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01x05 - Bad Fish

Posted: 03/11/24 15:25
by bunniefuu
Sir, your name?


Name... name...

Sunil Mehta.

Very tasty, Aunty.

Thank you.

Sameer, Ria went
with me to the fish market today.

She can finally tell the difference
between good fish and bad fish.

Sameer, I heard you are
off to Paris for three months.

Yes, Aunty.

Why don't you get married first?


Aunty, it's so hard to find
a nice girl these days.

Sameer, I think you should
marry someone who's independent.

And someone who's Bengali...

And someone who
knows you personally.

And someone who loves
eating river fish as well.

Then there's only
one name that comes to mind...

Mamta Banerjee [Indian politician].

She's independent. She's single.

She's Bengali.

And Sameer, you've
also met her once, right?

And yes... she loves river fish.

So no compatibility problem.

Wait. I'll go check.

It's not a bad idea.

Sameer, have some more, Son.

I've had enough, Aunty.

Why don't you have some.

What is it? What do you want?

I want to speak to Ria.

Ria's busy. Please leave.

In fact, we're all busy.

I just want to speak to
her for two minutes, please.

I already told you. We're all busy.

You please go.

Just one...

What's going on?


Ria is busy, I told you.

What's going on?

Only two minutes.


I said get out.

We're all busy, just stop talking.


What is it, Kabir?

I want to talk to you for two minutes.

What's there to talk about?

I said get out.

There's a threat to your life.

What nonsense!

There are murders happening.

Please have some.

Where were you yesterday?

Why do you want to know?

Did you get a feeling
that someone was following you?


- You're following her.
- Easy, sir...

- Just give me two minutes.
- I'll call the police right now.

- I'll call the police commissioner!
- Quiet!


I'm sorry.

- That's my father.
- I am so sorry.

Sorry... sorry.

Listen, Ria.
Your life is under threat.

Did you pledge your organs?

Even I've pledged my organs.
So what?

You didn't tell me.

So, I am sorry...



Come here, Sameer.

Sameer, please.

There are murders happening.

Enough, Kabir. That's enough.

Just stay out of this.

Kabir, why did you come here?

Please leave.

I know the matter between you two.

- I think you should leave.
- Quiet. Quiet.

You should leave.

She's done with you.





Ria's blood group is AB negative.

Do you know that?

AB negative donors
are getting m*rder*d.

And Ria is next on the list.

What nonsense!

You love my wife, don't you?

Can you keep her safe?
I can.

So please let me do my duty.

And if you don't want to lose her,
make her understand this.



Are you okay?

Can't depend on anyone
to get the job done.

What the hell is this?

What's this?


Yes, sir.

These papers from 2008
haven't been submitted yet!

Does anyone ever work
in this office or not?

All of you have turned
this place into a junkyard.

What is this?

All nonsense.

What's going on?

- Sir...
- Yup.

I tried calling you a couple of times,
even left messages...

...but, I guess you were busy.

do you know? They are yet to be filed!

They haven't been filed yet.

- Yes, but...
- 723 cases are still pending.

- But this is very urgent, sir.
- Do you see the station's condition?

The station's condition.

This station was supposed to get a
grant of 150,000 Rupees for renovation.

But we didn't get it
from the Home Ministry.

Do you know why?

Because our documentation
is not in order.

- I can understand...
- We didn't get the latest revolvers.


Everyone else did...

I am not responsible for this.

But unit number

Because our paperwork
is bloody not in order!

Will you listen to me,
my wife's life is in danger.

I don't want to listen to you.

But I have proof and need access,

I need my team, sir.

What are you saying?

- What proof do you have?
- See, right here.

Show me.

Show me, what proof?

This one...

That's Rahul, he was Pradhan's son.

Yes, I can see that.

Pradhan's son.

And in his whole life, he never
rode his bike without his helmet.

Excuse me, sir... listen to me.

Who is behind this?

Sir, listen to me, sir.

And this...

I am looking at it, alright.

He was so safety conscious.

But when he met with an
accident he wasn't wearing his helmet.

How it this possible, sir?

Look here, sir.

She's Anita.

I've seen her video
at least a thousand times.

And you can actually see that
she's reading her su1c1de note.

No one reads a su1c1de note.

Because her eyeballs
are actually moving.

Okay, I'll explain to you, sir.

We always have a pattern,
the pattern... we follow.

- Yes... - If two victims have the same
blood group, then we red flag it.


We try to create a pattern.

So in this case, these are two
organ donors of the same blood group.

Rare blood group.

There is something
about this case, sir.

We have to chase it.

It's a coincidence.

You're asking me what it is, right?

It's a coincidence.


Yes, sir?

Do you know the
meaning of coincidence?

Yes sir...

