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01x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 03/12/24 16:48
by bunniefuu
This is f*cking sabotage, this is.
This has got McDonaghs all over it.

It's not the McDonaghs.

It was an electrical surge. Tommo
took a direct feed off that thing.

And it was blowing a gale last
night. It's fried everything.

f*ck's sake. That's all that
f*cking gear gone up in smoke now.

Prices. Prices are gonna rise.

I'm telling you, the McDonaghs are
gonna be laughing their tits off.

Hey! Jesus Christ. What?

What do you reckon then? It's a
surge from that storm last night.

Never mind that.

What about them buggers. They were down
wind at the time. What about them?

They're f*cking stoned.

They need milking.
I can't get them to shift.

The milk's all tainted.

I can't sell that to the
supermarkets and

have the public getting
mashed over their cornflakes.

They're not stoned, you dipshit.
You're imagining things.

It's scientifically improbable. The
smoke would go off into the ether.

There, look. They're stoned off their tits.
Look, they're f*cking giggling.

They're f*cking cows, Jimbo.
That's how cows always look.

It's not funny. It f*cking is.

They're as stoned as bastards. I mean,
come on lads. What am I supposed to do?

I'll tell you what you need to do
now. Honestly, this is exactly

what you need to do. You go to the
24 hour and get us some Jaffa Cakes.

Or a Dairy Milk.
Get him a Dairy Milk.

Me to you, to me, to you. f*cking
Chuckle Brothers are back with us.

Watch out, lad.

Waltz Of The Flowers

Now, ladies and gentlemen,
let's have a big round of applause

for our principal ballerina
of the Bolshoi,


Tinsley Blanchett's hypnotist shows
were legendary.

I mean, not just
for the entertainment value.

He had them queuing out the door

just to have a go, hoping for the
chance to forget themselves.

You know, all the worries, all the
bollocks, just for 15 minutes

to become something else.
I mean, Christ, who could blame him?

Now, all right. OK.

Now, you're like the bubble

floating up from the ocean floor.

That's it. Rise to the surface.

Three, two, one.

You're back in the room.

It is my honour

to introduce to you here tonight

the lord of the dance himself,

Mr Michael Flatley.

Hey, Albie.


Hey, Albie. You did not see me

Oh, sorry. Hi. Hi.

Who are they for? You haven't
started smoking, have ya?

No. They're for me uncle.
No. They're for me auntie.

Got to go. See you.

Right. See ya.


Police. Get your f*cking hands up.
f*cking hell.

Don't sneak up on me, dickhead.
For one, I know jujitsu.

Come on, give us a line.
I can't do that, Dylan.

What? You got loads. Don't be tight.

It's not a question of being tight,
sunshine. I swore an oath.

What? An oath? What's this, The Lord
of the f*cking Rings?

Weren't just me neither. We all
swore it. The lads, Erin, Kath,

Ringo and Babs. Swear to God, Mavis's Irish
dancing. It's getting better every year.

Shit, dude, you haven't given him
any of that? He knows, man

about us.
What is this about a f*cking oath?

For God's sake. Look, I wanna go
down on record, I specifically said

not to call it an oath.
That's bloody Frodo's idea.

I said to call it a pact. Hell, what
pact? What's the idea?

I'll tell you what the big idea is,
it's... f*ck you, Dylan.

It's simple. After the debacle that
went down at Ringo and Babsy's wedding,

we all decided, never to give you Class A's
ever again for as long as we shall live.

They make you morose and pathologically
inclined to ruin everyone's night.

That's just bollocks. Everyone's off
their nut, having a great time

and you just become this paranoid
harbinger of doom.

No. That's... That's exaggeration.

It's not you. You can't deal...
You can't help yourself, man.

You do a line or you do a pill

and you start spouting shit like,
you know...

"I can't feel my heart." Exactly.

Or "I'm 24 times more likely of having a bloody
heart attack off cocaine." You know what I mean?

you ruin everyone's buzz, man.

You're a buzz ruiner.
Yeah, you ruin dr*gs for people.

This's horse shit. Is it?
Absolutely horse shit.

Remember that bloody wedding, you convinced
everybody that the E's were poisoned.

They tasted strange. They tasted like
f*ckin', what was it, roll-on deodorant.

Think about it. How would you know
what that tastes like?

You wouldn't know. Couldn't possibly
know. I know, I know. I'm sorry.

Oh, for God's sake.


