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01x09 - Say It With Love

Posted: 03/12/24 05:40
by bunniefuu
Thank you for participating in our donation drive.

This will help a lot of our frontliners.

Thank you also to those who sent their condolences.

My family and I are doing better each day.

But it might take a while before
I do another livestream.

Hope you guys understand.

Anyways, as promised, I’ll give a shoutout
to some of you.

Later, I’ll be giving away skins…

or maybe diamonds. I’ll just surprise you.

Alright let’s go.

Shout out to

Jen Mauricio.

Hello, Nestor Abrogena.

Hi, Kristian Palma and Prince Ralph Malanum.

Who else?


Looks like someone wants to get noticed.

Hey, Angel2000.

Mine? You mean “me”?

Can Caimazing be mine?

Idiot. This is not online selling.

Add to cart.

Don’t pay him any attention, guys.

I mean...

“add to heart.”

Don’t make me block you, Angel2000.


OK, game!

You are such an attention seeker.

Even during my livestream.

Just say it please.

- What?
- Baby.

Didn’t you already call me baby?

- Huh?
- Don’t huh me.


You’re talking nonsense.

Don’t deny it.

I heard you say it. It’s so clear.

You even made it your username.


Oh that.

It’s nothing.

It’s nothing?

It’s important!

- You’re calling me baby.
- So what?

I call a lot of things baby.

I’m loyal to you, but you have
more than one baby?


I call our dog baby. Even my youngest brother.

I also have a nephew I call baby.

It’s not a big deal.

If it’s not a big deal,
then why can’t you call me baby now?

No reason.

Don’t be shy.

Say it, baby. Come on.

Say it with love.

Come on, say it.

Don’t be shy. Come on.

I’m not used to it.

- So let’s practice, baby.
- Don’t annoy me.

Maybe I’ll just change my username.

No, don’t do that.

But I’m already your baby, right?

I saw that. Don’t pretend.


Don’t give me that smile of yours.

- You know I’ve already fallen for you.
- I know.

I mean…

Now I know what I forgot to tell you.

I’ll just transfer to your account
the donation I got for the frontliners.





Hi, babes!

Terrence sent a video message.

Watch first before you react.

Don’t worry.

I’ll talk to him if you have any violent reaction.

Hi Gav.

After everything that has happened,

I know now is not the right time
to ask for forgiveness.

But I want to try and make things right.

Pearl is right.

What I did was such an assh*le move.

I shouldn’t force you to love me back.

I thought that if I fought for you,

even if it was wrong,

you’ll see how much I need you.

But just because we have a past together
doesn’t mean you’ll choose me.

Believe me, Gav,

when I say being with you
was one of the best moments of my life.

I just didn’t know how to take care of you.

Gav, I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for everything.

I know it’s too late,

and you’re happy now.

That’s the most important thing for me.


Gav is a great guy.

And I know you know that.

So please take care of him.

Stay safe and stay strong.


Come on.

It’s Zumba time. I’m so ready.

Three… two… one…

Roll it back, roll it back.

OK, open your legs.

Sway your hips to the front,

to the side,

to the back.

To the side, to the front.

- Let’s repeat, and then we’ll do it faster.
- This is tiring, Pearl.

Stop complaining. OK, switch.

We’ve been doing Zumba for only 5 minutes.
How can you be tired?

Why do you drag us into these things?

OK, next!

Zumba is fun, especially with friends.

You need this, Cairo.

You do nothing but sit in front of your computer.

You have to exercise.

I do exercise.

Beyonce moves this time.
What exercise is that?

- Nothing.
- Beyonce pump it!

Baby, I think I know what exercise you’re doing.
Let me join you.

I’ll call you tonight.

- We’ll do it together.
- Perve.

Yuck. You guys are gross.

Why? What were you thinking?

I can tell how your mind works now.

I know what you’re thinking.

Then you know you’re the only thing on my mind?

What did you just say?

Oh my gosh.

Stop staring at each other like that.
Get a room.

Be a little considerate. Stop making me
the president of all third wheels.

By the way,

- there’s news that GCQ will start next week.
- What’s that?

It’s another form of quarantine, but more relaxed.

Certain businesses will be allowed to operate.

