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04x01 - The Future Is Female

Posted: 03/12/24 19:28
by bunniefuu


Where are you going?

I want to join in.

Join me for coffee?

No, I want to flense the bowhead whale.

Want to come?

No. I've just been and am taking a break.
I'll be right behind you.

- See you.
- See you.

It's a busy day for you today.

1:30 p.m., Chamber of Commerce for 30,
then PS wants 15 minutes with you.

Oliver, let's drop the acronyms.

It's the Permanent Secretary or Rasmus,
and I'd like to speak to him today.

Speak of the devil…

I sent an email about
the Chamber of Commerce.

Read it before your meeting.

- I will. Thanks.
- Great.

You have the welcome reception
for Katrine Fønsmark at TV1 today.

- Could we maybe skip it?
- No, we'll attend.

I could move
some appointments to tomorrow.

Could we move your dinner
with your son at 7:30 p.m.?

I don't see my kids often,
so when I do, I never cancel.

Figure something out and fix it,
but I need five minutes now.


You've a press meeting on China
at the panda enclosure in 30 minutes.


Chinese Trade Minister Lao is coming,

but the business attaché
and ambassador are not.

- Right.
- We expect 40-50 people.

Media, people
from the embassy and commerce.

The PS says that unless asked directly,
we shouldn't talk about Tibet.

- When do we start?
- We're seven minutes early.

I have the interview with you and the PM,
and the pictures are great.

She hashtags all her posts
"The future is female."

- I'm officially part of her brand now.
- "The power women of the new government."

"Prime Minister Signe Kragh, 41, Labour,
and Foreign Minister Birgitte Nyborg, 53,

New Democrats,
are sharing the world between them."

I'm afraid we're all here.

That's really strange.

Why didn't anybody show? Is there
something going on we don't know about?

I don't think so.


She's using it in her selfies.
"The future is female." Every time.

"Let's begin. I look forward to explaining

how we're making life easier
for families."

The PM's Office sent us
an email at 9:56 a.m.

alerting us
to a press conference at 10:15 a.m.

In the middle of ours?
That is not f*cking okay.

- No.
- It looks like obstruction.





They found oil in Greenland.


Or I mean, are we happy about it?

No, it could become a huge problem.

We need to know how they're handling it.

Hi, Birgitte, that was quick.

Calling to congratulate me?

That would be your wettest
and oldest dream, right, Hans?

And of the Danish government.

No, and you know that.

Naturally, the Danish government believes

that fossil fuels damage the climate
and are a thing of the past.

Yes, but what does
your ministerial car run on?

Need I remind you what it'll mean
for our independence?

The press up here
would be pretty interested in that angle.

I'd like you to hold off on the press.

You've found valuable resources before

which prove too expensive
and difficult to exploit, right?

Birgitte, last time I checked,

natural resources
fell under our sovereignty.

So we are not going to coordinate
press strategy with the Foreign Ministry.

We need to set up a meeting
with the Arctic ambassador today.

Hans, the Danish government
would like you to hold off

until you know more.

That's duly noted, Birgitte.
Have a nice day.

You too, and we appreciate...

- Did he hang up?
- No, I think it was a glitch.

It's only your second week,

but there's no need to be diplomatic.
He definitely hung up.

But he… He did hang up.

We need to arrange a briefing
with the Arctic ambassador ASAP.

- Do we have any more vases?
- Huh?

Do we have more vases somewhere?

- Wow, who are they from?
- The board at TV1.

That reminds me… Listen to this!

"Today, Katrine Fønsmark starts

perhaps the most prestigious
journalistic management position

when she takes over
as the head of the TV1 news operations."

"However, much is expected of Fønsmark."

"The truth is

that the ratings of TV1 News
have fallen drastically."

"Commentators are discussing
whether Fønsmark's real job will be

saving the former flagship
at the corporation."

I'll get a handle on it.

Back to my speech.


Bernstein's definition of journalism

as the best obtainable version
of the truth…

- "…has always…"
- …has always been my guiding principle.


very important to me…
Why do you look like that?

