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01x05 - The End of the Road

Posted: 03/11/24 19:54
by bunniefuu
Camille for Hermann! There was a break
-in at Geneviève's.

Nothing was stolen.

I'm on it! Major, Hermann starts in 10 minutes and I said I was on it! Nice Here we go Hello everyone! Hi.

Hey! Isn't Sabine around? She's coming in later.

This is gonna make a great plat du jour! Can you make me a coffee, please.

This behemoth wasn't easy to catch! I've been fishing there for 20 years I know that lake! And today a catfish among the carps!
- Impressive.

- Is it true? That's nice of you! Thanks! Today's gonna be a good day.

I hope so Thanks, Anna.

I got to rush.

Tell Sabine to call me, OK? We need to talk about this! Did I forget my wallet? I can be such a dumbass! Here it is! I'm happy to find it because since there's my police card in it, you know it would suck to lose it.

It's like forgetting my g*n Don't do anything stupid! Don't do anything stupid f*ck! Come on, let's split! Get the g*n! Quick! Hermann! BLACK SPO When did you notice it? Yesterday.

What's weird is nothing's missing! Could be the people who burned Gérald Steiner's car? No.

Don't worry.

- May I come in?
- Yes, of course They also left some stains over there! Do you feel anything's out of place? I don't know.

It's always a bit of a mess.

Antibiotics? Could be it Camille for Laurène! There was a sh**t at Sabine's! One man dead, suspects are at large! It must've hit an artery.

He bled out in seconds.

We did what all we could do.

Hermann is stable, though.

My colleagues got him.

He'll make it.

- Where's Leila?
- I don't know.

She does home visits today.

I can't get in touch.

Well Tell the lab to hurry up
- with the fingerprints
- OK.

There's a lot of damage.

I'll call someone to clean it up.

It can't stay like this.

If only I'd been there to greet them Don't complain.

It could've been you.

By the way, with Hermann down, we walked all over the place.

Dammit, that'll waste so much time! Better let him die, right? No, but try to be careful! Yeah! Be careful!
- How much did they steal?
- Nothing! Nothing at all? What happened? Always riding in in the thick of battle.

We got one assailant dead, three fugitives and Hermann in the hospital.

I'll ask to set up roadblocks Yeah, you do that! Where am I going to have breakfast? I didn't even call my son, Laurène.

We told him.

Don't worry about that.

Tell me what went down.

I had just opened when they came in.

I saw that they weren't regulars I ordered coffees One of them walked towards the bar.

He took a g*n out Did he say something? What did he want? I don't know The money, I guess! Then Hermann arrived There's nothing he could do.

Put this on! What's this? What? That's just a memento from the day Mrs.

Moran wouldn't go to the retirement home.

All right
- Here, Laurène.

- No thanks.

I don't want Villefranche to turn into a w*r zone.

- OK.

Should we go?
- No, Teddy Bear we don't need that either.

What do you want? Should I fix them some martinis instead?
- Camille?
- Yes? Go to the hospital.

Call us if Hermann wakes up.

- OK.

- Wait.

This goes with the other samples.

- OK.

- Thanks.

What are you doing here? Let her through! The Eldorado got jacked, I heard someone died.

- Is Sabine OK?
- Yeah, she wasn't there.

While everybody's busy looking for these guys Florent? We spotted trucks traveling at night on the D9.

The guy from the trucker restaurant never sleeps.

He says this has been going on for weeks! There are no logos, no markings on them.

They always travel at night.

It gets better: they never get to the next town.

So they just disappear into the woods.

Yeah, but it's a long, long road.

Well We'll work in pairs along the D9.

We need to find these trucks.

Cora? Come with me.

How do you feel? They ruined my best fishing trip ever.

- Yup!
- What are you doing? I'm coming with you
- You OK?
- I'm OK! Why wouldn't I be OK? 'Cause I'm too old? You're injured Didn't even notice there were four of them.

Tell the others to watch out.

These guys are really dangerous.

Do you believe it? Four guys who come here just to rob a bar? I don't know, but we've been looking for two hours.

They could be far away by now.

What are these samples you gave Camille? Nothing.

"Nothing" Can't talk about that either?
- No, we can't.

