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01x03 - Strangers Online

Posted: 03/12/24 05:04
by bunniefuu
Cai… Cairo…


Talk to me, please.

I miss you.

This year you’ll be lucky in love…

if you choose me.

Cairo, baby!

I miss you.

Don’t you miss me?


Cai, I really miss you.

I just got here at my mom’s house.
Miss me already?

Come back here.

And let you strangle me? No thanks.

I’ll stay here until the lockdown ends.

You live nearby. Come back here.

Let me strangle you a little.

Temper, temper.

You’re annoying.

He must be thinking bad of me.

He’s not answering my calls.

Good. Now he’s safe from your advances.

Aren’t you my friend?
You should be on my side.

I am your friend. That’s why I’m doing this.

You’ll probably ghost him soon.

Poor boy.

Excuse me! I’ve never ghosted anyone!

That doesn’t count.

I know you, Gav. You’re bored of the lockdown.

You’re only flirting to mess with him.

How can you accuse me of that?


- What about—?
- We’re done, OK?

We’re never getting back together.


You don’t believe me?

You fell for him just by watching his live streams?

You’re hopeless.

You’re not even into gaming.

He’s cute.


- Wow!
- Really?

I’ve seen you fawning over cute boys!

I’ve also become his fan.

He’s smart. And we both love music.

You’ve been stalking him?

I learned my stalking skills from the best.


I hate you.

Now it’s my fault?

I’m serious about him.

I got into online games because of him.

I even studied his moves.

OK fine, I believe you.

Just don’t ghost him.

Or I’ll make you sorry.

Now can you come back here?

No way!

You make me do all the housework.

I live like a princess here.


Good morning.


Are you mad?

Is it because of Pearl?

She’s just my best friend.

Babe is your best friend?

Please answer.

I’ll explain everything.


No “hello baby” up to now?

Not even “good morning”?

Like I care.


Please don’t be mad.

Pearl is not my girlfriend.

Why would I be angry?

I don’t care if you two are lovers.

I think you’re jealous.

No, not at all!

I think you are.

You're jealous, right?


Everything is a joke with you.

Everything is a game.


I’m not playing games with you.

I just want to see you smile.

Wow thank you.

What did I do wrong?

Tell me so I can fix it.

You said if I needed someone to talk to,
I could turn to you.

But… but…

You really are jealous.

I said I’m not jealous!

I thought you could be my friend.

It was stupid of me to expect anything from you.

We’re just strangers online.


you’re not a stranger to me.

When I made that promise,

I really meant it.


Did anything happen?

I’m sorry for not getting in touch sooner.

Hey Cai,

are you okay?

What happened?

Sorry, I have to go.

Hey, wait-

Brother, can I visit papa at the hospital?

You know the answer.

Do you want to get infected?

Mama is already stressed as it is.

I’ll be careful.

Why would I stress her up?


I’ll be gone for a while, babe.

Don’t miss me too much.

I’ll be back before you know it.

Love you.

Love you.

Pissed that she’s leaving?

Serves you right.

I don't believe she's not your girlfriend.

Sorry… I’m so sorry, babe.

I had no idea he would react that way.

- Sorry yourself. He already blocked me.
- Let me chat him up.

I’ll apologize. Explain everything.

He’ll just ignore you… babe.

You should have explained our relationship to him.

Your boyfriends always think I’m a threat.

You’re not the only reason why he’s mad.

He’s going through a lot.

I promised to be always there for him.

But now I let him down.

Do you know what happened?

I think it has something to do with his dad.

I know the feeling.

I’ve been through it last year.

Seeing your loved one in the hospital
can make you feel helpless.

To be fair, Pearl is pretty.

Who’s this?

Is this his grandma?

I don’t know what it’s like to have parents.

But I never felt I missed out because of
Grandma Cora.

She took very good care of me
ever since my parents died.

Thank you for everything, Grandma Cora.

I know you will be watching over me.

I love you.

What’s your plan?

I have an idea,

but I need your help.

Do I really want to know?

You can’t say no.

You started this mess.

I admit it! Don’t rub it in!

I feel bad already.

What’s the plan?

I’m not sure if he will like it.

But I’m giving it my all.

Are you game?


For your boy!

Friend request?


Hi Cai.

I already blocked Gav.
What does she want now?

Sorry about the last time.