It sounds like a lecture
at the school of Media and Journalism.

If you were

a football coach taking over a team

relegated from
the Premier League to the first division,

what would you say then?

"I feel sorry for you
because I know nothing about football."

What would you say?

Let's get back to the Premier League.

Let's be the best.

Michael Laugesen,
you've been leader of the Labour Party.

How has the new government managed so far?

I think Signe Kragh has done all right
and has found her feet.

She's talented,
and so far there have been no disasters.

I mean, the government has been cast like
a Hollywood movie destined for success.

The correct number of women,
non-ethnic Danes, soft men,

alternative sexualities,
a minister in a wheelchair…

What's not to like? It works.

What about the other party
in the coalition, Nyborg's New Democrats?

Well, Nyborg let herself get sidetracked.

It's looking like
the last hurrah from a political has-been,

who should be looking
for a younger replacement.

But, Michael, it's no secret
that you're friends with Signe Kragh.

You've never liked Nyborg.

- You're well-informed.
- I just think the fat lady's singing.

Only very few
still remember her these days.

Let's finish here...



Let's start with an introduction
for the sake of good order.


Yes. Do I need to introduce myself?

Please. Not everyone knows who you are.
Let me do it. This is Kaare Mathiesen.

He's our Arctic ambassador.
And next to him...

I'm so sorry.

- Rasmus, perhaps you could...
- No, it's okay.

I'm Asger Holm Kirkegaard,
Deputy Arctic Ambassador to Kaare.

Asger is also our expert on Greenland.

I have Katinka next to me
from our legal department.

And then there is
Lars, Regitze, Nina, Claus.

You all know Oliver.

I'm Rasmus, Permanent Secretary.

Right. What do we know?

We've known for a long time
that they're looking for oil in Greenland.

We don't need to discuss that.
Where did they find it?

It's on page 13.

- In Western Greenland off Disko Bay.
- How much oil did they find?

We don't know yet.

We're talking to several
geological experts later today.

And the distribution of income between
Denmark and Greenland isn't quite clear?

Exactly. It's relatively complicated.

But basically, a formal agreement
was never drawn up.

Legal will look at it.

I'll make sure Denmark
doesn't lose out in the negotiations.

What does that mean?

They're notoriously touchy
about anything from Copenhagen.

And another touchy subject perhaps is

that the drilling site is right here.

It's just off the Ilulissat Icefjord.

It's one of Greenland's beauty spots
and declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

- It could end in a climate catastrophe.
- Yes.

Handling the press will be crucial.

The Minister asked Hans Eliassen
not to discuss this until we know more.

Climate and environment
mean nothing to the Greenlanders.

Kaare, the climate's important to me
and therefore to the government.

As for being touchy, Denmark has ruled
Greenland for more than 300 years,

so they're historically
entitled to that touchiness.

Is that it for now?

First briefing done.
Everybody knows what to do.

We'll set up a new meeting
once we have further details.


Could I borrow that?

- Sure.
- Thank you.

That man's representing us
at the Arctic Council

and in all negotiations
with the Greenlandic politicians.

He's had the job for 18 months.

The Greenlanders are already sick of him.

He was here for a minute and a half,
and I'm sick of him too.

Kaare is a very experienced diplomat.

Oliver? You referred to me as
"the Minister" at the meeting. Don't.

Just say "Birgitte."
It's like your acronyms.

- You like them, but don't use them.
- Sure. Received.

PET Intelligence tried for two weeks
to meet to secure your home

We've arranged for them
to come today at 6:30 p.m.

Yes, and I'm sorry,
but today's not going to work.

Excuse me.
Your ex-husband Philip's downstairs.

He doesn't have an appointment,
and you have a reception in 47 minutes.


But you always have time for your kids
and thus also for your ex.

So he can have 24 minutes.
You'll run a little late, but that's okay.


I'll brief the FM's PS that the Minister
wants to cancel the PET.

But she's also pretty clever.

Parking you as Foreign Minister so you
can't challenge her on home affairs.

Today, she scheduled her press briefing
at the same time as mine.

What the hell, right?