- OK.

Just so you know if one day you want to talk about anything, I'll be there for you.

What's with that car over there? What? Is that your new car? As if I had a choice! With the riffraff running wild We're investigating.

We need some time.

We have other stuff to deal with! Do you guys know who att*cked the bar? No.

We don't have much.

Perhaps I should deal with it.

Meaning? Let them know this is our town.

There's stuff you can't do when you wear a uniform.

I'm not sure I even want to understand.

Go home.

They could still be around.

Oh yeah? Teddy Bear! The dead assailant is on file.

Hector Vasquez! We're in luck, for once.

It's a bit premature for a victory cigar.

Do you know him? He used to be part of Rico Bellestera's g*ng, whose heyday was about ten years ago.

They had some big hits on the Côte d'Azur.

The kind of cases you study to get my job.

They never got caught? They did.

Long sentences too But the leader, Rico, broke out 10 days ago while he was being transferred He k*lled two guards.

Is it just me, or are things a bit tense? Do you think the Steiners Stop it with the Steiners! They have nothing to do with this.

OK, I'll say it even if you won't like it these guys couldn't be here as tourists! f*ck! So many paths! We'll never find these trucks! Are you always so grumpy? What are you doing? Put it back! It's the robbers' ride.

I'm calling the gendarmerie.

Cora Put the phone down.

I'm talking to you! Did you forget I'm on probation? You'd rather they k*ll someone? Hello, Mrs.


How's your husband since last week? I'm worried, doctor.

The flu is really bad this year, right? Can I come in? Hello Mr.


So? What's going on? You're not feeling well? Wait Oh, but your heart is beating way too fast! You! Follow me! Hold on.

He's having palpitations You didn't get it.

Take your stuff and forget him! Ah, love And some say marriage is out of fashion.

You should write for an advice column.

So what's the news? We found their car through an anonymous tip.

One of them could be injured.

So we're touring the area's farms and barns.


I'll issue a curfew, to cover all our bases.

I'm not sure we'll notice not much of a party town, is it? But it's a wise decision.

For once, we all agree.

I'm afraid I don't.

We must first figure out why they're here.

We don't want to start scaring everyone.

I don't want to scare people.

they need to see I'm doing my job.

- That's it!
- Do whatever you want.

Don't be surprised if people get their g*ns.

I'll have to extract the b*llet.

I was going to suggest that, miss.

What with all the tattoos Did you lose a bet? They symbolize each stage of my life Too bad it didn't hit my father's tattoo.

That bastard he sure deserved it! What's going on, dammit? Don't get in my face! Drop the g*n and help me! Here.

Keep some pressure on the wound! There! One! Two! Three, four, five, six, seven! Who the f*ck is this? Did you hide his car? Go check!
- Hello, Mrs.


- Hello.

Did you see three people drive by, one of them injured? No.

I didn't see anyone.

What about your husband, Odette? He could've seen something.

Henri's down with the flu It's pretty bad this year.

Oh yeah
- You should see Leila.

- Yes, I'll call her.

All right.

Lock yourself in, you never know.

Call us if you see anything, Odette!
- All right.

- Thanks.

Who's this? Lucette! Can you put the flashlight down?
- Put the r*fle away!
- What about intruders? There's no one here! Go to bed!
- Good night then!
- Yes, good night to you too! I don't know what else to tell you.

Play it back in your mind.

There has to be a word, a detail, anything What did they say?
- I forgot.

- Try harder! They didn't come here just to rob a bar.

They talked about a place, but I'm not sure "Heinmetz", something like that.

Yeah, Heinmetz.

Were they headed there? I have no idea, Laurène! I don't remember.

I thought I was gonna die, you got that? I'm sorry.

Why do you do this? Come with me It's OK, it's not broken.

No big deal.

You're hugging me too tight! You can't blame her.

She's under a lot of pressure.

We've all been a bit on edge lately.

Put yourself in her shoes we're not doing too bad.

But we have to get through it.

So how is he? He annoys everyone on his floor.

He's doing well then What about Heinmetz? Nothing by that name.

Not even a hamlet or a pond I tried all kinds of different spellings.

I may have found something.

Here's the file about the g*ng's last heist before they got nabbed: an armored truck.

