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02x05 - The Maiden and the Corpse

Posted: 03/11/24 20:02
by bunniefuu
[sinister music plays]

[gentle piano music playing]

[woman] Did you like it?

Did you enjoy it?

Why won't you say anything?

-[twigs crack underfoot]


[woman] Is anybody there?

I didn't want to bother you. Sorry.

I just wanted to listen to you play.

It was beautiful.

No one ever comes here.

I'm Laurène.


What's going on?

Tell me what's going on!



[gloomy music playing]

-[radio switches on]
-[alarm beeping]

[man over radio] A lull is expected
at the end of the week.

Tomorrow morning,

it'll be raining again
in the western regions.

Snow falls...

[gloomy music playing]

[Siriani inhales]

[humming happy tune]

[humming continues]

[Leila] A single shot from far away.

With a sil*ncer, or the pianist
would've heard the shot.

The b*llet hit his heart.

The k*ller's either lucky,
or he's a competitive sh**t.

Well, that rules out an accident.

I'll send the b*llet to the lab.

[Siriani humming]

[Leila] It's the prosecutor.

Sorry I'm late,
I took the time to wander about.

[deep breath]

Nature's lovely this morning, right?

What happened?

Someone got a clean shot
on a classical music lover.

[Siriani] What about this?

[Leila] Well...

It's a piano.

Thank you... But... what is it doing here?

[Leila] Some say it fell from a plane
during the w*r.

Well, I heard that

a dude put it there to bring
his wife back from the dead...

Well, uh...

are there any witnesses?

[sinister music playing]

[woman] My sister can't stay here,
I'm taking her home.

[Laurène] Well, we won't be long anyway.

Did you often come here with Mr. Peyrot?

[pianist] I give piano lessons.

So, I like to come here alone
before my lessons.

Victor comes with me from time to time.

We planned to get married.

What was his occupation?

He was a painter.

I know it's not easy
to make a living from it.

I don't understand
why he was k*lled him.

I told you not to come here,
it's dangerous.

No, I'm safe here.

The forest likes it when I play.

How so?

Well, the trees. They're listening.

They enjoy dissonant intervals.
Especially tritones.

Come on, Jeanne. Let's go.

[Laurène] We'll keep you posted.

[Teddy Bear] I found a hunting post
200 meters from here.

It provides a clean shot on the piano...

Looks like someone came there a lot.

But why would the k*ller hunt human prey?

Did you find an address on the victim?

This was in his pocket.

[Teddy Bear] I didn't know
we had our own George V.

Um, keep me posted.

And please...

don't mention the piano in your report.

[Laurène] Here you go.

[Laurène] How long do you plan to sulk?


I'm almost there. Teddy Bear.

The sanctuary is there somewhere.
I know it now.

It's near the dead lake.

In Pliny's book, a stag is said
to have guided the Romans.

-I don't get it.
-[Teddy Bear] A stag?

That and Jonas' stories...
You've lost your mind.

It's none of my business anyway.

You're the one who wanted to know.

I told you everything.

Now you want to ditch me...

That's not what I signed up for.

I didn't want you to sink deeper.

I don't need you anyway.

[melancholic music playing]

-[door clicks open]
-[Sabine sighs]

-[door slams shut]
-[footsteps approaching]

You scared me. We're not open.
What do you want?

I know you're the leader of Arduinna.

I uncovered your ad campaign.

The group is still active.

Tell me what you really want.


What happened to him?

The Steiners must have done
something to him.

Roman's a big boy.

Roman's getting on with life.

And you're gonna do nothing?

After everything he did for you?

You're the one who snitched on him
to your mother...

I should snitch you out too!

You wouldn't do that...

You didn't snitch cause
you know we're right.

Looks like I was wrong.

The forest is getting restless, Cora.

Even I don't have a clue what's going on.

All I know is that we need
to do our job till the end.


First it was Marion.

And now it's Roman.

You hide behind your bar
and send young people to their death.

You're as bad as the Steiners.

[music intensifies]

-[Gaspard] Yeah, it's just like a plant!
-[indistinct talking and shouting]

You need to water it a little,

you water it
and then you set up a drip system

so it doesn't wither.

Otherwise, it'll dry up!

[Gaspard] Huh?

Don't worry, he's still moving!

He's comfortable down there!
Don't worry!