Yeah, you'd never have done that
when you were PM.

Did you just come
to enjoy the view or what?



Well, I've…

Ida's pregnant.

Oh my God!

That's crazy!

- She's only 44, so it's not...
- No, but you're… Wait.

You have to borrow…

Let's not talk about that bit.

So you're jumping
on the baby wagon once more.

We were both quite surprised, but…

We're fond of each other, so…

Birgitte, I think you have to come now.

It's okay.
I just wanted to tell you in person, okay?

A short while ago,

the Minister of Mineral Resources,
Hans Eliassen, announced the news

of an oil discovery in Greenland.

I've personally signed the agreement

and I look forward to working

with the Canadian oil company.

Imagine if this is the first step
towards full independence for Greenland?

Our own national legacy.

That's the latest…

It was on Greenlandic TV half an hour ago.
All news channels picked it up.

Although the Greenlandic government
decided to shelve future oil projects,

and signed up to the Paris Agreement,
Hans Eliassen doesn't believe

anything prevents
the extraction of the oil found

as per the agreement made back in 2017.

We need to call Hans now.
We're shutting this down.

The news was received
with great joy in Greenland.

We received this comment
from PM Signe Kragh

just a few moments ago.

First let me congratulate
Greenland on the discovery.

Naturally, there are environmental
consequences to consider.

"Environmental consequences to consider."

Hopefully, there are technological
solutions to these, if…

Jesus Christ,
does the PM have an opinion on everything?


Greenland is the formal responsibility
of the PM's Office.

So she does have reason
to give a statement.

The Danish Realm is
the business of the PM's Office.

The Arctic is the business
of the Foreign Ministry.

And I have higher
climate ambitions than Signe.

The matter is mine.

Did you reply to the email?

I read it.

I didn't write it.

- What the hell.
- "What the hell."

You're in early.

Yes, I know I'm a bit early.

- Hi, Katrine.
- Hi, Pia.

- It's like the first day of school.
- Feels like it.

- Hi, Katrine.
- Hi, Narciza.

I was happy to hear you got the job.

Thank you.
I look forward to working with you.

- Likewise.
- Plenty of sugar in that coffee, huh?

- Hi.
- At least it's not bitter.

- Hi. I'm Mikkel.
- Hi. Katrine.

- Welcome onboard.
- Thank you.

It all looks lovely and familiar.

There you go. That worked.

Hello, everyone, allow me to say
a few words on my first day here.

The world of journalism
has fundamentally changed.

More often than not,
news hits social media

more than it hits the real world.

Fake news is all part of our lives now.

We can't always trust what we see anymore.

And unfortunately, sometimes we
couldn't trust the news we brought either.

TV1 used to be the most respected
media outlet in the country.

We will be again.

My mission is to create the best framework
enabling you to deliver the best content.

Oh, this is my daughter.

- Hi, Molly.
- Hi.

- Are you joining us?
- Yes.

It's nice to have someone
to hold your hand.

Then you can do more.

As I'd like to hold your hand too,

I've chosen to have my office
right here on the floor with you.

That way, I'm close by,
and you can always come to me.

An important reason for me to be here

is that I have someone
looking out for me and for us.

That's the job
of the old, Marxist economist.

Thank you, honey.

You're welcome.
And as an old Commie, let me tell you

that when Margaret Thatcher
became Prime Minister,

she insisted on cooking
for her husband every night.

So I've really looked forward
to you becoming the boss.

Sure, new routines at home.


- Cheers.
- Cheers!

- Thank you.
- Congratulations.

- You made it.
- Yes!

- Almost.
- Almost!

I brought some bottles.

Did you buy them,
or are you regifting them?

I didn't buy them, but I took off
the old card and wrote a new one.

Do you enjoy being back
at the Foreign Ministry?

You know what?
I'm having the time of my life.

- Really?
- Yes.

No kids at home. No neglected husband.

I have no obligations.

I have so much energy
just to spend at work. It's actually

pretty cool just being me.

Well, I just thanked Søren
for taking care of everything at home.

I'm so happy you're still together
and that some things stay the same.

