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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 03/12/24 16:46
by bunniefuu
I'm Joe Blane Jr,
and I'm fighting Ashley Dennings.

Ashley, you've never fought
a man like me before,

and as God as my judge,
I'm gonna k*ll your brain.

I'm gonna put you
in a f*cking hospital.

# The best things in life are free

# But you can give them
To the birds and bees

# I need money
# That's what I want

# That's what I want
# That's what I want

# That's what I want
# That's what I want

♪ That's what I want
♪ That's what I want ♪

Will Carol be here?
She will, indeed. Yeah.

So as long as I can avoid them.

As soon as she says, they never
mind. Yeah, I will.

Tell her. Tell her who you are.
Yes. All right, lad?

Ashley, you didn't pick me up.
Give it back. Whoa! Come on.

Sexy abuse.
Weird, isn't it?

Weird. This is weird.

The Dennings where like a surrogate
family when I were younger.

My mum had pissed off
and me dad was me dad.

They're a traditional family,
you see.

So when they found out Ash was gay,
and his brothers tried to fix it.

Will you leave the boy alone,
you pair of reprobates?

It's good to see you, son. Vinnie.

You all right? How you doing?

I see you brought
the shirt-lifter with you.

Actually, no, Mrs Dennings,
I'm not. In fact...

You're not a real man,
though, are ya? Come on.

I've got something
to show you, son. Thanks, guys.

Your face. Brilliant.

Every f*cking time. Well, it's
because you use big words, Dyldo.

You know what I mean? Mind you, them
pants don't help, do they?

Mum, Skyler, please, bro.

All right, Cardi?
Wanna come to my trailer?

What? I got a new pet.
Romeo. He'd love to meet you.

Why don't you go and have a look
at her pet? No.

Why not? He can stroke it.
Oh, yes, he can.

Go on, mate. I'm good.

Go and stroke it, dude.
Go on. Won't take long.

Come on. Cardi, just me and you.

I'm sort of...
And your little friend.


I've got a thing for big boys,

The chunkier, the better.

I like the feel of a big man.
That bulk, that waist.

Whoa, whoa, Carol. Hang on.
What? There's no pet.

It's in the bedroom. Come on.
No, I'm not...

Trailer? Romeo, I know code when I
heard it. I'm not stupid.

What kind of person
do you think I am?

What about romance? What about
getting to know each other, Carol?

What about...? Romeo, meet Cardi.


That's you there, Mr Happy.
There you go.

Mo's Tickle, dude.
Tickle? Stains.

Right, first things first.

I want you all to watch this.
(CLEARS THROAT) Why am I Mr Slow?

Why what? Mr Slow. You saying I'm
thick or something?

Hey, chill out, you bloody maniac.
We just chose them at random, dude.

Change it.
It's only a mug.

I am not being Mr Slow.
Well, I'm not changing it.

Here, you be Mr Slow.
I'm on coffee.

Coffee's fine. Get away.
Look, I'm not being Mr Slow!

No way. End of story. I refuse!

Here, you be Mr f*cking Slow.
He's old, you daft git.

Look at him. What?

He's old. That's why he's slow.
He's not thick, is he?

They're not gonna have a f*cking
kid's character who's thick

called Mr Slow.
Now, drink your tea. Video.


'Ashley, you've never fought
a man like me before,

and as God as my judge,

I'm gonna k*ll your brain. I'm gonna
put you in a f*cking hospital.

By the time I'm done with you,
you're gonna need your mum

to wipe your arsehole.

Off to Blane!'

f*ck the Blanes. f*ck the Blanes.
f*ck the Blanes. Son of a...

I will not be wiping your arse,

because you are not going
to lose to that gobshite.

This is provocation,
this is posturing,

and we won't rise to it.

We do our talking the way
we've always done, with these.

You're a Dennings,
and Dennings don't lose.

Come on, Ashley, wreck him.


How's things with you and Erin?
Good, man. You getting on?

