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01x05 - Thrill of the Chase

Posted: 03/12/24 05:06
by bunniefuu
OK, guys. One of you gets to play against me now.

One on one.

But this time,

if I lose, I’ll give stuff away.

No cheaters, okay?

Type your username below.

Who’s up for the challenge?

Wow. This Terrence Carreon sure is excited.

OK, I choose you.

What’s your username? I’ll invite you.

Invite me to your live stream.


But no crying if you lose.

Don’t come running back to your mom, OK?




What’s your username for the game?

I’m typing it. Wait.

What’s that?


Is it cheesy? It’s an old username.

I haven’t changed it.

It’s been a while since I last played.



The Angel of Peace.

You know him right?


Don’t worry.

I just want to play.


What are you talking about?

You know what I’m talking about.

You’re nonsense.

Go talk to someone else.

Don’t be like that, guys.

We’re here to play, nothing more.

Who’s next?

You hate wearing shirts too?

Goofing around with my best bro.

Are you sure you’re just bros?

What do you plan to do after this quarantine?

Let’s do it together.




Where do you want to go?



Are we a couple now?

All right.


You’re saying yes?

We’re officially a couple?

What are you blabbering about?

You just agreed to be my boyfriend.

You’re delusional.

You seem preoccupied.

Is it about your dad?

Or something else?


I’m just sleepy.

Yeah right. You just want to play a game.


- Gav...
- Yes, babe?

Do you know this person…


Is there something you want to tell me?

- Just say it.
- Huh?

Did Pearl say something again?


Don’t listen to her.

She just likes to gossip.

Why are you paranoid?

Are you hiding something from me?

Why would I hide anything?

You want me to strip, so you can see everything?

Is that what you want?

You want me to?

You deserve each other.
You both like being naked.



You’re driving me crazy.

I’m driving you crazy?


So you’re crazy for me?

You’re crazy, period.

Let’s go to bed.


Good night.

Sweet dreams, baby!

Hi, Cai.

Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you the other day.


Who are you again?

Huh? What do you mean?

You don’t remember?

We were supposed to play in your live stream.

Yes. You’re irritating.

Oh OK.

I’m GavreelsOnlyLove

Lucky you!

Oh really?

Obviously, it’s just a username.

Can we video call?

You’ve got some nerve.

I’m busy.

It’s easier to explain in person than in chat.

The nerve of this guy.

Now he’s pestering me.

What do you want?

Dude, relax. I come in peace.

What is it? I’m really busy.

This will be quick.

It’s about Gav.

I don’t know why he’s bothering me

- You should just talk to him.
- I just don’t want you to have the wrong impression.

Wrong impression?

Maybe I made the wrong move.

I don’t want to cause any trouble for you and Gav.

I saw Pearl’s post,

and I don’t know what got into me.

Maybe I was just curious.

Curious about what?

Are you Gav’s new guy?

What are you talking about?

So… not yet, then?

Well, full disclosure,

we used to be together.

But that was a long time ago.

We haven’t talked since then.

You and Gavreel were a couple?


But we’re not that serious.

Well, he wasn’t.

But I was. So you don’t have to worry.

I’m not worried.

Wow. You’re confident.

I like that.

Not really. I don’t get what you want from me.

Pearl’s post got me really curious.

I thought, okay Gav has moved on.

Good for him.

So I clicked you’re profile, and saw that you were online.



Why are you looking at me like that?

It makes sense.

- What?
- You’re so his type.

What do you mean?

I don’t think so.

He likes it when the guy is difficult to get.

And I mean that as a compliment.

In the beginning, I used to ignore him,

but he was so persistent.

I didn’t know I could fall for a guy like Gav.

Wait. Let me correct that.

I didn’t know I could fall for a guy, period.

He doesn’t stop until he gets what he wants.

Are you into guys?


The thing with Gav is he’s very charming…

He could charm even a statue.

Imagine a statue falling for Gav.