Yeah, me too.

How about inviting me for dinner?
You could cook.

You definitely don't want that.

What do you think my reply should be?

"I'm sorry, but we can't

because the head of news
at Denmark's largest TV station

and the Foreign Minister can't socialize."

- Still, it would have been so nice.
- Yes, it would.

- Honey?
- Yes?

- Hi, Birgitte.
- Hi, Søren.

- The board of TV1 would like to…
- Sure.

- Thanks for the regifted bottles. See you.
- Congratulations.



- Hi, Torben.
- Hi, Birgitte.

- Congratulations on your new boss.
- Thanks.

Exciting oil discovery in Greenland, huh?
That could be huge.

I presume I need to ask
the PM for a comment?

You know what, Torben?
You can actually ask me.

We're ready.

Denmark has committed itself
to ending oil production by 2050,

by which time we should be carbon-neutral.

We've also signed the Paris Agreement.

So the question is if now is the time
to invest substantially in fossil fuels.

My campaign had certain climate objectives
and I intend to stick to them.

Unfortunately, climate change
is particularly prevalent in Greenland,

so I sincerely hope that the Greenlanders
will prioritize nature and ice

over a pipe dream of oil
as the national legacy of Greenland.

But the PM seems rather excited.
What's your comment?

Well, the PM and I have our roots
in different political parties,

but we both believe in a green agenda,

and the children
mentioned by the PM this morning

should be afforded a world
of glaciers and icebergs.

Thank you.

…the Paris Agreement.
So the question is if now is the time…




…particularly prevalent in Greenland,

so I sincerely hope that the Greenlanders
will prioritize nature and ice

over a pipe dream of oil
as the national legacy of Greenland.

Why are they so small?

They'll be fattened up. It's sick.

Let's go. Come on.

Come on, come on.

- f*ck.
- What?

It's not the same truck as last week.

- What do you mean?
- It's semi-a*t*matic.

- Come on!
- I don't know how to work it.

There we go.

Go right.

- Left over here.
- Yes.

Dammit. Why's the bar lowered?


- Get out.
- Go on.

Come on.

Come on.

- Get on out.
- Get out of there.

- Go.
- Come on.

There you go. Off you go.

What happened?

- Here?
- You're bleeding.

- A lot?
- No. Does it hurt?

What would your girlfriend say
if she saw you kissing me?

Run! Go on, run!

sh*t. Go.


f*ck you!

I sincerely hope that the Greenlanders
will prioritize nature and ice

over a pipe dream of oil
as the national legacy of Greenland.

Well, I moved Greenland up.

What about the bit
about the h*jacked transport of pigs.

Is it enough for a segment on its own?

It's quite funny
that vegans hijack a truck full of pigs

that end up running out
onto a main road blocking traffic,

and half of them are euthanized.

Sure, it's funny.
Maybe a brief mention, then?

With regards to Greenland,
we need to send a reporter up there.

Mie, would you like to?

- I can do that.
- Great, thanks.

- Okay, but could I have a word?
- Of course.

Pia, we were done, right?



I just wanted to say
that my boyfriend and I

are starting fertility treatments.

No, Mie. Don't do this to me.

No. Sorry. I apologize.

I'm really pleased for you.
It's great news. Sorry.

I was allocating shifts, and we're
short-staffed after the redundancies,

so that crossed my mind.
Of course, that's not your…

Great stuff that you'll go to Greenland.
Let's catch up when you're back.

- Sure.
- Thanks.

Niels Erik!

I, the Foreign Minister
have been waiting for 20 minutes.

You let people wait too
when you were the PM.

Things have certainly changed
since you moved floors.

- How many square meters do you need?
- Never ask a civil servant.

The government is insatiable.

A lot of new people.


But… you already know it all
from the government briefings.

Of course.

How much have you been told?

- The new appointments?
- Yes, that's what they're called.

All of them?


I've seen my share during my time here,

but I'm still surprised to see
Laugesen tipped as chief of staff.

And he's given power to instruct others
and a seat in the Coordination Committee.