One of them managed to get away and the money was never found.

Maybe that's what they came for? Here, in Villefranche? Could be anyone a neighbor, a friend Probably some urbanite in his forties someone who's like a fish out of water here Come on I'm the district attorney, remember.

He moved in 10 years ago when the others got arrested.

We should check the town hall's records.

Let's ask about Heinmetz, you never know.

I'm afraid I have to leave you guys.

If I don't get my 8 hours of sleep, I'm useless the next day.

Good night.

Thanks for fixing me.

I'm feeling much better.

I just stitched you up, but it's bad: you should go to the hospital.

At one point, I thought I was drifting away.

I could see trees, like those you have outside.

All these trees, it makes me anxious now.

I didn't grow up in that kind of place.

I'm almost happy I ended up here.

Are you here for any reason? You don't need to know.

I don't want to k*ll you.

Why do you do all this? So I can spend the night with some chicks
- What do you think?
- No, I'm serious what's Arduinna to you? Look at what's happening around us Arduinna is the only possible answer.

When nature is assaulted, it fights back.

We're the resistance fighters.

The Steiners don't give a shit about this.

Don't you worry about the Steiners.

You know They're already suffering.

The mayor's daughter's gone missing.

Yeah, I know.

Everybody knows that.

I heard she ran away from home.

You think that's true? Wait for me! Roman! Roman! Did you find anything? No, nothing here.

I made a selection maybe he changed his name? Teddy Bear Wake up!
- I wasn't sleeping.

- You were.

No, I wasn't.

You were sleeping.

I need you to go knock on doors.

Call me if you find anything.

We know almost everyone of these guys.

Look, here's Paul A fireman with a shady past? I wasn't sleeping though.

New watch? Huh?
- It's nice.

- Thanks.

- Was it Léa?
- Yeah.

- Things have improved.

- Yeah.

That's nice.

When Marion comes back, it's better if we're together.

What are you doing here? Can we talk for a minute? I'm kind of busy right now.

Are your wife and daughter around? Nope.

Are you kidding me? It's 7 a.


f*ck off, Teddy Bear.

What's your problem? Where are they? They're spending the week at her mother's.

So they're not in the way when your friends arrive?
- Huh?
- What? What's that? That's why you messed up the crime scene, to waste our time.

You think I'm with them? You're crazy.

Where did you live before Villefranche? On Réunion Island.

You can check.

I'll do that.

- I'm not done with you.

- Leave me alone! You don't want to do this now.

I swear I got nothing to do with them.

- OK?
- That's enough! What's going on then? I'm going through a shit storm, man.

Is it Valérie? You got someone on the side? Someone else is on my mind.

How's Hermann? Well, he's tough He'll be all right.

Did you see Leila today? No.

Not yet.

Might have found a new soulmate! While the city's under siege.

Classic Leila.

What's this? Laurène Stop acting like nothing's going on.

So what do you suggest we do? We all grab our g*ns and lock ourselves in?
- That's not the answer.

- Stop it! You're not even wearing your vest.

We're just defending ourselves.

Carrying a g*n increases your chances
- of getting shot!
- Oh, come on! How long has Anna been here? I don't know A decade.

Why? I need to change your bandage.

You better stay here while we go get them, right? OK.

I wrote down three addresses.

Start with the first one I'll do it.

Tell me what to do.


I'll do it.

Is there someone in your life? What do you mean? Well A husband? Kids? I'm not sure what to say.


No one.

Why? I don't know He never showed up.

Who? Prince Charming.

High standards? Yeah, high standards.

I don't want a crummy love story.

I want a crazy love story with fireworks and a happy ending.

What about you? Once perhaps.

There was a beautiful story.

But in prison, it's complicated When I came out, she was already dead.

Are you going somewhere? Quentin's at a friend's, I'm bringing his stuff You got me with Heinmetz.

What? I don't understand Why couldn't we find that place? What's your point? I'm the victim here and you're treating me like I did something wrong.

Laurène, it's me, Anna! Do Rico and his g*ng ring a bell? What the f*ck are you talking about? Are you OK? I think we need to talk.

Are you all right, Major? When I met Rico, I was so young, I was lost.

