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01x08 - Three Little Ghosts/The King of Nowhere Land/The Big Scare

Posted: 03/14/24 17:42
by bunniefuu

♪ Maggie and the Ferocious Beast ♪

♪ In Nowhere Land

♪ To Nowhere Land

♪ Come along if you can

♪ Hey, ho, come on let’s go to Nowhere Land ♪

♪ With Maggie and the Ferocious Beast ♪

♪ Great googly moogly!

(Owl hooting)








MAGGIEOooh, ooh!


(Owl hooting)

(Owl hooting)

(Owl hooting)



Who said that?

OWLHoo! That’s right, who said that?

(Owl hooting)


Oh, it’s you.


You, that’s who.

I’m gonna scare my friends, if I can find them.



HAMILTONWhere can they be?


MAGGIEHmm, where can they be?


(All screaming)


MAGGIEBeast? Hamilton?

BOTHHuh? Maggie?

It’s me!


Was I scary, Maggie?


(Laughing) Very scary.


HAMILTONWhat’s wrong, Maggie?

Oh, nothing. Must have been my imagination.

(Owl hooting)

What was that?

That was an owl.

Yes, I thought that’s what it was.


BEASTHey Maggie, Hamilton,

look how the clouds move across the moon,

giving him a smiling face and then a really creepy one.

MAGGIETumblin’ teddy bears, you’re right, Beast.

It was only the clouds that made him look scary.

I knew it was only the clouds.

(Owl hooting)



Gee, Hamilton, you’re not afraid of a little old owl, are you?

Of course not.

He just startled me.

♪ When there’s nobody around ♪

♪ And you hear a funny sound

♪ And you’re sure there's something underneath your bed ♪

♪ Don’t be frightened, shout out, "Boo!" ♪

♪ And you’ll find what’s spooking you ♪

♪ Is just something that you made up in your head ♪

♪ Sing a song or hum a tune

♪ And you’ll find that, very soon ♪

♪ All your fears are sure to fade away ♪






(Maggie giggling)

(Ghost noises)






GHOSTBoo to Maggie and Hamilton Hocks!

Boo to the Beast scared out of his socks!



He knows our names.

GHOSTDid I really hear you say

that all your fears have gone away?

I think it was the Beast who said that.
[ … ]

It was in the song.

I-- what I meant was--

We’re mostly not afraid.


GHOSTThen you admit it’s true

that I frighten you!



(Ghost noises)

Excuse me, but your voice sounds familiar.

I don’t think you’re a ghost at all.

GHOSTI’ll say it once more and I don’t mean to boast

but I am really and truly a ghost!

Maggie, please be careful.

Did you notice he talks in rhymes?


You’re right.

Gosh, I couldn’t fool you, Maggie.

HAMILTONI knew it was you all along.

I didn’t.

You sure scared me, Nedly.

(Laughing) I almost scared myself!


♪ When there’s nobody around ♪

♪ And you hear a funny sound

♪ And you’re sure there's something underneath your bed ♪

♪ Don’t be frightened, shout out, "Boo!" ♪

♪ And you’ll find what’s spooking you ♪

♪ Is just something that you made up in your head ♪

♪ Sing a song or hum a tune

♪ And you’ll find that, very soon ♪

♪ All your fears are sure to fade away ♪

Great googly mooglies!

Let’s go and find somebody else to scare.

Good idea!

MAGGIEOne more practice "boo."



(Owl hooting)



(All laughing)

(Owl hooting)

I wish Maggie would get here.

HAMILTONPlease, stop stomping around.

It’s hard to read.

I’m not stomping, I’m just walking.

It wouldn’t shake if you’d stand still.

But I don’t want to stand still.

Walking around in circles

won’t make Maggie get here any sooner.

I don’t care.

I feel like walking anyway.

Hi, Maggie!

Here she is! Hi, Maggie!

MAGGIEHi, Hamilton! Hi, Beast!