The press release goes out in 48 hours

along with a bill
to increase the holiday allowance.

Clever thinking.

In terms of competence, it's problematic
that she's appointing personal friends.

You must find it difficult
to accept Laugesen too.

Believe me, it is.

Times are changing.

The PM's office has really changed.

I'd like to signal something new,
like you did back then…

- New offices and new art.
- New management style?

What do you mean?

You could tell me
about your press conferences.

- I did.
- In an email 15 minutes prior.

Well, this is government
and not daycare, Birgitte.

Anything else I ought to know
as a government member?

What do you mean?

So that's not why you asked me here?

I think you know why I asked you here.

Ah, yes.

To tell me that Greenland

is part of the Danish Realm
and the remit of the PM's Office.

I'd then reply that, as a starting point,
Arctic natural resources

are the remit of the Foreign Ministry,

leaving us to conclude that
we were both entitled to get involved.

Perhaps the 56,000 people of Greenland
would like to decide about their own oil.

Sure, but we both know
that should there be plenty of oil,

any natural resources policy
quickly becomes foreign policy,

where they decide nothing.

You're not in charge of whether
Greenlanders extract the oil or not.

And my foreign minister can't run solo

implementing her own climate policy
in such a potentially significant matter.

So I'd like you to set the press straight
as quickly as possible.

Once that's done,
the PM's Office takes over the matter.

And that was basically
what you summoned me here to say.

That you're in charge.

You're no longer prime minister, Birgitte.

Allow me to make a correction,

as I understand
that my statements were misunderstood

regarding the oil in Greenland.

Naturally, the Greenlanders
decide in the first instance

about their natural resources.

Did your boss send you
to smooth things over?

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

Torben, it's Birgitte Nyborg.

Would you like to buy me a coffee?

Sounds great.

I don't know what you prefer,
but it's a double-sh*t soy latte

or whatever it's called.

In 48 hours, the PM's Office announces
the creation of a new top position

for Michael Laugesen.

This will give him as much
de facto power as a government member.

Except he's not an elected official.

Michael Laugesen?

Why are you telling me this?

Perhaps I'm old-fashioned
when it comes to democracy.

Birgitte, you know
I can't report anything unconfirmed.

Then confirm it.

- Who did I get it from?
- Not me!

By the way, black coffee is just fine.

Is that for me?

It's from a confidential government source
and I've had it confirmed elsewhere.

Bloody hell, Friis!


Michael Laugesen
has been a prominent figure

in both politics and journalism
for the past two decades.

Most recently, he's been
the political commentator on Channel 2.

TV1 is now in possession
of confidential information

that Laugesen takes up
a newly created, quite powerful position

as chief of staff to the PM.

The position will give him actual powers

and a seat in the most
influential government committee.

The question is whether anyone
should take up such a position

without being an elected official.

Especially after serving an unconditional
sentence for breach of privacy.

Why did we not know about that?


Did you know anything?

I'm always the last one to be told.

It is deeply concerning

that the Prime Minister unilaterally
creates a position of such power

that should be given
to an elected official.

I spoke to the other supporting party,
the Solidarity Collective.

We feel that democracy is de facto
overridden if this comes to fruition.

Stine Ankerstjerne, one more question.
Do you support the government?

We definitely do not support this.

Today's menu.

Let's see…

Salad of wild cabbage,
organic nuts, and cranberries.

Nordic root vegetable ratatouille.

- Nom, nom.
- Nom, nom.

Slow-cooked beef
with baked shallots and red pesto.

I don't know what you eat.

- There's a little of everything.
- I eat anything, so that's great.

- That's easy, then.
- Yup.

Well, we'll change that, right?

- Nah.
- The Green Meal Box.

- Grab the bread?
- Sure.

- Do you want some?
- Please. Thank you.

How's school going?

It's kind of incredible
that you can market something

as a green meal box and still serve beef.

- The usual grace, then.
- I know.

One kilo of beef requires
15,000 liters of water to produce.

And countless areas of agricultural soil
is used for the production of animal feed,

although millions starve every day.

Could you drop it for a minute?