I hardly ever take it
these days, to be honest.

It's really bad for you.

Oh, get us some nuts.

Something like 94% of them
have, like, blood on them.

Yeah, teeming with hepatitis,
apparently. Just FYI.

Oh, my God. Help me.

Get out. Don't come back.

You're barred, you filthy bastard.
Don't be so harsh.

You're all right, Jerry, love.
Look after yourself.

We'll see you tomorrow.

He's had a tough time of it.

Lost his missus to a heart attack.

With her,
went all meaning in his life.

He's gonna die alone and he knows

He's adrift. Poor soul.

Don't say anything, just listen,
right? Here me out, yeah?

I know... Look, I'm on dr*gs, but...

There are things, right? Feelings that
I have buried. You never know when it's

gonna be too late.
Erin, I'm terrified

of what it would be like
to not be with you.

I wanna be with you.

You and Tyler.
Yeah, you're all I want.

Nothing else matters.

If leaving this place
is truly what you want,

if that'll guarantee
our life with you,

the smile on that face, well,
then I'll do it.

Let's f*cking do it.

Look, I will do whatever you want,
if it means that I get to be with you.

f*ck. Erin, Erin, Erin, I can't feel
my heart. Jesus!

What are you doing
creeping around on the floor?

Scared the shit out of me,
you pillock.

I'm... On the ground!

Erin, I'm sorry! Don't move.

Do not resist. I'm not resisting.

Ronald Croft, I'm arresting you...

No, that's my brother.
That's not him. Ronnie's inside.

This isn't him. See. So where is he?

Who? Ronnie? He's in Grendon. He's doing
eight years. He absconded from day release,

assaulted the owner of
the garage he was working at.

Check upstairs.

You OK? No.

Hey, don't worry.
Could have been worse.

Ronnie could actually
have been here.

Albie? Albie?

He's not here.

God's sake. Who? Who isn't there,
Albie? Me. I'm not here.

All right. Open the door, please.

Where is he? Albie?


Run outside for me, pal.
I'm gagging of thirst here.

All right, Ronnie?
All right, yeah.

He needs to go, Erin.
We're harbouring a fugitive.

That's jail-time.
That's Tyler and Kay.

That's us in jail. Would you just send him
packing? Listen. You heard what he said.

He's being bullied in prison.
He's got drug debts.

He's pissed off the wrong people.
I don't doubt it.

He pisses everyone off. That's what Ronnie does.
All right? He wreaks havoc and he ruins lives.

Have you forgotten about the credit
card he took out in Tyler's name.

Yes, yes, I know, all right.
f*ck's sake.

I just want to move away, honestly.

Get away from shit like this.
It's not f*cking fair.

Hey. Hey.

If you go, I'm coming.

Do you really mean that?
Yes, I do.

I love you.

Your brother is a f*cking dickhead.
He's a parasite, Erin.

He will rob, he will cheat
and he will lie to anyone

and any minute now the odd lot could
be back knocking down that door.

Jesus, Erin, what's going on with
this door? You all right, Vin?

What's he doing? He's meant to be
down for an 8 stretch.

He was. He's on day release.
So he decided to come here.

What do you mean "decided to come here?"
They let you do that these days in jail?

He's fallen out with the owner of the garage he
was training at. Yeah, man. He tried to attack us.

Proper, big, nasty bastard.
Must have been 6'8".

And he just took an
immediate dislike to me, Erin.

And I was like... I was there and he
just started to lose the plot.

Accusing me of nicking his cashbox.
I didn't even know it f*cking existed.

Suddenly starts coming at me,
know what I mean? So I'm

like that, slipping it, cos
I'm a lover, not a fighter.

And then... I don't know. Next
thing, you know,

I had no choice,
so had to run him over.

Wait. What do you mean
you ran him over?

Well, I wasn't going fast man. I was
in reverse. "In reverse"?

Erin. Erin, I swear on Tyler's
life... Don't you dare.

What? I had no choice, man. What?

Like when they offered you
that deal to grass up

Dave Geffen and Arjan Khan. I'm not having
it, wasn't my fault. Yes, it was. You know it.

And this guy is
literally a shit magnet.

Get him out of here
before he gets you all banged up.

See, this is what I'm talking about.
No-one wants to see Ronnie Croft thrive.

Man's here, trying his best
to open a new leaf.

And the whole world is just against
him. Turn over. You what?