Hopefully, once the curve is flattened,
they will finally lift quarantine.


Who knows, I might finally get to see you.

Yeah right. I don’t believe you anymore.

True. You made us wait for nothing.

It wasn’t my fault.

OK fine. I’m hitting the shower. Bye, babes.



It’s so exciting.

We’ll be spending more time together
once the quarantine is lifted.

Says who?


Baby, I have so many plans for us.

We’ll be going to so many places.

I don’t like going out.

Seriously? Too bad.

I was planning to take you to Real, Quezon.

It’s beautiful there.

We’ll go surfing.

There’s also water-rafting.
It’ll be fun, baby. Promise.

I’m not into those stuff.

It sounds scary. What if we get into an accident?

Baby, don’t be scared, OK?

I’ll be there with you.

- I won’t let anything bad happen to my baby.
- You’re just saying that now.

Of course not.

I promise. I won’t allow you to get hurt.

There’s something I want to try.

I want to go snorkeling.

It’s fun.

But not with you.

Baby, let me go with you! We’ll do it together.

Last year, I went snorkeling in Matinloc Island.

It’s so beautiful, you won’t believe it.

But I went there alone.

I promised myself to go back with the love of my life.


once the quarantine is lifted,

let’s shop for snorkeling gear.

We’re definitely going there. Just the two of us.


- You might be up to something.
- Promise, I’ll behave myself…

I’ll behave. Promise.

- But only at the start.
- Whatever.

I already told you I hate going out.

I’m not interested in those things.

Real, Quezon.

It does look like a good place for surfing.

Matinloc, Island.

Wow. It’s so beautiful.

But it has a romantic vibe. Really, Gav.

I hope this pandemic ends soon.



Cai, I'm sorry…

I heard what happened to your dad.

I’m such an idiot.

I shouldn’t have done that.

All this happened because of my stupidity.

Cai, even if you don’t forgive me…

I just really want to apologize.

I want you to know that...

I really regret what I did.

Risa, what you did was terrible.

It’s so wrong.

I trusted you as a friend
but you were the first to judge me.

However, what happened to Papa is not your fault.

There you go again.

I hurt you in so many ways,

and you’re still trying to make me feel better.

I know what I did was wrong.

It’s so wrong.

And I know it has a consequence.

I lost my best friend.

I lost my best friend.


I will understand if you can’t forgive me.

I’ll understand.

Maybe not now.

But I really appreciate you doing this, Risa.

Hi, baby.

Hey, I got what you sent.
Did you receive my delivery?

Hi, baby.


Hi, baby.

I think your internet is lagging.


You’re not answering to “hi, baby.”

Can’t I get a “hi, baby”?

Or a “good morning, baby?”

Stop trying to be cute.

I’m not trying to be cute.

A little affection would be nice.


Hi, baby.

It sounds so dry.

One more. With feelings, please…

Hi, baby.

Happy now?

Yes. Super happy. One more?

Enough. You might get used to it.

I’d like that.

So, did you get it?

Yes, it’s here. It arrived earlier.

Why don’t you open yours?

Open it.

- OK.
- Please.

I’m sure you’ll like it.

What’s this?


Is this a prank? What will I do with this?

Don’t be like that.

I’m just thinking of you.

I still can’t see you.

- At least you have something to hug for now.
- Hug?

No, this is what I’ll do to it.

Ouch! That hurts.

It feels like you’re punching my heart.

But thank you, really. It’s soft.

I knew you’d like it.

You can also kiss it at night.


I’d rather do this.

But really, it’s soft. I love hugging it.

Sweet. Imagine if it’s me you’re hugging.

No. We have to observe physical distancing.

You’re right.

So, I’ll settle for hugging this. Surprise!

So that’s why you were asking for my photo.

What’s on the other side?

I hate you. Why that photo?

You’re so cute here.

Nice and naughty at the same time.


- Ouch! Hit me baby one more time!
- You’re crazy!

Hey, I’ll open this, OK?

Sure. But it’s really simple.

It doesn’t matter, baby.


And I thought I was the cheesy one.


Then maybe I should take this off.

Well I guess you don't like it.

No, don’t. It’s cute.

Definitely cute.

Wait. Don’t take it off.


What are you doing?

It’s really nice, baby. Thank you.

