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07x04 - Black Market

Posted: 12/19/14 18:52
by bunniefuu
It's a '57-facet round brilliant pink. 3.82 carat.

It's gorgeous.

It's one of the most exquisite diamonds we have.

It's such an unusual color. It must be really expensive.

It's on the higher end of our line, but... Unique and very special.

Should we do it?

We'll take it.


I wish you every happiness, Mr. Cho, Mrs. Cho.

Honey, I love it.

Mmm. [ Kisses ]


Thank you.

You're welcome.


[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Clears throat ]

Here you go.

She's a beaut. [ Clears throat ]

You all right?

Yeah, just a little, uh...

A little tickle in my throat.

You sound like you're getting a cold.

You should see a doctor.

Oh, I don't need a doctor.

Frauds in white coats.


Just don't sneeze near me. The last thing I need is a cold.

Will do.

We got a live one.

There's no question this diamond's part of the stolen cache. Carat, cut, color all match. Let's go get the bad jeweler.

Why don't you go back to my place, jump into bed?

I'll come tuck you in as soon as we're done.

No, I'd rather be here with you.

[ Sneezes ]

Is something wrong?

F.B.I. the engagement's off.

♪ The Mentalist 7x04 ♪
The Black Market
Original Air Date on December 21, 2014

Six weeks ago, two security guards were k*lled outside of Fort Worth.

They were transporting half a million dollars worth of diamonds.

What does that have to do with me?

The diamond you sold out was part of the stolen shipment.

[ Sighs ] No. No, wait.

Six weeks ago? I was out of the country. In Barcelona. Wren will tell you.

It's true. He was.

We don't suspect you k*lled the man yourself.

Not with those hands, you certainly didn't.

But you planned it.

Or got the diamond from the people who did.

I purchase the diamond I sold you legitimately two weeks ago.

I bought many gems that day from several dealers.

We'll need their names. And the receipts.

I'm sorry. The receipts?

Little pieces of paper they give you when you buy something.

Yes, yes, of course.

I just don't know what I can put my hands on.

We have a new office manager, and everything is in disarray.

Isn't it amazing how easy it is to spot an illicit couple?

And they always think they're fooling everyone.

It's just -- I just think it's amazing.

I assure you, that's --

Don't even try to defend yourself here.

Look at you, with your petite manicure and your pocket square, your spray tan.

Everything screams mid-life crisis, impending divorce, and sweet Wren's charming blush tells us the rest of the sordid tale.

If you're planning on getting a divorce, Mr. Joubert, you'd want to hide your assets.

Is that why you don't have any receipts?

I'm not getting a divorce. That's ridiculous. I love my wife.


She speaks.


Take that back.

We are gonna need those receipts.

Word of advice -- he cheated on her, he's probably gonna cheat on you, and I know that probably seems very difficult to believe right now, but it's the way of the world, kid.

[ Bell dings ]

[ Button clicks ]

[ Indistinct conversations, footsteps approach ]

[ Bell dings ]

Morning, Agent.


[ Doors close, elevator whooshes ]

How'd it go at the jewelry store?

It went okay.

Make any arrests?


Got anything useful?

Not sure yet.

Sir, I know you're angry, and I just want to say again, I am sorry for lying to you.

Abbott did not give me clearance to go on the mission, and yet I said he had.

It's inexcusable.

Let me know what I have to do to make it up to you, and I'll do it.

[ Bell dings ]


[ Indistinct conversations, Telephone rings in distance ]

Lisbon: Are you sure you're all right?

Oh, yeah. Just a little lemon and honey for the throat, and I'll be right as rain.

You look pale.

Thank you.

Hey. Did you get the receipts from the jeweler?

Wylie's working on that right now.

Okay, good.

Has your wife heard back from the commerce department yet?

No, not yet, and she better hear soon.

She's been waiting for months wound tighter than a piano wire.

Tell her I said good luck.

Me, too.

You look pale.

Told you.

Wylie, where are we with the jeweler?

Uh, Joubert jewelers has been a family-owned business for three generations -- no legal troubles.

And what about Joubert's alibi?

It checks out. He was out of the country until three weeks ago.

And, uh, the story that he bought the diamond legitimately?

It also checks out. His receipts show that someone named Josef Rosales sold him $50,000 worth of diamonds 2 weeks ago, including several Australian pinks.

Who's Rosales?

Uh, he's a vendor at a traveling gem show.

It -- it's a, uh, gem market that travels from city to city.

Vendors buy gems in large quantities and then sell them at the show to retailers like Joubert.

Cho: And where's this gem show now?

Houston through the end of the week.

Ah. Well, why don't you head over and talk to Rosales?

We'll hang back here and work on the receipts, see who else Joubert bought from.


Cho, why don't you, uh, take Vega?

I'd rather take Lisbon.

Take Vega. She told me what happened and apologized.

What she did was wrong, but she's young.

And reformable, I think.

Vega, let's go.

Oh. Ye-- yes, sir, right away.

Also on display is our blue and purple Tanzanite from Mount Kilimanjaro.

This is a highly prized gem due to its scarcity.

Another color-changing gem is the Alexandrite from Russia's...

