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02x01 - Hamilton Blows His Horn/The Big Cheese/Roll Over Archie

Posted: 03/14/24 17:49
by bunniefuu
(Upbeat music)

♪ Maggie and the Ferocious Beast in Nowhere Land ♪

♪ To Nowhere Land

♪ Come along if you can

♪ Hey ho, come on, let’s go to Nowhere Land ♪

♪ With Maggie and the Ferocious Beast ♪

Great Googly Moogly!

MAGGIEHamilton Blows His Horn.


Great Googly Moogly, Hamilton, calm down!

How do you know today is the day?

Oh, I just know this’ll be the day!

You said that yesterday.

Yes I know, but I can hope.

Well, I don’t know why you’re so excited.

Oh, Beast.

This is something I really want to do!

It’s just going to mean a lot of work.



Hi, Maggie.

(Maggie grunting)

Maggie, I can’t believe it.

This is the day, this is the day!

Let’s see.

Oh, Maggie, it’s beautiful!

I can’t wait to get started.

Did you bring the lesson book?

It’s right here.




I’m all set.

Well, let’s hear how it sounds.





Here I go!

Go ahead.

(Horn bleating)


Ooh, Hamilton, you broke your trombone.

No he didn’t, Beast.

Oh thank you, Maggie.

You’re welcome.

I’ll try again.

(Horn bleating)

I think you discovered a new note, Hamilton.


I’ll try again.

(Horn bleating)

You’re right Maggie, that must be a new note.

I never heard it before.

Please don’t disturb me.

I’m going to practice.




(Horn bleating)

(Horn bleating)

Do you think he’ll ever stop?


Do you think he’ll ever stop?

I sure hope so!


Never mind!


BOTHHi, Rudy!

What is that noise?

(Horn bleating) Everybody in Nowhere Land is complaining.

I stopped to see if one of the Moo Sisters was sick.

It’s Hamilton.

What’s wrong with him?

He’s learning to play the trombone.

Hm, maybe he should consider switching to the triangle.



Rudy’s here.

Wait, Rudy!

I’ll show you my trombone.

(Horn bleating)



(Gasping) Rudy, I’m sorry!

Are you all right?

I’m okay.

Let’s go exploring.

Get out your map, Maggie.

Great Googly Moogly.

And Hamilton can give his trombone a rest.

How about it, Hamilton?

No, I’d better stay here and practice.

I don’t know, Hamilton.

Maybe you should come along.

You don’t want to wear out your trombone.

HAMILTONSee you later!

(Sighing) I don’t really feel like exploring.

I have a headache.

Me too.
[ … ]

I feel like my head has a big trom-bosis.

(Horn bleating)

(Sighing) There he goes again!

I have an idea!

Don’t move, I'll be right back.

(Horn bleating)

This feels good.

Thanks, Maggie.

Yeah, thanks Maggie.

(Sighing) You’re welcome!



MAGGIEIt’s stopped.

Maggie is right.

Maybe Hamilton’s polishing his trombone.

Let’s see!

Where’s Hamilton?



Where are you?


Are you in there?

He must be in there.

Why doesn’t he answer?

Come on, Hamilton!

What’s going on?

Hamilton, what’s wrong?

Ooh, I can’t play the trombone.

We already figured that out.

(Sniffling) It’s giving me terrible pains in my head.

You too?

Beast, please.


I didn’t mean anything, Hamilton.

Honestly, I didn’t.

Oh it’s all right, Beast.

I guess I gave myself a headache,

and I gave you one too.

I did so want to play the trombone.

MAGGIEDon’t be sad, Hamilton.

Perhaps your musical instrument is your voice.

Do you really think so?

Without a doubt!

That’s true, Hamilton.

♪ Paper flowers bloom on the walls of my room ♪

♪ When I sing my song

Come on!

(Hamilton giggling)

♪ I can drive away the gloom, bring the sun into my room ♪

♪ When I sing my song

♪ When it’s dark and there’s no light ♪

♪ In my lonely room at night

♪ I just sing and soon it seems ♪

♪ There’s moonbeams spilling through ♪

♪ My window and to you

♪ I sing my song


I guess I’ll forget about the trombone,

and practice my singing.

ALLGood idea, Hamilton!


Oh. (Laughing)

MAGGIERudy and the Big Cheese.

MAGGIELook, Hamilton! We’re in Cheese Land.

Great Googly Mooglies!

That’s too much Swiss cheese, even for me.