It felt like I'd stumbled on an angel.

He was handsome.

Things came in easily to him He also had money.

What are they up to? Something's wrong.

Don't overexert yourself.

It'll all be over soon anyway.

So, what next? What are you doing? Stop! I didn't notice the v*olence that was in him.

I didn't do anything! Help! For god's sake! Shut the f*ck up! You f*cking bitch! You were just creating a diversion, huh? I would've done anything for him then he became increasingly violent Rico always wanted more.

I was afraid I had to escape.

So I left.

So when they did the armored truck heist Yeah I moved around for a while for weeks at a time, and here, I don't know why I felt good.

Yes, this is indeed very strange.

Sabine gave me a job, no questions asked.

I stayed.

It's like a fairy tale Where's the treasure then? Tell us about the money.

What money? I left everything behind Rico must have it.

So why did he come back? For you? I was pregnant when I left.

He came back for his son.

Does he know where Quentin is? Of course not! He took my phone yesterday It's got my address! Help me.

Help! The license plate you jotted down it's from a truck owned by a transport company.

And guess what? It used to be owned by the Steiners.

They liquidated it three years ago.

The company owned a warehouse.

It must be abandoned.

But I can find the location You think that's where they're headed? Are you kidding me? You took it? You think they won't be armed? What do you plan to do with it? What do you think? What are they doing? I don't know.

But it sure is fishy Steiner's henchmen It looks like toxic chemicals.

Let's get out of here.

- Cora?
- Yes.

Get off him! Get out of my face! What are you doing here? What are you looking for? Hey, guys! Get up! You're coming with me.

What are the Steiners up to? Shut the f*ck up! Did you know that this is the Major's daughter? I said, "Shut the f*ck up!" Cora! Run! You can talk to me.

I won't hurt you.

Your name is Quentin, right? I got lots of things to tell you.

I traveled a long way to get here.

Because I wanted to see you
- To tell you
- I want to see my mom.

What do we do now? Nothing! He's with the kid.

- Anna!
- Don't go! Why did you do this to me? We tried, Rico We tried You can still come with us.

I know you well You can't be happy with this shitty life of yours.

It'll be like the good all days Living the high life.

Just like we used to.

Come on Mom.

Let him go.

He's my son, goddammit! You're scaring him! What are you gonna do? You're injured, you can't run Look around! It's all over! It's all over Let's go straight to the hospital.

It looks bad.

I sure hope he doesn't ruin my backseat.

This is a tough town.

Tougher than me at least.

I crossed paths with a local doctor.

She's on a farm owned by an old couple.

The the Rogeons, I believe.

f*ck What? Does it ring a bell? There's really something about these trees They were there before us.

They watch us struggle.

Maybe they find it entertaining.

They die standing unlike us.

Hurry up! This place is perfect I'll stay there among the trees.

Stop the car.

WELCOME TO VILLEFRANCHE It's nice to see life is returning to normal.

Except for Anna.

I heard you called her in.

I'm doing my job.

She's accountable for her actions.

I'll take care of it in three weeks.

Why wait? Because the statute of limitations will kick in for the heists she was involved in.

You do have a heart then No need to insult me.

She makes my bed in the morning.

I'm locking her up.

I found this among all the samples.

That's nothing! A break
-in in a house.

It's the sixth time in three years you've sent extra samples for testing.

If you want me to greenlight these, you have some explaining to do.

And perhaps we could talk about your accident in the forest, 20 years ago.

I read your medical records.

Lacerations on the wrists fingers cut off with a sharp metal object It's no accident.

Who are these samples from, Major? They're from the man who kidnapped me 20 years ago.

And he's got Marion.

Around here people are quick to blame the forest for all the shit that happens.

It may be true.

But there's something else.

Someone's been hiding in the woods all that time.

Did you see him? No.

I don't remember much.

I felt his presence a few times over the past few years.

We have a half
-dozen break
-ins in which medicine was stolen.

Every time he gets sick, he comes for his dr*gs.

And now, I've got his blood! Hold on! Is it some forest
-dwelling savage?
- Seriously?
- More like a woodsman.

A woodsman Couldn't get any better! Now, if you don't mind, I have a job to do.