, thunder.

I promised to learn your game,

But I haven't been concentrating at all!

And that's not keeping my promise.

Show me one more time.

And this time, I'll concentrate!


Hazelwe can't quit now.

But I'm all out of ideas!

(Groans) I wish rabbit were here to help.

Hazelrabbit, rabbit, rabbit. Ha!

I bet you'd think a lot better,

If you weren't so busy wishing rabbit were here!


You're right...

I have been thinking too much

About what rabbit would do.

I need to stop thinking about rabbit,

And think really hard about the problem instead!

That's the spirit!

You need to concentrate!

Right. Let's both concentrate

On how to get those strawberries.

Think, think, think-itty think...

We tried going under the thistles,

And we tried going through the thistles.

What haven't we tried?

Think, think, think-itty think...

Think, think think-itty think...


(Birds chirp)

(Gasp) that's it!

(Giggling and cheering)

Hazelready mouse?


Strawberries, here I come!

(Effort grunts)

(Giggles) ta da!

(Giggling) yippee!

Mouse, you did it!

You mean we did it!

And we didn't need rabbit's help after all!

I'm twirly!

I'm hoppy!

(Goofy laughter)



Would you like to come out and play?

(Wiggly's voice) oh yes!

(Giggling) I love this game!



Mousewe have a surprise for you.

You found the strawberries!


They were behind a big prickly bush.

We tried going under it and through it,

But that didn't work.

So finally I concentrated really hard,

And it came to me;

I had to go over it!

Rabbitover it? Wow!

I never would've thought of that.

How'd you do it?

I made an invention.

Just like one of yours!


Thanks, mouse.

Thanks, hazel.

So... Does hoppy like strawberries?

He sure does!



(Nibbling sounds)

So... Mmm...

That's how we did it!


When I stopped wondering what rabbit would do

And concentrated on the problem instead,

I solved it!

And when rabbit concentrated,

He finally learned thunder's game.

And it's a really fun game!

I'm twirly!


(Playful giggling)

Rabbitthat's carrotastic!

I love this game!