[Gaspard makes silly noises]

Rats are like chicken,
they thrive in cages! Come here!

[smacking lips]

-[Gaspard chuckles]
-[Roman gasping]

[Gaspard] There you go.
That's nice, isn't it?

It's all good!

Okay, let's go.


[man] It's not a "five",
it's a "V", like Vachon.

[triumphant music playing over radio]

[stutters] That's my name!
Georges... Georges Vachon.

Georges Vachon's Campground.

Yeah, I was wondering about it...

My father started it 50 years ago.

He died...

while he was on duty, right over there...

where you parked, by the...

zucchini patch.

[Laurène sighs] Mr. Vachon,

you lost a client this morning...

[Georges] He was m*rder*d. It's bad press
for a family-owned campground...

Peyrot was living
in trailer 39 for three months.

But he was a quiet customer...

He did get a lot of visits, though.

For his paintings?

I don't see any paints...

[Georges] Yeah, well... Painting...

He was another kind of artist!
I mean, he...

He entertained women! Know what I mean?



[sexual grunting next door]

His neighbor's
in the same line of business.

-[feel-good music playing]
-[sexual grunting and banging continues]

[man] Oh. Yeah?

It's the gendarmerie!

[sighs] Yes?

-[man] Hello.

We're here for Victor Peyrot's death.
He was your neighbor.

Oh, no shit... What happened?

[woman moans and breathes heavily]
Sorry about that.

-Mrs. Miska?

-She's my baker.
-[Mrs. Miska] Good-bye!

What's going on here?

Let's say I'm...
in the personal service industry...

So you're a gigolo, huh?

I prefer "escort."

Can you get dressed first?
Put on a shirt...

[man] Life isn't always easy around here.

People want to be comforted.

So... The "Georges the Fifth"
is practical and discreet.

Georges "V", as in Vachon! And this is
a family-friendly place, by the way!

[man] Come on! We're your only guests!

[Georges] Georges "the Fifth", come on!

Looks like business
has been good for Peyrot and yourself...

-Because it's autumn...
-[Laurène] Yeah. Peyrot

was engaged to Jeanne Chastain,
a piano teacher...

Were you aware of that?

The blind girl?

Yeah, I warned Victor
that it wouldn't end well.

-She paid her fiancé?
-[man] No.


No, she believed he was a painter.

But... her sister paid.

Jeanne didn't have a clue, of course.

If we need you, we'll call you.

Oh, hold on. I'll give you my card.

You never know...

[woman] I'm sorry...

I did this to help you,
so you wouldn't feel so lonely.

Help me?

Help me do what?

Sleep with... a male prost*tute?

[woman] It's always the same.

At first, you can count on men,
but then they realize they can't do it,

and you end up all alone

with your piano.

How could you do that to me, Iris?

The wedding plans... Was that your idea?

[Iris] No, obviously not.

Things got out of hand...

All he was interested
in was our parents' money...

I offered him more money
so he would stop...

but since you kept
doing his bidding, he stayed.

-Please, Jeanne.

[melancholic music playing]

I've been listening to you for too long.

You treat me like a kid...

I've had enough.

Are we done?

[Laurène] In light of the situation,

we'll have to check a few things...

One of you ladies may have hired
someone to k*ll Victor.

[unsettling music playing]


[footsteps thudding overhead]

[groaning and panting]

f*ck, why do they keep you here?

What do you think, genius?

They want info on Arduinna...

-[chains rattling]
-Help me!

Come on! Hush!
They're right here!

Help me.

[whispers] Why would I help you
get out of here?

[quietly] You just came here
to mess with me, huh?

[chuckles softly]

[whispers] I know you used her!

[whispers] You need to leave Cora
out of this.

[Roman whispers] You know what?

[whispers] I think your problem
is I actually banged her...

and you never could...

[sinister music playing]

[chuckles softly]

[whispers] You deserve to die!

-[Roman] Wait.
-[music intensifies]

Wait! Rudy, wait!


[Laurène] He's half-naked,
and he casually hands me his card...

-[Leila laughs] Let me see it!
-And he goes: "You never know..."

-[upbeat music playing]
-[Leila laughs]

He's not wrong, though.

Even the prosecutor
has a better sex life than you.

-A what?
-A sex life, remember what that is?

No, I don't want to know...

I'm happy to see you. I needed this.