I think you need to accept

that not all westerners
are as enlightened as you.

- But...
- And…

You won't get closer
to realizing your point of view

by constantly
repeating it at the dinner table.

And should we have continued
the collaboration policy of '43?


Are you comparing meat eaters to Nazis?

That doesn't help your argument.

But like you,
I worry about the environment.

And I'm trying to convince Greenland
not to exploit the oil.

It's delicious.

Thank you.

So how's school then?

You could say

that Coronavirus has shown us
that it's a bad habit.

The whole world changed its way of living
from one day to the next.

And you have a bad habit
of evading questions, don't you?

Why can't we talk about school?

- Why can't you...
- Mind your own business for a minute.

- Okay.
- Fine.

Could I use the bathroom?

- Of course.
- Thanks.

Be nice to Karoline.


What's wrong?

Karoline and I aren't

in a great place right now.

What's that? Did you hurt yourself?

Ah, yes. I fell off my bike.


Birgitte, we've had a few busy days.

You'll be pleased to hear
that I've got it under control.

And we have a GEUS expert
with new figures too.

She's born and raised in Greenland.
Hanne Knudsen.

Johanne Knudsen.

Thanks for coming.

What do we know
about the drilling company?

It's Canadian Energy Contractors.

I've met with their representatives
numerous times.

They're experienced and know
everything about Arctic inshore oil.

What can you tell us
about the discovery, Johanne?

The latest adjusted survey
of the US Geological Survey

and most recent Canadian drillings
show that it's a substantial oil deposit.

It's quite likely to be
of a magnitude similar to Ekofisk,

the largest Norwegian oil field.

At its peak, it produced in the region
of 100 million barrels of oil annually.

Enough for the next 30 years.

Which is how much in monetary terms?

The current global market rate
is 95 dollars per barrel.

So that means
approximately 285 billion dollars.

Presuming that
the exchange rate on dollars is 6.5,

this corresponds to 1850 billion kroner.


Yes, and I do have to mention

that the oil is already
a reality in Greenlandic media.

Hans Eliassen is calling.
I've got to go. Yes, bye.

- Hi, Birgitte.
- Hi, Hans. Thanks for calling.

Well, I watched the news yesterday.

Does your correction mean that
you've changed your mind about the oil?

No, you know it doesn't.

Yes, but we're moving forward up here.

Isn't it hot in here?

Greenland sees
the enormous potential here.

Hans, we need to negotiate.
My Arctic ambassador is on his way to you.


Kaare and I usually
settle things over a good lunch.

But this is too big for that.

What does Greenland's premier think
about the oil in climate terms?

I'm just heading in to shore now.
I'm about to dock, so I'll call you later.


- He did it again.
- He did it again. He hung up!

I'm melting.

Let me start by saying that I've chosen
to exclude the civil servants

as I'm profoundly shocked
about the leak to the media

about expanding the PM's Office.

Both the opposition and our own
support parties are on the offensive.

First, let's talk about
the oil discovery in Greenland.

Allow me to interject.
I already had my people on it

before the PM's Office got involved.

We wrote a memo on how pronounced
climate change is in Greenland.

How any oil production would only
serve to make matters much worse.

There's nothing
about the scale of the discovery.

No, that bit's still guesswork.

Your Arctic ambassador
just told

that they found as much oil
as Norway's largest oil field.

I know.
With a value in excess of 2,000 billion.

Which, to put it mildly, could be
a decisive factor for the Danish economy.

I don't know
where the Ekspres got their numbers,

but I have to maintain
that our clear objective

is to be carbon-neutral by 2050.

That leaves us 28 years to produce oil

without going back
on our promise to the voters.

I suppose that's an argument too.

Do you know how many nurses and teachers
we can get for 2,000 billion kroner?

We also know what happens

if the mean temperature
increases by more than two degrees.

The opposition and support parties
have invited me

to an urgent meeting tomorrow
regarding the new chief of staff.

They're talking about "abuse of power."


It would be great if you could
take care of it for now, Birgitte.

You're well-versed in the matter.

Of course.