Turn over a new leaf. Not "open a new leaf."
"Turn open a new leaf?"

He literally doesn't understand
the saying.

This is what I'm talking about.
Pettiness. Pettiness,

pettiness, pettiness.
This is what I'm up against.

Well, oh, I'm sorry, Dylan,
that I wasn't having the time

to go to f*cking... What's it called
where you learn?

to learn to be a smart arse.
But I was a bit busy,

cos I had to keep my sister
from being put into care

because my mam and dad are both being
sent down. Come on, we're family.

All right, get off.
Fair enough. What's that?

Yeah, it's the cashbox. I couldn't
f*cking leave it, could I?


Come on. What do you mean? f*ck off.

Right, here's what we're gonna do.
You two are gonna get him to Jim's. Right?

I'll have a word with Kath.
She knows a guy with a boat

I'll see if he can get him across
the water.

He can go on living on Uncle Pat's
farm. What's Ireland done

to deserve that? Vinnie, please.
Don't do it for him.

Do it for me. Tyler. Please.

Yeah. All right.
Come on, let's get a shift on.

Right. And wait. Before you go,
if the police come around here snooping,

I want everything that isn't legit out of
the house. If it's nicked, I want it gone.

The washer. That's nicked, yeah.

All right, dryer. Yeah.
Yeah, it's nicked.

Microwave. Microwave. All came as a
set, love. f*ck's sake.

Anything that's electric,
it's been stolen. TV and everything.

Right. Everything, out.

I'll get a van.

You know they don't milk themselves,
don't you, Jim?

I know that, smart arse.

See that silver bucket, I'm waiting
on her to do a piss test.

A what? Piss test. dr*gs test.

You see any of that commotion
on Denby Row?

Two coppers went out
expecting a dead body.

Found a massive f*ck off weed farm,

Posted a copper outside
standing sentry

so they can get a team and some vans down there,
in the morning. What? They haven't taken it?

What can you do
at 11:30 on a Friday night?

Need manpower. Vans.

It's Erin. Hey, you. You get them
boat from Liverpool.

Erin's coming to pick you up from
here at 4:00am. Yeah, OK, man.

Last time they raided
one of those houses,

it was like
professional grow lights and, and

irrigation, temperature control... See, she's not
used to all that weed. She's got the shits now.

We're gonna need a bigger van.


Have you not got anything else, no?
Nothing wrong with this.

Low mileage, surprising amount of
storage as well and most importantly,

low profile, all right?
Blends in unnoticed.

You said you had a van, dude. Said you
had a f*cking van-van is what you said.

Yeah, but this is a flippin'

But this, it's inappropriate.

It's a van. That's why they even call them
ice cream vans, innit? Do you want it or not?

Aw, yeah. All right. And erm...

Gotta pump the brakes to make
them work. Pump the brakes?

Exactly. How is that a thing?

Get in the van. So ungrateful.

Oke-a-doke. What?

None of you recognise the cop?
Let me have a look through them.

I thought that looked like him,
dude, that's Carl Slater, man.

Oh, wait. Who? Carl Slater.

This snidey little twat
we were at school with.

Vin's mortal enemy since year five.
Year four.

Grassed me up for nicking milk off the float.
He would get us in shit.

So, Vince started a little rumour about Carl,
that got a bit out of control,

became an urban myth.
What was the rumour?

That Carl bummed his nan's dog.

Spread like wildfire.
Everyone believed it.

Mud sticks 20 years later.
Car, car, car.

That looks like the McDonaghs.
You know, I bet it's one of their farms.

Sorry, Barry.
Cops have got it. Go on, piss off.

There's a cop guarding the door in.
Even the McDonaghs quit.

There's no way of doing this.
Let's go home.

You're a smart lad, dildo,
but sometimes you lack a bit of ingenuity.

We could do it in seconds. How long does it
take to fill a couple of bloody bin bags?

How are we gonna get in though?
It's the perfect crime.

It's so f*cking stupid no-one will think
anyone will be daft enough to try.

Oh, shit.

Oh, shit.

That's not good. No, it's still
closed. Let's f*ck it off.

Are you off your head? We've just
gone through all that for nothing?

Come on.

Oh, f*ck.

Hello? Vinnie?

Vinnie, how are you, man?
Not so bad, man. What's going on?

Listen, I'm here with some friends
from uni and we... The word is

there's a bit of a drought on
with the old silage crop.

