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03x01 - A Child of Denmark

Posted: 03/12/24 19:20
by bunniefuu
You knew Bent had a blood clot and that
he shouldn't burden himself.

You didn't tell me out of self-interest. Look me in
the eye and say you didn't also try to discredit me... telling the Ekspres I had
prior knowledge of Bent's illness.

I don't want Kruse as a minister.

Birgitte, you can't fire him now,
he's your number two in the party.

Birgitte, You can't fire him now,
he's your number two in the party.

Jakob, I just talked to our party secretary
and told him to drop you as deputy leader.

You'll have to become EU commissioner.

You can't deny that I'm 31
and probably want to have children.

I love you.

I think you ran away too quickly.

Birgitte, you were never here, it was a mess.

Of course it was a mess,
I'd become prime minister!

You know where to find me, don't you?

No one ever praises the prime minister,
it's always the PM dishing out compliments.

So now I'm praising you.
You did a great job.

Today we've shown what we want with Denmark.
I'm proud of that.

So, now I'll leave it to the Danish people
to tell us who's the best prime minister.

I hereby declare elections to be held on
Tuesday 11 June.

'Midway on the journey of life, I suddenly found myself in a
dark forest...' -Dante, "The Divine Comedy" (1308-1321 AD)


The only thing we shouldn't do in this crisis,
is to act like the two tourists...

...who encounter a leopard. One of them
hurries to find a pair of running shoes.

The other one says, 'are you crazy?
You can't outrun a leopard!'

The first one replies, 'I won't have to.

I only have to outrun you.'

Are there any questions? Yes?

Do you agree with supporting big business?

No, I don't need that.

You left politics when Hesselbo won. What
would you do if you were prime minister today?

I always closed press conferences saying:

'I don't respond to hypothetical questions.'

'In Denmark I Was Born'

I have a meeting at 10 with
the CEO and the English architect.

You know the board meeting's at 1.30?

Yes, thanks, that's fine.

Your department lost many viewers, Torben.
150,000 on the major news broadcasts.

I think it's more like 120 or 130.

Public television is about making
programs that people actually want to watch.

But for me, it's primarily about quality.

Unlike the rest of management,

..I think it's it's good to make news that doesn't
talk down to people.

Many want to discuss your number of viewers.

I'd rather talk about the positive viewer
reviews your broadcasts have been getting.

So we shouldn't talk about
the size of the audience?

Not if you keep strong formats like 'Juul and Friis'.

Well, guess what - I'm actually
very proud of it as well.

Torben, I have you in mind
for head of current affairs.

I'm obviously not the one making the decision,
but they usually listen to me.

Maybe it's a good idea to wear
a freshly-ironed shirt on Monday.

What did he say when you picked him up?

It went fine, he nagged a little when I left
here, but apart from that it went great.

You're a tough little man, aren't you?

Has he slept?

Yes, for 2 hours.

Are you hungry, honey? You like it?

I'll come get him around 5 on Friday,
if that's okay with you?

That's fine.

Please remember to pack his cuddle
toy dog. He missed it a lot.

I will. But it's a cat.

Okay. An ugly cat that likes to say 'woof', then.

I couldn't get organic pear puree.
The diapers were on sale there so I got some.

Hey Grethe.

Hey Kasper, good to see you.

You too.

You staying for dinner?

No, I'm out.

But it's your favorite meal.

No, but thanks a lot.
Farewell, little man. See you!

Bye dad!

I'll be fine.

Come here, baby.

You need a diaper change. Come on. Gustav...

The red one. But I hope you're not expecting expensive
gifts every time I'm away for a few days, honey.

I'm just going to have a bath, then go out to eat, you?
Okay. And what about Magnus?

Will he stay the night there?

Okay, say hi when he comes home, and
tell his dad he can come the day after tomorrow.

No, I'm home. Yes, you too, sweetheart. Bye!

Here you are, honey.

Thanks, it's really nice.

