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01x18 - Birdie Bonk/Badou on the Ball

Posted: 03/13/24 21:47
by bunniefuu
♪ Boom-shee-boom shee-boom
boom-boom-boom ♪

♪ Boom-shee-boom shee-boom
boom-boom-boom ♪

♪ Explore the jungle,
swing from vines ♪

♪ Climb a mountain,
run with lions ♪

♪ Secret tunnels
and ancient ruins ♪

♪ Don't you worry
we'll be there soon ♪

♪ Tusktastic! ♪

♪ That's what you say ♪

♪ When you're having
a thumpin' day ♪

♪ Tusktastic! ♪

♪ Hip hip hooray! ♪

♪ Get ready for
a thumping day ♪

♪ Boom-shee-boom shee-boom
boom-boom-boom ♪

♪ Boom-shee-boom shee-boom
boom-boom-boom ♪

♪ Ears a' flapping,
now don't be late ♪

♪ We've got new memories
to make ♪

♪ Adventure calling
from near and far ♪

♪ In the kingdom of king babar ♪

♪ Tusktastic! ♪

♪ That's what you say ♪

♪ When you're having
a thumpin' day ♪

♪ Tusktastic! ♪

♪ Hip hip hooray! ♪

♪ Get ready for
a thumping day! ♪

♪ Boom-shee-boom shee-boom
boom-boom-boom! ♪

[Grunts of effort]

Five points!
You guys win!

Team thunderclap wins!

Tusk-tastic sh*t, dad!

Thanks, partner.

Great game everyone!

looks like you two
have a thumpin' good chance

Of winning the birdie
bonk-a-thon tomorrow.

hah! You'll have to get
past our team first.

The croco kings!

Last year's birdie bonk
champions, remember?

How could we forget,

You rub it in every
chance you get.

I still think you cheated.

badou! The birdie bonk-a-thon
is supposed to be a fun -

Whooooah! Ooof!

dad! Oh no!

Ooh. I'm okay.

where'd this oil
come from?

Oopsie! Our bottle of
tail-tan oil leaked.

Dad, are you sure
you're all right?

Sure, son, I -

Oh no!

how is he, 'bu?
How's your dad?

He twisted his knee.

He won't be able to play
in the tournament now.

I bet the crocs spilled
that oil on purpose!

We can't let 'em
win that way!

But I need a partner
to play with!

Ms. Strich:
of course it's the use
of two - sometimes three -

Racquets that makes
the game unique.

I didn't know she was such
a birdie bonk expert!

A skilled player combines
strength and power

With grace and-

Badou: ms. Strich!
Ms. Strich: whaaaaa!

Oh... Oh. Aahh!

ms. Strich, would you
like to be my partner

For the birdie bonk-a-thon?

Moi? I've always wanted to
learn how to play birdie bonk!

You've never played?


But you sounded like
a real expert.

I recently read,
"the history of birdie bonk".

You know how much
I love history! [Giggles]

I'll borrow some racquets

And meet you at the courts
for my first lesson!

And don't forget the sunscreen!


To serve, you toss
the birdie in the air,

Bonk it
with your racquet,

And follow-through
with the swing!


Oh! What did I do wrong?
Be honest.

You got the toss
and the follow-through,

But not the bonk.

Got it. Je comprend!


Oopsie again!
Oh, I'm sorry, dear!

Uhh, why don't we practice
returning a few lobs.

Ms. Strich:
[gasps] what is that?

it's my birdie bonk blunderbuss
practice cannon.

Coooool, huh?

Manifique, chiku!



Remember, bonk it!

Of course!

I'm ready now, chiku.
Let it rrrriiiip!



Ooh! Ooh!

Ahhh! Ohhh!



Excellent, jake!
Nice follow-through.

maybe jake can teach
ms. Strich.

The coaching's
not going well?


I didn't know teaching
was so hard.

Maybe you should take
a lesson from the expert.

How does ms. Strich teach
you a new subject?

Well, I guess she starts
with something

That I already know and
we kinda go from there.

You could try that.

Ms. Strich:
yoo hoo, prince badou!

I'm still having a teensy bit
of difficulty with my serve.

Perhaps what I need
is a third racquet!


Impeccable form.

For a moment
he reminded me

Of the imperious general pamir
who led the rhino army-

Ms. Strich,
we should focus on-

General who?

Pamir. When he would address
his rhino troops,

He would strike a...
Well, a rather snooty pose.

Start with something
you already know.

C'mon, ms. Strich!
We don't have a lot of time!

Ms. Strich, you love history,

Well, sometimes to return
a high sh*t,

You have to stand tall
and snooty...

Like general pamir!


Then, to get a low sh*t,

You have to skulk around
like um...

Ooh! Ooh!

That sneaky old bush
pirate is a-

Yes, like prospero!


Now add the swing.
And follow-through!

Good! You love geography
too, right?

On the back court you have
to cover a lot of ground...

Like on the open savanna.

But sometimes you have to rush
in and stick at the net like...

Like you'd stick in the mud
of the swampy slogs!