I happen to mention that I'm
pretty tight with the main man.

And so, these reprobates were wondering
if I could deliver the goods.

You know anywhere we can get some? That I do,
Christoph. Let me call you back in a sec?

Yes, Vinnie, hey, wait. Vinnie, look. If it's a
problem, I can come over to you. I'll just get in a cab.

Yeah, you can do that? Vin?

Easy, Vin. Ronnie, is that you?
Yeah, man. For f*ck...

You scared the shit outta me.
What are you doing here?

I'm here for the ganja.
The f*ck you are.

That's our gear that. How did you
get in? The back door, mate.

Are you havin' a giraffe.
There's a back door? Yeah.

Piss off before
I lose my patience with you.

I ain't gonna do that, mate.
You wanna know why? Finders keepers.

Losers... f*cking weepers?
You bellend.

Stop it. Hey.

Damn. Dammit. I'm all right.
Where are you?

Oh, man, see. Now what
are we gonna do?

I'm gonna m*rder this twat, Dylan.
Cardi. I'm, I'm stuck.

This is the police. We are in the building.
Come out with your hands raised.

The f*ck are you supposed to be?

Oi, lads. Up here, Tommo.

Lot of dope in house...
Oh, f*ck off.

How are you doing, lad? Hang on a
minute. You know this fella?

It's Carl Slater, Ronnie. Slater.

Carl, Carl Slater. I didn't even
recognise you in that get up.

Dog bummer! Hey, well, I never.

I heard your nan went catatonic
when she walked in on you

up to your nuts in a poodle.
I heard it were a terrier.

No, it was a poodle, Tommo.
Never bummed a f*cking dog.

Wait, wait, wait. So, you go from
being a dog bummer to being a cop.

People say I do daft shit. Tell me why you want
to go and do something stupid like that for?

There was a number of things that attracted
me to the profession. But, I suppose

getting to put away inbred, pikey twats
like yourselves was probably the main draw.

Strong words, man. Strong words
from a kid who bummed his nan's dog.

I didn't bum a f*cking dog.
Carl, Carl, listen to me, man.

We didn't want this. We didn't mean to involve
you in anything. Well, you are involved now, so...

You shut the f*ck up, Ronnie.
Christ. Right, Dylan.

You're very quiet over there. So, this is where
hanging on to Vinnie's coat tails has got you?

Kidnapping police officers with criminal
masterminds like Ronnie f*cking Croft.

Should've listened to Mr McKelvey's warnings.
Nobody's kidnapping coppers.

We're not involved with Ronnie, that's just a
f*cking babysitting job that's gone a bit awry.

Hang on a minute.
You're gonna explain yourself

to bacon bollocks after he
called you a pikey twat.

He was talking to you, you
mophead. Was he?

I was referring to all of ya, in general.
All right, look, can we just...

Let's just figure out a way, out of
this that benefits us all, shall we?

Yeah? Yeah, OK, yeah.
Sure. Untie me.

I will untie you. But then what?
And then, you all come with me to the nick.

See, I don't wanna do that.
I can't... You don't have an option. f*ck.

There is no way out of this, Vinnie.
You've screwed yourself proper this time.

You know what, mate, you know what? You're
right about there being no way out of this,

but you are dead wrong about who's
f*cked themselves. Cos, yeah.

There's only one knobhead tied to
a chair and that's not f*cking me.

Ronnie, Ronnie, let's just stop calling each other
names, shall we? Try and figure a way out of this.

Negotiate. Is that you're saying?
Negotiate with him. Yeah.

You got him tied to a f*cking chair. Am I the
only one who knows how a kidnapping works?

No, it's not... No, no, no, it's not
a f*cking kidnapping.

It is. It isn't a kidnapping.
Right, Vinnie.

The ball's in your court. And you know what?
You're acting like an amateur.

You're showing him you're weak.
I'm appealing to his common sense.

Vinnie, he's a copper.
Oh, you're such a f*cking genius.

What's your idea, then? What's your
big plan then, Rob? Basic, mate.

It's elementary stuff, right? You
got two options but only one choice.

You let this dog fucker go and he
trots back to his piggy, piggy mates.

Eh, trot back? And they all come down to
your gaff with their piggy piggy truncheons,

they twat your head in and beat you all
down and they drag you off to jail. Or...

You just eliminate the problem.
Do you mean f*cking k*ll him?

You're off your f*cking head,
Ronnie. Do you know what, lads?