Would you prefer to postpone the meeting
until you're less stressed?

That might be...

Sorry. It's hard to ignore 2,000 billion
when we need to fund the welfare state.


Are you okay?

Would you excuse me?

I think we'll just re-evaluate, okay?

- Birgitte, is it...
- Everything's fine.

Let's just summarize.
Am I taking over from here on in?

We agree that Helle has a point,

and we can't just ignore the views
of the Ministry of Finance.

Moreover, while you were out,
Jon brought our attention to the fact

that the Canadian oil company
sold stakes in the company

and that Russian corporations bought them.

We'll look at that,

but other than that,
the ball's in your court, Birgitte.


Tell me about the Russians.

I was wondering why you didn't raise it.

A colleague read it
in the Financial Times.

Honestly, Kaare.

We have to look into that.

I need to know which corporation
and what the hell they're doing up there.

PET is present in Greenland.
Could your ministry assist them?

- Birgitte.
- Hi.

- I'll contact the head of PET.
- Great.

Is he on his way?

Yes, he's arrived.
Oliver is getting him now.

- And you've…
- I'll take care of it.

I've just been told at a meeting

that you passed information on the figures
relating to the oil to the Ekspres.

I spoke to them prior to our meeting.

I never thought
it would blow up like this.

Did you think you could discreetly mention

that we may have made
a 2,000 billion discovery?

And the Minister of Justice mentioned

that several Russian corporations
have since then bought their way

into the Canadian company,
which you know so well.

- Hold your horses now.
- Hold my horses?

Do you know how embarrassing it is
to attend a powerful government meeting

to be schooled by a colleague
on something I should have known

because it was in the Financial Times?

Canadian Energy Contractors
is a huge corporation

with international owners.

Some of them are Russian. Is that a crime?

Why do you think I care
about the Russian owners?

Could it be because Russia
is not regarded as a democracy?

Or that Russia is being internationally
sanctioned for attacking Ukraine?

And that our US relations
would be under enormous pressure

if we allowed a Russian corporation
drilling rights in Greenland?

Should you have known this and informed
me of it before the meeting? Yes.

We'll look into that before I go back up.

Sure, but there is something
we've not talked about yet, Kaare.

We're doing a reshuffle in the Ministry.

We've been looking for a good candidate
as General Consul to Manila.

We need an experienced man like you.

- What?
- Yes.

I know it's a bit sudden, but…

- We'd like to send our best man.
- Exactly.

Can we discuss this in my office?

- Oliver, would you grab Asger for me?
- Sure.

I saw the article in the Financial Times.

And I had a really bad feeling
about the corporation.

- I would have looked into it...
- Asger, let me stop you.

I read your report. It is excellent.

We need to negotiate with Greenland.
The PM's Office left the ball in my court.

My priorities are clear.

It's completely reckless and old-fashioned
to even consider drilling for oil.


You need to convince Greenland of that
when you go there to start negotiations.

In which capacity?

As the new acting Arctic ambassador.

- Could I sit down?
- Go ahead.

I have to tell you something first.

I… have an extreme fear of flying.

And I also suffer
from severe motion sickness.

And that's why you chose
to work for the Foreign Ministry?

I know it seems a bit…

But I'm seeing a hypnotist,
Kjeld, and he's been a great help.

But I haven't…

I've never been to Greenland.

Although I've read all about it
and everything by Knud Rasmussen.

So you accept the promotion?

Sure. Yes.

You've a lot to look forward to.
You're on the next plane.

Hi, Erik. It's Asger Holm Kirkegaard.

You're still in Moscow, right?

Great. Listen up. I need some information

on a holding company
mentioned in the Financial Times.

They're part of the company
which made an oil discovery in Greenland.

Sure, let me check. Hang on.

It's called Novikov Holding
and is part of the Stravka Group.

Great, thanks. Sure, I'll hold.



No, I'm still holding.



Excuse me,
where would I find Malik Johansen?


Damsgaard! What are you doing here?

I'm on the Bjørnen based in Nuuk.

- Great to see you.
- You too.

Wow! Congratulations.

