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01x04 - Hi-So

Posted: 03/13/24 07:15
by bunniefuu

This room is the lab for growing trees

for the students who love nature.

This room is the lab for tailoring

for the students
who are interested in fashion.

Although the school has many activities,

we still give importance to studies.

Most importantly,
we have received many awards.


What's the matter?

Whose names are these?

Oh, these are the names of the parents
who have supported the rooms.

Let's look at the other rooms.

What can money buy?

A room.



Social image.


money can buy more than that.

These are all the rooms we have.

The rest are empty until we get
more donations from the parents.

Let me take you
to the classrooms downstairs.

Let's go.

What's the matter?

If I wanted to buy this room,

I could do that, right?

Thank you.

What will we eat tonight?

-I want to go bowling.
-Hey, I want to have sushi.

-But when I see your hair,

I want to have egg threads.

-Hey, it's in fashion right now.


-Hey, why are you guys screaming?
-He bought so much.

You're acting like you've never been
to England before.

Hey, we screamed because...

Guys, give me 2,000 baht each as promised.

-It's our allowance. Hurry.
-Come on. Hurry.

We made a bet if you would buy
more souvenirs than To.

Damn. He has outdone you this time. Look.

I thought I bought too much already.

Damn! You bought more stuff than me!

To, why didn't you follow him
to see what he bought

and then buy one piece more than him?

You traveled together, right?

I made plans with him,
but he was never free to meet me.

Hey, I had to spend time with my parents.
We don't see each other often.

You invited me to a football match,
but booked seats behind the goal.

I would rather watch on TV.



Well, he is the kind of person who...

Actually, if I didn't know him,
I would think he's very arrogant

because he's someone
who is kind of perfect.

He's rich,
and his family is very influential.

People don't really approach him.

He's the kind of person who likes to buy
a lot of souvenirs for his friends.

All the stuff he uses
and the car he drives

are very expensive.

It's the sort of thing my dad uses,
not what I use.

I invited you for a meal at a hotel,
but you didn't go.

Where did you go?
Did you eat duck at Four Seasons?

That's like a Thai tour.

You said there was a government minister
with you at the Tower Bridge,

enjoying the scenery.

Who would dare go?

-To, you suck.

-You should learn to socialize, too.

Just in case you become
a government minister in the future.

I don't think I can become
a government minister.

f*ck. You aim low.


I think he likes to show off.

I don't know.
Hey, this is just my opinion.

I asked my friends for advice.

I think he's a bit jealous of me.
I don't know.

But Dino is really rich.

He changes cars every day.

I think he could be the owner
of this country.

-Hey, guys.
-This jerk keeps cursing me.

I saw Nanno's room just now.

What the hell is that?

Oh, that's the new student.

She bought a room here on her first day.
She's very rich.

Why did she buy it?

To open a company.

Hello, I'm Nanno,

the owner of the room and the company.

What does your company do?

Hello, students.


Here she comes again.

Welcome back to the school, everyone.

Today, we will start the new term

by giving out your grades
from the last term.

I don't want it.

What goes around comes around.

-f*ck. I don't want to see my grades.

Let's open it at the same time.

-At the same time?
-I got 2.48.

One, two.

f*ck. You got 3.36?

f*ck. The world is unfair.

Look at my grades.

It's f*cking bad.

My dad will k*ll me for sure.

The motorcycle that I want

will definitely be reduced
to a scooter for grocery shopping.

I can help you get the motorcycle.


Come see me at my company.


What kind of room is this?

I don't know.

Are you sure that I'll get the motorcycle?

You'll get it for sure,

but the process will require a little fee.

It's this much.

I think it's pretty cheap

compared to the price
of the motorcycle that you want.

Just try it. It's not expensive.

-What do you think?
-It's not expensive.

-Just try it.

I got everything. Thank you very much.

Give me your report card.

I'll process this right away.

Just give it to her.

Why does she want it?

Just give it to her.


It's starting.



f*ck! My report card.


Guys, look. She made that for him.


-Hey, can this be used?
-Yeah, wait a second.

Now, you'll get the motorcycle.


They look just the same.

Yeah, they're the same.

I can do other things as well.