Here you go, honey. It won't be sold in Europe.

That's not true. Thais has one
and I think it's a newer model.

Thank you very much, loving
and considerate mother.

Thanks, mom.

A little kiss then?


How was school, Laura?

Fine, I got my note back for Danish. I got a 10.

Is that right?

I improvised at the end, and used some
things from the outline we talked about.

Hey, there's Kasper. swallow this, and Hesselbo
would like as many people as possible.

Do you watch 'Juul and Friis'?

Mathilde and Sarah think he's hot.

Then I have to ask: can the
opposition go along with that?

We saw the Labor Party leaving
the prime minister's this morning,

and the Moderates will come in to talk the government
this afternoon. Is this project possible?

The style certainly is different from
when Birgitte Nyborg led the Moderates.

And when you were there.

We won't go into that now.
Let's see what Jacob Kruse said last night.

What do you and the Moderate Party say about the Freedom
Party's demand for loosening up deportation laws?

Don't you run the risk of violating human rights?

Well, I'm not a lawyer, so I can't comment on that.

We're talking about the rights that ensure people
who've got permission to stay in Denmark,

won't be thrown out of the country for petty crimes.

Aren't the Moderates legitimizing this by just
yesterday settling with the government?

Now, you have to be careful not to put too much
emphasis on whether decisions are legal or not.

Come on.

I think we should just enter the neg otiations now.

Undeniably a less firm statement
than we're used to from the Moderate Party.

The other tourist says, 'you'll never
be able to run from a leopard.'

And the first tourist answers, 'I won't have to.'

'I just have to outrun you.'

Are there any questions?

Now we're hearing that the Moderates are negotiating
with the government on the new economy package,

what would you do if you were prime minister?

I certainly wouldn't sell out my key principles of good
governance, just to get my fingerprints on a big...

...economic agreement that sells out human rights,
hich have always been the core of the Moderates.

We must be very careful that this country, which
used to be known for its tolerance, freedom,

and the Scandinavian welfare model, doesn't end up closing
in on itself, becoming a country that doesn't care for others.

I would be very aware of that risk.

Can't we take that at the airport?
It's very important that she's there.

Torben? This is also important.

5 minutes.

Torben, it's about Gregers.

Wait a minute. I just talked to him
and everything's fine, he loves us.

Gregers doesn't work here any longer, Torben.

They fired him an hour ago.

That's a f*cking lie.

The new program director
has already been announced.

I haven't been told, who is it?

Alexander Hjort.

The guy from Warner Brothers?

Yes. Martin will be getting the new post of communications
chief, which in time will eliminate Lisbeth's department.

Rumors are that the entire layer of
division management is being scrapped.

Just f*cking stop there.

He'll be taking a tour here in a minute,
so I think we should get started now.

With what?

Your mail server just changed its name. It's fine again.

It still takes a very long time to download the emails.

It must be the Internet connection itself.
Are you sure this property is well-connected?


Call the landlord, how much are
you paying for this right now?

Not a lot, Phillip.

But the location is great and the kids love it.

I can imagine. Magnuses room is the size
of our old living room and kitchen combined.


When you're visiting Hong Kong in March, I have something
to do with the bank's board of directors at the same time.

We'll just have see what to do.

You wanted to say something? Did I interrupt you?

What would you say if I wanted to return to politics?

Holy shit.

I think that would be really good for the Moderates.

Are you being ironic?

I mean it. Kruse may well have
formally gained control of the party,

but they lack the vision and feeling with the public
they had when you were their leader.

Some people will feel threatened.

Maybe the most bourgeois of them all, who were
offended by your close cooperation with the left.

But also those Kruse promoted, and Kruse himself.

Yeah, yeah, but it all depends on what you're
planning to do.

Candidate for parliament and political spokeswoman.
Foreign Affairs, maybe.

Yes, or Finance.

But certainly not the leadership.

No, no, certainly not the leadership.

Torben Friis. Good to meet you.


