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01x12 - Jealousy In The Air

Posted: 03/12/24 05:42
by bunniefuu
Hi, Gav.

How are you?

What’s up?


I just have no one to talk to.

It seems everyone is busy.

Is this OK?

I understand.

Sorry, I thought…

Anyways, bye—


Terrence, wait.

Are you OK?

I guess.

Not as OK as I used to be.

Like most people nowadays.

I’m just looking for someone to talk to.

Is it OK?



thank you.

And sorry again.

You already said sorry.

We’re OK now.

Besides, we’ve been friends before
any of this happened.

- Thank you, Gav.
- Stop it.

Don’t make this weird.

So what’s up?

Is anything troubling you?

What do you want to talk about?

Nothing, really.

I just wanted to chat,

for my own sanity.

You know how it is here.

My parents and I don’t really talk.

All they care about is business.

And I don’t see my siblings often.

At least you have someone there with you.

Sorry. I’m so insensitive. Sorry.

Stop saying sorry.

So what made you write that comment
on Pearl’s post? You were furious.


Well, it was in all caps.

It’s nothing.

Whatever it is,

I’m sure you can talk about it
with Cai and Pearl.


it’s about Cai?


I wanted to talk to Pearl but
she’s busy with her new career.

And her love life.

I’m all alone here in the house.

I’m just here if you want to talk about it.

But I’d understand if you can’t.

Cairo and his family are leaving.

They’re moving to Bukidnon.

But you’ve talked about it?


I told him I’ll move there as well.

Nothing has to change.

That’s great.

I’m sure about my feelings for Cairo.

I love him.



I can’t help but worry.

I still have fears.

There’s this smartass.
He will be his neighbor in Bukidnon.

I trust my baby.

But that smartass, know-it-all punk?

- I don’t trust him at all.
- Wait.

You’re jealous?

You weren’t like this before.

I guess this crisis is affecting everyone.


A piece of unsolicited advice

from someone who ruined all of
his relationships…

I think it will help if you
communicate your feelings to Cai.

But I don’t want him to think that
I don’t trust him.

Moving away soon.

Awww. You’re really leaving?


You like my food?

Yes, baby.

I love watching you eat.

You know baby, packing is so stressful.


I can’t seem to get anything done.

Why didn’t you eat dinner with your brothers?

You’re on speaking terms, right?

But who will eat with you?

Look at you, baby.

You really know how to charm me.


I’m not trying to charm you.


Are you crying?


I’m just touched by what you said.

This is your fault.


Are you sad, baby?


Don’t get used to this.

I think you need a hug.


Thank you, baby.


I hugged you back.

Are you OK?

I remembered my grandma

while I was cooking.

I just realized

how quiet the house is.

This lockdown is taking too long.

I’m just happy to hear that you
like eating with me.

It’s the least I can do.

I don’t have a way with words, baby.

I don’t know how to make you smile,

the way you make me smile.

It’s easy to make me smile, baby.

Here we go.

I haven’t said anything yet.


Tell me.

It’s easy to make me smile, baby…

Come take a bath with me.

I thought so.

You’re so annoying.

Seriously, baby…

I hope this pandemic ends soon.

There are rumors that another
lockdown might be imposed here

because of positive cases.

Baby, please be careful.

I don’t go out, baby.

Besides, those are just rumors.

Just be careful, OK?

Yes, baby.

I’m not leaving the house.

I want to be safe when I take you
to the airport.

You’re taking me to the airport?

Of course.

It’s a promise.


I’ll get to introduce my fan to Mama.

Your fan?

Don’t ask.

You’ll find out soon.

Baby, let’s go.


Baby, come join me.




Baby, come on!


Join me!

- Just fold the collar down.
- What’s the next step?

Then fold the sleeve in the middle.

Let me see, baby.

Is this correct?

That’s it.

Fold it in three sections.

- It’ll give you more space.
- One. Two. Three.

- There.
- OK?

