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01x03 - The Art of the Possible

Posted: 03/12/24 19:04
by bunniefuu
All this could be yours!

But power isn't a cute little puppy
that jumps up into your lap.

You have to grab it
and hold onto it!

The only important question is:
Do you dare?

Be at Borgen nine a.m. tomorrow
and clear your desk.

- Did you get fired?
- No. I left on my own.

Ole. Come on, damn it!

This isn't funny!

I loved him so much, Mom.

He had something wrong with his heart,
but I didn't know.

- When is his funeral?
- Today.

He was married, Mom.
He had a wife and two kids.

They didn't know.

We've chosen to support
another prime minister.

- Who?
- Me.


Three, two, one and go.

Today Denmark got its first
female prime minister.

A short while ago, Birgitte Nyborg
Christensen presented...

Here they are.
Denmark has a new government.

"Democracy is the worst form
of government,

except for all those others that
have been tried from time to time."

In just two months,
Birgitte Nyborg's government has managed

to negotiate the new finance budget bill.

The final vote is expected
the day after tomorrow,

and many call it the first big test
for the prime minister.

Hanne Holm is political editor
for Ekspres. What is at stake here?

Well, the finance bill is needed
for Denmark to function properly.

And if this bill isn't passed,
the government usually falls with it.

Birgitte Nyborg, things progressed quickly
with the new finance bill. Why was that?

Sometimes things just work out.

I assume you don't want
a prime minister who's slow.

What will you do differently, Birgitte?

We're having a press conference
in 30 minutes, I suggest you show up.

Good morning.

You have a briefing with the ministers of
finance, foreign affairs and climate in...

five minutes.

At ten a.m., there is a press conference
in the Mirror Room, and at 11...

there is...

- Danish Industry.
- I think that's tomorrow.


Oh, right. At 11 a.m., the director
of the National Art Museum is coming.

- Really?
- She's coming to help you

figure out which pictures
to select for your office.

It is the custom.
The prime minister gets to choose.

It should definitely be different
than Hesselboe's. More modern.

Okay. At noon...

That's fine, Sanne,
I need to focus on the press conference.

Did she just curtsy?

Sanne is not very good.
We'll get rid of her.

It an issue with the HK union.
No other department will take her.

So the prime minister gets her?

We'll need the text
for your New Year's speech in four days.

And the position as your special adviser
has still not been filled.

I haven't needed
a spin doctor much so far.

But you will now. Guess who is the new
editor in chief at Ekspres.

Your old friend Michael Laugesen.
He wants your head on a plate.

I didn't ruin his political career.
His own party fired him.

Who became prime minister
instead of Laugesen?

He hates you, Birgitte.

Who is this from?

Hanne Holm is at Ekspres now.
They take the ones no one else wants.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

I'm going to tell you
about the finance bill today. quickly pass a new finance bill

that clearly shows a political shift
in Denmark.

Any questions?

Hanne Holm.

Has the prime minister secured
a broad majority during the night?

No, Hanne, as you probably know,
we are passing the bill

with the smallest possible majority.

- Trine.
- How are you going to do that?

When two members of the Worker's Party
just said they will vote against it?

What do you mean?

Parly Petersen and Vagn Fousing
are refusing.

Their press release looks very genuine.

You seem to have lost your majority,
Birgitte Nyborg.


I've never been so humiliated in my life!

- What's going on, Bjørn?
- I have no idea.

You will whip them into line, understand?


We are voting the day after tomorrow,
and they will follow.


My office in an hour.

Parly Petersen, why are you suddenly
defying the party line?

Well, I'm sure it's nice for
the prime minister and her elitist chums

to agree to help the poor in Africa,

But what about the poor in Denmark?
What about the retired people?

Why protest now?

You must vote according
to your conscience.

It says so in Grundloven.

Gather the coordination committee
and the financial committee.

Already done. We're meeting in an hour.

The press is hounding us.
Papers, radio and TV want a comment.

- They'll have to wait.
- Who will handle them?

I am already looking
for a media adviser.

Until then, the Moderate's
party secretary must help.

Sanne! Postpone the rest
of today's meetings.

The speaker wants to meet now
if you're pulling the bill.

No. We will get them in line.
Tell them we'll stick to the schedule.

There is something fishy
about how this is happening.

They've had every chance to say something,
and yet, they wait until now.

It's tantamount to a coup.

What are your options?

Are you testing me?

One: Marrot beats them into line,
and we pass the finance bill.

Two: They have some demands
that we accept, and then we pass the bill.


We withdraw the bill,
start over and lose all credibility.

Agree. And others have come
to the same conclusion.

Prepare to get really pissed.

Laugesen has commented on it
on Ekspres TV.

Excuse me, the director
for the National Art Museum is here.

Sanne, I told you to cancel her.
I won't have time for paintings.

