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01x13 - Hamilton's Box Car/Happy Birthday to All of Us/The Really Big Show

Posted: 03/14/24 17:45
by bunniefuu

♪ Maggie and the Ferocious Beast ♪

♪ In Nowhere Land

♪ To Nowhere Land

♪ Come along if you can

♪ Hey-ho come on

♪ Let’s go to Nowhere Land ♪

♪ With Maggie

♪ And the Ferocious Beast

Great googly moogly!

(Sawing, banging noises)



Can I see what you’re doing now?


But you’ve been back there all day!

Why can’t I see what you’re doing?


Because why?

Because I don’t want you to.

I said no!

You can see it when it’s finished.

Oh good, here’s Maggie.

Now we can go to the beach.

Hi, Maggie!

Hi, Beast! Where’s Hamilton?

(Squeaking) And what’s that noise?

He’s over there.


And he doesn’t want to be disturbed.

Hi, Maggie! I’m making something.

May I see it?

No, no! Don’t come over here!

It’s a surprise!

Do you know what it is, Beast?


He’s been back there all day.

He won’t tell me what he’s doing,

and he won’t let me see anything.

Come on, Hamilton!

Show us what you’re making!

HAMILTONIn a minute!


All right. Get ready.

Here I come!



Great googly moogly.

Well, what do you think?

Gee, Hamilton, it’s beautiful!

Beast, what do you think?

It’s very nice.

May I drive it?

Maybe someday, but right now I’m still breaking it in.

Oh, all right.

Let’s go to the beach.

I love the beach!



Don’t you want to go to the beach?

Sure, only... I’ll meet you there.

I’m going to drive there myself.

You mean you aren’t coming with us?

That won’t be any fun.

If that’s what Hamilton wants,

we’ll just meet him at the beach.

I’m going to take the road.

It’s the long way to the beach,

but I’ll be going so fast I just might beat you there.


Let’s go.


Beast, don’t be sad.

Come on.

(Seagulls cawing)

I don’t see Hamilton.

He’s probably still driving.

Come on!








Whoa... whoa-a-a!






Hey, wait!





Let’s do that again!


That was great!

Still no Hamilton?
[ … ]


Don’t worry, he’ll make it.


That should do it.

Here, I brought us some cookies to nibble on.

No thank you, I’m not hungry.

You, not hungry?

What’s wrong?

I miss Hamilton.

Where do you suppose he is?

He’s probably having so much fun in his car

that he forgot about the beach.

And us.

Oh, Hamilton would never forget about us, Beast.

We’re his best friends.




Whoa, whoa!


My car!


It’s getting late.

Maybe we should start home?

Let’s take the road back.

Maybe we’ll see Hamilton.

Can you see him?

Not yet.

Oh, wait a minute!

There he is, by the side of the road.



Hamilton, are you all right?

Hi, Maggie. Hi, Beast.

I was going too fast, and went off the road

and hit a bush, and everything came apart.

We waited and waited, and you never came.

We were worried!

I didn’t know you built your racer

around that old tricycle.

And you made this out of cardboard?

It was all I had.

Maybe we can fix it.

I just wanna go home.

I’m so tired.

It wasn’t easy pedaling that thing,

and I’ve been trying to fix it, and, and...


I thought I was Mr. Fancypants with my very own racer.

I should’ve known that the best way

to get around Nowhere Land is by Ferocious Beast.


May I have a ride back home?

Climb on.

But what about my tricycle?

Climb on, Hamilton.

I can take care of it.

We’ll have to come back later for the rest of the stuff.


Ready, Beast?

Try not to hit any bumps.

Poor Hamilton is asleep.

Here we go.

Am I really the best way to get around Nowhere Land, Maggie?

You sure are, Beast.

(Hamilton snoring)

Plates, forks, glasses...

Party hats, lemonade...

You made a cake, didn’t you, Hamilton?

Hmm, I think that’s everything.

I’m sorry, did you say something?


What about cake?

Right, the cake!


Thank goodness.

Happy birthday, Hamilton!

Happy birthday, Beast!

BOTHHappy birthday, Maggie!


Oh, I just love birthday parties!

Maggie, why do we all have the same birthday?

Because we all arrived at my house on the same day.

I suppose.

I’ll get my presents.


Why is Hamilton walking so funny?


It’s because of his new shoes.

MAGGIEThey sure are big.

He looks like he’s going to fall over.

I think he’s trying to look taller.


Whoa! (Crashing)

Be careful, Hamilton!

Are you all right?

Of course.

I just lost my balance.

Your presents look so beautiful.

Did you bring presents, Beast?
[ … ]

Yes, I left them over there.

Well, put them on the table with the others.

They don’t look as nice as yours.

That doesn’t matter, Beast.

We know you have trouble with wrapping paper.

And tape, especially tape.






They look very nice, Beast.

Let’s open them up now.

No, not yet!

We have to...

We have to put on our party hats!

Now let’s open our presents!

No, we can’t!

We can’t open them until we play...

pin the tail on the donkey!

Who’s first?


Okay, I’ll go.

Now spin her around, Hamilton.


Not this way.


Do you want to try?

No, I just want to open my presents.

Okay, let’s open them.

How about a nice game of hide and seek?

Or... checkers?

That one is my present to you.

I’ll open it first.

Oh, careful, Maggie!

Save the paper!