Believe me, he likes a good challenge.


He would go to all this effort just because he likes the challenge?

Oh no. Please don’t take it the wrong way.

He’s just really persistent.

Persistent? More like annoying.

Yes, but like I’ve said,

he’s very charming.

So I understand why people fall for him.

I also fell for his dimples and pizzas.


Yes. It’s his favorite food.

Anyway, I have to go.

I hope we’re good.



Once the lockdown ends,

we’ll deliver food to our frontliners in Quezon City.

We can finally meet, baby.

I’m not allowed to leave the house, unless it’s important.

Ouch. That hurts, baby.

Am I not important to you?

You’re always making jokes. Be serious for once.

I know I tease you a lot but I’m serious when it comes to love.


Then how come you broke up with…


…with Pearl?

We were so young.

And we’re better off as best friends anyway.

Stop worrying.

I’m so into you, as Arianna would say.

But you also end up saying “thank you, next.” Right?

Of course not.

Why are you so grumpy all of a sudden?

Grumpy? I’m just asking.

Are you still worried about Pearl?

Of course not.

Pearl is so nice.


Did you also treat her to pizza?

You mean, like a date? No.

Oh. So you just like treating people to pizza.

Not really.
We had a pizza date because it’s your favorite.

And because you’re special.


Baby, what is this about?


Anyway, I’ll leave you to finish what you’re doing.

Wait. Don’t leave. Let’s talk more-

Why are you blaming me?

We don’t even talk about you.

Why was he so grouchy then?

He won’t tell me what I did wrong.

Are you sure you didn’t tell him anything?

- You can be chatty sometimes.
- Why is it always my fault?

Maybe you did do something wrong.

Everything was fine with us until you made him upset.

Excuse me.

He was upset because of his family situation. OK?

OK, fine, partly because of me too. Happy?

Has the curve been flattened?


It feels like he has put up a wall that I can’t penetrate.

So are you giving up?

Of course not.

But what can I do if he doesn’t like me?

Try jumping through fire.

Shut up.

Why are you wearing a hat and shades?

Because it’s so hot!

Then go inside.

I can’t. I have to disinfect the groceries first.

You’re such a drama queen.

You’re the drama queen!

For all you know it’s nothing serious.

You’re overthinking things.

- You think so?
- Yes!

Oh crap. I lost track of what I’m disinfecting.

You’re so annoying. Go away.

June 26, 2000.

So you’re a Cancer.

That’s why you’re full of contradictions.


Yes, baby boy.

Cancers are like that.

Affectionate. But you put up a wall.

You’re afraid to show vulnerability.

That’s why you’re sensitive.

I don’t believe in that.

This is just a guide.

You don’t have to take it seriously.

OK, let’s calculate your compatibility.

Good match! Oh my God!

I wish Gav were here!

What’s taking him so long at the grocery store?

Wait. There’s more.


"...they have to control their mood and temper."

"When hurt, Cancer retreats, and Scorpio bites back..."

Bites back?

"...causing trouble in the relationship.”

Bite back? Even if he is the one at fault?


No issue.

But that horoscope is one-sided.

It only favors Gav.

It’s just a horoscope.

It doesn’t know what you’re going through.

What’s up?



Okay, if you say so.

But you have to admit, it’s pretty accurate.

Like a true Scorpio, Gav is very passionate.


Was he this intense when you were still together?

Are we really talking about that?

All I can say is that he never pursued me
the way he is pursuing you now.

Because he wasn’t into girls.

He was also confused then.

Didn’t you feel betrayed?

He hid the truth from you.

I was hurt at first.

But I thought about his inner struggle…

Imagine being alone…

- At least he was honest with me, right?
- It’s absolutely important.


Tell me the truth. What’s happening?

Gav thinks you’re annoyed with him about something.

I’m always annoyed with him.

Anyway, I have to go now.


Let’s see if I’m compatible with the actor Alden Richards.

Bye, Pearl.

Wow he really left.