It's like... that actor Rajkumar
Rao did a movie called 'Shahid'...

...and the actor Shahid Kapoor
did a movie called 'R. Rajkumar'.

How? Coincidence.


Out of this, one of them is a su1c1de
and the other one is an accident.

- Sir...
- So both of these are natural deaths.

You have the doctor's
report right in front of you.

Below that you have the
NOCs from our department.

- Take a look.
- Sir, you're right.

It's about my wife Ria, sir.

It's simple.

It's not simple, sir.

My wife... my wife's life is at stake.

Sir, you've got to understand.

You're being short-sighted here.

- It's about... my wife.
- Kabir, try to understand!

- Sir, you understand...
- The Home Secretary is questioning me!

I have to answer to him.

I cannot ignore
so many pending cases...

...and give approval to you for
this case based on your assumptions.

- But sir... - What do you think? You
think I have time for your fantasies?

- Or for the department?
- Sir... what sir?

Sir, in Anita's Video
her eyeballs are moving...

...and that's not a fantasy.

The department doesn't
have time for you.

Sir, this is not a fantasy.

- In the video.
- 6 days.

You have 6 days to clear this mess!

And I'll see to it you do it!




Yes, sir?

What are you doing standing here?!


Find it.

I will, sir.

Not there, at the back.

Yes, sir.

You've already checked there.

He didn't give you
the permission, did he?

Got you stuck in heaps
of files, right?

But don't worry, sir.

We'll catch the m*rder*r...

Even if we do it secretly.


Namrata, this needs to be cleaned,
this needs to be packed away...

...properly this time so that
there is no damage to the sculpture.

And the exhibition
invites need to go out today.

Good morning, ma'am. Nikhil. Had an
appointment with you for the demonstration.


Look ma'am, it cleans the
entire house in under 15 minutes.

It looks very small,
but it really is powerful.

You won't have to
wait for your maid...

...or adjust your timings
for her ever again.

You will end up avoiding all
this unnecessary trouble in your life.

I will have to ask
my boss first, but...

I think... I can give you
two years' extended warranty.

Not bad, huh?


So please buy it. Cash or check?

- Just a minute.
- Sure.


Listen to me.

There's a serious
threat to your life.

Please don't take this lightly.

He's come up with
a new excuse this time.

Some threat to my life and all.

Ria, Kabir has told me everything.

He's not fabricating this
to get you back in his life.

I know him better than this.

Let me tell you one thing,
Kabir's instincts are never wrong!

I don't want you to panic, Ria.

But look, in an odd situation...

If he is even 1 percent correct...

Hello. Are you listening?


Yes, Uncle.

Please try to cooperate
with him. Please.


Two out of five donors
have been k*lled.

The next victim could be anyone
from the remaining three donors.


He's in Dubai on a business trip.


Papa used to look
after Ishaan all day.

As usual, we left for office that day.

Papa had mild asthma,
but there was nothing to worry about.

Whenever there's a change
in the weather, it affects him.

In fact, he used to take
very good care of himself.

He would always stock
up on his medicines.

I mean... it's sad that he
couldn't use them at the right time.

He seems like a nice kid.

Very concerned about his father...

I think he's genuine.

Post a constable outside the ICU room.

How much longer, sir?

Let's go, sir.

You go home... I'll wait here.

Sir I wasn't talking about me,
I was talking about you.

You go and get some
sleep. I'll wait here.

Whether you like me saying this or not, sir,
you've been drinking excessively of late.

Sir, you won't be able
to save Ria madam like this.

You're her last hope.

And just look at her only hope...

Drunk... coughing... hopeless...

You really drink a lot, sir.

Hey, who's there?

Come here.

Come here.

You! Come here.

Stop! Stop!

Sir you go after him,
I'll go up and check on Ria madam.




Yeah, she's alright.

They don't even know
anything happened.

Who was it, sir?

I don't know.

I'll post two constables here.

We can't take a chance.

I'll talk to you later.

Okay, sir.

I've been seeing you
here for a few days now.

Your mom?

No, Dad.

They say that when people grow old...

...they turn into the
children they once were.

Absolutely stubborn.
They don't listen to anyone anymore.


Do you have someone here, too?

My mom.

By the way,
what's wrong with your father?

Severe asthma attack.

Nowadays... the pollution, the smog.
Slowly, everyone's dying.

Kabir sir, one thing's for sure.

The death of AB negative donors...

...will mostly benefit only
AB negative recipients.

What do you say?

Every fourth day
he's taken for a brain scan.

And to wait outside that
room for those 10 minutes...

...just to find out
whether Dad's alive or not.

I'm like...

I know. I'm really sorry.

It's okay.


Yeah, good idea.

I need to make a call,
I'll be back in two minutes.





Josh, I paid a visit
to your school today.