Bye bye.

Ssob, I just came from the city hall.

According to them,

it’s important to secure travel passes.

You’ll also need medical certificates.

You’re also required to undergo a swab test.

Is that so?

OK I’ll tell Mama.

And ssob, upon arrival here,

you’ll have to stay at a quarantine
facility for 14 days.

I’ve seen some photos on my timeline.

It’s not bad.

It’s not a five-star-hotel.

But it’s decent.

Even better than those in Manila…

I’ll send you the link later.


You don’t seem excited, ssob?

I’m really excited.

How can I be?

It’s just too complicated.

Honestly, I’m not ready to leave yet.


You’re leaving so many things behind.

Maybe you’re worried about
leaving someone behind?



We’ve just gotten really close,

and now we have to be apart.

If Gav wasn’t in the equation,

it would be easier for me to
accept Mama’s decision.

- Are you a new couple?
- Yes,

but it feels like we’ve known each other for so long.

And you just met online?


Why do I feel like you’re judging me?

Of course not.

You know, I read some
surprising things about LDR.


Why are you reading up on LDR?

Are you in an LDR?

Wait. I have to go upstairs and get some clothes.


I’m not in an LDR or any kind of relationship.

I read about it because of this pandemic.

We all feel like we’re in an LDR

because of social and physical distancing.

The mere fact that we can’t hug
or touch our loved ones,

- it feels like an LDR.
- I don’t think that's a fact.

It sounds more like an opinion.


But according to a famous therapist,

we need at least 4 hugs a day to survive,

Thank you, Teacher Kim.

You’re crazy.

That’s the problem with
intelligent people.

Don’t let statistics stop you from
believing in love.


Baby, I can’t seem to contact you.

Baby, I’m just talking to Wes.

He's just giving me an update.

Can I say hi?

Wes, Gav wants to say hi.

Sure. No problem.

OK, thanks.

Hi, baby.


Hello. How’s it going?

It’s all good.

Am I intruding?


I think I’m the one intruding here.

I just told him all the
requirements they’d need.

We were just chatting.


So that’s why.
I’ve been trying to call my baby.

I didn’t know you were just chatting.

Have you been calling me for long?

Sorry about that.

We were having a good time.

It’s OK, baby.

I just miss you.


We were just talking this morning.

I know.

Hey, master.

Take all the time you need
with the requirements.

They’re not in a hurry.


Anything you say.

If you want…


Are you OK?

Yeah. Good thing it’s cold.

Ssob, I remember the time

your grandma asked you to serve coffee?

You broke a mug.
Your grandma was really pissed.


Don’t remind me.

What are you doing?


It feels sticky.


You too?

It’s hot. It’s the rainy season,

but for some reason it’s hot.

- Whatever.
- Baby...

Wesley, do you still have anything
to discuss with my baby?

We’re done.

Look at ssob. He’s so cute when he blushes.

My baby’s really cute.

I’m so lucky I’m the one he loves.


Good for you.

Master, can I ask a favor?

Can you stop calling my baby ssob?


I didn’t know it’s an issue.

I’ve always called him that way

since we were kids.

Don’t read meanings into it.

You talk too much.
Just answer yes or no.

Hey wait…

I think my mom is trying to call me.

Wes, thanks again.


let’s just talk later.

I’m ending the call. Bye.

Baby, what time are you calling?

I’m just waiting.

I have lots of tea to spill.

You’re not ready.

I’m so glad we’re chatting again.

Excuse me? Am I the only one
who’s excited?

You can’t even pretend to be
excited for me?

Is this about your love life, Pearl?

Forget it. You just k*lled my

You said you were going to call me.

I was busy.

Besides, we’re chatting now.

What’s happening?

Are you having an LQ?

Maybe you were having too much of a good time.

What’s your problem?

Wesley is just my friend, Gav.


I’m just Gav now?

You like saying ssob better than baby?

This is pointless.
I’m not having any of this.