Now let’s see if I’m compatible with Catriona Gray.

Is he telling the truth?

Don’t be fooled by his sweet words,

you don’t know how many people he has hurt with those words.

Hey what’s that about?
So controversial. Do I know him?

I just read it somewhere.

Credits to the owner.

Is he throwing shade at Gavreel? Or me?


I didn’t think you would answer.

I just wanted to say hi.

Why do you call when you’re working out?


I just finished working out.

Want to play?

We didn’t get to play last time.


Dark Souls 1?

I don’t know that game.

What do you know?


I just want to make friends with you.


I don’t know.


I see myself in you.

In what way?

We’re so different.

You and Gavreel are more alike.

No way.

I will never use my grandma to gain sympathy.

What do you mean?

Forget it.

- You know what? Let’s just play a game.
- No.

You were saying something about his grandma.

I said forget it.

Tell me.


Way back when he was still pursuing me,

he always talked about his grandma.

It was then that I saw a more caring side of him.

He told me he talks about me to his grandma.

I was really happy when he said that.

- So what’s the problem?
- Nothing really.

You know I’ve never met his grandma.

He had an excuse each time I asked about meeting her.

- Maybe it just wasn’t possible.
- I thought of that.

His grandma was in the province, while we stayed in Manila.

But you know what?

I was shocked when his grandma died.

He said he was really heartbroken about that.

Yes he was.

Did you read his post about his grandma?

I was really moved.

Before his grandma died, he never showed any weakness.

We were just partying and drinking all week.

Party all week?

I don’t think so.

He was always beside his grandma in the hospital.

Is that what he told you?

Yeah, right.

Probably he was at the hospital each morning,

but in the evening he was drinking.

Hey, don’t mention this to Gav, OK?

He’s very sensitive about this.



why did you break up?

If you don’t mind telling me.

It’s a long time ago.

You know, he courted me for a long time.

When we became a couple, something changed.

Maybe it was just the thrill of the chase.

Maybe we just didn’t click.

But I’m sure it would be different for you.

Hi, baby. I’m trying to call you.

I have to go. I got things to do.

Sure. Bye.

Hi baby.

I’ve been trying to call you.

You’re probably busy talking to someone else.

I’m jealous.

It seems like you’re in a bad mood.

What can I do to make you smile?

Why are you courting me?

Because I like you.

Don’t I always tell you that?

Let’s suppose you get what you what.

What happens next?

If that happens, I’ll be so happy.

I’ll be the happiest man in the world.

You know, every time I discover a new game,

I just want to master it in every way.

I want to level up fast, especially if it’s a difficult game.

- Baby, I'm not playing games.
- Once you’ve mastered a game

and a more exciting game comes along,

you forget about it.

- You think it’s what I’m doing?
- Honestly, I don’t know what we’re doing.

Maybe we’re just bored.

This lockdown has made people do crazy stuff.

Hey, that kinda hurts.

I don’t want to hurt you.

I’m just looking after myself.

Are you turning me down, baby?

I don’t know why I allowed myself
to get caught up with you.

Maybe I just needed a distraction.

There’s a lot in my mind. My dad… this lockdown…

So that’s what I am to you?

Just a distraction?

Am I not the same to you?

You were bored and decided to pick on me.

You think I’m that shallow?

I may tease you a lot,

but everything I’ve told you is true.

My feelings for you are true.

Everything I’ve shown you is true.

What about your grandma?

What about grandma Cora?

Were you just using her to get me to like you?

How can you say that, Cairo?

I understand why you can’t totally trust me.

I get that.

But how can you accuse me of using my grandma?

You know that I will do everything
to prove my love to you.

But I will never use her,

or my most painful experience, just to fool you.

- Sorry. I don’t what know what got—
- What do you want to happen, Cairo?

You want me to stop courting you?

Stop whatever it is we have going on?


You don’t have to say it.

I will never bother you again.

Goodbye, Cairo.