Tell her to choose something on her own.

Something modern and different...
Something modern, Sanne.

Good. Thank you.

I want a new secretary.

Denmark has a prime minister
who's unfortunately not up to the task.

It is that simple.

Politically correct to the bone,
but no talent for politics.

And no, this is not
about her being a woman.

It's about her not being competent.

Ekspres is asking you as a citizen:

Is Birgitte Nyborg
the right prime minister?

You need a media adviser.
Not in a week or two days, but now.

Hey, beautiful.

We are going to be colleagues.

You boss called and asked me
to come in as a political analyst

because I know Birgitte Nyborg so well.

Well, congratulations. Could you just...

So enthusiastic.

You're still mad because of the funeral.

That was two months ago, okay?

- You are forgiven, Kasper.
- Thank you.

Were you in the hospital?

Would you mind
not looking through my stuff?

Relax, it was sitting right there.

I had a routine exam for cervical cancer.
Would you like to hear about that?

I'm sorry.

Katrine, what's wrong?


I have to go to makeup.
We'll talk later, all right?

Why do you keep punishing yourself
when you're feeling like shit?

- Who says I feel like shit?
- Me, because I know you.

Perhaps you don't anymore.


- Save some for me.
- No way!

- Hey, save some for me!
- Mnh-mnh.


- So selfish.
- Selfish?

I'll bet your parents
don't even know about me, right?

Oh, shut up.
Of course papa knows about you.



What's up, Crown Prince Frederik?

- That's what he's called.
- How's Papa?

Why don't you call him dad?

Because he's lived in France for 25 years.


Oh! f*cking hell!

You lived there with "maman"?

- Mama.
- "Mama."

Mais oui.

- Oui, oui, oui.
- Or...


- Oh, okay.
- Her real name.

Isn't it weird to call someone mom
when she isn't your real mom?

Not when my real mom is dead.

Okay. Mama...

is a stay-at-home wife,
and papa became rich building helicopters.

For Eurocopter.

For the French army.

- I don't want to talk anymore about them.
- Oh?

- When will I meet them?
- Soon.

- You've been saying that for six months.
- Yes.

- You've met my family.
- Yes.

But your family lives in Randers.

My family lives in Southern France.

You said I'd meet them for Easter, right?

Then it was the summer vacation, then...


Then the fall break, then winter...

Look I'm serious, Kasper.
When will I meet them?

I'm serious too...

I need a kiss.

- I need a kiss.
- No, when will I meet them?

When will I meet them?

A tiny kiss.

Okay, a tiny one.

Didn't you want a kiss?

I didn't specify where.

Your permanent secretary says
you're considering hiring Tore Gudme

from Save the Children as spin doctor?


His views are in line
with everything the Moderates stand for.

Have you seen his resume?

He is the youngest associate professor
of rhetoric ever.

I'm just saying that Laugesen goes
for the jugular.

Who would you send into the boxing ring?

Someone who kicks ass
or a professor of rhetoric?

Bjørn Marrot is here.

Bjørn, did you speak with Parly and Vagn?

Yes. I did as you said
and pulled no punches.


It didn't work.

They won't budge.

Bjørn, they can't be in your party
if they don't vote with you.

No. And they took the consequence.

They left the party.

They've gone independent?


Welcome. Glad you could join us.
The government majority is in peril,

and the finance bill crisis deepens
with every hour.

- A short while ago, Parly Pedersen...
- Standby server.

...and Vagn Fousing said that they, after
an ass-kicking from the party chairman,

left the Worker's Party and are now
independents in the parliament.

Server start.

Stick to the script.
We don't say "ass" on this channel.

Christ, she's not looking well, the girl.

No, it's no good, guys.
Get Tanja to pat her face.

- How long until I'm on again?
- 28 seconds.


- Two seconds, I just...
- What's wrong?

What the f*ck are you doing?
You are on in 20 seconds!

What's going on? Camera one,
show us.

f*cking hell.

Ten seconds. Ready with short news,
if she doesn't get back.


- Can I help you, Katrine?
- It's fine. Thanks.

Five seconds.

Four... get her out. Three...

- We're rolling, girls.
- Two... one...

And go.

But the finance bill
is not the only drama at Christiansborg.

Former prime minister Lars Hesselboe
is still waiting to see if...

Standby server.

...if a majority votes
for an investigation into his spending

- of public funds as prime minister.
- Server...


- f*cking hell. Well done.
- That was close.

You'll have to call the AB group
and get them here.

Yes, tomorrow.

Okay, then. I'll see you. Bye.

There is a very handsome man here.
His name is Tore Gudme.

Yes, please send him in.

- This way.
- Thank you.

- Hello, Tore.
- Hello.

Thank you for coming on such short notice.

Of course. I sensed that it was urgent.
I follow the news.