What else?

Well, everything.


Can Nanno Company really do everything?

Look at that.

Som cheated on me.

-It's not over yet. You're begging?

Hey, Pat!



-Get some!

Let go of him!

Here. Get me a pretty one.

You got yourself a girlfriend.

As promised,

here's a check for 500,000 baht.

-Thank you, Dad.
-She's really adorable.


Okay, that's it for today.
See you all tomorrow.

Goodbye, ma'am. I'm leaving.

-Guys, let's go.
-Go where?

-Dino, I have a question.
-I'm hungry.

Don't you have anything
I can help you with?

-I'm already hungry.

Are you playing snooker alone?

He doesn't need your help.

His family is rich. He's a good student.

His parents are living abroad.
He has no problem with his girlfriend.

If you have any problem,

Dino can help you.

Are you crazy?

Her company is so big.
Why would she need my help?

Yeah, that's true.

Don't worry about Nanno not having clients

because the next one is me.

What else do you need her help with?

I want to go out, but not for clubbing
or anything like that.

I want to go on an overnight trip,

so I want Nanno to issue a letter
to my parents.

Can it be a camp or something like that?

What about Dhamma Camp?

Okay, that's cool.

Make Miss Pum the trip supervisor.

-Let me go, too.

Why are you copying me?
You can't come up with it yourself?

Of course I can.

I'm thinking of going with everyone.

-Tap, To, Nanno, and Dino, too.
-I'll join.

-Unlike you.
-Yeah, right.

Just let her go on a trip by herself.

Hey, what the hell. Let me go, too.

-I'll go, too.

Are we going to Osaka?

-Let me go, too.
-No, I'm bored already.

-Let's go to Hong Kong. I want congee.

-I want to wear bikinis.
-I'm going, too.

I'm going, too. Hello.

-I'm going, too.

You can go, too. I feel bad for you.

-But you can't choose the location.

-Dino, where do you want to go?

I'm bored of going abroad.

f*ck, he's bored.

-Rich people are like this.
-Yeah, that's true.

He has been traveling abroad
since he was ten.

Who wouldn't get bored?

Then let's go somewhere close to Thailand.

No, I'm bored of Thailand.

-Then what?
-What shall we do?

Collect tea leaves.

-You'll go to a tea plantation?
-I don't want to.

Can I suggest a place?

I want to go to Dino's house.

-Shit, that's interesting.

I've heard a lot about your house,

so I want to see it with my own eyes.

There's nothing at my house.
It's an ordinary house.

From what I heard,
his house has a very big garden.

There's a swimming pool,
a snooker room, a golf room, and more.

You can probably ride horses there.
His house is quite big.

There must be horses
costing a million baht each.

From what I heard,

he has everything

that our houses

don't need.

Like servants
who will take off your shoes,

and people to serve them breakfast in bed.

I'm afraid my things will get broken.

Oh, god.


I promise that I'll take responsibility
if ever someone breaks something

in your house.

I want to visit your house
even just once in my life.

It's not about the responsibility. It's...

Come on, Dino.

We are all your friends.
Trust your friends.

Yeah, or maybe you don't
consider us your friends.

-No, all of you are my friends.

-Come on.
-What's up with you?

-Just this once.

-Do it for your friends.
-Take us.

-Hey, do it for your friends.
-Hey, that's enough.


That's it.

-The golf room is mine. Don't come in.
-I'm reserving the light displaying room.

-Take a room each.
-Take the light room.

I'm leaving. See you.

-See you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow

with the letter for Dhamma Camp.

See you.


In 100 meters, turn left.
Your destination is on the right.

Turn left over there.

Park here, please.

That's 540 baht.

-Hello, Dad. Hello, Mom.

You're back. Have you eaten?

Yes, Dad.

It's a bit messy.
Tomorrow is scheduled for delivery.

Do you need my help, Mom?

No, it's okay. Do your homework.

We can do it ourselves.

Yeah, it's okay.

Let me help you, Mom.


If you really want to help,
just study hard.


How's everything at school?

It's good, Dad.

My friend sent a driver
to drop me off just now.

-Wow, that's good.

I'm going to do my homework, Mom.