You try!

Padimir-high-and swing!

Then into the slogs!


wow! She got a lot better,
badou. A lot better.

Yeah. Maybe we have a chance
tomorrow after all.

welcome to the annual
birdie bonk-a-thon!

Our first match is a doozy!

The monkey maniacs versus
our reigning champions,

The croco kings.


Let's get ready to play!

[Grunts of effort]


Watch closely, ms. Strich.

Remember our lessons
from yesterday!

Pamir! Ooh! Prospero!

Ooh, that was a grand jete!

And there goes zephir
across the back court...

Charging across
the savanna like...

The great zebra
admiral zabrado!

[Grunts of effort]


[Grunts of effort]


Five points!
Game to the croco kings!


Next match:
the babarians versus -

Uh... Call us
the historymakers!

Game time, ms. Strich!

Uh... Toss, bonk,
follow through.

No. A high pamir swing
down into a low prospero.


Excellent sh*t, ms. Strich!

You serve again.

Oh. [Giggles]

Prospero! Zabrado!

Tie game!
Four to four!

Next point wins!



Five points!

The historymakers win!

[Cheering and applause]

We won? Oh!
Oh my!

How delightful!

great game!
Well played!


she's better than
we thought, uncle.


Badou's the one
with the skills.

Get the tail-tan oil.

Here's what
I want you to do.

remember, the crocs can hit
really hard with their tails,

But their other sh*ts
aren't as strong.

Prince badou...

Do you really think
we could win?

I don't want to ruin
our chances.

Ms. Strich!
The birdie bonk-a-thon

Is supposed to be
a fun competition.

Now here...

I think you're ready
for this.

the final match
is about to begin!

This year's birdie bonk-a-thon
has come down to...

The croco kings...


Versus the historymakers!


Time to eat my racquet,

[Grunts of effort]




Tie game!

Four to four!

Go! Go! Go!

[Clears his throat]

Time! Time out!

Boy, hot one, huh?

That sun has me
burning up.

Oh yes, prince badou,

You should put on
more sunscreen!


That last point
shouldn't count!

My racquet slipped!

A slippery grip is no reason
to disqualify a point.

Players back on the court!

The next team to score
wins the tournament.

[Grunts of effort]

something's wrong!

Cornelius should
stop the match!

he couldn't make an exception
for crocodylus.

He can't for badou.

Nits and gnats!
It's the sunscreen!


Take one of my racquets!

[Grunts of effort]

You need 'em!
Keep us in the game, partner!





Oh no!

watch out!


Graaaaand jete!


Five points!

Our new birdie bonk champs:

Prince badou
and ms. Strich!


thumpin'! We did it!

Muck and mire!

Just wait 'til next year!


Perhaps we should
talk about

That slippery oil of yours,

Seems you turned out to be
an excellent teacher, badou.

That's easy to be when you have
such a thumpin' good student.

Now you know how I feel
every day!

[Cheering and applause]

Ms. Strich:
wundervoll, cornelius!

This is going to be another

Royal banana ball!

the golden banana crown
for queen celeste!

A token of friendship between
monkeys and elephants.


Ms. Strich:
clear the way!
Make room s'il vous plait!

You too, ambassador!

All this fuss made
over monkeys.

Why are the crocodiles
never the guests of honour

At the banana ball?

ambassador, the ball celebrates

Between my papi's kingdom
and the monkey republic!


babar, why does it
take a royal event

To get you to dance
with me?

because you're too
good for me, my dear.

Badou: [gasp]
papi, look out!


dad! Papi!
Are you okay?


no permanent damage.

You'll both be back
on your feet in a week.

A week!

Who will dance the opening
waltz with the queen?

The grand marshall of the ball
has always been the king!

The ball is ruined!

king babar, it would be
my great pleasure

To replace you -
ah, as grand marshall,

For the dance.

Papi, nana...
I could do it.

I could be grand marshall.

It is the role of a prince

To fill in
when a king can't.

Badou, the job is yours!

ooh, look at 'bu!

What are you orders,
grand marshall, sir?

okay, pick up my dad's ladder

And the rest of the bananas.

Then I think we're done.

it's an insult! An outrage!

I should be grand marshall.

Instead, I am rebuffed!

No, no!
My dear ambassador,

You'll have more fun
as a guest.

The grand marshall
is responsible for...

Well, everything!

The decorations, the dance,
the music, the munchies!

It's up to him to make sure
the ball is perfect!

all done!

Are you sure?

'Cuz everything really
does have to be perfect.

Tell us what's not perfect
and we'll fix it!

We'll fix it, 'bu!

umm... Okay, let's move
that flower vase back one...

No, no, no two steps.

And put those chairs
on the other side

Of the tuskotem pole.

Now are we good?

No. Not at all.

Chiku, move the plates to the
other end of the snack table!

Zawadi, that monkey statue
should go in front

Of the banana crown!

Come on, guys!
It'll be my fault

If everything isn't perfect!

No, no. Like this!

[Effort grunts]

Over here! See?
Right there.


