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01x08 - The End Is Only the Beginning

Posted: 03/11/24 19:56
by bunniefuu
BLACK SPO What kind of nutjob would do that? It looks like she's asleep.

Fracturing her skull did the trick.

She has dirt inside her mouth and nose.

I believe she was disinterred and then she was put in this bog.

The corpse looks like a fresh k*ll.

Where was she during all that time? Let's wait for the autopsy to date the death.

There is no sign of rigor mortis, something's fishy.

When will you know? I'm on it, OK Laurène? It was a long night for all of us.

Why don't you go get some sleep? How can I ever sleep with what's going on? What's up with all these bones and dead animals? What's that creep's motive? I don't know.

It looked like a tomb or rather a funerary monument.

He did this so we could find her.

You did everything you could, and even more than that So how did you managed to find her? I told you.

The belladonna found in the blood tests.

What blood tests? Why was I not in the loop? It's complicated, Teddy Bear I don't really understand what's going on either.

Spare me your quips about Villefranche, for once.

I was just going to say you're a frightening sight.

Seems like we now have more new questions than answers.

We have a body, a crime scene enough stuff to work with.

We'll interrogate all the people who know of that bog.

We'll track down where the bones came from, talk to Marion's friends Figure out what she did that day.

In the hope of finding that woodsman, I suppose? We'll have to find a motive, right? Why would someone k*ll her?
- Why make a spectacle of it?
- At least Bertrand's innocent.

Perhaps he makes piles of bones in his spare time? Listen I know he was at that hotel when Marion made her last call.

But I need to know who he was with.

Naturally, my request to seize the hotel's register was denied.

Once again I find myself with my hands tied.

Don't count on me for help.

Don't you want to know what he did that day? No.

I don't! Because we just found his dead daughter in a bog.

What else do you need to know? Do they know who did it? They didn't even let me see her.

We can't count on Laurène anymore.

They've been useless for the past 8 months.

Why are you giving me this? Someone k*lled your daughter.

My granddaughter Why are you giving me this? Stop whining.

Do what you have to do.

I'd been her doctor for years, I didn't expect to cut her open.

She has bruises on her face and body, several broken bones and a depressed skull fracture.

It's hard to say what happened first.

What's weird is the organs' decay shows that she died months ago.

It could've been around the time she went missing.

So how come the body's so well preserved? It's the high acidity and low oxygen levels in the bog.

This is isn't a first.

Are you saying there are others? No! They date back thousands of years.

Such corpses were found in bogs all over Northern Europe They are thought to have been sacrificed to Celtic deities.

I've heard a Celtic story too My grandfather would tell me that gods were in these woods Cora I'm so sorry.

I wanted to call you, but I couldn't I know who k*lled her, Mom.

- Have you seen Cora?
- Who's that? Flo? Where's Cora? She didn't show up this morning.

Hey, shouldn't you be at the library? They found the Steiner girl, perhaps it's a good time to lay low.

Shut up! I'm sure it's Roman! I found it near his camp She was wearing that scarf.

I know that But you need evidence.

The graffiti Gérald's car the town hall's website! He did all that.

Doesn't make him a m*rder*r.

He's at w*r with the Steiners! Mom, I'm telling you it's him It's a complicated case, you know.

The k*ller's probably way older than Roman.

He did other things, a long time ago He's interested in Celtic culture, so Exactly! Roman's really into that! He always wears that symbol around his neck even when he's sleeping.

So you slept with him? You got what you wanted, huh? You weren't gonna sh**t, were you? Are you OK? It's that Marion girl It's too much for me I don't know if I'm cut for that job, Louis.

It's normal to break down sometimes.

We're all on edge I got a gift for you.

Your invitation to the OPJ exam.

All that work's gonna pay off.

That can't be good What's going on? What's the news? Any leads? A suspect? Anything? I want to know! We're working on it, you can't I don't give a shit! Did you lose your mind? This looks like a siege! My daughter's dead! I have the right to know.

I've heard some horrible things I swear she did not suffer.

- Was she
- No, she wasn't, I swear.

Trust me.

I need to be able to do my job.

They took my baby.

- They took my baby
- I know, I know.

I want to know who the son of a bitch One wrong move and Siriani will crucify you.

Calm down.

Calm down I know you Show them you're not like this Not like what? You think you know me? You don't know shit! You don't know who I am.

I'll show you! I'll find him, even if you don't! Understood? She knows something.

Find out what it is.

I'm on it.

We need to find Roman soon.

What's with the long face? I got nothing to eat! With what happened I didn't come for your food, Sabine.

There's a hotel on the main road: La Serpe.

Easy tiger! For reasons that are beyond me, I can't access the hotel's records for December 4.

Can you help me? You may have noticed I run a bar, so what makes you think I can help? You have influence and you want things to change around here.

Bertrand just lost his daughter.

maybe you should just leave him alone? Don't tell me you won't hit a man when he's down Your friends from the municipal council are parading in town Are they preparing tomorrow's meeting? Don't believe in hearsay! Anyway, even if I could help you, I wouldn't get involved in this.

December 4.