Enjoy... I hope you enjoy jail more than I did
cos you're gonna be there a long f*cking time.

Come on, Vin, how long have we

Look. Shittin' himself now,
and rightly so.

He's ready to make a deal
cos he's desperate.

And do you know what he's gonna do?
He's gonna promise you the world now.

Aren't you? But the thing is,
you know, and I f*cking know

that whatever he says
now is worthless. Yeah?

He leaves here alive, youse lot,
you're going to jail, mate.

Help! I'm...

Tape, tape, tape. Calm down.

f*cking hell, whinge, whinge,
whinge, whinge, whinge.

Someone get him a poodle. Jesus.

Come in, Bravo 12-57, over.

B1257 with the number on Slater's epaulette.
They're calling him.

Then f*cking smash it up.
Don't f*cking smash it.

What's up wi' you?
How can he send the signal?

12-57 reading,
go ahead control, over.

We're trying to reach, 12-57.
Why the radio silence?

Is everything all right over there?
Well, I just went for a dump.

Why, did you want to listen? Over?
Copy that, 1257.

I've got a team together
to dismantle this cannabis factory.

Be with you
in just over an hour at 05:30.

Copy that, control.
1257, over and out.

Cheers, Tommo, that was badass, man.
Yeah, I know.

Argh! It's digging in to me and
you're pulling me up.

You've got a wedgie. You've got
a wedgie. I can see your bollocks.

JJ, I need your help.

Get me out of this f*cking hole. I don't care
that it's early, dude, I need your help, man.

What are we doing? What?

Well, we're all in.

I think now he's coming out.
We're doing it.

What? We've got you, man.

Cardi? Did you see that? That was like
some proper You've Been Framed shit.

Tell me you got that on camera.
I'm all right.

Hey, cool. Look what I've found.
Fish g*n! No.

Shine on. Pecker head?

Ah, thought you could do with this.

All right, Carl.

Look, man, I'm sorry. I am. I'm
sorry about school. I took that

I was an angry kid and a difficult time for
me, back then... Don't f*cking bother. Just...

Just don't bother.
You're making me cringe.

f*cking loser.

You know, I never imagined
how low you'd sink.

But then again,
how could you not, eh?

Spawn of a half-wit thief,
mentally unstable mother...

I remember her showing up to school
in her f*cking nightie, crying.

You just stood there,
in the playground.

Bet you remember that,
don't you, Dylan?

"Vinnie, we're out of milk, Vinnie!"

Just f*cking amazing.
Close your f*cking mouth. Went in, she was,

just like you. Hey, did she
ever show up again? No.

I wouldn't come back for you either. She's probably
chucked herself underneath a f*cking train, mate.

Ashamed at creating such a backward,
no-good, whatever the f*ck

You listen to me, Carl.

I'm gonna put you in a back of that
ice-cream van and drive you up to them hills

I'm gonna dig a pit, I'm gonna f*cking
put you in it and bury you underground.

The last thing you're
gonna see is my face, me.

Grinning, as you beg to take them
words back through gobfuls of soil you

dog-bumming twat.

Jesus, Tommo, man,
what is going on here?

Lend someone a bloody ice-cream
van, you don't

expect to be an accessory
in kidnapping a bloody popo.

f*ck it. What else were you
gonna do tonight, stay in?

Tommo? Vinnie? We've got a problem.
What? Tommo.

What's going on, Tom? There's
someone here. What?

Well, f*ck. Is it the McDonaghs?
What does he look like?

Looks like a right knobhead,
red trousers.

Red trousers? Erm...

Oh, shit.


Hello? Vinnie?

What the f*ck...?

Vinnie, I can hear your phone.


Vinnie! Shit.


What're you doing here?
Can I get some of the doobage?

I got this chick, Leone.

She got frisky with me once
at a Jamiroquai concert.

I don't care.
How'd you even find me, Dude?

"Find your Friend". Here, look.

I don't even have
find your bloody friend.

It's great, it's handy.
Crying out loud.

I f*cking do have it.
How do I delete that?

Are you having a party? No...
Is that a weed house?

No, it's not a weed house. It is.
Piss off.


Get the f*ck out. f*ck off.

Do yourself a favour, just do one,
man. Less you know the better.

All right, but sort me out,
come on. Leone.

Wait there, wait there.
Yeah, yeah.

Hell's teeth.

f*cking, Chris. Who's Chris?