I'm saying, with all that shit
with McCann's men following her,

it were freaking her out, weren't it?
It's all settled down now, has it?

Yeah. What?

We're f*cking like rabbits.
All right. Yeah.

Actually, no, rabbits don't even do it
this often. We're like porn rabbits.

Honestly, it's like
we're newly dating.

I mean, my balls are sore.
Do you remember the sore balls?

Probably from
that w*nk*ng competition.

So, what's that all about then?

I'm not complaining.

My d*ck's not complaining. My head's
got a few questions. Mm-hm.

Like, I don't... When did it start?

After I found that guy Jake
at her house?

He had been there
for hours and then...

I don't know. Psychologically,
it makes me question her motives.

The overcompensation sex.

Yeah. Nice!

I don't know, dude. Shagging is
shagging at the end of the day.

Yes, it is. Lucky bastard. Christ.

She hates you. She loves me.

(PANTING) I think I'm gonna puke.

You won't puke, man. I might puke.
If you tell yourself puking's a possibility,

you might puke. You gotta
tell yourself you won't puke.

How do you run like that?
It's what I do, innit?

It turns this off.
I can't do this every day, Vin.

Do you wanna lose the fight? No.
Then we've gotta train, Ash.

I'm a Dennings. We don't lose

Brawn's not enough, man.
You've gotta have stamina.

Do you think George Jr
is being complacent?

He isn't. He's up every morning,
cracking dawn, lifting, pushing.

How do you know? I don't. That's
what I'm trying to tell you.

You don't know either, do ya?
He's a f*cking tough lad.

If you lose the fight,
your family's gonna k*ll ya.

I know. You've gotta think
of pride, don't ya? Think of honour.

More than anything...

think of the money
we've got riding on it.


I know your dad. In you go.

Five minutes off here.
Five minutes.

Cardi, do us a solid, dude.

Go and ask the Blanes if they're
ready. We've got five minutes here.


Yeah, you don't have to fight him, dude.
You just have to say, "Are you ready?"

Can I come with you?
No, I'm good, I'm good.


Oh, shit.

(SOFTLY) Excuse...

Excuse me.


(STAMMERING) Sorry to interrupt.

We were wondering if you're ready.


Bring it on, fat boy.

Get out of here.

I'm A Man

# Now when I was a little boy

# At the age of five

# I had something in my pocket

# Keeps a lot of folks alive...

You've got nowt to lose.

We want fair play.
No holding, no biting.

Watch your heads. Whoever breaks
the rules loses the fight.

Otherwise, it's the first one to offer a hand.
May the best man win. God bless you both.





♪ All you pretty women
Stand in line ♪

# All you pretty women
Come on! Come on, yeah! Whoo!



Yeah! Come on!

Come on!


Put your f*cking hands up. He's getting boxed
in the f*cking head every five minutes.

Hey! That's an illegal, that.



Come on, buddy. Come on, buddy.
Come on. Go, go.



Come on, Ash!

Break it up! Break it up!
Break it up!




What are you doing?

Ash, come on!

Come on, Ash! Come on!

Get him up! Get him up, now!



Go! Get the f*ck...

Get him in. Get his legs.
Got him.

Get him in. Where are you taking him?
Come on.

To the hospital.
I'm going with you. So am I.

With you, we'll never make it. He's my
best friend, I'm coming. We'll follow on.

No, no. Do not get arrested.

Strap yourself in, Mo.
Jesus Christ, they're everywhere.

Ash, Ash.

We need to get out of here quick.


They've made shitloads of arrests.

Half the district's more footage
is there out tonight.

That's this bastard, next door,
this. Ken Buslowski.

I bet you, he's tipped them off.

Just think, all of this weed here,
right under their noses.

You absolutely love this, don't you?

Come on, don't you?

Oh, It's exciting. The fight,
the rain. My heart is pounding.

Yes, But I told Kath
I'd pick Tyler up at 9:30,

and I'm stuck in a weed shed, so.

You know, there's officers punching
people there right now. Yeah?