Teddy Bear is moody...

and Bertrand, we don't talk anymore.

What about you?
Is this where you spend your nights?

[Leila] Hm.

I found a new way
to spend my evenings.

[Laurène] What is it?

[Leila] An organic compound
made from tree sap...

That's the Laurène Weiss mystery.

[melancholic music playing]

Why is that?

It's been in your blood since Teddy Bear
brought you back from the forest.

This still doesn't explain
what happened to me.

Yes, it does.

It's similar to other plant

but it could have other properties...

I called some specialists,
and they all laughed at me, but...

I won't give up.

Sabine says the trees react to things.

No, it can't be the trees. No.

With further testing, we'll figure it out.

Of course, it'd easier if you told me
how that shit got into your system.


Don't you want to know?

[tense music playing]

-Put it on 30, okay?
-[Paul] Yeah.

You're not gonna help me?

-[Paul] Huh?

[indistinct talking on TV]

Okay, what's the matter?

Should we talk
about what's going on with Laurène?

-Nah, it's nothing...
-It's not nothing, though.

I've noticed that you're not really here.

And you didn't finish your eggs in aspic.

Usually, you love them.

Of course I love eggs in aspic...

[gentle music playing]

Why is she so pigheaded?

What's wrong with her?

I'd like you
to distance yourself from her.

It's not like
you've been around much lately...

What's this? Are you acting jealous now?

-You're jealous.

You know
that Laurène's like a sister to me.

[Paul] Martial,
what I'm trying to say is that...

with people like this,
you gotta draw the line.

You can't help Laurène...

She's gotta do it alone.

You understand?

[thunder rumbling]

[eerie whispering in wind]

-[radio switches on]
-[alarm beeping] the very end of the sign,

after October 20,
are reaching the end of the tunnel.

If you were really upset or overworked,

you're feeling drained... Scorpio...

[gloomy music playing]

[ominous music playing]

[Delphine] I don't like
how you summoned me to meet you.

[Gérald] I didn't have any news
from you... I was getting worried.

[Delphine] But everything's fine.

And you know this
because I bailed you out at the quarry.

I don't know what's going on,

but there's enough crap
in the soil to shut it down.

Hopefully, I can still count
on reasonable civil servants...

like yourself.

Did you get your money?

I did.

What about the rest?

Well, you'll get it when
you find out what keeps Siriani awake.

You've been working hard...

I don't remember asking you
to sleep with him.

Go f*ck yourself, Steiner.

Whether you use your head
or your ass, I don't care.

Just find a way
to get rid of the prosecutor.

Why don't you k*ll him,
if he's such a nuisance?

[Gérald scoffs]

I don't want to attract attention.

We like things quiet around here.


I don't get why people
love this place so much.

Give it some time...

-you'll see.
-[loud rock music playing]

A .308 Winchester...

The kind of thing that can stop big game
from 300 meters away...

I found three b*ll*ts like that one
in carrion over the past few months.

[Hermann] The same caliber
that k*lled Peyrot.

[Hermann] Have you noticed that big game
is rare these days?

Yeah, but I thought
it was because of the quarry.

No. Someone's been poaching big time.

Five or six animals every night...

The meat must be sold abroad.

All the animals
were k*lled with the same r*fle.

I bet it was the w*apon
that k*lled Peyrot.

-[Teddy Bear speaks indistinctly]
-Can you check with ballistics?


Uh... Gotta do something first.

It would clear the Chastain sisters.

Maybe the hubby of one of his clients.

I don't know.

Teddy Bear's contacting them...

But it hasn't turned up anything yet.

Have you been going
on your midnight strolls again?

Don't worry, I won't try to stop you...

Delphine Garnier
has a great influence on you...

How so?

I don't know...

You seem a bit more...

[quietly] Siriani, everybody knows.

It was a full moon too...

We had a...

pleasant evening.

[whispers] That's it.

It was my first time...

I mean, the first time
I mixed business and pleasure.

Of course.

[Siriani] It poses serious
ethical problems...

This distraction
makes me very vulnerable.

[Laurène] At the same time,
with all the dead bodies,

it's nice to think
that something else is possible...

Don't you think?

[sinister music playing]






[lively beep]



[audio scratching]


[woman] You really need
to record everything?

[Siriani] It's a safety measure.

I'd rather be cautious.
Your employers may try something...