- Please have a seat.
- Thank you.

I realize you currently have
a very important position,

and I respect that, but nonetheless I...

I wanted to ask, if you... yes?

I think I know what we are talking about.

Everything in this job is classified.

I have to answer quickly
with a clear yes or no.

If I say yes, I drop everything
and get here right away, right?

- Yes.
- Okay, good.

Tell me what you need.

- I need a media adviser.
- Spin doctor.

Yes. But I don't view spin doctors
as princes of darkness and that nonsense.

I don't let my spin doctor
control my politics.

I do the politics... and my spin doctor
handles my press relations.


Fine. Listen here.

I could spend hours trying to sell myself,
but you don't have time for that.

You asked me here,
because you know what I can do.

But I'd like to add that I actually
believe in you and your political message.

Do you see that as a prerequisite
of being a good spin doctor?

Probably not.

I guess it depends
on ones level of professionalism.

I don't want to be that professional.

If I might add a follow up question...

Of course.

I read your resume.
Very nice, very impressive.

Denmark's youngest
associate professor of rhetoric.

Degrees from Harvard and Princeton.

My question is your entire career
you've been on the winning team.

How would you tackle adversity?

Analysis. Consequence. Execution.

I'm sorry I have so little time.

- You need time to think, of course.
- No, I have thought, and I say yes.

Could you start next week already?
I know it's Christmas...

You don't need me next week.
You need me tomorrow at eight a.m., right?

- Can we make it 7:30?
- 7:30? I'll be here.

- Thanks. Bye.
- Bye.

- Hi, honey.
- Hi.

Look. That's my new spin doctor.

All right.

Did you take him for his looks,
or does he have other qualifications?

- Hi!
- Hi, Mom.

This is so great.
Are you guys out for a walk or...?

Christmas presents, damn it.

Oh, honey,
that's going to be a tough one.

Hi, Laura and Magnus, do you want
to come with me and see the Mirror Room?


The finance bill is crumbling.
All is chaos.

That's just like at home, then.

Your bodyguards from PET
have officially moved into the garage.

So the greenhouse is
the new bicycle shed, okay?

The two independents haven't confirmed
the meeting yet. I can call if they do?

- Give me an hour. I have an hour.
- An hour?

Well, that's fantastic, honey.

♪ Silent night ♪

♪ Holy night ♪

♪ All is calm, all is bright ♪

All right, now Magnus and I have
a secret errand.


That's perfect, because Laura and I
have a secret errand as well.

- Yes.
- So we'll see you later.

- Good.
- Right? Bye.

Do you think we fooled them?

So, should we...

should we walk along Strædet?

I made a list.
I figured you didn't know what we wanted.

You are so great.

- Did Magnus wish for all this?
- Yes.

Oh! He's become expensive, huh?

- It can probably wait.
- Just take the call, Mom.


It's Sejrø.

The independents are here now
and waiting.

I'm on my way.

Well, I have to go.

Didn't you say an hour?

Yes, I'm sorry.

Go on, Mom, don't worry.

Okay. I'll see you.

Mom isn't coming?

No, Mom has a finance bill
that is crumbling.

Now, let's buy some presents.

- Yes.
- Come.

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

They are waiting inside.

What do you have to offer?

A couple of million to the elderly.

I'm not cutting foreign aid
or any of our big issues.

I'm not changing policy
for some independents.

You just sounded
like a real prime minister.

We appreciate your concern
for the retired.

That's why we've managed to find
another 210 million

in the budget for them.


I see you've really made
an effort for us.



There is another matter,
I've long had in mind.

And in politics,
you have to act while you can.

What are we talking about?

A freeway to Ringkøbing.

Thank you for the meeting, Parly.
We'll be in touch.

They are nuts.

But I'll see what I can do.

Perhaps we don't need Parly and Vagn.
I just spoke with Hesselboe.

The Liberals and the New Right
have an offer for us.

They want to meet.

- Really? When?
- Now. You and me.

Hesselboe and Yvonne.

Don't mention foreign aid.

It's small money
and a provocation for them.

They will want money
for police and defense.

No way. I'm not reopening
the entire bill at this stage.

And if Hesselboe is a patronizing idiot,
I am leaving.

Just let me talk, Yvonne.

Yes, but somebody has
to beat some sense into the girl.

Hello, Lars,
that was an unexpected call.

It's not because we support your policy.

But I saw no need
to send the country into crisis

and turn us into Italy just because
you can't control your people.

Birgitte, you no longer have
a majority behind you.

I don't need one, as long as there is
no majority against me.

Let's take a seat.

You could of course reach an agreement
with the two independents.

But is Denmark best served with
a finance bill that has you begging

- from two traitors?
- With all due respect,

Parly is burdened by neither conscience
nor academic qualifications.