Shall we go for it?
f*ck off, we can't.

Can we?



Want a Bonbon?


We've stabilised him,
but his injuries are significant.

Broken nose, concussion
and serious head injury.

we think the reason he collapsed

was due a toxin
we found in his blood.

A toxin?
A drug called alprazolam.

It's commonly used
as a horse tranquiliser.

They f*cking drugged him.

I seem to recall, we had Ash in, not
long ago, with chloroform poisoning.

Is that a problem he has or...?
No, that was me.

He thought it was a good way
to drug a Shetland pony, is all.

Should have used alprazolam.
Yeah, they don't sell that down at the pub.

There is a concern.

In humans, it can have an effect
on brain function.

On brain function?

It's been known
to cause strokes, seizures.

We're gonna have
to keep him monitored.

They drugged my boy.
Those bastards, I could k*ll them.

Well, that's your choice. Just...

..don't leave them
with life-threatening injuries.

You lot are costing
the NHS a fortune.

I'm sorry.

All right.

Let me go and have a word
with them lads.

You? Yeah, me.

Tell them they didn't f*cking win.

He's fine. Reading stories.

Getting in his pyjamas.

Yeah, do you mind
having him a bit longer?

Yeah, sure. Is everything OK, Erin?

Yeah, something's erupted.

Great. All right, Kath, thanks.
I owe ya. Bye.

Vinnie, I got weapons, so...

What if it goes off, man? What if
they start? They'll f*cking k*ll us.

They know what they've done. Go on,
then. Come on, just jump in the van.

Be cool, Vinnie. Show them
we mean business. All right.



Where's Joe Blane?
Who's asking?

We're asking.
Who's we?

Us six in here. Me, him, her
and them three in the back.

Who's you six in there? You, him,
her, them three in the back?

Does it matter?
Where's Joe Blane's trailer, mate?

We need to have a word with him.

What's the problem, Paddy?
Look at this.

You come to pay us our money?
No, because you won't be getting any.

And why is that, then?
Cos it wasn't a fair fight.

Men can't fight
if his system is swimming with dr*gs.

dr*gs he didn't even f*cking put
there. Stop talking shit.

I beat him fair-and-square.
No, you didn't.

Listen, I told you
I'll put him in a hospital.

That's what I f*cking did.
dr*gs did.

dr*gs put my mate in the hospital.
You lot know better than I do.

It's supposed to be man versus man.
We came for a fair fight

and today that didn't happen.
Today, I k*lled him.

No, you didn't.
You spiked him, it is what you did.

How can you be all right with this?

How can you f*cking justify it
to yourselves?

You're f*cking cheats,
is what you are.

Dylan, you need to hear it,
you know you are.

So what are you proposing?

A rematch.
Well, he can't because in hospital.

Your bird's right.
He can't fight in that condition.

So what?

You got a new opponent for me?

Yeah. Yeah, I do.

Who? Me.

Oh, f*ck off. (LAUGHING)

I'm being serious. Me.
For my friend, Ashley.

For the sake of a fair fight, I'll be
your new opponent. Come here.

If he wants a hiding, why not?



Call the ambulance now, lads,
will we? (GIGGLING) Shit!

Nice one, dickhead. That's backfired,
hasn't it. You, get in the van.

You're gonna get m*rder*d.
Not necessarily. Absolutely annihilated.

All right, well, maybe.

Maybe not. Let's have a look at some
positivity, yeah?

I'm fast, I am.
And I've got good stamina.

That's all I have for now.
Let's have a look at some negatives.

Vinnie, you're gonna get k*lled.

First Ash, now you. Well, I'm going
home. I need a kebab.

Cardi, no red meat.
A chicken burger, then!

With f*cking fries!

Cardi, you don't know the way.
f*ck off! Cardi.

I love Ashley.

He's my best friend
and then, to see him get...

You know, like last night...

Now Vinnie's gonna get the same.

Why? What's the point of it all?

It's our tradition.
It's a stupid tradition.

Come here, come on.