Hi, you've reached Cora's voicemail, leave a message and I'll call back Maybe Go! Get him! What the hell do you want?
- Get off me! Get off me!
- You little shithead! Look at me! You know who I am? Huh? Look at me when I'm k*lling you, assh*le! Not here, Bertrand, people are watching.

Camille for Laurène.

Yes, I'm listening.

There's a fight by the old post office.

The mayor's there, things are getting heated.

Scumbag I'm gonna k*ll you Give me the g*n.

- Are you sure?
- Give it to me! You live like a turd, you die like one.

I didn't touch your daughter, I didn't do shit.

She's the one who came to me She wanted to talk about you and your shitty scams You're lying.

Liar, her scarf was at your hideout.

What scarf? What are you talking about? Why would I do it? She was helping me.

What? Seriously You were never there for her, and now that she's dead you suddenly miss her? Shut your mouth! Shut your f*cking mouth.

Wake up, Bertrand your daughter hated your guts! That's not true.

She found you repulsive! That's the truth! Bertrand! Did he talk? He did, but in the state he's in She was supposed to meet him at the hideout the day she went missing.

She never made it, of course.

Bertrand how's he? He's in a room downstairs, he'll be OK Laurène! I'll need your g*n for the Inspectorate General You can't be serious? I also took Steiner's.

How did he get that g*n? No idea.

What I'd like to know is how did he know about Roman!
- Maybe Cora talked.

- I don't think so.

So what do we do with Roman? Marion's scarf was at his campsite.

He's a bit hyper, but we need to trust him.

I think he tells the truth.

So let's start again from the start! From the bog.

Look, he has no alibi
- and we don't know him.

- So? So stop playing solo! You're annoying everybody.

What are you talking about? It's a waste of our time.

No, you're wasting our time Let's do it my way for once! I'll comb his campsite with the forensic team
- and then we'll see!
- Good idea.

Yeah, right I'll stay with the kid, just in case No No, you can't! I'm tired of this, I'm going home.

No, you'll burst your stitches! I don't care! I want to go home I can't let you do that.

Now that was unexpected.

You shot the mayor! I didn't expect you to go that far.

- You seem amused.

- Yeah, I'm amused.

You'll be rubbing it in now, and we're not even moving forward.

Marion had info about her father! Someone wanted to shut her up.

It has to be someone from their clan! Everybody's alibi checks out.

I say it's linked to my ordeal.

You haven't slept in 48 hours, Major! You're getting confused.

It could hamper your investigation.

It could've taken a nasty turn.

I know I should've told you about it Are you mad at me? No.

I just want to hold you tight I wonder what I'd do if it were you.

I'm here You're the one who's not there.

How so? Your job Your night hikes Even when you're home, you're over there, in the woods.

It's been going on for months! I'm scared, Mom Don't you worry.

Nothing can happen to us.

- What's going on?
- Stay here! Mom Shit!
- Mom?
- Stay here.

What do you want from me, huh? Aren't you tired of toying with me! What's Teddy Bear up to? I don't know He's sulking in a corner.

What about the bones? We've got deer, wild boar, fox, coypu and a bunch of other rodents.

It's Zombie Noah's Ark! What did they die of? They contain high levels of cyanide and mercury.

Were they poisoned? No, it looks like environmental pollution.

But I did my research, no industry uses these chemicals around here.

What about this? Limestone deposits on the bones.

It's not from the bog.

I don't know where it's from.

The quarry There's a quarry in Villefranche? It was shut down in the early '80s.

Oh, right I wasn't born.

You're the only one who could've thought of that.

That's where these chemicals came from Are you all right, Major? Do you want me to send this to the lab for you? No I'll check out the quarry and do it myself.

Perhaps this can help us find the k*ller.

Yes, I I understand, Mr.

Attorney General But how can I do my job if all my requests are blocked? But but it's it's the third one that's Yes yes, all ri I can't hear you very well, Mr.

Att Yes, hello? Yes I'm probably in a dead zone, it's it's one of Villefranche's many charms, along with the snakes and the the spid Yes? No, I can't hear you! SIRIANI DEC 4.

You have 5 minutes.

Don't make me regret this! Come on, hurry up Hi I'm not mad at you, you know? It looks bad, but it doesn't hurt.

I know about Marion I found her scarf near your camp.

You've been lying to me.

Well, you pretended to join us just to find her.

You've lied too.

I imagine you f*cked her too, right? You didn't tell your mom about our group.

- So you're a believer?
- Shut up! Marion's dead, I don't give a shit about anything else.

What happened to her was caused by the Steiners.

Stop! I never would've hurt her She was helping us.

Marion had stolen some important files from her dad so I could have them.

She put them on a USB key Find that USB key She won't have died in vain.

Find that key Laurène Weiss, Gendarmerie brigade of Villefranche I'll call you when I get coverage.

Major, call me as soon as you can! I've got the register for the hôtel de la Serpe.

I found a way to get hold of it.

I know who Bertrand Steiner met there.

The head of an industrial group, "Centurion Environment" which is specialized in recycling.

NO TRESPASSING I found several financial transactions with a Luxembourg
-based property company: ACSI.