Do you want to save this government?

Well, it would require
your being forthcoming.

There are parts of your very politically
correct, puny finance bill,

that we can't accept.

I believe, what you call political
correctness, I call social responsibility.

Let's not get emotional.
Here is our proposal for an agreement.

There are non-negotiable things.
And we want the first press conference.

Yvonne, let Birgitte look at it first.

Can I take a guess?

Tax cuts, more police and defense,

fewer green tariffs and harsher
punishments for young criminals?

Yes, of course we require concessions,
if we are to keep you afloat.

Denmark got a new government
two and a half months ago.

We do not pursue
right wing-liberal policies.

A government pursues the policies
necessary to survive.

Think about that.


The answer is no.

I won't be remembered
as the prime minister

who was just a stand-in
for the Liberals.

The alternative is
not being remembered at all.

We could have negotiated.

This was no negotiation.
They were ultimatums.

Then Hesselboe would have been
the father of the country

who saved the little girl from drowning.

Our only option is Parly and Vagn.

Go home.

I'll talk with Parly
all night if I have to.

I'll give them as little as possible.

Bent, am I a complete idiot?

Perhaps. But you are
the bravest idiot I know.

Are you still prime minister?

Two days ago I had a finance bill
and a majority in parliament.

Now we're negotiating
with two crazy independent

about a freeway to Ringkøbing.

Do you have a majority
if they get their freeway?

- Yes.
- Then give it to them.

To buy peace?

I think the kids want to see you
this Christmas.

- Even if it costs a freeway to Ringkøbing?
- Mm-hmm.

Are they mad
because I wasn't here to say good night?

Well, you promised to read for Magnus,
and he wouldn't let me do it.

But he's okay.
He's sleeping and will be fine tomorrow.

Would the prime minister like
to come and help wrap the presents?

I think I managed
to distract Magnus enough,

that Santa survives another Christmas.

They will have a great Christmas.
I promise. Hmm.

- Don't worry, I'll pull the heavy load.
- No, you shouldn't.

Yes, you should.

- Hmm.
- We are still us, right?


Good morning.

- Good morning.
- Good morning, Sanne.

The Minister of Finance is waiting,

and the director for the National Art
Museum called to ask what style...

Sanne, I won't have time to deal with it.
She decides. Period.

Good morning.

Did you sleep here all night?

No, I haven't slept.

We won't land that six-billion-kroner
freeway before the vote tomorrow.

You'll have to ask the speaker
for an extension.

Go to the bulldog? She hates me.

You don't have any other choice.

You have to go to the bulldog.

The dear Mrs. Speaker refuses
to postpone the vote.

Now I risk a vote of no confidence.

This is Denmark, not Italy.

The parliament is divided.
Manners are thrown out the window.

Everything is about gaining a majority.

Please get me a majority, Bent.

The problem is we can't agree
on that freeway in the government.

Amir and the Green Party don't want it

because it passes the most
important breeding grounds

of some endangered animal.

But I wonder if Amir won't value
his survival as minister over the animal.

Perhaps, but Solidarity Union
won't agree either,

and then we are still without a majority.
I've asked around.

But we discussed that freeway
in parliament some years ago

and dropped it.
Why does Parly bring it up now?

His constituency is there.

It's completely out of proportion.

What if we spin it?

We leak to the press
that Parly doesn't care about retirees

and just wants an expensive new freeway
for his constituency.

It's not fair to leak
confidential negotiations.

My guess is that Parly withdraws
his demand and acquiesces.

We risk being voted down tomorrow.

We are past fair play.

You should do it.

All right, we just need to see
how far you are along, Katrine.

Could you please lie down, unbutton
your pants and pull up your shirt?

Let's try to get a picture.

Let's see if we can see something.


There's the baby.

What's that flashing dot?

That is the tiny heart.

I can do a picture for the dad
if you want.

- Should I do that?
- Yes, thank you.

- He would have liked to be here today...
- It's no problem.

- He got called to work.
- He can come next time.

But this evening, a source close to the
negotiations said you have a new demand.

Now it's a freeway to Ringkøbing.

- Explain that one, Parly.
- Yesterday, your fight was about

helping the retirees.

Do you see how that might confuse voters?

Not when they understand

that a freeway actually
helps the retirees.

- I think you need to elaborate.
- I think so too.

Do you know how long old people wait
for an ambulance in that part of Jutland?

Three times longer
than someone in Copenhagen.

He's out of control.

But some might see a connection
with the fact that it's your constituency.

Yes, give it to him.

Tell that to little five-year-old Anna
and her family.

Last Friday, her grandfather collapsed
and needed an ambulance.

But there was a traffic jam
on the old highway,

resulting in his death
on the way to the hospital.

You see, had there been a freeway,
he would have made it.

Then he and little Anna
could have spent Christmas together.