You ever interrogate a suspect?

I've done practice interrogations.

Then you haven't. Follow my lead.

If you're not sure if you should ask a question, don't.

Try not to lie to anyone.

...we have several black opals in the back.

Got it.

These have a fire in them, trust me.

Don't go by their name. [ Laughs ]

And finally, sapphire, the gem that...

...full coverage. Just let me know.

Is, uh, something the matter?

I'm Agent Cho. This is Agent Vega. F.B.I.

Kirk Upton. Uh... I saw your badge.

Yeah, we're looking for Josef Rosales.

Josef. Um...Yeah, his booth's right over there.

Is he in trouble?

How well do you know him?

Not really well.

I haven't really been with the show that long.

Agents Cho, Vega.

Elon Bell, head of security. I was told you'd be coming.

Welcome. You think stolen gems are being sold?

Is that why you're here?

Mr. Upton, give us some space, if you don't mind.

Yeah. Sure. Sorry.

If someone's using the market to sell stolen goods, that's of significant concern.

My bosses want me to help any way I can.

We need to speak to some of your vendors, starting with Josef Rosales.

Absolutely. This way.


[ Knock on door ]


Hey. Lena.

Hey, what's up?

I was gonna call, but I wanted to tell you in person.

You got the call.

Bob Ackerman texted me half an hour ago.

You are looking at the next undersecretary for the Department of Commerce, baby!

[ Laughs ] Yes!

Yes! Oh, baby, I knew it. I knew it.

Well, I'm glad you did, 'cause I didn't.

No, no, no. See, you deserve this. You earned this. Because you're Wonder Woman.

[ Both laugh ]

We got to celebrate. We got to celebrate big, too.

It's not a done deal yet.

I have to be confirmed, and that could take months.

I don't care. I don't care.

You know what this is?

This is your chance to make a difference.

I know. It's...

I can't tell you how much I've wanted this.

[ Whispers ] Oh, I know.

Ackerman wants to meet for drinks tonight and talk about the vetting process -- around 7:00?


Great. [ Chuckles ]

Hey, Lena.

[ Whispers ] You're there, baby.

We're there.

See you tonight.


[ Chuckles ] Yes!

Yes, I sold diamonds to Jacques Joubert.

He's a long-standing customer.

He purchases from me every year.

And this year you sold him stolen diamonds.

You think I'm stupid?

Maybe. I don't know you yet.

You know what? Go. Take your little F.B.I. badges --

[ speaking Spanish ]

[ Sighs ]

I suggested he calm down.

Even if I wanted to do something as stupid as pass stolen gems, it would be impossible.

Why is that?

The gems are registered. They are accounted for.

How do you register a gem?

Every gem has a serial number saying when and where it was mined, where and by whom it was cut.

Every gem I sold Joubert had that number. [ Phone vibrates ]

If he had one that was stolen, I don't know where he got it, but it wasn't from me.

We need to look at your records.

I have customers.

Not until you're done with us.

Secure the area.

I'll be right there.

Agents, can you check something out with me?

Woman: ...Very special gems being featured.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Man: Somebody...We were just coming around the corner.

[ Indistinct conversations continue ]

It's that guy who approached us. Upton.

Kirk Upton -- 31 years old, San Antonio native, recently divorced, two kids.

Any arrests?

Uh, yes.

Two misdemeanors and a felony which didn't stick, none of it violent, all more than ten years ago.

What's he been doing lately?

Uh...trying various moneymaking schemes, it looks like -- none of them lasted.

Then how is Upton's m*rder connected with the gem heist?

We don't know, but he did not sell Joubert that pink diamond.

And he didn't have any of the stolen gems in his booth.

Jane: Of course he didn't have any on him.

He must have had a partner.

Wylie: Why?

Because the gem heist was engineered by a pro, not someone looking for career counseling.

Upton probably panicked when he saw Cho and Vega, told his partner to confess or run. Boom.

Who's the partner?

Well, let's take a look at Upton's associates.

Lisbon, why don't you talk to the ex-wife? Cho...

Why don't you and Vega talk to anyone and everyone who came in contact with Upton?

Wylie, why don't you tap into the security cameras at the convention center?

See if you can find any footage of Upton's movements before he died.

Uh, Jane...


Go home.

What, and miss all the fun?

Poor Kirk.

Good guy, basically.

Just could never figure out what he wanted to do.

There was a new scheme every month.

Eventually I had to get out of the marriage.

There's only so many fresh starts you can take.

What was his money situation?

Kirk was in a motorcycle accident last year.

Doctors' bills?

Forget it.

Plus, our boy Pauly is special needs.

Kirk was paying for his tutor.

Is that why he got into the gem business?

He said some of those guys make up to $100,000 a city once they get going, but he never saw that kind of money.

Uh, records show that Kirk has two misdemeanor convictions and an arrest?

He hung with some bad guys when he was younger.

But be involved in a gem heist?

Kirk just wanted to be a dad.

Did he ever mention any friends from the gem show?

Someone named Lake...

No. Pond. Walker Pond.

This whole thing just kills me.

Any idea who could have done this to him, Mr. Pond?