Let all the tension go.
Allow yourself to be held.

Like, when you were a small child
and you had a problem

and your mammy made it all better.

No, more than that.
All your muscles need to unclench.

Let the tension go away.
Put your head on me chest.

Ah! There you go.

Just cry if you want to cry.

Whatever you want to do is fine.

Let all your cares fade away, eh?

There you go, that's it.

Everything's all right.
Everything's OK.

Mammy's here, huh?
Mammy make everything all right.


We think it's best if Cardi sleeps
in with me tonight, don't you?

Mm? Yeah. Yes.

I think tonight it's best if
little Cardi sleeps in with Mammy.

Mammy keep him safe.

Yeah. Yeah. Come on, come on.

Come on.

Everything will be all right
in the morning.

Romeo, out.

Post him a video. Tell them, they're
nothing but a bunch of cheating pricks

Tell them, they have to face
a Dennings.

What have you told ya? I shook on it.
So it has to be me now, you lemon.

But you'll lose and if you lose,
then we lose money.

Mate, he's right.
What do you want me to do?

Mic's in a cell so he can't fight.
He can't fight,

he's soft in the bloody middle,
hasn't trained since his injury.

Bull shit.
It's the f*cking truth.

You know why Ashley fights?
He does it for you lot.

To prove himself, despite the fact
he f*cking hates it.

Despite that fact he wants a completely
different life. Honest to God,

this just isn't who he is.
And who is he?

Vinnie, shut it.

He just wants to be happy.
Living the life he wants live, Mo.

What are you saying?
I am saying... You, f*ck...

Shut your mouth. What you gonna do? Were you gonna
give me a good hiding like you did his lover?

It's a funny phase. It's gonna pass.
Funny phase? You f*cking mad?

You just can't accept him
for what he is.

Your own brother
and I'll tell you right now,

he's more of a man,
than you'll ever be.

That's what bothers you?

That's what bothers you
and I'm telling you right now,

it's never, ever been a problem for
us and that's why he loves us.

Let me fight, man. No.
For my friend, let me fight.

I said, no! Hey...
Whoa, whoa!

Yeah? Yeah!

I am not a f*cking kid any more.
Let's have it, man. I'll k*ll ya.


He fights. Mam,
it's me bad shoulder.

He fights.

Sorry. (GRUNTS)

Vinnie! Vin.

Hey. Take a seat.

What can I do you for? Er...

Well, it's the... It's my bipolar.

Oh, no. (SCOFFS)
I've just made a decision.

Yeah. I've not thought about
the consequences.

Yeah. Mm-hm.

It's like my f*cking head tells me
to do these things.

Oh, no. I'm probably gonna end up
getting k*lled here.

I started a... Terrible.

Are you high? What?

No. Your pupils are massive, man

and you're like a f*cking nodding
dog. What's going on?

I'm the doctor here. Let's stick to
the time-honoured convention of

you tell me about your health
and I'll... You're high.

I'm not. Yeah, you are. I'm not.

What've you taken?

You're gonna end up getting struck
off. Vinnie, sit down. Vinnie, sit.

You better sort your shit out, pal.

Vinnie. Vinnie, sit down.
Waste of time. Vin...

Vinnie. Wait, Vinnie.

Vin, I need to talk to you.

Yeah, and I need to talk to you there
where you're paid to listen.

Wait a sec.
Wait a second?

What about your other patients?
Waiting time's bad enough.

Hang on! Vin!

He asked me
to pretend to be this Russian whore.


Naughty boy. I spank you. (CHUCKLES)

You're lucky I don't poison you,
my secret nerve agent

and take it out on your English ass.

He loves all our kinky shit,
the spanking.

You never think though, would you?
No. Little innocent face. I know.

I thought you two hadn't been
getting on. No, we haven't.

We shag more when there's problems.
My way of getting us close.

It worked.

Oh, shit, Kath.

What am I gonna do if I am?
f*cking sh1tting myself.

I can't mess everything up.