I'm a huge fan of your work.

Hello, Pia.

Hi, Alex.

I'm a really big fan of your work,
and delighted to see it.

Of course I've got some questions and ideas, but I'd
like to start off saying you run an absolutely fantastic show.

And I have to applaud you for finding Katrine F?nsmark.

She's the anchorwoman of the station,
you have to be really proud of that.

Katrine? Come over here.

Just when you're talking about her.

Could you ask him to call me as soon as he gets out?

This is Alexander Hjort,
he's the new program manager.

I was just telling Torben that
I'm a very big fan of your work.

Wonderful. Thanks a lot.


I hope you haven't been waiting too long.
You know we were negotiating with the government.

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me.

Of course. I also think we should put the past behind us.

I had a difficult period, but as you know I
talked it over with Sejrø, and everything's fine again.

You're certainly doing well as leader.

Jacob, I've decided to leave business life.
I'm returning to politics.

Jacob, I have decided to leave business life.
I will be back in politics.

I'd like to emphasize that I naturally respect
that my role in the party is totally different now.

You're leader now, I'd just like to
flank your leadership.

I understand what you're saying. Completely.

You've got capabilities that are
exemplary for many others.

But I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you.
I just can't see you as part of the Moderate project anymore.

You might want to be an MP again, but you can't with us.

I'm afraid your return would split up the party.

But I would work for a common cause. I'd work for you.

It's about maintaining a delicate balance in the party
right now, and you're too heavy, Birgitte.

You'll rock the boat too much.

It's my decision as leader, my assessment
of what's best for the Moderates.

So it'll be a polite 'no thank you' for your great offer.

I have an announcement for everyone here.

Torben and I will update you on what the new management
structure will mean for the news. We'll do that at 6.30 PM.

There'll also be an opportunity to toast Gregers goodbye.

Thank you.

So much for going home after office hours.

Hi mom. I'm terribly sorry but I'll be home late, so I
wanted to ask you if you'd be so kind to tuck Gustav in tonight?

I miss him. Give him lots of kisses.
That's okay. Hi.

Shouldn't you just go home like you planned?

I know management well enough to know we won't be
told anything of importance. And you didn't know Gregers, did you?

Nope. But I think it's important to
keep track of what's happening.

It's also important to see your child.

I'm sorry? What are you implying?

Forget it. You know what's best yourself.

Katrine, disabilities or Africa first?

Africa, I think.

Then I'd like disabilities first, please.

Why are you asking?

That's all from us here at the 6 o'clock news,
have a very good evening.

Oh, for Christ's sake. Were we still on?

I don't think they saw.

Who laid these cables?

Must have been Chris.

Chris, wouldn't you like to say something?

It won't happen again.

Thanks. Would anyone bother to take this microphone?

Hey, Katrine. Are you okay?

I sprained my foot because you absolutely
insist on staffing my broadcasts with trainees.

We all have to be here tonight.

Thanks for today.

Are you coming home now?
I thought you were working late.

It wasn't very important.

I think I'm going to make a lovely meal, then.

Mom, you shouldn't cook.

I'm here anyway, honey, it's no problem.

And I'd like to tuck in Gustav myself.

He's trying to say 'grandma', isn't that cute?

I think it's f*cking annoying that you moved the
diapers, so I put them back where they belong.

You're right, honey.

He kicked me out, g*dd*mn it.

Were you humble enough?

I was so calm, I'm sure I was.
It was him who was utterly dismissive.

Then what the hell are you going to do,
go back to Hong Kong?

Yes, Bent, I don't know what else to do.

Challenge Kruse's leadership.

The statutes say that in principle, anybody can challenge
the leadership in elections held during the national congress.

It's a completely crazy idea, Bent.
That way, I'm risking blowing up the party.

And the next congress is in one month,
we won't have time to prepare anything.

I saw your interview with Jacob Kruse the other day.
It was great.


And how are Kasper and your little boy doing?