Listen, what’s that? VOICEHelp!

It sounds like it’s coming from the Swiss cheese!


Somebody’s in trouble!

I’m going to have a better look.



(Hamilton grunting)

MAGGIEHamilton, please be careful!


Can you see anything?


Nothing in here.



What is it, Hamilton?

It’s Rudy!

I think he’s hurt.

Hey, let me go!

RUDYPut me down!

Put me down.

Put me down!

Put him down right here.

Ow, ow!


Gee Rudy, it sure is a good thing

your hat doesn’t come off.

Beast, please move out of the way.

Tell me where it hurts, Rudy.

It’s my boot, I mean my leg.

His boots don’t come off either!

Shh, please be quiet, Beast.

[ … ]

Is it broken, Maggie?

That’s silly, Hamilton.

How could he break his boot?

We can’t leave him here on the ground.

I have an idea.

I’ll be right back.

Does it still hurt, Rudy?


Listen to me, Rudy.

I know your boot, uh, I mean your leg hurts.

But it isn’t broken.

I want you to rest a while, and later this afternoon,

you must try walking on it.

We don’t want it to stiffen up.

Oh no, I couldn’t possibly.

It hurts too much.

You’ll be just fine.

Later we might try some black crayon to fix up that boot.


My doll stroller?

That’s perfect!

I know.

Be careful, please!

Don’t bump my boot, I mean, my leg.

Great Googly Moogly, Rudy!

It looks like it was made for you.

Are you comfy?

Yes, thank you.


Could I possibly have a bite to eat?

I’ll fix you something.

What would you like?

Maybe a small grilled cheese?




Will you cut off the crust?




Do you have any cake?

I have some chocolate layer cake

with butterscotch cream icing.

Hm, maybe just a small slice.

Okay, anything else?

I guess not.




RUDYI’ll need something to wash it down with.

How about some of your famous blueberry tea?

All right.


Phew, it’s hot.

Would you like me to push you over to a shady spot?

Oh yes, thank you.

How’s that?

Oh, better.

Where is Hamilton?

I’m feeling a little faint.

Where’s the food?

Here you are, Rudy.

Everything you asked for.


Great Googly Mooglies, Maggie.

I did so want to visit Turkey Town today.

Beast, keep your voice down, Rudy’s napping.

Yes, Beast.

Let Rudy sleep, please.

After a second slice of cake, I need a break.

Turkey Town will have to wait for another day.

As soon as Rudy wakes up, we must get him to walk.



Oh, Rudy!

Did you have a nice nap?

Huh, I guess so.

I don’t remember.

How is your boot, I mean your leg feeling?

It’s still very sore.

You should start to walk on it soon,

or it will stiffen up.

No, no, no!

MAGGIERudy, if you won’t walk for us,

I’ll just have to get Dr. Mouseinhouse.

Maybe you’ll walk for him.

Climb on, Maggie.

We’ll go find him.

I’m not getting out of this stroller!

I’ll be in my box for a short time.

Just call if you need me.


(Bird squawking)



Ow, ow.

Boy, it’s easy to tell me to start walking.

They don’t have a sore boot, I mean leg.


That sounds like Hamilton.
[ … ]

Hamilton, is that you?


HAMILTONI’m stuck, please!




What’s wrong?

HAMILTONPlease help!


Don’t worry, Hamilton, I’m coming!


Hamilton, why are you hanging on the wall?

HAMILTONMy sweater got caught

on a hook when I jumped in!

Do you think you can unhook me?

HAMILTONOh, be careful, Rudy.

RUDYI will.

Hold still!

I think I got it.


Whew, thank--

Rudy, you’re walking!


We couldn’t find Dr. Mouseinhouse.

(Gasping) You’re walking, Rudy, you’re walking!

Did it hurt when you walked?

I don’t remember.

I only knew my friend Hamilton was in trouble,

and there was nobody here but me to help him.

My sweater got caught on a hook inside my box,

and Rudy rescued me!

Great Googly Moogly, Rudy, that was very brave.

It certainly was!

It was nothing, really.

But walking on my sore boot, I mean leg, made me hungry.

It’s almost time for supper.

I’ll whip us up something special.


And while you do that, I’ll polish Rudy's leg.

I mean, his boot.

MAGGIE Roll Over Archie.

We’re going to Turkey Town, we’re going to Turkey Town!

HAMILTONWhy do you always want to Turkey Town?