Our prime minister has said we should
treat people from third world countries

as if their lives were worth
just as much as ours.

But how come a person from Ringkøbing
apparently is worth less

than someone from Somalia?

And we will pass that on
to the prime minister...

He's letting him get away with it.
There is no logic to Parly's arguments.

It's not about arguments,
but public opinion.

And Parly just won that
with little Anna, who misses her granddad.


How do we survive the vote tomorrow?

With blackmail.

Well, you've kept the paintings.

- They are actually being replaced.
- You have a problem.

With your finance bill.

- I need a week.
- You've lost your majority.

A vote of no confidence now
and you're out.

I am the only viable leader
of the government right now.

And you know that.

And you don't believe
I could become prime minister?

Yes, I do.

And it is exactly the possibility of being
prime minister again some day

that I want to offer you.

You have an investigation
looming over your head

because of the prime minister's
credit card.

- They won't find anything.
- I don't think so either.

But while it looms, you are potentially
a man who stole from the treasury.

Such a man can't be prime minister.

What do you want?

Without the Moderates, there is
no majority for an investigation of you.

I am offering to stop it in exchange

for your support
for an extension of the finance bill.

Give me a week.

I won't vote for your finance bill.

- And the New Right won't either.
- Is that so?

Do you speak for the entire opposition?

Yvonne has done as I've told
the last six years.

I think that will continue.

Just give me one week.


You don't pick up your phone.

Perhaps I want to be alone.

I just wanted to hear
how you were doing.

Why do you want to be alone?

No reason. I'm working.

I'm going to Jutland for Christmas.

- Okay?
- Yes.

- Is that what you want?
- Are you going home?

- I mean, to France?
- No.

No, my parents are
in the French Polynesia.

Bora Bora. It's a new thing they're doing.

Don't they ever miss Denmark?

What's to miss in Denmark?


Well, my parents aren't sentimental, so...

I think I'll eat at Hotel Sankt Petri.

Do you want to come with?

I have my family, you know, Kasper.

Remember them?

They live 18 kilometers outside
of Randers,

and it smells like detergents
and the stuff they spray on the fields.

But it's okay.

You're welcome to come if you're alone.

I'm not alone.

I'm joking. I'm going to be
with my uncle in...

in Skodsborg for some Christmas thing.

We'll be about 25 people. It'll be great.

I'm pregnant.

I'm sorry.

I'm pregnant.

Are you kidding me? Who's the dad?


That can't be possible.

It must have happened one
of the last times.

We were not very careful.

It's fine. It's none of my business.

I assume you're getting rid of it.

- No.
- What? You can't have a child now.

Why not?

Because you can't manage a child
in your life right now.

- You just made evening anchor at TV1.
- Do you hear yourself?

We're talking about a child, Kasper!
The love between me and Ole, damn it.

You're 29.
You have your whole life for kids.

But not with him.

Katrine! Katrine!


I'm sorry I'm late.

What was so important?

- Who are you?
- What?

Who are you?

You dad's name is Peter Juul, right?
But no Peter Juul works at Eurocopter.

You did some checking up on me?

Your mom, who died when you were three?
No Lise Juul lies at Slagelse Cemetery.

The cub reporter has been at it.

- You lied to me!
- I didn't lie to you, okay?

- I may have omitted details.
- Tell me them!

Fine, relax!

My dad took his wife's name
when they married.

He works with the damn
French military, so...

I doubt that if a journalist
called the reception,

that they would freely
hand over all information.

Damn it, Katrine, even I don't know
what he does, besides making helicopters.

My mom...

is in an unmarked grave.

My mom committed su1c1de,
when I was three.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, honey.

Come with me.

- Are you coming?
- Today, the government avoided

being voted down
when the Liberals in a surprise move

chose to delay the vote
for the finance bill.

And parliament has now, most unusually,

been scheduled to meet
between Christmas and New Year.

- Kasper Juul, welcome.
- Thank you.

You were spin doctor
for Birgitte Nyborg and the Moderates.

Tell us what's happening.

We are seeing a prime minister
facing great adversity.

Parliament is divided.

And still Birgitte Nyborg manages
to score a small tactical victory

by gaining six more days.

Could you explain for us how Nyborg
managed to persuade the Liberals?

I think this is a classic trade-off.

If any of you heard the radio news today
at noon,

Birgitte Nyborg said
she didn't find it necessary

to investigate Lars Hesselboe.

So she gets six more days to negotiate,

and he gets left alone.
No one wants to look at his receipts.

In other words... quid pro quo.

All right, I've now Christmas shopped
for 11 minutes!

I had to ask my security guards what
to buy for my husband.

Have you seen this?

It will blow over, I guess.

Blow over?

Did you see Tore's response
to Laugesen today in Politiken?