Wait a minute. Who’s Wesley?

That smartass who looks like an alien.

Oh my God.

Do I smell jealousy in the air?

Gavreel Mendoza Alarcon is jealous?

He’s been acting crazy.

There’s nothing to be jealous about.

He knows he’s my only baby.

Did you hear that, Gav?

I know that, baby.

But I don’t trust that idiot.

It’s obvious that he likes you.


No, no, no.

He has no feelings for me.
We’re just friends.

Wait, baby boy.

I haven’t met Wesley.

But sometimes you can be naïve.

It took you awhile to believe that
Gav was crazy about you.

Well what do you want me to do?

- Stop talking to him?
- Up to you.

Why are you asking me?

I don’t know.

Unbelievable. Talk it over like
adults please.





I thought I was the star of the night.

I ended up being the referee again.

Stop it you drama queens!


Yes, my baby?

Is it possible…

Wes has this idea…

Baby, what are you doing right now?

I’m thinking of you.

Yeah, right.

Baby, let’s not fight please.

We’re not fighting.

Promise, baby. I’ll behave.

When did you ever behave?


You’re so annoying.

But you love me.

Of course.

Some people can’t just mind their
own business.

Come on, Gav.

Stop picking on him.


Wow that sounds serious.

Is that for someone in particular?

How did you guess?

Joke. Half joke.

Well, my advice remains the same:

communicate better.

Good advice. Thank you!



So you two are close? Nice.


Don’t call me baby.

It doesn’t mean anything.


Then why are you calling?

We were just talking.

So you’re talking now?

For how long?

I thought we’ve already forgiven Terrence?


But it doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten
what he did.

- Besides he never said sorry to me.
- What?

He said sorry to both of us.

He said sorry to you.

Then he asked me to take care of you

Where’s the apology there?


We’ve talked about this.

You even told me you found his apology sincere.

His apology to you was sincere.

- Why are you defending him?
- I’m not defending him.

You’re defending your action.

Baby please.

- What?
- We just talked. OK?

I didn’t have anyone to talk to.

Besides, you agreed to unblock him.

Well if you can talk to Terrence,
then I can talk to Wes.

Is this about that smartass?


But I don’t want to feel guilty when I’m talking to my friend.

He doesn’t just see you as a friend.

You don’t see how he looks at you.

But I do.

What about Terrence?

- He still likes you, doesn’t he?
- Why are we talking about Terrence again?

Why can’t you answer my question?

- Admit it, I’m right.
- Sure. You’re always right anyway.


Are we always going to be like this?

What do you mean?

Let’s talk this out. I’m going there.


It’s not safe.

There are cases in your area.

Don’t be irresponsible, Gav.

I’m going there now.

Don’t be stubborn.

What happens when I move to Bukidnon?

Will our fights get worse?

What are you trying to say?




You think it’s not going to work?

I didn’t say that.

But that’s what you’re trying to imply.

This is pointless then.

Are you breaking up with me?

You think I’m that shallow?

That I’ll easily give up?

Clearly, you don’t trust me at all.

I trust you. But not your friend.
We’ve been over this already.


He’s my friend.

My friends are an extension of who I am.

If you can’t accept them,
then how can you accept me?

So how can you tell me I can’t be
friends with Terrence?

Don’t throw this back at me.

You know what he did to us.

But I’ve forgiven him.

Not all friends have to be perfect
and a math genius like your friend.


Why are you suddenly like this?

You’ve become so insecure.

Me? I forgot, I'm always wrong.

You're always right even if
I’m the one hurting.

Admit it.

Sometimes you can be
inconsiderate of my feelings.

Do you know what you’re saying?

-I forced myself out of my shell for you.
-You’re always dismissing me.

-To accommodate you in life.
- You don’t think my emotions are valid.

-Do you hear yourself? How am I inconsiderate?
-And now you’re calling me insecure?

You know what-

Forget it!