Can you pass that to me, please?

Yeah, unwrap that.


Tell me when is convenient for you,
so I can issue a letter for the parents.

I don't think I can let you come
to my house anymore.

Let's go somewhere else.

I already prepared a dress
for the party at Dino's house.

I've come up with the theme.
The theme is "celebrity."

No. Let's dress up as movie characters.

I think luxurious suits
for the red carpet is better.

Hey, can you guys stop blabbing?

Just wear whatever you want to.

This is annoying.


I need your help,

but can you keep it a secret?


I always keep client information
strictly confidential.

I want you...

to change my friends' minds.

Oh, why?

Hey, I think it's easier to solve
the problem at your house,

because your friends really want to go.

-My house...
-Your house...

-has a lot of valuable things.
-I see.

So, I don't want them to come.


Can you change their minds?

Actually, I think it's better...

if you can find another house
to replace mine.

Is that what you want?


Get a house just like what I described.


The processing fee is...

It's cheap, right?


Then please give me the cash tomorrow.

Is that okay?



Do you have any fruit?

Oh, there's watermelon in the fridge.

Did you find it?

Yes, Mom.


I'm sorry I didn't remove the seeds.

It's okay, Mom.

Have you received your bonus yet?
The loan sharks won't stop asking.

Why do they keep on asking?

They're acting like
they don't have children.

-Have you received it?
-We need to pay for Dino's tuition.

Have you received it?

Yes, they already transferred it.

-How much is it?
-It's 200,000 baht.

Good. We can pay them back right away.

Hey, if anyone doesn't pay them back,
they'll hire a gangster to k*ll them.

Yeah, I know.

Dino, you lied to us.

f*ck! How did the people at our level
become friends with you for this long?

You can't even paint your house properly
but you acted like you were so cool.

It's stinky. You stink of the poor.


Hey, Dino.

What are you doing?

I'm getting water, Dad.

I'm thirsty, too.

Here you go.


-I'm going back to bed.

-Don't stay up late, okay?


Hey, I told you my money is gone.


How can you not take responsibility

when my debit card is still here,
but the money is gone?

Do you understand?

Just go. It's nothing.

Wait, are you accusing my family
of stealing it?

Hey, you're brushing off
the responsibility.

I don't know.

Stop and listen to me.

My card was with me the whole night.

Who would go and take the cash out?

Yeah, don't say it anymore.

Hey, wait.

Check and return all the money to me.

That's it. Yeah.

They should pay us back no matter what.

What if we don't get it back?


How is it? Do you like it?

Actually, it's a bit small.

Really? Do you want me to look
for a new one?

It's okay.

Show me around the house.

I want to see how similar it is
to my house.




It's really something.
His house is awesome.

His house is so big.

Hey, you prepared an afternoon tea set
for us, too? It looks really delicious.

-Where are you going?
-You don't come here often.

Hey, is this from Louis' era?

-It's so soft.

My dad likes it, so he bought one.

Hey, can I play golf?

Just don't destroy my house.

-Yeah, I'll get it in the hole.
-Let's take pictures.

-We don't come to Dino's house often.

Hey, can I try this?

Go ahead.

My dad won't know.

It smells nice.

Why are you guys so excited?

You're acting like don't have them.

All these things are in our dads' rooms.

We'll never get to touch it. Right?

That's true.

Who would be as free as you?

I think we should smoke that later.

If you want to smoke it,
there should be whiskey, too.

What are we going to do?

Right, Dino?

-I'll get it.
-Which brand is the fur?

You don't need to.

I don't know. I took my mom's.

You can call the servants.

Yeah, that's true. Why get it yourself?

-Oh, yeah.

Why are you guys so excited?

f*ck. He calls the servants with a bell.

-He's so f*cking rich.
-How may I help you, Master?

Dino, whiskey.


Excuse me, I would like some whiskey.

As you wish.

Yeah, I want whiskey, too.

Tap, which kind of tea this is?

Are you all right, Dino?

-I think it's Earl Grey tea.

-All right, then.
-I had this in London before.

Hey, Dino.

Why doesn't your house
have your parents' pictures?

I want to see the ambassador and his wife.