All the kids were busy studying.

Josh, I think you
will get well real soon.

But I don't want your friends
to be academically ahead of you.

What do you say?

Should we study a little?

Is it necessary, dad?

Yes, it's necessary, champ.

Okay, let's start with math.

I hate math, Dad. It's so tough.

Even I hate math.
And it is very tough.

But just think... when you
grow up and become a champ... will have loads
of money in the bank.

So you must know how to count.

someone might steal your money.

That's why math is very important.

Don't worry, we'll start
with the easier lessons first.

Shall we try subtraction?

Okay, here we go.


Imagine that I went to a
shop and bought 10 mangoes for you.

And I put those
mangoes in the fridge.

And 4 out of those

So how many mangoes are we left with?

We still have 10 mangoes.
It's common sense, Dad.

Mr. Smarty Pants, you're right.

But... this noise.

Okay fine you know what,
you try these sums...

...and I'll be right back.


Ronnie. What are you doing?

This music.

You don't like EDM?

Should I play some trance?

Trance. Do you like trance?

Ronnie, everyone's resting.

Josh is getting disturbed.

You know Josh's condition.

Oh... Josh is really
getting disturbed.

Ronnie please.

- Thank you, Shaina.
- You're welcome.


Ronnie... look,
I haven't come here to fight.

Danny, I like trance.

Please, Ronnie.


Good night.

What are you doing!

Don't you have any sense?

You always make the same mistakes.

What do I pay your bureau for?

To look after Maanvi.

Not to t*rture her.

Do it properly.

Sorry, sir.

Yes, tell me.

Senior Inspector Kabir Sawant...

...I am Sub-Inspector Prakash Kamble,
Crime Branch.

Ohh... take a seat.

It's a routine inquiry.

Do you mind if I smoke?

Sure, go ahead.

So how can I help you?

It's just a routine inquiry, Mr. Rao.

We know Mrs. Rao
is an organ recipient.

The organ mafia has been
quite active these days.

Black marketing of organs, illegal
organ transplants, smuggling.

These cases are at an all-time high,
so we just want to know...

...if someone from the
organ market has approached you.

No they haven't.

You see... I've been waiting
for the past three years.

Every night I'm scared that...

What if I fall asleep and...
something happens to my Maanvi?

What will I do?

Living with a patient is
worse than being one, Sub-Inspector.

In this situation, if someone
approaches you one day and says...

...It'll cost you a bit,
but Maanvi can be saved.

In such a case, I won't
even inform you guys.

Direct transplant and... life.

I'm on my way to m*rder your wife,


Imagine you're in a car.

And you're following me.

Will you stop at a red traffic
signal in such a situation?

Or break the rule
and save your wife?

What are you talking about?

There's just one
rule to save the one you love...

Sub-Inspector Prakash Kamble.

That there are no damn rules.

You love your wife a lot, don't you?

Those who don't have their wives' names
tattooed on their arms... also love their wives.

You're saying this because
of this tattoo, aren't you Inspector?

Don't look at the
tattoo... look at my eyes.

These eyes never lie.

They give up the truth.

Are you done?

What the heck have you done!

Sir, he seems like a weirdo,

we should keep an eye on him.

Dad. Let's have a pillow fight.

Not now, Josh, I'm slightly busy.

We'll play in sometime, please.

Here you go.

Please, Dad.

Josh, I just told you,
please give me some time.

I'm doing some important work.

I'll come. In five minutes, I'll come.

Go on, Son.

Josh, what is this nonsense?

Please give me 5 minutes.

Danny, are you alright?

These days you look
a little off color.

I'm fine, it's not what you think.

I know you, Son.

You never open up
to anyone about your problems.

Always keep them to yourself.

But remember,
we're fighting this the God's way.

He will show us the way.

Do you know why?

Yeah, we're fighting it...

The God's way.

Goodnight, Mom.


Your heartbeats were erratic.

Any more delay and
it could've been fatal.

But you're okay now.

You're responding
well to the medicines.

If your condition improves...

...then you can even go home tomorrow.

But tonight, you will have
to stay under observation in the ICU.


I'll see you around.

Mr. Mehta,
please focus on your diet, and...

...exercise regularly.

- And yes, no stress.
- Sure.

- Alright.
- Yeah.



The patient on that last bed,
the one they took this morning...

What happened to him?

Well... he's no more.

We lost him this morning.

I'll get your discharge papers ready.

Take care.

We had strong hopes.

But according to the brain scan...

...we cannot see any
activity in the brain.

Unfortunately, your father
has slipped into brain-dead condition.

Danny, where were you?

The cops have come to your house.

You have to do something.

It's a very,
very serious problem in the locality.

I'm telling you.

Hi, Dada.

Hi, Josh.