- It's very well written.
- Listen, Birgitte.

Laugesen is turning
public opinion against you.

And your new spin doctor answers
with an article in Politiken.

He's no good. He can't protect you.

- Then my results will have to protect me.
- Results don't mean shit here.

Bent, what should I do?

I work 20 hours a day. The press hounds
me, and we've lost majority in parliament.

Do you want sympathy?
Aren't you prime minister?

- What the f*ck does that mean?
- That you are prime minister.

- Are you resigning? What's your answer?
- Of course not!

I'm not resigning
before we've even started, damn it!

Find those six billion for that freeway
and let's get to work!

I believe in this, Bent.

Good. Write that in your
New Year's speech.

- Hi.
- Sorry.

Isn't that what you say
on Christmas Eve?

With forgiveness and all that shit?

You don't say that often.

It is Christmas Eve, so...

Are you in Skodsborg with your uncle?

What the hell is that in the background?
Are you having a party with the Smurfs?

My brother has set up Christmas lights
in the courtyard, with speakers and all.

He's so lame. He's also threatened me
with an 25-foot-tall pepper grinder

and steel drums if I'm not married by 30.

Then you better get moving.


Are you sure you're doing the right thing?


Oh, I think they are calling for me now.

I'm coming now!

Katrine, we're about to eat, so...

Okay, yeah. Merry Christmas.

- Hi, Mom.
- Hi, honey.

They're not sleeping.

Was that a little rejection,
Phillip Christensen?

No, I saw that guy...

your old spin doctor Kasper
on TV the other night.

He figured out your little trade
with Hesselboe.

And then I thought...

Why didn't you pick him as your
new adviser instead of Gudme?

That's not going to happen.
I won't work with Kasper again.

The man is without morals.

Since when does a spin doctor need that?

He crafted a fantastic election campaign
for you.

In my world, you choose the best.

In my world, you choose the right one.

And I choose you.

And say thank you for the present.
It was a damn expensive fountain pen.

Yes, but you gave me that
exact same one three years ago.

Oh, God, how embarrassing.

- How embarrassing! Sorry!
- Come here, honey.

Get over here.

- Mm! I'm sorry.
- It's okay.

- What the hell?
- Just leave it. It's mine.

Yes, it's your new friend Tore Gudme.

- Good morning, Tore.
- Sorry to disturb on Christmas morning...

- but have you read Ekspres today?
- No.

Laugesen claims there is something
going on between us. It's grotesque.

It's such a dirty trick. An unseemly mix
of gossip and hate campaign.

Yes, but it's damn effective. My neighbor
asked when I'll schedule elections,

and my mom called to ask
if I'm getting a divorce.

- It ends now.
- How?

TV1 has asked us to meet Laugesen
in a live debate.

- Would love to.
- You can't.

You are prime minister.

He is editor of a newspaper.
You are not on the same level.

- It would look weak.
- But I can meet him.

And I'd love to push back a little.

We can't! The opposition will m*rder us
if we let a spin doctor

- do a political debate.
- I won't debate politics,

I'll answer specifically on this muck
involving me personally.

- I'll discuss press ethics.
- It's a fine line you're walking.

One misstep and all hell breaks loose.

The analysis is simple.

Laugesen's aim is
to undermine Birgitte's credibility.

Our aim is to make him fail.
That's it. Plain and simple.

I think we have been silent
for too long. Time to act.

I agree.

I'll contact TV1 right away.

- Good.
- Merry Christmas.

Laugesen is deadly.

How much TV experience does Tore have?

He's a professor of rhetoric.

I should be there by six o'clock.
Check it with Pia.


Okay, we'll do a briefing
when I get there. Okay, bye.


You're coming for Christmas lunch
at granddad's tomorrow, right?

They just asked me if I could do a big
interview tonight. Somebody's sick.

So I have a plane back in two hours.

Granddad will be so disappointed.

Yeah, I know.

Watch the 8:30 show tonight.
I'm sure you'll understand.

Didn't you say you fainted last week?

It was nothing dangerous.

People do actually die of stress.

It's not stress.

- You're always working, Katrine.
- It's not stress, Mom!

Honey, you don't know that.

Yes, I do.

You're pregnant.

But... my little baby.

- How far are you...
- Almost 11 weeks.

Why didn't you say anything?

Who is the...


So the baby has no dad?

Ole is dead, Katrine.

You don't get it.

- What's to get?
- Nothing.

Mom, we love each other
and are having a child together.

You guys aren't, you are.

And you're alone.


Haven't you said goodbye properly yet?

- Why are you always so hard on yourself?
- You think I should have an abortion?

- No, no.
- You believe in God, what do I know?

God has nothing to do with this.

- You have to watch out for yourself.
- I have to go now.


Okay, good. Thanks.

Are you ready to go on tonight?