[hooters honking]

[woman] You told me
they wouldn't know about this.

There was...

there was a leak
at the prosecutor-general's office...

[shaky breath]

But you'll protect me?

Why aren't there any policemen?

I'm taking you somewhere safe,
don't worry.

People are expecting us.

[deep breath]

[gasps and moans]

Maybe we should just forget it.

No, we don't have the choice, I've been

trying to nab Belair
for the past three years.

All I've got is your testimony.

I need you to be patient
until the hearing.

Then everything will be exposed:

the bribes... the intimidation tactics,

the... the crimes that are linked to...

What's this?

That's just... my collection...

I told you to pack
only your bare necessities.

The rest can be replaced.

San Diego... [inhales]

[stutters] But... It never snows
in San Diego...

[gentle music playing]

[motorcycle engine revving]

[g*nsh*t rings]

[melancholic music playing]


[footsteps approaching]

Ms. Garnier?

Mr. Prosecutor.

I was getting back home...

We haven't bumped
into each other much lately.

No. No, I've been busy...

[Siriani] That's what I thought.

Uhm, I...

You need to know I'm not bothered
about what happened between us.

I don't know what you're alluding to...

We were two consenting adults

and we freely enjoyed ourselves...

It does ring a bell.

And it was mutually satisfactory...


I remember.

It was rather spectacular too.

I'm glad you... mentioned it.

I'm glad there's no room for doubt.

Me too.

-Good night.
-Yes, good night.


♪ Where's the river in your head ♪

♪ Some time ago ♪

♪ You were just a child ♪

-Your room or mine?
-Oh! Yours.

-I like... that bird watching us.
-Me too. I don't know why that is...

[gentle music playing]

[softly] I'm here now.

[Léa sighs]

[Léa] He better not come any closer.

You seem to be doing better.

Where were you?

-Far away.
-[Gérald] Hm.

[inhales] Your daughter
can rest in peace now.

[sinister music playing]

It's over.


It's not over.

I'm going back to town hall
to seize control.

I should've done that a long time ago.

[Gérald] Bertrand.

Don't let it go to your head.

You think I wanted Marion to die?

I'd give everything I have
for her to still be alive!

[heavy breathing]

I didn't want that to happen.

Listen to me.

Don't you ever come back here,
and don't you ever say her name again!



[melancholic music playing]

[note pings]

[tapping keys on piano]

[playing tune]

[man] Bravo, Miss Chastain.

What are you doing here, Hugo?

[Hugo] It's not the first time
I've come here...

I came to listen to you play.

I often do that.

[footsteps approaching]

[heavy breathing]

Victor didn't deserve you.

[music intensifies]

What did you do?

[Iris] I looked everywhere,
called her. She won't answer...

Maybe she doesn't want to talk.

No, I found her cane
near the piano. Something happened to her!

Have a seat.
Have a seat, I'll be right back.

[Hermann] Ah, Laurène!

Ballistics just called me.

The poacher's r*fle
is the same w*apon that k*lled Peyrot.

[Teddy Bear] Do they know
what type of r*fle it is?

[Hermann] Yeah, it's a precision r*fle...

The last time the local g*n shops
sold one was a year ago

to Francisco Gardal, 51, unemployed.

Do you think it's him?

I dunno, but
he drives a refrigerated truck.

Let's go and check.

[tense music playing]

Wait for us here.

[siren wailing]


[suspenseful music playing]

Where is she?

-The pianist, where is she?

She's not here.

-Did he talk to you?

-Did you find a w*apon?

[sighs] Well, accordion music is his jam,
not classical music.

-He's a poacher, but not a kidnapper.
-It's the same w*apon.

He fell in love with her, k*lled the guy.

The k*ller went into the forest
to listen to her.

There's a link with the piano.

The piano... Yeah, right.

[gentle music playing]

Okay. Thanks, Hermann.



[Laurène] Hugo, that kid...
He's your son, right?

Do you take piano lessons?

Does the name Jeanne Chastain ring a bell?

Do you think he kidnapped her?

We want to know where he is. Now.

He may have k*lled a man.
You gotta start talking.

You don't know him.

[Laurène] You took him out of school
at 15, then he vanished.

You don't have any recent pictures of him.
What happened?

A hunting accident...

We'd been hunting together
since he was a kid.

He had it in his blood, like me.