Look what I brought.

HAMILTONIsn’t that beautiful!


Oh, it’s so soft.

And look at this.


I brought all this so we can play.

Can I be the king, then? Please?

Okay, but we’ll have to crown you first.

Why does Hamilton get to be the king?

I want to be the King.

We’ll all take turns.

Hamilton can be the king today

and you can be the king tomorrow.

And you’ll be the king the day after that.

It’s a deal!

Right, Hamilton?

Hm? Yes, all right.

Let’s get started.

We’ll need a throne.

Beast, run and get the chair

inside my box.

Oh, all right.




You shouldn’t do that to me! I’m the King!

You’re not king yet.

(Maggie clearing throat)

Let’s begin the crowning of King Hamilton.

HAMILTONI’m ready!

Hamilton, you stand in front of us.

When I start to hum the music,

we all march slowly to the chair.

Are we ready?

(Sounds of approval)

(Humming "Wedding March")

Uh, isn’t that wedding music?

It works for kings, too.

♪ Dum, dum, dee, dum

♪ Dum, dum--

[ … ]

(Humming "Wedding March")

Your royal robe.

Your royal sceptre.

I now crown you...

King Hamilton of Nowhere Land.

Your Majesty.

(Clearing throat)

Oh, Your Maje--

Oops, oof! (Squealing)

I beg your Royal pardon, Your Majesty.


Hail to the King!

Come on, Beast. Hail to the King.

Hail to the King!

BOTHHail to the King!

Thank you.

Please kneel before me, loyal subject.

Yes, Your Majesty.

(Clearing throat)

I now name you...

Lady Maggie.

Thank you, Your Highness.

Now me, now me!

First I must sit on my royal throne,

for my royal bottom grows weary.

No, Beast!

Oof! Beast!

Here, Hamilton, let me help you.

Thank you, Lady Maggie.

I was just cleaning it off for you, your Royalness.


HAMILTONKneel, oh mighty Beast.

I now appoint you Lord Ferocious.

Thank you, Your Majesty.

Great googly moogly!

Lord Ferocious!

What do we do now?


Why are you asking Maggie? I’m the King!

Okay, what do we do now, Hamilton?

It’s "Highness."

Terribly sorry.

What do we do now, Your Highness?

I-- I don’t know.


What should we do now?

To celebrate your crowning, we will dance!

Oh, good idea!

But not you, you’re the King.

We’ll dance and you’ll watch.


Hail to King Hamilton!

Hail to King Hamilton! Hail to King Hamilton!

Hail to King Hamilton! Hail to King Hamilton!


Your Royal Highness, may I make a suggestion?

Yes, Lord Ferocious?

Perhaps, to celebrate your crowning,

we should have something to eat.

Oh yes, we must have a feast!

I, Lord Ferocious, would like some pie.

May we have Your Majesty’s permission

to pick some apples for a pie?

Sure, let’s go!

(Beast clearing throat)

Where do you think you’re going?

To pick apples.

Kings don’t pick apples.

You have to stay here and sit on your Royal bottom,

on your Royal throne.

He’s right.

Your Majesty, we will pick the apples

and bring them to you.

It’s no fun being king.

I don’t want to be king anymore.


What will you do with the apples you pick?

We’ll bring them here so that you can bake us a--


So I can bake you a pie?


But I am the King and kings don’t bake pies.

So if you want me to bake a pie,

I guess I should give up my kingship.

But Hamilton, don’t you want to play anymore?

Make up your minds. Do you want a King or a pie?

A pie!

Let’s go!

I’ll race you to the apple tree!





(Squealing) Oh, Maggie! You scared me.


Where’s the Beast?

I don’t know. Beast?
[ … ]

Beast, Maggie’s here!

Come out, come out, wherever you are!


(Gasping) Sorry.

Hey, watch it!

MAGGIEWhat’s wrong, Beast?