-Yeah, that's true.
-I want to see.


They must all be in England already.


I think for the ambassador and his wife,

we can look for them
on the newspaper or the Internet.

Right, Dino?

I'll go look for it.

No, it's okay.

Just stay here with us.

Let the servants get it.

Excuse me.

Can you get the pictures
of Dino's parents?

Hurry. I want to see them.

Do you think his dad is handsome?

Hey, he is f*cking handsome.

-His dad must be handsome, too.

f*ck. He's really handsome.

-It's here.

-Hey, is that him?

Is that him, Dino?

-Do they look the same?
-His dad is still young,

and his mom is still young, too.

I think Dino doesn't look like
his parents at all.

He looks like...

Everyone says that,

but he actually looks like his grandpa.

Oh, he looks like his grandpa.

His grandpa must be handsome.


Let's eat.

-I'm hungry.
-Yeah, let's go.

Where's the kitchen? Take me there.



It looks delicious.

f*ck, this is like
a Michelin-starred restaurant.

Your cook is exceptional.

He must have been a chef
at a hotel before.

-I agree.
-This is Mr. Dino's house.

How can it be ordinary?

That's true.

Wow, it's really delicious.

-Which one?
-This one.

-This one?
-Yeah, this one is good.

Hey, everyone.

-Let's give a toast.



What is this? It's not whiskey.

I think you're still too young.
You shouldn't drink.


Wait, who do you think you are

to tell us what we can or can't drink?

You are servants. Don't talk so much.


He's still not moving.


Why is he being so annoying?

He's so f*cking dumb.

Dino is generous.

If it were me, I would tell my dad
to fire him already.

I'm going to f*cking s*ab you with a fork.

Be considerate of Dino.

To is so cool, right?

When he's at home,
he's not like this at all.


He's a pussycat when he's at home?

My dad is strict.

Pour it for everyone.

Mr. Dino, too?

Of course.

-You don't serve the owner?
-The owner...


-The aroma is good.
-Yeah, it is.

-Let's give a toast. Come on.
-Come on.


It's really good.

-It strikes your heart.
-This is it.

-The atmosphere is on point.
-We have whiskey and cigar.

But I think it's still not fun enough.

That's why I brought weed, too.

But this is my house.

It's because this is your house

that we can do stuff like this.

What if my parents come back and smell it?

Come on.

Dino, what are you scared of?

If it smells, let them deal with it.


-Hey, Whan is right.

What are servants for?

It's also not often

that we can gather like this
without adults.


-I'm scared my parents might smell it.

Your parents won't believe them.

You are the one who controls
what happens inside your house.

They should also act
like we never came here, right?

-What's up with you?
-Come on.

What are we here for? Right?

-We can go somewhere else.

-Let's have fun.

Have some.

-It's good stuff.
-It's a little strong,

but this smell is good.

I think I'll have it all.
It's f*cking good.

Look at him.

-Come on.
-Are you all right?

I wanted you guys to come
to my house next time,

but I can't invite you anymore
now that I've experienced Dino's house.


You tried to compare your house
to Mr. Dino's house?

-I won't dare anymore.

Hey, it's okay.

-To, have some veggies.
-I think pork ribs...

I got it on my plate.

It's good to have it with red wine.

-Hey, I want some.
-Yeah, true. I want it.

Get the red wine.

Well, you've had too much already.

I think he's being problematic.

He's probably just worried.

We've had so much already.

What if we throw up?

-Just wipe it.
-We won't throw up.

Having red wine...

-with pork ribs is a work of art.

Get the red wine.

Just get it.

-My glass is getting dusty now.
-All right.

I want to have red wine.

-I want to have red wine.
-I want to have red wine.

-I'll go get it right away.

Yeah. You should be as easy as her.


Look at how he acts.

The wine is here.


Hey, this is too much already!

Hey, calm down.

Your maid obviously did it on purpose.

It's because you are all too young.

Look at him!

Okay, then.

-Let's move to another room.

Let them clean this room.

It's so boring.

This sucks.

I'm being considerate of you or else,
I'm going to punch him in the face.



This sucks!

The wine doesn't come off.