Yeah. Lieutenant Commander!

I'm in Ilulissat for a few days,
so I just wanted to say hi.

But… sure.

- It's...
- Do you miss it?

Hell, yes.


You know I don't think it was f*cking fair
of them to kick you out like that.

PET asked me to speak to you.

- Okay.
- They know you work for the oil company.

They're discreetly
looking for information.

They're wondering if you can help them.

Remember that one hand
washes the other, right?

Perhaps I could help you
get back in the navy.

You could sail again.

Like you want, right?


Give it some thought, Malik.

I'm in town for a few days.

Let's just play.

Do you want this one?


Hans is on the phone with Copenhagen.

- There's coffee. Have some coffee.
- Thanks.

- Malik.
- Hi.


What are you doing here?

I'm picking up Hans to go
to the drill site with some Canadians.

Look. Why don't we get a tattoo like this?
It's so cool.

- They are cool.
- Hey.

Shouldn't you get dressed?


Did you party last night?

It was just one beer.

One of your colleagues
posted a video of you with a joint.

You said you wouldn't smoke that sh*t.

You can't handle it or afford it!

You have a good job. Stick with it.

Do you understand?

Sweet Malik.

We're proud of you, you know.

Remember that.

The oil discovery in Greenland…

…Foreign Minister Birgitte Nyborg says
that her Ministry…

Birgitte Nyborg says her Ministry
handles the matter for the government.

I'd like to re-emphasize
that it was never my intention…

- They're not pulling any punches.
- No, she's under pressure.

They're really going for the PM
in Parliament.

- Dan, would you give us a minute?
- Sure.

I don't mind repeating…

I appointed Michael Laugesen…

I need to know who your source is.

Katrine, you can't.

- It's not come to that.
- Yes, it f*cking has.

The PM is being schooled in Parliament.
The DG's breathing down my neck.

- Why don't you take a guess?
- I have to know for sure.

Tell me.

Who is forced to give up
the oil in Greenland?

Who's marking their territory
in all international media?

Is it hard?

It's clever.

Kragh and Laugesen are friends.

She feeds him bullshit,
He then spouts it about Nyborg.

She finds out. Obviously. And…

It's time for revenge.

Clever! She's just never been
that aggressive.

She's cornered. She and Kragh are…

It's completely undemocratic
to do it like this. Thank you.

I have to stress it once more.

It was never my intention to disregard

the democratic rules of the game
at any time.

This afternoon,
Prime Minister Signe Kragh chose

to give up appointing Michael Laugesen
as her chief of staff after huge pressure

from almost all parties in Parliament.

As the supporting parties,
Green Party and the Solidarity Collective,

also voiced their criticism,

the PM had to face the fact
that she'd lost the battle.

Yes, it's a complete overreaction

and a political spin
cleverly exploited by the opposition.

The Prime Minister
experienced her first defeat.

I've been fired before,

but this was the first time
I was fired before I was even hired.


Do you have a sec?


Great performance on the BBC and CNN.

- It's quite a gift.
- Thank you.

Don't think that I don't know
who leaked the story

about Michael Laugesen to the media.

I won't forget that.

As you said,
it's government and not daycare.

The oil discovery is your responsibility.

That's what you wanted.

You're alone on an ice floe now.

Let's hope
it doesn't melt under your feet.

Shall we leave it at that?

It's Asger. He's a bit incoherent.


Birgitte? I'm in a taxi
on my way to the airport.

If I throw up, it's not your fault.

Thanks for the warning.

Can you talk freely?
And nobody can overhear you?


I spoke to the embassy in Moscow.

They leaned
on their Russian business connections.

One of the stakeholders
in the drilling company

is Stravka Group in St. Petersburg,

owned by a large
Russian oil and gas company

and a man named…

Just sit down in case you're standing.

…Mikhail Gamov.

Gamov resigned as Minister in 2015.

He's a personal friend
of the Russian president.

From the inner-most circle.

- Holy sh*t.
- Yes.

So we landed a case
leaving us up to our neck in sh*t,

with only sleeping with the devil
to look forward to.