About ten years ago,
he shot his first boar.

He went up to it, crazy happy...

But near the dead boar, there was a wolf.

I thought there weren't any,
but there it was...

It went for my son's face.

The surgeons performed three surgeries,
but he was still d*sfigured...

His mom couldn't stand to see him
like that. She'd avoid him...

And then one day... she left.

Afterwards, I tried what I could, but...

Hugo became withdrawn.

He'd never go outside,
except to go out hunting at night.

[gentle piano music playing]

[Laurène] And the piano?

[Francisco] His mom used to play it
when he was little...

That's all she left him.

[sinister music playing]

I found this blind piano teacher.

I thought it would do him some good...

Tell us where he is before it's too late.

[music intensifies]

-[footsteps rustling]
-[fence rattling]

-[Cora grunts]
-[radio crackles]

[Cora shrieks]

[radio distorts]

-[heavy panting]
-[Rudy] Why are you here?

Are you crazy...

Get outta here before someone sees you.

Rudy, for the last time, I'm sorry.

But I need you.

All I wanted is for things
to be like before.

Archery and high school.

Hanging out in your room...

At least I was with you.

[gentle music playing]

Why did you ruin it all
with your bullshit?


Marion's dead...

You can't bring her back
and you know it!

[Cora] I need you.

I'm looking for Roman.


[gate slams, lock rattles]

[Jeanne] Hugo?

Where are we?

At my place.

You can't keep me here...

So you can get duped by another Victor?

I watched him flirt with you for weeks.

He disrespected you and your music.
He didn't understand anything.

[Hugo snickers]


I know you don't want to hurt me.

You're still my...

my little student
who had trouble with your F sharps.

[heavy breathing]

[sinister music playing]

What happened to you?

Nothing important.

My mother's music is with me...

but it's not like hearing you play.

You're not gonna leave me, are you?

You'll never leave me.


[sirens wailing in distance]

It's his car!

The stench is overpowering.
He'll sh**t us like rabbits.

Laurène, don't!
I got a flashlight in the car!

For f*ck's sake...

-[heavy breathing]
-[suspenseful music playing]





[Laurène breathes heavily]

[g*nshots ringing]

[shaky breathing]

[Teddy Bear] Laurène!


[Laurène] Jeanne?

[metal rattles]

[metal clanks]

[Jeanne moans]

-[intense music plays]
-[Jeanne shrieks]

[tense music playing]

[Jeanne muffled shouts]

[Teddy Bear] Don't move!

[Laurène] Jeanne!


[Hugo groaning softly]

[Teddy Bear] What did you do?

Call emergency services, goddammit.

Gotta go before they notice he's missing.

[Roman groans]

Help him get down.

[slow sultry music playing]

♪ Never trust ♪

♪ A gambling man ♪

♪ My twisted soul ♪

♪ My winning hand ♪

♪ I creep through the dark ♪

♪ From town to town ♪

♪ To steal your home ♪

♪ And watch you drown ♪

[Laurène] What are you doing here?

Can you please lower the flashlight?

[Laurène] You didn't stay
with Hugo Gardal?

He's still in intensive care.

They're not sure they can save him.

I left a message for his mother,
she hasn't called back.

Are you gonna be okay?

I'll have to be...

Hey, how's your sanctuary stuff going?

I don't really wanna talk about it.

[Teddy Bear] Too bad,
cause the reason I'm here...

-is to help you find it.
-[gentle music playing]

You changed your mind?

I can't let you do this...

You're all alone, in the dark.

One of these days, you won't come back.

I found the stag.

I figured it out
when I saw the stars on Gardal's ceiling.

Your stag... isn't an animal.

It's a constellation.

Apparently, the Celts used it
back in the day.

Later on, the constellation
was split up between Aquarius and Libra.

So now...
we gotta find it among all those stars...

[Teddy Bear] Aren't we off track?

[Laurène] No, it's this way.

[ominous music playing]

[eerie whispering in wind]

[strange animal rattling noise]

[high-pitched howling noise]

[eerie whispering in wind]

[music intensifies]

-[strange animal screeching noise]




[heavy breathing]

[strange rattling animal noise]

[Laurène shouting]

[barely audible] Laurène...

[shouts] Laurène!



[strange animal rattling noise]


[strange animal rattling noise]

[intense music playing]

[gloomy music playing]