Gustav? It is going well,
but me and Kasper aren't together anymore.

I want to emphasize that what I'm going to say is
confidential, whatever the outcome of our meeting.

I'm coming back to politics. I'm going to challenge
Jacob Kruse as leader of the Moderates at the national congress,

and I need a special advisor and press chief.

Why don't you just call Kasper?

Kasper's and my project was prime minister,
and that's finished. We want something different now.

You're one of the journalists who
challenged me most when I was prime minister.

I also know you were Hesselbo's advisor for a while,
but that you and him disagreed too much politically.

I think you're the person I'm looking for.
What do you say?

You might explain a little about why you want to return to politics?

I thought you could tell me. You know me better than most journalists.

You're disappointed by the Moderates' current style of espionage.

They aren't defending the principles the party's based on.

If even the Moderates don't stand in the way of the Freedom
Party implementing its immoral policies, then there's not much left.

Isn't the congress just a month away?

Regarding your salary,
I'd like you to come up with a proposal.

Who will finance it?

For starters, I'll pay it myself. Later, it'll be paid by the party.

I know it's a big decision, but I need your answer within 24 hours,
and you can't talk to anyone about it.

I'll be seeing you.

Yes, I know.

Gustav, shall we see if there's anything on TV?

What was that? A little bear!

Yes, I'm coming.

I'm coming, baby.

g*dd*mn it.

f*cking hell.

Hi. Yeah, I just put him to bed.

There's something I just wanted to talk to you about.

Hi, honey. It's me.

I took the 6 o'clock train.

Hey, Mouse.

Katrine, you shouldn't do it. Think twice. You have a steady,
well-paying job. What does she have to offer you?

Sweetheart, you're a single mom.

We might be able to put it in the 8.30 PM broadcast.

Okay, I figure we have an agreement.

Am I interrupting?

No, no, we're done.

Okay, I just wanted to talk to you if you're free.


I'd like to leave. Immediately.

How many voters can we expect to vote at the congress?

There are just over 10,000 members, and 92 electoral
districts controlled by a local chairman.

And those 92 are entitled to vote?

Yes, plus the 18 current members of parliament.

So that's 110 people who are going to decide this here?

Exactly, so I need a minimum of 56 votes.

I'll focus on the people we'll need to contact in the group.

You take care of the hinterland, the local chairmen
- You know God and everyone. [Danish proverb]

I'll draft a press statement.

But we shouldn't make it public just yet.

We have to be prepared; it could quickly
leak out when we're going to ask around.

And that's exactly why we need to keep our cards
close to our chests at the beginning.

This means we'll have to consider who to talk to first,
who the biggest players are, who to count on for support.

Jon is at the top of my list. He's got a lot of influence
in the top of the Party. Especially after you left.

Jon Berthelsen?

Yes. Also my favorite.

We don't always agree on how things should be done.
But I know we share many fundamental principles.

Jon and Kruse aren't really on good terms.

The rapprochement between the government and the
Moderates continues with the government's new stimulus package.

The package has been criticized by the opposition
because it's part of a comprehensive political agreement...

...that also involves a tightening of immigration
policy, as proposed by the Freedom Party.

Several political analysts will be discussing
the Moderate Party's change of direction.

Last year, work-related psychological problems triggered a...

Hi Jon, it's Birgitte again. I haven't heard from you yet,
but I assume we're still having that meeting here at 11.

I'm looking forward to seeing you.


Sorry, I just need to see your card.

Are you serious?


I actually don't have a card,
but I just need to hold a meeting.

Okay, so you must be in here.

No, I can't have myself registered.
Is this really necessary?

Can't you just call them to confirm your appointment?


It's Birgitte Nyborg. I'm standing here at security.
He wouldn't let me in.

Hello, Nete.

Can't you be my guest?

I'm standing next to Nete, it'll be fine.

Hi, long time no see!

Hi Birgitte, good to see you.

Hey Helge, same to you.