- Sure? I can easily get Ulrik...
- Don't give it to Ulrik.

It's fine, I'm ready, okay?

Get Tanja to give your face some color.
You're pale as a corpse.

And smile, damn it, Katrine. Okay? Smile.

This is not a funeral parlor.

- What?
- You haven't told him?

You want a child.

But no one can know.
Is this the championship in denial?

- Because it's Ole's and he's dead?
- Shut your mouth!

And today Laugesen has a front page

with a picture of you
and the prime minister, with a headline

suggesting a flirt between you
and Birgitte Nyborg.

- What is your response?
- It's a grotesque situation

with no basis in reality.

Ekspres shows its level of professionalism
in its criticizing of the prime minister.

What level is that?

Ekspres has declared itself a mix
of tabloid and people's tribunal.

Even though we all know which part
of the population they represent.

Careful, careful, careful.

I find that very interesting.
Which part of the population is that?

Shall we call it
"the vision-less losers"?

You mean those who don't read
four foreign newspapers every day?

Like you, Tore?

We can certainly see that Ekspres appeals
to the absolute lowest common denominator

by calling a man like Parly Pedersen
a hero of the people

because he criticized the government
for sending money

- to poor in Africa.
- No politics!

You don't think freedom of speech
gives Parly Pedersen the right to speak?

Or Ekspres the right to criticize
your prime minister?

I think it would be nice

if freedom of speech was restricted
a little for Ekspres.

No, no, no.

So you're here as media adviser
for the prime minister

advocating a limit to freedom of speech?

Laugesen, stop that.

Isn't that what you are saying,
Tore Gudme?

No, I'm saying Laugesen is chief editor
for Ekspres

to help his own political career,

and I think his board of directors
should consider that.

I think the prime minister,
who's also minister of the press,

- would love to look into it.
- No! Shut up, Tore!

So right now, you're threatening
to have me fired. Right?

Like everyone who disagrees
with your prime minister?

We don't have time for a last comment...

I would love to hear Tore's thoughts
on all those sackings about to come.

- Thanks for coming.
- Thank you.


I know who you are.

You shouldn't be here.

- You should know something.
- I...

don't want to know anything.

Do you understand? He's my husband.

I think you should leave.

- I'm sorry...
- f*ck off, damn it!

Papa just got a call
about going to Sydney for a...

...military conference.

It's the week we were going to visit them.

So I thought,
why not do it during the winter break?

- It's not working out.
- What?

Us. We are not working out.

What do you mean?
Weren't we figuring it out?

Kasper, you're fantastic.

I just can't let it go.
I don't believe a word you say to me.

I don't know what's fact or fiction.

There's always a new explanation.
Something is always not quite as you said.

Perhaps you just need secrets.

Stop it, I don't need anything!

Fine, so you don't, but...

The problem is I don't believe you.

- Katrine!
- And then I can't believe in us.

I swear on my life,

this is a misunderstanding.

I don't think it is.

I think this is who we are.

There are no secrets.

But that doesn't matter anymore
because it is inside me now.

I think we love each other.

So do I.


I thought you needed some good news.

After twisting the arm
of the Green Party and the Worker's Party,

I've managed to get six billion
for the freeway.

Here's a draft agreement.

Pretty impressive, Bent.

But Tore Gudme is called an amateur
in every newspaper.

I fired him this morning.

I'm not sure he understood.
He had never been fired before.

What will you do?

We'll meet with the independents
and sell them this damn freeway,

and we'll vote on
the finance bill tomorrow.

- Let's get out of this deadlock.
- Who'll handle the press?

- Bent...
- You've had fun with an amateur.

Please call a professional now.

I'm Kasper Juul.
I have a meeting with the prime minister.

Hey, you have to sign in.

That's all right, Benny.

This way.

It's pretty impressive that you found
six billion for a freeway, Bent.

The government parties have reluctantly
agreed to the settlement.

The independents will be here in an hour,
I expect to close the deal fast.

I think you are wrong.

Now he's getting his damn freeway.

I don't think Parly wants a freeway.

- What do you mean?
- I think he wants you to resign.

I think Parly is a political tool
for someone who's after Birgitte.

Michael Laugesen?

What do we know about Parly's past?

Wasn't he deep in shit seven
or eight years ago

because he fiddled with per diems
from the European parliament?

- And who saved him?
- Laugesen.


Are you saying he ordered Parly
to break from the party line?

Of course.

When Laugesen resigned
as party chairman,

he could no longer help little Parly.
Parly is isolated.

He gets no chairmanships
or spokesman posts.

He'll lose his seat next election.
He's finished in Danish politics.

So why not repay an old debt,

do a friend a favor
and get his 15 minutes of fame?

So toppling the government
is a friend to a favor?

- Yes.
- That's too far out.