BEASTBecause we never get there.

Something always happens.

Besides, I like turkeys.

Beast, turn a bit to the left.

We should be coming to a peppermint stick fence.


That sounds interesting.

I love peppermint.

I think I’ll just help myself to a picket or two.

We’d better find out why the fence is there

before you start helping yourself, Beast.


There it is!

Great Googly Mooglies, it looks delicious!

They’ll never miss a few pickets. (Munching)

Careful, Beast.

That fence must be there to keep

that Scottie dog from running away.

Hello, Scottie dog!

He certainly isn’t very friendly.

Look, Maggie!

Beast has eaten a hole in the fence.

Come on, let’s get a little closer.

Nice doggy.


He’s a cute little dog.

Well, I think he’s rude.



Tumbling Teddy Bears!

I don’t think he's rude at all.


Hamilton, look!

(Bagpipe music playing) (Dog barking)

Oh, thank you, lassie.

I’m Archie.

I’m sorry I ate some of the peppermint stick

pickets on your fence.

I love peppermint!

Think nothing of it, lad.

They fence me in with peppermint sticks so I won’t run away.

Now, I’ll do my tricks. (Barking)

Watch me roll over! (Barking)


Now, a backflip. (Barking)

(Bagpipe music stops)

(Gasping) Goodness, are you all right, Archie?

I guess so, lassie.

But I could use a bit of help.

Oh, thank you kindly.

That never happened before.

I’ll try it again.

(Bagpipe music playing) (Barking)

Go ahead.

I will, lad, I will.


Oh, Archie!
[ … ]

Are you all right?

(Bagpipe music slowing)

Would you be giving me a bit of help?

I don’t know what's wrong with me.

Getting ooold, I guessss. (Bagpipe music fading out)

Poor Archie!

What do you suppose is wrong with him, Maggie?

I think he needs new batteries.

HAMILTONOh, oh, I have new batteries!

Wait, I’ll get them.

Thanks, Hamilton.

There, brand new batteries.

Now all I have to do is flip his switch.


Go ahead.

(Barking) (Bagpipe music playing)


Oh, you want to see me do my tricks?

Here I go!


Archie, slow down, please!


What are you looking for?

My ball, my ball, oh, where’s my ball?

Here it is, catch it!

I’ll get it, I'll get it!


Oh, Maggie, Maggie, throw it to me, throw it to me!

I’ll get it, I'll get it, I’ll get it!


Oh, he’s making me dizzy!

Throw it again, please, oh please, oh please?

Let me throw it this time.



That’ll keep him busy for awhile.

Let’s have lunch while Archie’s chasing the ball.

Good idea.

I’ll get the basket.

(Slurping) Ah!

Beast, I thought you were hungry?

Hm, what?

Hamilton just wondered why you weren’t hungry.

Don’t you think Archie should be back by now?

I was thinking the same thing, Maggie.


I guess we’d better start looking.

Let’s go.

I knew it, I just knew it.

Once again, we’re not going to make it to Turkey Town.

No sign of Archie yet.

My goodness, Beast.

How far did you throw that ball?

I didn’t mean it.

I just wanted a little peace and quiet.

Don’t worry, we'll find him.

(Bagpipe music playing) Shh, listen!

I hear him!


I can’t get the ball, I can’t get the ball, ooh!

There he is!

I can’t get the ball, I can’t get the ball,

I can’t get the ball! (Growling)

Ooh! (Barking)

HAMILTONHold on, Archie.

I’ll get your ball!

Oh, thank you, thank you.

Throw it again!

No, we have to go back and get our things.

Oh, fine!

I’ll race you back!



Please, Archie!

We don’t have time to play now!

Oh, watch me roll over.

Here I go!

Settle down, Archie!


(Bagpipe music stopping)

(All sighing)

That wasn’t very nice of us.

Yeah, maybe we shouldn’t have turned him off like that.

(Bagpipe music playing)

Why did you turn me off like that?

Well, we didn’t want you to wear yourself out.

Oh, I’m sorry, I'm sorry.

Are we ready to go?

It’s time for us to go now.

Oh, too bad, it’s been fun.

But don’t forget to turn me off before you leave.

We’ll come back to see you soon.

(Bagpipe music fading out)

Are we ready?

Goodbye, Archie. (Sighing)

Let’s go!

(Beast moans)

(Giggling) What’s wrong, Beast?

Once again, we didn’t make it to Turkey Town!