We've missed you. Just think that
they would even dream of rejecting you.

Hi Birgitte. You're a rare visitor,
to what do we owe this honor?

It hasn't changed that much.
Meeting with my party, courtesy visits.

I also have to get on, see you. It probably won't the
last time you're here for a courtesy visit.

Good day, Lars.

I just received all your messages, I have some problems
with my phone, I just switched providers.

I'm glad you came.

Good to see you, Jon.

Let's get to business immediately.

I'm returning to the Moderates. Jacob Kruse won't have it,
so I have no choice but to challenge him as leader.

And you know what I stand for, and I know that you and I
agree on several issues where you and Jacob did not.

That's fastastic news.

So you think it's a good idea?

It's really good news. If there's anyone who can
help us out of this stalemate, it's you.

Several of us think the Party has sunk into apathy
after three succesful years in government.

I'm glad you do.

No, Birgitte, I haven't said I'm in. I love your idea,
but I just can't sit here and promise you my support.

A lot of things changed in the Party since you left.

It's not just a question of what Kruse can do
or what he stands for.

He dragged a lot of old heavyweights in the hinterland
over to his side, with a mixture of promises and threats.

Especially district chairman Henning Johansen.
And you know how important he is in the Party.

I could give you a third of the local chairmen, maybe
some MP's, but that's not enough to have a good chance.

But what you're saying is, that if I win this
election, you'll give me your full support?

Yes, you can be absolutely sure about that.

Of course she hasn't forgotten her political craft,
we're talking about Birgitte Nyborg.

Look, I'd never dream of supporting a
project like this if it wasn't sure-fire.

What about Kruse and his property tax?

He's almost as liberal as Hesselbo.

How did it go?

We'll be able to muster the necessary support
easily, listen to me, there's no risk.

Jon Berthelsen has always supported Birgitte, and
he's guaranteed to back her up this time as well.

Yeah, yeah, we went to talk with him and he's very positive.

We can't find the red car, it's a bit of a problem.

Yes, we have to know where you stand. Okay.

Look, there's the red car.

We need to know where you stand.

That's fine. You call us, fine. Bye.

What did Johansen say?

Shouldn't he be in Kindergarten or daycare?

He's got an eye infection. What did he say?

He couldn't make any promises. It amazes me how firm
Kruse's grip on the senior party members really is.

What do we do now?

We break the news.

Birgitte Nyborg is returning to Danish politics,

following a two year absence in which she has been a lecturer
and has had several board positions in the private sector.

We spoke with Birgitte Nyborg earlier today.

It's a pleasure to be back in Danish politics again.
I feel bad enough that I've been away.

Isn't this like the story of an old circus horse,
missing the smell of sawdust?

No, it's the story of an old circus horse who feels
that there are a lot of people who aren't being heard.

Hi, it's Martin?

Hi Martin, I've cleared it with Birgitte.
You can start at 3 o'clock.

That sounds great. I'd like to have an hour,
if that's okay.

We're a little busy today, I probably can't
give you more than 45 minutes.

It'll be tight.
Another minute and a half..

It'll be tight.
Another minute and a half.

Stick to a vote being
the only possibility. Smile, ok?

If Ulrik provokes you, compliment him on
his question, he'll melt.

Wait. Give me the watch.
- Why?

Because the average Dane has to work
for three months to pay for that.

Welcome. Today's big news
is that former prime minister Birgitte Nyborg...

is returning to Danish politics.

Birgitte Nyborg, Welcome. We've seen you
arriving at Christiansborg.

They say you'll be prime minister.

Will you be trying for a comeback
after all your triumphs?

Do you dare?

I'm doing it because I think
my work isn't finished yet.

Many Danes don't have a voice,
people who once believed in my party.

I want to speak for them.

Isn't it a bit drastic to remove Jacob Kruse
as party leader?

I had no choice.
Jacob and I wanted different things.

An election is no fun, but better
than division in the leadership.

It's important to know who
supports the party.