It’s better if you let Gav explain.

Please give him a chance.

He has a big surprise for you.

Is this another game?

Should I reply back?

What is that idiot up to?

I will gladly look like a fool for you.

What is he up to?

Cai, please check my stories.


I'm sorry

I’m just here

even if

you push me





I really do

This song is for you

What do I have to do

with my feelings

You had me at one look

with just one breath

I thought it’s just a game,

but I wasn’t able to help it

Just one look at you

and my heart skipped a beat

Just how far

will each smile take

how we feel

for one another

Just how far

will our hearts go

For a love that began

with just a game

Please answer my call.

What’s this?

Why did you send me flowers?

Are you just annoying me?

I told I would court you. That’s why.

Did you really make that song for me?

Yes. You’re the first person to hear it.

I wrote it especially for you, baby.

I am serious about you, and I’m not playing you.


It’s true.

I wrote it as a poem.

Then Pearl added the music
so you could appreciate it more.

Pearl again.

She’s really sorry for what she did.

She even posted about it.

Who is Pearl in your life?

She’s my best friend.

OK I’ll tell you the whole story.

She’s my ex-girlfriend.

We were terrible as lovers.

Surprisingly, we really clicked as friends.

But she still calls me babe.

Is that possible?

Of course.

Ask Pearl. It’s the first time I wrote a song for anyone.

So don’t be jealous.

In your dreams.

You’re being grumpy again.

You can be so annoying sometimes.

But I’m sorry too.

I overreacted.

These past few days have been rough.

I guess I just exploded.

I know I disappointed you,

but I’m still your guy.

I’m always here to listen to you.

Do you believe me?


Just OK?

What else do you want me to say?

I like you too?


I know what you’re going through.

Last year was the lowest point in my life.

My grandma was hospitalized for several months.

I thought I couldn’t live without her.

Look at me now. I’m singing again.


It’s my dad…

He was recently intubated.

We don’t know if he will recover.

But honestly,

I’m afraid of what might happen.

I don’t think I’m ready.

No one is ready for something like that, Cairo.

We just have to trust your dad’s doctors.

I’ll pray with you for his quick recovery.


Happy to have made a friend today.

Just a friend?

You assume much.

I wasn’t referring to you.

You know I’m cuter!

Hi baby!

Guess where I am?

You’re driving?

On my way there.

Yeah right.


ETA: 1 hour 15 minutes, according to Waze.

It used to take me 2 hours to get to Quezon City.

No traffic nowadays.

Stop messing with me.

You can’t travel far because of the lockdown.

You will be stopped at the checkpoint.

I have my ways, baby.

Pearl’s dad has a food delivery business.

Their drivers have permits.

They deliver to as far as Quezon City.

You’re one of their drivers?


But one of them got sick.

I’m substituting for him.

- We’re finally meeting, baby!
- Are you serious?


Take a shower, OK?


Why would I take a shower?

You know why.

I even scrubbed my body for you.

Stop talking nonsense.

Aren’t you excited to meet me?


I know you heard me.

Is this a prank?

I’m not falling for it!

Go talk to someone else.

Hey wait, baby-

Oh my God. I’m so excited for you guys!


Gav is on his way there. You didn’t know?

He wasn’t kidding?

Of course! I had to convince my dad to let Gav
be the substitute driver.

I even got him a temporary permit.
Wait. What time is it?

I think he’ll be there in 20 minutes.

- Go out and meet him!
- Seriously?

He went to all this effort to see you.

Go down and meet him when he arrives!


Have you taken a bath?

Not yet.

- What? He hates stinky smells!
- Shut up.

Go take a bath!

Go, go, go!

Go, baby boy!

Wait, what’s happening?


Take a bath now!

I can’t stop

I can’t resist

Wondering what this is about

Are you excited?

Not really.

Yeah, right.

Oh my God. I think he’s there.

Go downstairs now!


You have no shirt on!


Really? You’re not excited?

Are you together?

No. I texted him but he’s not answering.

I’m sure he’s close by. He left hours ago.

Just look for a brown Innova.

Brown Innova.

I’m dying of excitement!

I think he’s here.

Oh my God! That’s him!

Is that him?

Don’t ever think

I fall in love easy

My heart is picky too

Your voice is magic

And I’m enchanted

I concede

You’ve won me over

My heart is yours