This is expensive.

I'll buy you a new one.

They're getting on my nerves.


Why are you guys so upset?

We only go out together once in a while.

We are alone now,

so we can do what the f*ck we want.

Shall we do something fun?

You're scaring me.

Hey, do you have anything else
besides golf?

Is this fun enough?

-Oh, my god.

What is it?

Hey, that's it.

Let's play this.


I'll load one b*llet

and whoever gets shot will win.

If everyone puts in 200,000 baht each,

that's 1.2 million baht.

Are you playing?

I'm not playing. What if I die?

-That's true.

Just sh**t the arm.

Whan, what do you want again?

You will get six Chanel bags.

What do you say?

f*ck. I'll play.

I'll transfer the 200,000 baht.

What about you?

Yeah, I'll transfer it.


Yeah, I'll transfer it, too.

-Do you accept checks?


What about you, Dino?

I'll transfer it.

Cool. Then, I'll start first.

f*ck. He's really doing it.


That's f*cking scary.

It's your turn.

To, do it. It's 1.2 million baht.

-It's my turn already?

-Try it.
-It's 1.2 million baht.

-1.2 million baht.
-1.2 million baht.


You didn't get it.

-That's f*cking scary.
-You suck.

Wait and see. It'll be mine for sure.

-New boobs.
-New boobs.

The boobs burst.

-Jesus Christ!

Let me have this one.

-You're brave.
-Six Chanel bags for you.

Do it.

-Half a dozen!
-Half a dozen!

-Whan, you missed the Chanel bags.
-You won't get them.

Hey, it's Nanno's turn.


-Are you crazy?

It's the last person already?

I think the owner has a chance to get it.

End the game.

Yeah, do it.

-1.2 million baht!
-1.2 million baht!


I think that's too easy.

Yeah, put it in your mouth.

-Why the f*ck did you interfere?
-Because I want to!

I can't take your behavior anymore!

What are you guys doing?


What are you doing?

Do you know

how much money your parents spend

in order to raise you?

Do you know how difficult it was?

Have you ever thought about that?

And what the f*ck
are you guys gambling on?

You're betting your lives
for 1.2 million baht.

Where are your brains? Where?

I'm speaking to you


a father,

not because I'm older
or more mature than you.

I'm the father of the person you--


-Pop! Stop it!
-That's enough!

That's enough!

Why did you do this?

How can you do this?

-What are you doing?
-Don't sh**t! Calm down!

-It's the last b*llet! Don't sh**t!
-Whan, don't be scared.

She wouldn't dare to sh**t us

because she can't afford to pay us.

Stupid woman.

Do you think the g*n is loaded?

You fool!

That's enough!

f*ck! That's enough!

She's not moving.

Is she dead?

Pop, you did this!

f*ck. What should I do?

It's not hard.

Just do what you've always done.


Dad, Mom.

How was Dhamma Camp?

Did you get sore doing the meditation?

No, Mom.

I forgot to give you
the mosquito repellant.

I'm sorry.

Eat, son.

Pop, you should give more
than everyone else.

I'm broke.

Dino, you don't have to.
You had nothing to do with this.

You're the owner.
You can clear things up for us.

It's 350,000 baht.

This should be enough
to shut their mouths.

This includes the money to treat
your wounds and for compensation.

Don't... Don't tell anyone.

Do you want this?


If you're going to Dhamma Camp,

don't forget to tell us.

And you,

what do you think money can buy?

Money is the most important thing
in my life.

If you don't have money,
you can't do anything.

I consider it as something I never lack.

I don't know why I should live
without money.

That's not life.

I think I'll be shocked to death.

If I see clothes that I like,
but I don't have money to buy them.

Even just thinking about it
doesn't feel good.

If I were to imagine myself as poor,
I can't think of how I would be right now.

These days, I already get stressed
when I only have 2,000 baht with me.

It can buy everything.

We can even buy people with money.

I came up with a project.

When I grow up,
I want to contribute to society.

I will buy 3,200 square meters of land
to build a temple

and invite monks and goddesses
to make merits.

I'll invite the poor people
and when they come,

I'll give them rice just in case

they have as much as I do
in their next lives.