Thanks, mate. Have you seen a skinny
lad, thinning hair?

Firstly, you need to find out...

A bloke looking for you.
(WHISPERS) I'm not here, Sid.

You are, you're down there. Oh, my
God! You are a bellend, dude!

Vinnie. Doc, while you're here, can
you look at the weeping rash?

Shit. You all right?
You all right? Yeah.

You just in there?
No. (STUTTERS) I was.

I just... You know,
I needed a pee, so...

Yeah. I went and had one. Mm.

Ah, so this fight...

you're gonna get k*lled. Come on,
why does everyone keep saying that?

Because you are gonna get k*lled.
It's absolutely ridiculous. Pull out.

I can't pull out. Why not?
Because I've shook on it.

It's tradition.
Oh, don't be a twat.

Look, Dylan's scared for you.
I'm scared for you.

You know what I mean.
You can seriously get hurt here.

We love you, you dickhead.

Did anything happen between
you and that Jake lad?


He's a good-looking lad, you know.
Say that again.

Say that again and see what happens.

That went well. f*cking hell.

You all right, Sid?
Whoa! Come on. Penis, dude.

Hear you're gonna get k*lled, Vin?
I'm not gonna get k*lled.

Can't you use the toilet?
Prefer it al fresco.

I've just really seen
your knob there.

I know who you are, son...

..and I know, what you are.

And I want you to know...

that I can live with it.

I'm your mam...

and I'll always love you,
no matter what.

But I mean,
no flouncing around, like...

No Graham Norton stuff.

But privately.

If that's you...

..if that's what you like...


Make me a whore!
You are!

More! You are a maniac!

Turn back!

Come on! Yes, yes! More!


More! Force it into me, boss.




What the f*ck are you doing here?

I wanted to talk to you.
How did you know where I live?

I'm a GP.
I've got access to your records.

My address isn't on the bloody
records. The pub is.

I went there, paid a man in specs
five pounds to tell me.

Jesus! You are a bloody stalker, man.

Have a sit down.

You were right, Vinnie.
I was taking stuff.

Yeah, I know you were.

Got in a bad place.
I'll say. (SCOFFS)

Not the dr*gs. The dr*gs were just
a slip.

Something to take my mind off
the real problem...

Oh, God. Genuinely nervous.
Where's this going now?

I'm addicted to women's knees.
I'm listening.

Round knees, shins, thighs,
mainly knees.

I had this marriage. She was...

She was great. (SOBS)

She was my soulmate.
But I couldn't stop

wanting to see other women's knees. Just to
touch 'em, to kiss 'em, to lick 'em, to...

I tried it on with a couple of her friends.
I mean, nothing weird, just...

..getting close to their
knees at parties.

Throwing drink over them
and wiping it off.

One day she caught me cracking one
out when her friend came

round in her short skirt
and the whole thing unravelled.

When women come into the surgery
and I'm just thinking of...

..excuses to take their dresses off, you know,
praying that they'll have lower limb issues.

I'm losing control of myself, Vin.
It's all I can think about.

Look, I sympathise with you, Chris.
Honestly, really, I do, man.

I don't know what you
expect me to do about all this.

Think about it, Vin.
Look, our minds are...

The thoughts here...
they're worrying.

But just talking about it,
just sitting here

and being able to say things,
it just...

It's like a weight been lifted.

So I was thinking, Vinnie,

Just say if you think this is a
terrible idea, but I was thinking...

I need help, you need help,

to talk about our thoughts, and
maybe we could be like, you know,

a therapy for each other.
Like a two-man counselling group.

What do you think?

Well... (EXHALES)

I mean, well, yeah... I've got to
have a bare knuckle fight

with a brutal traveller on
Tuesday, so can we do it after that?



Piss off, JJ.



(GROANS) Cheers.

All right, go. Now, listen to me,
we come for a fair fight,

and my boy Ashley was bloody spiked.
No-one knocked anyone out.