You’ve given me so many things.

But thank you,

especially for being there for me.

You know what I mean.

It’s nothing, baby.

My gifts are not just material things.

I’ll also give you my heart and soul.

- And my body is all yours, baby.
- Yuck. Don’t be gross.

I’m excited to wear this
when we finally meet in person.

If we can only see each other every day.

Every day? Really?


To make up for the days that we’re not together.

Won’t we get tired of each other?

Remember what Pearl said—

Baby, don’t listen to Pearl.

Her ex did not exert enough effort.

And he's a cheater.

I’m not like that.

I’ll drive to see you every day.

If you want, I’ll ask for Mama’s permission.

So you can stay with me. Then, I’m all yours.

Why don’t we just run away?

But Mama might not like it.

Idiot. You’re talking nonsense.

Baby, it’s never too early
to start planning our future together.

Cairo, are you in a video call?

Please call me afterwards. Thank you.

Gav, let’s talk later. It’s Mama. I have to call her.

Why? Is she giving us her consent?


She needs to talk to me.

Hi, Ma. Wait.

I’ll just call my brothers.

Cairo, no need.

I want to talk to you individually.


What’s that?

Gav’s Baby?

It’s nothing, Ma.

Who’s that?

Nothing, Ma. A fan sent me this.

Oh, a fan.

What a cute fan you have.

Ma, what were you going to say?


I am thinking of moving to Bukidnon
to live with your grandma.

Our savings have been depleted

because of your Papa’s hospital bills.

I am thinking of selling our condo.

We can use the money to start anew in Bukidnon.

Your grandma has a banana farm
that she has been asking me to manage.

I’ll have less worries if we live there.

Ma, what if I decide to stay here?

I have only one year to go before I graduate.

I can find a job once the lockdown is lifted.

I also make some money by live streaming.

Promise, you won’t have to worry about me.

I understand your concern, Cairo.

This is where you grew up and your friends are here.

You’re old enough to make a decision for yourself.

But son…

this is a big move for me too

and I really need your support.

I have no one to depend on but you, my children.

And I’m sure,

it would make your Papa sad

if we got separated from each other.

I understand, Ma.

Hey guys! It’s your girl, Pearl!
Welcome to my channel!

So annoying!

One more.

Hey, guys.

It’s your girl, Pearl.

Welcome to my channel!

That’s not it.

I hate it.

Pearl, can we do your makeup tutorial
some other time?

But why?

He’s telling me this now?

I already have all my stuff laid out!

Oh my God!

Calm down!



Oh no.

You’re leaving us?

Are you serious? Have you spoken to Gav?

Not yet.

Are you telling him?

Promise, I won’t drink so I can keep my mouth shut.

Is it final?

Mama’s already decided.

- But you don’t agree with her?
- If it were up to me, I’d rather stay here.

But, of course, I understand why
she wants us to move.

I used to put myself first all the time.

Look where it got us.

This time, I want to focus on my family.

After what I put them through,

this is the least I can do for Mama.

It’s my duty to help her recover.

I understand. But what happens to you and Gav?

I really don’t know what kind of relationship we have,
or if it’s even going to work.

You have to at least try,

if you want to know if it will work.

You’re afraid you’ll get hurt?

I’m afraid I might be the one to hurt Gav.

He’s excited we’ll be seeing each other soon.

He has so many plans.

I’m excited, too.

But right now, there are more important things
I need to attend to.

I understand. But it’s so sad.

Virtual hug?



Apo Island is also a great place for snorkeling.

We’ll swim with the turtles. It’ll be fun.

I did some research.

Jomalig Island is also nice.

It’s no far from Manila. It’s just in Quezon Province.

You want to go there?



Do we have a problem?
You don’t seem excited.

It’s nothing.

By the way, when are you bringing meals
for the frontliners?

Probably next week, according to Pearl.

- Are you going?
- I think so.

Pearl’s food riders will be busy after the lockdown.



Just be careful.

Of course, baby.

I need to tell you something.

What, baby?

I’m all ears. Is this what I’ve been
waiting to hear?



No. I mean,

let’s not talk about it here.

I want to tell it to you...


- What are you saying…
- What I’m saying is…

It’s time for us to meet, baby.