Many people are glad to
see you back in politics.

But there'll be others who say
that you were a great politician.

You were prime minister. Your great deeds lie
behind you. Aren't you a relic from the past?

That's a good question.
I also thought that myself.

But we're going in the wrong direction
and I want to do something about that.

So I can only reply:
I am still a politician.

Thank you. In the Burcht there were
many reactions to Birgitte's return.

And we're off air.

Great. Thanks and welcome back.

So, we're on our way.

It's Johansen.

Tomorrow he declares his support for Birgitte.

One month later.

These days might have important
consequences for Danish politics.

At the Moderate Party's congress,
they're choosing a new leader.

Will it be the current leader, Jacob Kruse,
or former prime minister, Birgitte Nyborg?

This evening they address the delegates
and then there'll be a vote.

Birgitte Nyborg, are you going to win?

I feel that I've got broad support
and strikes me as positive.

Jacob Kruse, you were at Christiansborg.
How's it going there?

Today it's about the party,
en and not the Burcht.

What do you think of the duel with Birgitte Nyborg?
- I'm not anxious.

In politics it's about results,
and that's what I stand for.

What have the last weeks meant
for the party?

How's it going?
- She's ready for it.

Is Birgitte there?
- She's getting ready.

I only want to say
that it's going well.

People are happy
to see Birgitte again.

Wow. Hey, Peter.

She's gorgeous.

It's going well.
People respect Birgitte.

She's the greatest politician
the party's ever had.

But there's also anxiety around Kruse.
- Yes, they know that betrayal gets punished.

The lead item in this special broadcast
of 'Juul en Friis' is the party congress...

on which all eyes are turned.

Absolutely. It's about a former
prime minister returning to politics.

The party's also chosen
quite a setting.

Museum Arken.
- It can't get any more avante garde.

I'm going to tease you.

Doesn't it catch your breath when Nyborg
gets back on the political stage?

That was then. This is a power struggle.
This is Kruse versus Nyborg.

We're now going over to Birgitte Nyborg.

She's making her speech.
We're taking a look.

And now the election of the party leader.

The first speech is by
Birgitte Nyborg.

I've missed you...

Not just you...

but also working with you
to change the party's direction.

In contrast to Kruse I don't think
we should be talking with the government...

In contrast to Kruse I don't think
we should be talking with the government.....

if this means making concessions
to the Freedom Party...

and abandoning the principles
on which this party is based.

You have that choice now.

I want to work with
you again...

to shape a Denmark
we can all be proud of.

I'm still a little surprised.

In any case about the applause,
or the lack of applause.

It's still about their
former prime minister.

Their first in fifty years...

and then they can't even keep clapping
until she's back in her seat?

It's called the Moderate Party for a reason.

Can't they clap?
- They're a bit snobbish.

They don't like exaggeration.
But they weren't very enthusiastic.

She's made better speeches.

He wasn't bad. She gets her message
across clearly.

She's critizing the leadership
and saying they've moved to the right.

We're going back toArken...

where Jon Berthelsen, former
Minister of Education, is speaking.

Did you hear that?
Did you take note?

Did you hear that
Birgitte said she's missed us.

She's missed us.

That's nice to hear. But the question is
if we've missed her.

Have we missed Birgitte Nyborg
in the Moderate Party? That is the question.

But after Birgitte' speech
I had no more questions.

I had no more questions,
only a feeling.

The feeling that a stateswoman
is returning to the political arena.

And I can say...

I can answer:

Yes, we have missed
you on the political stage, Birgitte.

Something's happening there.
- Would you please sit down?

Many have seen that Kruse
had to leave the party congress.

He's negotiating with the prime minister
about the new economic plan.

I've just spoken with Jacob. He may
be back in 45 minutes.

I also have good news: There's been a
breakthrough in the negotiations.

I want to ask if we can see
TV1 Nieuws on the big screen.

Agreement on economic plan

I can tell you that we've made
a historic agreement...

that will bring our
economy back on track.