Sorry. It's just that being
grand marshall is a big job.

Things look better now,


Except those two chairs

Should be on the other side
of the pole, of course.

Right! Yes!
I'm on that!

and those plates
are ill-positioned

For any left handed hippos.

Chiku, take care
of the plates!

But the statue...
Impeccably positioned.

I'm sure no one will
notice the scuff marks.

Scuff marks?

Pew! Bitter!

Oh, but don't worry,
grand marshall.

I'm sure no one
will say anything.

They'll all be talking
about the banana crown...

And how it should have
been properly polished.


don't listen to him, 'bu.

The crown is bright
and shiny.

And the fritters taste great!

Great's not good enough!

It's my job to make sure
everything is perfect!

Chef, there have been

That the banana fudge
fritters are bitter.

My fritters bitter?

These are wonderful!

As grand marshall
I want you -

Um, I order you
to make a new batch.


There is no banana
fudge left

And I cannot spare
any staff

To go to the bazaar
to fetch some!

'Bu, they're okay.

No, they're not.

I'll go get the fudge myself!

I'll get this polished
while I'm out!

I guess we'll finish

You might not do it right.

C'mon. There could be
things at the bazaar

I need to make
the ball perfect.


we should get party hats!

And a fruit basket
for every guest!

uh! Badou don't forget
why you came!

I want all your yellow

Wait, no!
I'll take everything.

Chiku, grab 'em!

A cask of mango
nut punch, please!

'bu, there's punch
at the palace.

uh... Guys!

What if that punch
isn't perfect?

What if my guests
want a choice?


I think you're-


Candy cook:
fudge? Sweet feet,
I have vanilla fudge,

Caramel fudge,
lemon fudge, banana fudge,

Peppermint fudge-

Yes, yes! That's it!
All you have.

The girls will get it!

young prince, this crown
is as bright as it can be.


Captain darling,

You keep your barge all ship
shape and shiny, right?

Do you think this crown
is perfectly polished?

It's as bright
as a new day, mate!


Whaaaaa! Grab it!
Grab it!


[gasps] nits and gnats!

We didn't leave it this bad,
did we?

Zawadi put the chairs
back where they belong!

Chiku fix the plates!

What side do you
want the chairs?

Do you want the plates
set for right

Or left handed hippos?

Forget it!
I'll do it!

Chiku fill the punch bowls!

Zawadi, get the balloons!

No, no, no.
I'll pour the punch!

Chiku get the balloons!

Zawadi, bring the fudge
to the chef!

What're you waiting for?
Go, go!

'bu, is this supposed
to be banana fudge?

It smells like peppermint.

I wanted banana!

I can't trust anyone
to do the job right!

Hey, 'bu!
We're trying to help!

Then how come more
isn't done?

It was done before
you pulled it all apart,

Mr. Grand marshall.

Fine! You know what?

If you guys won't help me
do it right,

I'll do it myself.


Chiku, zawadi:

Hmph! Yeah! Hmph!

Oh no! Whaaaaa!

Poor little prince.

This is such a big job
for someone so young.

Perhaps I should take over
the duties of grand marshall...

For the good of the ball,
you understand.

Someone has to make it
perfect somehow...

[Air hisses]

Ambassador, I wish to have
a moment with my grandson.


Badou what happened?

The room was ready
hours ago!

I'm trying to make
everything perfect.

I see.
And how's that going?

Not so well.

Chiku and zawadi were
helping me but...

I sent them away.

I thought I could do
a better job on my own.

You know, celesteville
wouldn't exist

If I insisted on doing
everything myself.


The chef outdid himself!

These banana fudge
fritters are delicious!

you want the gallery decorated
just like it was at first?

It was near to perfect
until I messed it up.

Like I messed up
with you guys too.

I'm sorry I got my
tusks in a tangle.

We thought the banana ball
had made you go...

Well, bananas!

I guess I was just scared that
I wouldn't do a tusk-tastic job

Like my papi.

Will you help?

that's all we were ever
trying to do. C'mon!

I'll meet you there.

I have to do one
thing first.

Do you want us to wait

So you can make sure
we do things right?

I trust you!

I was wrong about your
banana fudge fritters.

They're perfect...
Like always.

Well... I used the fudge your
brought to invent a new dish.

Perfect prince
peppermint wraps!


whaddya think, 'bu?
Whaddya think?

I think everything
looks perfect!

All that's left is the putting
back the banana crown.


I got the wrong box!

Captain darling must
have the crown!

What am I gonna do?

trust us!

[Exited screaming]

ship ahoy!
Captain darling! Stop!

here! Throw this.


[Boar roars]

Ms. Strich:
there is no banana crown!

No grand marshall!

Oh! This is terrible!

your highness,
can I be of help?

not so fast, ambassador!

May I have this dance,




Where are my balloons?

I want balloons too!

For my tail!

[Royal trumpets sound]


you really are on the ball,
young prince!

Everything is perfect.

Thank you, nana.

What? Whaaaaa!

Get me down!

That certainly makes this

Another unforgettable
banana ball!