A pain in the arse.

Jesus. Wow.

Hi, I'm Chris. Are you kidding?

Hi. Hey, Chris.

Hey, Chris, friend of Vinnie's.

Hi, Cardi. Nice to see you.
Pleasure. Rose?

Very pleasant. It's a quite pleasant
one, this one, yeah.

A friend of my dad,
he's got a vineyard.

No. f*ck no. No, no, no, no.

What the f*ck did I...
Get out, dude. I told you man.

Hello, Chris.
Friend of Vinnie's, eh? f*ck!

Hello, Chris. Friend of Vinnie's.

Look it's all right.
Don't worry about me.

You are not cool. Don't touch it.
Stop. Dude, I swear...

Go get the f*ck out.

Ghost of Long John Silver.


Is that a real policeman?

I'm gonna get... I'd better get back
to my dinner party.

No fucker leaves. f*ck.

What's going on here, Vinnie?
Look, nothing. I'll just...

I'll sort it.
Is this a sex thing?

You gonna g*ng-wank me or something?

You've dropped him in it now. Have
to dig two graves tonight.

Would you just shut the f*ck up,

I'll bury you if you don't
put down that g*n.

What've you got involved in,

Who is this lad, Vin?
He's me GP,

and he's cool, he' cool.
All right, no, he's all right.

Just, he's bound by, what is it?

Patient confidentiality or some

Yeah? Yeah. Does that cover
kidnapping coppers?

I'm pretty sure I'd have to
report that sort of thing.

Do you wanna leave here
alive tonight, you?

Well, actually even if it did fall
under patient confidentiality,

in fact, I'd have a conflict
of interest, cos Carl here

is also one of my patients.

You all right, Carl? I didn't
recognise you with the gag on. You...

How's it... Are you feeling better
down there?

Shut up. Stop making words, dude.

Just f*ck me. He's fine, all right?
He's cool, he's not gonna say nothing.

Is he cool? Yeah. Yeah? Your mate's
just admitted he's been a cop-doctor.

A what? A cop-doctor.
A cop-doctor? Yeah.

Cop-doctor? Is that a thing? Is
it? Of course it f*cking is!

Of course it is.
He's a doctor of cops, isn't he?

He's f*cking one of them.

You're gonna have to have a long
f*cking think about why your mate

is talking to a f*cking cop-doctor.

It wouldn't surprise me
if he planned this whole thing

to set youse lot up.

Are you having a f*cking giraffe?

Are you seriously listening
to Robbie f*cking Croft?

No, but why have you
got a cop-doctor?

I haven't got a cop-doctor
you f*cking bellend.

That's f*cking it.
Hey, hey, hey.

Come on, mate. Wait...

I know you're in there,
open this fricking door. Dickhead.

You all right? Hey. Where's Ronnie?
He's not in the van.

How'd you find us?
"Find your friend".

I'm not on "Find your friend".
He is.

God f*cking dammit, Dylan.


Everything all right, is it?
Yeah? Yeah.

Don't come in. Where is he?
No, no, no, no.

Erin, no. Erin, no. f*ck.

Hi, Erin. Hi, Erin.
How's things, Erin?

The f*ck's going on?
Just chilling out.

Please tell me this is just some
sort of f*cked-up sex thing.

That's what I said. You don't understand
what we've been dealing with.

Your idiot brother's caused all this.
I asked you to look after him.

Keep him out of the way at the barn.
Why is he in a weed farm

with a f*cking copper
tied to a chair? Who's he?

He's a cop-doctor.
Ronnie, shut the f*ck up.

This is exactly what
I've been dealing with all day.

Threatening, bullying behaviour.
"Shut the F up Ronnie."

"I'm gonna effing
F you up, Ronnie."

And it's been hard, mate. It's been
really tough. Shut up, Ronald.

You said to k*ll him.
I'm offering him options, Erin.

Shut up. Shut up.

Why is there a police officer tied
to a chair? All right.

Officer Slater,
was standing guard outside,

we've had to accidentally kidnap
him a little bit. Haven't we, Carl?

Carl... Carl Slater as in,
Carl Slater that bums dogs?

Yeah. What are you all doing?

Stop it. Stop it with the dog bumming thing.
Listen, it's not helpful.

He's still sore about that. He says
we're all going to jail for kidnapping.

You're all a bunch of f*cking
idiots. Idiots, man.