They’re beautiful!

Look, Beast cookies!

I know!

Hamilton made me pose for them.

Now open my present to you, Beast.

Whoa, Maggie cookies!

Thank you, thank you, Hamilton.

Now open your presents from me!

A mirror!

Oh, I’ve always wanted my very own mirror!

Thank you, Maggie.

Now I can practice being ferocious.




Oh, a real detective hat!

How do I look?

That hat is you, Hamilton!

Well, that’s done.

Time for cake!

Where did the other presents go?

The ones from the Beast.

They’re not very good presents.

You probably won’t like them.

So that’s why you didn't want to open the presents.

Don’t worry, Beast.

I’m sure we’ll like them.


Oh, they’re beautiful!

I wanted to make you a seashell necklace,

but I couldn’t string them together.

It was too hard.


(Gasping) A box of apples!

I’m... I'm sorry, Hamilton,

but I couldn’t think of anything else.

I... I thought you could make a pie with them.

And I will!

These are beautiful apples.

Look, Maggie, each one is perfect!

You spent a lot of time picking out each one,

didn’t you, Beast?

Yes, all afternoon.

You went to a lot of trouble.

Thank you, Beast.


You’re welcome, Hamilton.

You really outdid yourself, Beast.

Thank you!


You’re welcome!

Now let’s cut the cake!

Time for cake!


Whoa, whoa!


Hamilton, why are you wearing those funny shoes?

Well, it’s our birthday, and you’ve grown taller,

but I’m just the same.

Maybe you haven’t grown taller,

but you’ve gotten much wiser.


You were very nice to the Beast about his gift.
[ … ]

You made him feel better.

Now, Hamilton, take off those crazy shoes

and let’s have a party!


Oh, that’s better.

Who wants cake?


Here you go, Maggie.

Thank you.

Is that one mine?

No, Beast, this one is yours!


Great googly moogly!

Thanks, Hamilton!

Wait, I have one more thing to say.

Happy birthday to us!

ALLHappy birthday to us!


Hamilton the Magnificent!

For my first trick, I need a volunteer from the audience.

Very good.

Step right up, Miss.

What do you see inside this hat?


Nothing, it’s empty.






I need an audience.

Where’s the Beast?

You need a bigger audience than just us.

Why don’t we invite some of our friends over?

We can put on a show together.

I’ll recite a poem.

And I can learn some brand new tricks.

Do you really think they’ll come?

Who? Who’s coming?

Our friends.

We’re going to put on a show,

and invite everyone to come and see it.

I’m doing magic tricks, and Maggie’s reciting a poem.

Oh goodie!

I want to do something too!

I’ll dance!

This will be great.

I’d better get to work on my poem.

See you later!

I’ve got to learn some new tricks.


I’ll practice, too.




You’re shaking everything.

I have to practice.

I need to concentrate.



I won’t bother anyone here.


Whoa, stop, stop!

Beast, what are you doing?


Do you know any dances that don’t involve so much...

jumping around?

I don’t know any dances at all.

I was just making it up.

Well, I could teach you a dance that’s a little more graceful.

Where did you learn to dance?

Oh, lots of places.

I’ve traveled all over the world.

How would you like to learn

an exotic dance from a far away land?

Oh, yes!

But let’s practice a little further away from my house, hmm?


Look, Maggie, my magician’s cape.

You’ll really be Hamilton the Magnificent in that.


I invited the Moo Sisters to come,

and Nedley, and the Big Duck.

Oh, and the Jellybean Team too.


That’s a big audience.

Don’t worry, Hamilton.

You’ll be magnificent!

Hamilton the Magnificent, then Maggie’s poem,

and then the Beast has a special surprise.

Oh, they’re all here.

All of them!

Now, Hamilton, don’t be scared.

Just go out and have fun.

B-but where’s the Beast?

Don’t worry, he’ll be here.

Go ahead, you’re first.

Hey, what’s the hold up?

Let’s get this show on the road.

[ … ]


(Light clapping)

Uh, ladies and, um, gentlemen,

I am Hamilton the Magnificent.

We can’t hear you!

I’m Hamilton the Magnificent!

We still can’t hear you!

I’m Hamilton the Magnificent!


Oh... oh dear.


(Drum roll)


Bravo! Amazing!

For my next trick, I need a volunteer.

Oh, me! Pick me!

All right, come on up here.


Look in the hat.

What do you see?

Nothing, it’s empty.

(Drum roll)



Thank you, thank you very much!

How did you get in there?

I don’t know.

(Clearing throat)

My name is Maggie, and I’ve written a rhyme.

Hamilton helped, so it isn’t all mine.

We invited dear Nedley, our favorite hare.

If you don’t know him, he’s sitting right there.

Our friend, the Big Duck, is a kind of a bird.

She doesn’t talk much, she knows only one word.


The Moo Sisters are here. Millicent, Mavis, and Marge.

Their voices are lovely, their hearts are quite large.

Our colorful friends, the Jellybean Team,

are the loudest jellybeans I ever have seen.


I went to see Sidestep, he wasn’t at home.

So he isn’t here, but he’s still in my poem.

And so to our friends, from rabbit to cow,

thank you for listening, it’s time for my bow.



Ahem, your attention, please.


Presenting, for the very first time ever,

the Ferocious Dancing Beast!







(Cheering, applauding)