It was for them that the Steiners bought up all the property in Villefranche.

They're up to something! Everything is linked together but not the way you saw it! They also bought an old quarry near your house, in the hold on You know what, just call me back.

It's me, Siriani.

What are you Léa's been in her room since yesterday.

Should I call her? No, no.

Leave her alone.

What's the matter? There's a rumor about today's town council meeting.

Sabine and her tree hugger friends are up to something.

They'll vote against the sale of municipal lots.

They'll never get the majority vote.

She convinced Fremont and his g*ng to join them.

- We'll take care of it.

- No.

You won't take care of anything.

It's messy enough as it is! Damn right.

After what happened yesterday we can't take any risks.

We can't lose all the properties though.

I'll go.

I'll convince them.

I forbid you to do this! You can't forbid me to do anything.

It's over.

Over! I know how important that project is for my town.

Unless you're hiding something.

Your job is to fix my problems, not to play the mayor.

It's all your fault.

The district attorney you didn't handle, your gendarme friend You didn't even sh**t that loser! Let's go Is someone here? Hey! Can I help you with something? I'm looking for my mother.

She went out.

Do you need anything? Are you OK, Cora? Can I see what they found on her? Please.

Why? Cora? If you have something to say, say it! You got your mom in trouble, you know? Can I have a look, please? OK.

Where's the pendant?
- What pendant?
- On this necklace A butterfly with a skull.

It was actually a USB key.

It's not here.

No, no, it isn't here.

Maybe it's still in the bog? That's possible We should go check.

Right? I could drive you there.

Now? We'll try to call your mom on the way.

Can you go get me there's a backpack full of gear in her office.


CAMILLE LAUGIER AT THE GENDARMERIE I'm at the quarry! She's not here! You didn't talk to her today? No! We had a row yesterday.

I spent the morning at Roman's camp.

I wasted my morning, for god's sake.

She was right! I'm worried about her, she looked weird.

You mean "business as usual", or "really weird"? Scary weird! She was taking Marion's scarf to the lab but she never got there.

I leave her alone for a minute Teddy Bear, are you there? We found her over there.

That's crazy You need to get out of here.

I don't feel well.

Someone will sit in for me at the meeting.

I'll stay here.

This must be a first.

You should've left town You were right, not me.

It's too late.

Nothing makes sense anymore Nothing makes sense anymore.

Why are we staying here? Because it's all you got left.

I found it! I found it! Show me! Cora! Come on, you trust me What the hell's going on? I'm sorry really.

What are you saying? Marion She fell down onto some rocks I never wanted it to happen.

I swear.

I was just shaking her up a bit, to find out what she knew.

That's it! Nothing more Don't tell me you k*lled her? And you also did all that stuff? No, I swear I have no idea what this thing is! I just buried her nearby, over there! I don't understand I don't understand Gérald Steiner had asked me to find out who was spying on him, that's it.

It wasn't supposed to go south Nobody could know the spy was Marion! Shut the f*ck up! They saw everything, of course! Always in my head and on my back they're ruining my life! No! No! Stop! It'll all be over soon Sorry for the major What did you do to her? Where is she? Camille! f*ck What's he doing here? That's unusual.

Gilles, you can't give up now, huh? He's on his knees, so he came here.

Makes sense.

I don't know what he's planned, but there's nothing he can do about this.

And the mayor, where is he? I'm not surprised after what happened to him.

Ladies and gentlemen due to recent events, this town council meeting will proceed without the mayor's presence.

We'll start off with the vote on the sale of the municipal land.

Our agenda today is quite full, so I really hope we'll find I'll start off with a speech that should answer all the questions we're asking ourselves.

Our old quarry will thrive again.

Thanks to investments by our partner, "Centurion Environment", and after a successful testing phase, all of the adjacent properties, and the quarry itself will turn into an industrial waste storage site.

So this new industry in town translates to many new jobs and increased tax revenues.

It gives us a future I don't need to tell you how much we need one.

I was clear about this with all the players involved.

I asked for guarantees they gave them to me.

All kind of tests were conducted and they guarantee for sure that it won't have any impact on the environment.

No impact at all.

I really hope that you'll vote for this, and I believe you will.

And even though there are some details to adjust, I can already tell you that, after years of hardship Villefranche will have a better future.

Why didn't you tell us earlier? How long have you been scheming all this? We'll get jobs! But is it worth it? Industrial waste in our soil? It's going to create conflict, you know that! We can't risk voting against him now.

- That changes everything!
- It's our only opportunity It'll boost the region's economy.

- People wouldn't understand.

- It's over Sabine.

Please Please! Please! It's if possible, I'd like this vote to proceed swiftly and quietly.

As you know, today is the day I have to to bury my daughter.

PREGNAN She just said she was sorry What did she do to Laurène? Sorry She just said she was sorry.

- Is she OK?
- No, she's not OK No one's OK right now.

Apparently, Camille k*lled Marion.

- Camille?
- Yeah She was also handing all the info to the Steiners.

- Any news on the major?
- No, nothing.

Call in some help to find her.

Yeah, I'll do that.

- Do you think she's
- I don't know.

I don't know And Cora told me to give you this.