But you. What? You're a special kind
of idiot, you are.

Erin... How the f*ck do you manage
to ruin everything?

I don't, I bring some colour...
Yes, you f*cking do.

You ruin your own life
and you ruin mine...

I'm not ruining it...
Yes, you are.

I'm an accessory now. I'm going to
prison. Erin, Erin.

Tyler's gonna go to f*cking care.
Erin. Erin.

Erin. Come here, Ronnie. f*cking
have you, Ronnie! Get off.

Erin, I'm not... f*ck.

Listen to me.
I'm gonna go and deal with this.

Go and get everything in that van
and get it out of here.

What about these two?

We're gonna have to take 'em with

Where is she?

Negotiate Cardi's massive hole.

Not for the first time,
I'll tell you.

Listen, we've got about 35 minutes,

until two vans full of coppers
descend on this place.

We've gotta get out of here.
What's the point?

You know, I must've done something
f*cking terrible in a previous life.

I'm stuck on karmic roundabout
and I can't get off.

What am I looking at
for aiding and abetting?

This is all my fault, you know.

It is. It's not.

I dragged Dylan here.

I'm probably the reason Slater
turned out like he did.

I took it out on him
when my mum was bad.

They called it bouts, back then.

They didn't call it bipolar.

It was just bouts.

She was all over the place.

I mean, wallpapering the kitchen
before breakfast one minute and...

..standing in the school yard the
next, crying cos we hadn't got milk.

I should've moved away.

But I was scared, you know,
I was scared that

maybe if she did came back...

If she came back she won't know
where to find me.

It's like when you're little,
you know,

if you get lost in a supermarket.

My mum used to stay just stay put.

Stay put, I'll come and find you...

..and I did. I stayed put...

..and she just didn't come back.

It's been 20 years, I've been stuck
in the same bloody supermarket.

She still haven't come back for me.

I'm supposed to listen to all your
problems. Bloody offloaded me own.

What if he's got it? Tyler?

What if he's got bad blood
and he got it from me?

He hasn't, he's fine.

And if he has, we deal with it.

I don't want him to know
I'm his real dad.

I just don't want him thinking
this is how you end up, you know.

No. I want him to be real man.

Like Dylan.

I reckon...

I reckon,
if I didn't know my mum and dad,

you know if you could just
get rid of all the bad memories...

..I could've been
a completely different person.

Just start fresh, you know.

Oh, my God. Erin?
I need five minutes.

Ten, max.

God's sake, Carl.
It's ridiculous...

How much have you had to drink?

Who's been giving him f*cking drinks?
You did you bloody idiot, upstairs.

No more liquids for him.

He's like bloody Seabiscuit
down here.

Why am I the only one holding his
little, pale knob?

Let me get in. What?
I'm trying to help.

You're making it weird. It's like a
threesome now. Vinnie?

What? Do you need to pee and all?

Right. Grab him, will you?
It's all right, I can do it.

Why isn't he
strapped to the f*cking chair?

That was your job. Not my job, it's
your job.

Whoa, Carl. On me bloody hand.

f*cking hell, f*cking splash back.
Get off. Get off.

Me new jeans, you pillock.

I despair, f*cking despair in there.
Where's Dylan?

Dildo, can you text your bird
and find out where she is.

We need to get the f*ck
out of her, dude.

It definitely looks like a sex

What are you so happy about?


How do.

You're going to have
a lovely long sleep,

and when you wake up you're
going to feel wonderfully refreshed,

and unable to remember anything
from the last 24 hours.

Counting back now from ten. Nine.

Eight. You did bum a dog.

Seven. Six.

It were a poodle.

Five. Four.

Three. Two.


Thank you. Thank you.

You are a bloody lifesaver, man.
Thank you.

Namaste. Namaste.

Christ. What a ledge.
He's a bloody lunatic.

Hell, we f*cking did it. All right,
come on, come on, come on. Come on.

Where's our Dylan? Dildo.

Dildo. Wait, where's Ronnie?

What's he doing?
Adios dickheads,

it's been a pleasure.
Erin, I love you.

Pump the brakes!

What a cracking night.

I nicked a car and the antiques,
they were in the boot.

This for the horses?
Is it f*ck for horses?

Where's my antique dildo? There's a
guy in the pub and he topped himself.

You prick.

I think I could make you
really happy.

Please don't cut my d*ck off
in a pawn shop, man.

Don't. Don't.