I may have a lively imagination, Bent...

but you should give him a call.

This is Parly.

Hello, Parly, it's Birgitte Nyborg.
We have a meeting in an hour,

but it will be a short meeting,
because you're getting your freeway.

Let's take care not
to misunderstand each other.

I mean, there are still several things
standing between us.

If I'm going to vote
for your finance bill tomorrow,

we'll also have to discuss...

construction of a new hospital in Skjern.

Okay. Parly, I'll have to discuss that
with the government. I'll call you.

How dare he! There's nothing we can do.

Yes, there is.


We can do what our own party
has stood for the last 50 years.

Cooperate across the middle
of Danish politics.

- We have to contact the New Right.
- We tried that.

No, we spoke with the New Right
and the Liberals together.

They belong together.

Do they?

Do you know what that will mean?

It would be a great victory
for the government.

- The New Right hates the Green Party.
- Bent...

...for the first time in eight years,

- there is no bloc politics in Denmark...
- Shh! Shh! Could you please quiet down?

Do it at Marienborg.

She'll love it, that old snob.

Hi, Yvonne, it's Birgitte Nyborg.

Nice of you to come.

I assume it's important.

Tomorrow I'll announce the postponement
of the finance bill,

and I'll pass a temporary bill.

Interesting. On what grounds?

That I find it vital to make
a broad agreement across the aisle.

With the New Right.

Please sit.

What would be our reason
for not toppling you?

It makes no sense to topple me right now.

With all that chaos after a new election.

That goes against everything
in your party.

Law and order.

God, king and country.

And it's time we end the partisan fighting
in parliament.

We disagree on many things.

But we agree on even more.


I should have asked you to bring some
of your fantastic cookies.

My support will cost you, Birgitte.

- What are we talking?
- 400 million more for the police.

- Okay, agreed.
- 600 million more for defense.

As long as we are talking equipment
and education,

not an expansion, then it's fine.

The tax on pollution?
The industry doesn't like it.

Then we'll have to help them retool
for a more carbon-friendly production.

You don't have the money.
Less than nine billion won't do it.

Four billion.

- Eight.
- Five.


Six billion and that's that.

And I won't hear anymore about
foreign aid.

It's more a principle
than a question of money, you know that.

Where will you get six billion from?

From a freeway,
I don't think we will be building.

Do we have a deal?

I think I have to talk
with Hesslboe about it.

We have formed a government together
for six years.

Of course.

So he was right after all.

- Who?
- Hesselboe.

He said the other day,
you always do as he says.


Did he really say that?

Yesterday, Birgitte Nyborg managed
to make an unexpected settlement

with the New Right on a new finance bill.

We have political editor from Ekspres,
Hanne Holm, on the phone.

You call it a decisive victory for Nyborg?

She was at the edge of an actual
vote of no confidence,

but now Nyborg can claim that she
not only negotiated a finance bill,

but also divided the opposition.

That's what you call good
political craftsmanship.

Thank you for joining us.
And from unexpected agreements to...

PET wants to know if you'll spend time
at Marienborg after the New Year's speech.

Oh, f*ck, the New Year's speech.

I took the liberty of making a draft
of the New Year's speech for you.

Is it good?

- You're looking sharp.
- Thank you.

I must say you've made
an interesting choice of paintings.

It's certainly modern.

Sanne, please call the director
for the National Art Museum. Now.

Even after the financial crisis,

Denmark ranks among the ten richest
countries in the world.

Yet, many have criticized the government's
wish to double the foreign aid

and not use the money to take care
of ourselves.

But I believe we take care of ourselves
by taking care of others.

Let me explain with simple arithmetic.

When 1,000 children are born
in Denmark, five of them will die.

In Afghanistan, it's more that 200.

It is an unbalance
that makes people desperate,

creates w*r and breeds terror.

Those are the arguments
for economy and security.

I believe that the most
important argument of all is

that 200 children dying
is 200 too many.

I believe that everyone in the world must
have the chance to see their kids grow up.

I believe that the meaning of life
just might be

to pass it on.

- Yes. Thanks.
- Thank you.

That's pretty well done with a hangover
on a January 1st.

Thank you.

- I'll consider voting for you next time.
- Really?

Come and see this.

- Did you write that speech?
- Yes.

I thought you were a cynical assh*le.

I am.

But your wife pays me a fortune
to write this emotional crap.

Here's the champagne.

- Wonderful. Thank you.
- How fun.

- Do you want a taste, honey?
- Yes.

- Yes.
- Did you get my message?

I sent you a message
in the prime minister's New Year's speech.

- It was a tribute to life and children...
- I've had it removed.

I had an abortion a few hours ago.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Why are you and I never in sync?

I have to go, Kasper. Happy New Year.


- Here you go.
- Thank you.

You're good.

Thank you.