I'd gladly claim the credit...

but it's also clearly thanks
to Jacob Kruse's vision...

that this agreement has been made.

Thank you for your kind words, Lars.

I'm proud that I've been able to
make my mark on...

this important agreement.

The Moderate Party is back in politics
as a party that can make a real contribution.

Aren't you also supporting
a deal with the Freedom Party...

which might be contrary to human rights?

It's a matter of vague concerns
about legal details.

We should just be
pleased that there's an agreement.

And now I have to return
to the party congress.

He timed that well.

So if the question is if
I've also missed Birgitte Nyborg...

then the answer is: yes.

Yes, I've also missed the congenial,

and also very well-dressed
Birgitte Nyborg...

who comes here today...

and fills the room with her visions
of social solidarity...

that, sorry for saying it ...

reminds me a little of
what we used to call salon socialism.

And with which part of parliament does
she want to work?

She won't speak with the right.
The left is in ruins.

This evening you've seen me
achieve results.

Real political results.

For me the delegates face
a simple choice.

The choice between Birgitte Nyborg's
dream factory and the real world.

I hope and I trust...

that you will put the Moderate Part
in the real world.

For Birgitte Nyborg as new party leader,
51 votes.

For Jacob Kruse, 59.
Jacob Kruse is re-elected as party leader.

Congatulations on yuor victory.
- Thanks.

Birgitte, a minute?

Go ahead, Torben.

And so Kruse has been chosen again as party
leader after a dramatic struggle.

It feels as if this about something bigger
than Nyborg, who's leaving the congress.

Isn't this the shortest comeback
in Danish history?

After a defeat like this, I don't
see her staying on as an ordinary MP.

Is another party an option?

She'd never act out of opportunism.

So Nyborg's going back
to where she came from.

Kasper Juul. It was a long evening.

Yes, it was.
- I enjoyed it.

I really thought she would win.

I heard a rumour
that you're getting promoted.

Should I look for a new partner?
- Not yet. Take it easy.

This sort of thing takes time. See you.

I know it's late, but I still want
to talk with you.

Say it then.
- Fine.

I've looked at the viewing figures
for the last 6 months.

I have to say I'm surprised.

I don't want to be a pedant, but
do you know the phrase, 'cost per viewer'?

The cost of a program
in relation to number of viewers.

An example.

While we reported on the party congress,
there was a US series on TV2.

While we reported on the party congress,
there was a US series on TV2.

How much do you think such an episode costs?
It costs 60,000 kroner.

In recent weeks 800,000
people watched it, that's 13 kroner per viewer.

And then the party congress for 240,000
kroner, with 300,000 expected viewers.

All your broadcasts are very expensive
in relation to the viewing figures.

Gregers saw it differently.

The questions that I'll soon face
in a meeting with the board:

Why the emphasis on
news programs?

And why is the chief of news
still called Torben Friis?

And they'll ask why
TV1 in these times...

has let go of its most
popular presentor, Katrine F?nsmark.

I haven't had time yet...
- Don't say anything yet. Think it over.

Then we'll talk about it
again in a few days.

Until then.

From Jeremy

have you spoken with TV1?
- Yes.

Now I'm going to find out
what's happened in this party.

I don't know...
- No, damn it.

That's politics. Sometimes you lose.

Mum's there, darling.

Come, darling, I'll take him.
You have to sleep.

Come sweetie, come to Oma.
I'll take care of you.

Sleep well. Come then, sweetie.

In any case it's a
lot of square meters, 327.

The building has
an unusual history.

It housed underpaid clothing workers.

There's a bit of
water damage in the toilets.

During the w*r it was the workplace
of a smith who worked for the Germans.

The owner appreciates it needs
some serious renovation.

And that's reflected in the price.

Think it over for
a few days if...

That won't be necessary. When can I move in?
- As soon as you've signed.

What will you be using it for?
A moment.

A new party.