Then why are you acting so strange?

Nothing’s wrong. I'm fine.

You look like you saw something scary.

HAMILTONYeah, like a ghost or something. Did you see a ghost?

A ghost?

If I saw a ghost I’d chase him right out of Nowhere Land!


MAGGIEWow Beast, that’s very brave!

I’d run away!

So would I.

No little old ghost can scare me.

But something scared you.

What was it?

I can’t tell you.

Sure you can, Beast.

No, you’ll laugh.

We won’t laugh.


Yes, cross my heart. Now tell us.


No, I just can’t!

We won’t laugh, promise!

It’s out there.

What is?


A mouse!

A mouse?

A mouse?

A mouse!

You, the Ferocious Beast,

are afraid of a little itsy bitsy mousey?


You promised not to laugh!

(Whistling squeakily)

What is it?



Hey, let me go! Put me down!

Oh, sorry!


Beast, oh Beast!


There you are.

Come on back. He won’t hurt you.

HAMILTONIt’s just a mouse.

A tiny little mouse.

An itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, mouse.


MAGGIENo, no, no! Shh!

Don’t be afraid, he won’t hurt you.

Phew, you scared me!

Well, you scared me!

I scared you?

But you’re so big!

And you’re so--

so mousey!

What does that mean?

I don’t know exactly.

But whenever I see a mouse with their long skinny tails,

I feel all squirmy inside.

I just want to run!

I’m sorry, I guess,

but I really can’t help how I look.

Could you please?

(Gasping) Oh, I’m terribly sorry.

We don’t mean to be unfriendly.

This is Hamilton Hocks and I’m Maggie.

What’s your name?

I’m Pippy. Who's the big fella with the polka dots?

I’m the Ferocious Beast.


Well, that’s why I was scared of you.

Because you’re ferocious!

You really thought I was ferocious?

Gee, thanks.

Where did you get the neat hat?

I’ve always had it.

Could I try it on?

It’s much too small for you.

It wouldn’t fit on the tip of your horn.

Besides, it doesn’t come off.

Excuse me?

I said it doesn’t come off.

It’s glued to my head.



Let me try.

Hey, stop! Stop!

Oops! Oh, I’m sorry!

I been running into old spotty, here, all day.

And running away from him.

I’m tired! And lost.
[ … ]

I’ve completely forgotten my manners.

May I fix you some lunch?

Why yes, thank you.

I’ll be right back.

Now, let’s see.

You say you’re lost.

Hm, we’re right here.

Where do you live?

I live in Cheeseland, right next to Trout Pond.

Here it is!

MAGGIEGood! If you follow the path that way,

you’re sure to find it!

PIPPYGee, thanks!

I’ll go after I have a little lunch.

And rest my sore feet.

BEASTWhy don’t you kick your boots off and relax?

They don’t come off.

Your boots don’t come off either?


You mean you’ve never seen your feet?


Hey Hamilton, guess what?

Pippy’s boots don't come off, just like his hat!

Isn’t that interesting?

Yes, Beast. Here’s some lunch.

And be sure to drink your milk.


where did you get that lovely little silver glass?

It’s my sewing thimble.

BEASTYou know, I’m not afraid of Pippy anymore.

Or his tail!

MAGGIEThat’s good.

Haha, scared ya!

(Laughing) No, you didn’t!

Well, I’m all done. And you know what?


I’m not afraid of the big guy either,

not anymore.

He’s only ferocious until you get to know him.

I could give you a ride home if you’re still tired.

PIPPYSure, that would be great!

Thanks, Mr. Ferocious.

Oh, just call me Beast. That’s what my friends call me.

Okay, Beast.

He’s not scary. I think he’s cute.

It’s just too bad that his hat and his boots don’t come off.

It doesn’t seem to bother him.

Oh, and it doesn’t bother me.

I just think it’s-- odd.

Well, let’s get going and take Pippy home.

All set?