I'm Vinnie O'Neil. I've come to fight with a bit of
f*cking respect, a bit of honour from the opponent,

You're f*cking dickheads!
Oh, my God!

f*ck off! What are you doin'?
You've ruined that.

You've ruined that. Turn it off.
We're not having chips!

You've ruined that. Turn it off.

Yes, go on, Joe!
Go on, Joe, lad!

No need for that, Joe.

You little q*eer.
Yeah, you f*cking wish.

Told you I'm not your type.

Hope you rang the hospital. Booked a bed
next to your little f*gg*t friend, eh?

It's a hospital. They don't do
advanced bookings, you bellend.

Right, lads. Just know the rules.

I want a fair fight.
No holding, no kicking,

no head-butting and no biting.

Whoever breaks the rules,
loses the fight.

Otherwise, it's the first man
to offer his hand. Mm-hm.

I said it's the first man...
to offer his hand.

I don't wanna offer him my hand.
He's a d*ck.

God bless you both. (CROWD CHEERING)
Come on, Vin.




Why you not fighting?

Where's my money?
Oh, f*ck off!



Yes, mate!


Yes! Yes! Good boy!
Come on, Vinnie!

Vinnie? Hm?
The f*ck you doing?

You f*cked my eye, Joe. Start f*cking
dancing, start fighting, will you.

Fight on, lad. (CHEERING)



Fight's over, our lad's won.

Are you all right?

Get him up, get him up,
get him up!

You all right?


Go on, son.

Ashley, no.

All right, there. No harm, right?

All right, fair is fair.
It's your fight.

No, no, no, no. What are any of us
without our honour?

That man there said it.

And it's true.
You're a brave man, Vinnie.

You knew you were going to lose
and you fought for your friend.

Come here to me now.

A brave man!


He's fine.
Well, nothing life-threatening.

Two of his ribs are cracked, his face
won't be its gorgeous self for a while.

Can we see him?
He needs rest. Come back tomorrow.

f*ck that. Let's go. No, no, the
doctor's right. He needs his rest.

Come on. Come back tomorrow.

Dylan, listen. I need to wee, OK?
So I'll meet you outside.

Yeah. Two minutes.


You're looking good.
Mm-hm. (SCOFFS)

I know you were there
the other day, Vin,

in the pub, when I was talking
to Kath.

I'm not sure what you heard.
Mm. Not much.

(SIGHS) You know,
I'm in a mess, Vinnie.

I...I do wanna have a kid with him.

With Dylan. Because Tyler is not his
and I'd love him to be a real dad.

But the timing's not right.

It'd mess up all my plans,
my future.

Tyler's future.

Oh, for f*ck's sake.

I can't believe
I let this happen again.

You know, getting pregnant
by mistake once...

Understandable. But twice?

It's starting to
look like stupid, eh.

All the lies that
I told the first time around...

The elaborate bullshit.

I stopped the guy from finding out
it was his.

Timing's changed. Then I get crap
about boyfriends.

Because it was a shag.
It was just a shag.

And the guy would have felt obliged to be a
part of Tyler's life. I didn't want that.

It was my choice to keep him.

And I wanted him on my terms.

I never wanted anything
to tie me down, Vin.

So I lied.

I mean...

The guy didn't really even
remember it happening.

He asked me the next day,
and I told him nothing.

We were too wasted.

So I lied.

And that's what I'm gonna do this
time because if I tell Dylan,

he'll want to keep it
and if we keep it... will tie me down.

So whatever you've heard,
you need to un-hear, OK?

Because it's going away.

Erin. Er...



Vincent O' Neil,

pleased to meet you.

I'm Terence McCann.

I want compensation, 20K,
this month.

What do you want us to do?
Rob 'em or what?

I want them dead. We're thieves. This
matter doesn't really come under our radar.

Oi, Jimmy Savile!

Oi, that's me little lad.

Things go on as they were.
No-one knows and no-one will.

We'll nick 'em, sell 'em,
tell her they're dead.

Easy money.

Just take a look at this.

Oh, come on. Look at that.
For f*ck's sake.