No. No, God, no. Kirk's a... Kirk was a sweet kid.

People liked him.

You worked with him?

Um... [ clears throat ] I tried to help him. Um... Kirk's, uh... He was always amped up, in a hurry. I told him, "slow down."

You know, "you got to build your business," but, um, he didn't hear me.

How does a gem seller go about building his business?

You've got to learn the trade.

And that takes time.

Kirk wanted a shortcut.

Anyone else Kirk was close to at the show?

I really don't know. We only talked about business.

Did you talk to him today?

No. I got here late.

Anyone you might have seen him talking to, however briefly?

Yes. I saw him a couple times recently with Greta.

Seemed to me like they were having an argument.

And who's Greta?

Greta Fortensky.

She's the gem show appraiser.

She's been here... 15 or so years.

What's that?

Vendors can't sell their gem without first having an appraiser tell them what it's worth.


What's that?

Uh, security cam footage from the gem show.

Ahh. Live?

No, it's from this morning. I was tracking Kirk Upton.

Oh. Well, uh... [ Clears throat ]

Possible to make it live?

I'd like to see what's going on there.

Uh, sure.

[ Taps keys ]


[ Mouse clicks ]

I'm contracted by the gem show as an independent appraiser, which allows me to monitor the show's integrity, which stays sterling because I keep the vendors honest.

Their gems are priced appropriately because of me.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Bibby, don't do that.

[ Chewing ] Sorry, Mom.

Come here.

My daughter Bibby works with me.

I learned how to appraise gems from my own mother, and Bibby will pick up when I leave off.

It's nice to meet you.

I understand you and Kirk might have had an argument.

No. He just thought I was under-appraising his gems.

That happens a lot with younger vendors.

They dream of striking it rich fast.

Which is not my problem.

What happens when a vendor thinks he's being under-appraised?

We'll usually discuss it with them.

And after we do... my appraisal generally stands.

Was Kirk Upton angry?

Uh, Kirk was never angry. He was just sad.

[ Phone ringing ]

Mm. Excuse me.


[ Ring ]

[ Cell phone beeps ]


Jane: Hey, Cho. Your fly's open.

Jane, where are you?

The office. Where else?

You're using the security cameras.

Yeah, very good.

And, uh, who is it that Vega's talking to?

Greta Fortensky.

She and her daughter and appraisers.

You think you could, uh, show me the -- the woman Vega's talking to?

Yeah, I think so.

[ Taps keys ]

She looks like a barrel of laughs.

Think she's the k*ller?

I don't know yet.

Well, looks like she's got it in her.

You think?

Sure. Look at that posture.

I would bet money she has a riding crop hidden in the closet somewhere.

And her daughter looks like she'd like to give you an earful.

Who are you talking to?

He's talking to Cho.


Oh. May I?

Oh. Yeah.


Hey, Cho, hang on for a second.

I want you to hear this.

Put it on speaker.

[ Beep ] Wylie, what did you get on Upton's movements?

Uh, he left his booth after talking to Cho and Vega, according to the map... [ Typing ] ...of the convention center, the person he visited was...Walker Pond.

Pond? You sure?

Yeah. Why?

Well, Pond told us he hadn't talked to him today.

Well, talk to him again and see if his story stands.


[ Line disconnects ]

I'm, uh, I'm just gonna...

Whoa, I'm getting the spins.

Hey, why don't you go home?

Yeah, just go home and, uh, I'll get someone to drive you.

Yeah, uh, that -- that could be a good idea.

Hang on one second. Whoa!


[ Handset clicks ]

Think he's running?


We're looking for the vendor who works that booth --

Walker Pond. You know him?

Pond, sure.

He packed up in a hurry about 45 minutes ago. Didn't say why.

He's running.

Anything I can do to help?

No, we got it.

I'm gonna get Houston P.D. to put out BOLO.

Call Wylie, tell him to start tracking Pond.

Yes, sir.


Excuse me, sir? Sir?

We got a hit off Pond's credit card.

He bought gas at a station outside Galveston.

Galveston. What was he doing there?

Well, I checked, and Pond was in the Air Force stationed at Galveston.

Okay, so what did he do?

He monitored planes [ Mouths words ] to and from South America.

So you think that he's trying to leave the country?

I think he might be.

There's a plane leaving for the Yucatán at dawn.

Cho and Vega -- they're in Houston, right?


Okay, so, uh, it's a 45-minute drive to Galveston.

Tell them to go to the airport and sit and wait for that plane to leave just in case Pond arrives.

Okay. Okay.
[ Laughs ] Lena, everyone at Commerce is delighted. You were our first choice.

[ Glasses clinking ]

Well... Ah. I'm gonna choose to believe that, Bob.

[ Chuckling ]

All right, let's dig in.

Talk about getting you confirmed.

Here we go. [ Sighs ]

Well, it's not you.

The other side, well, they just want to stop the administration from accomplishing anything.

They will use whatever they can against you.

We're ready.


So Lena's résumé is impeccable.

Uh, no problems there.

We've got some people following your paper trail.

So far, so good. [ Smacks lips, inhales ]

What about your personal lives? I have to ask.

There's nothing to tell there, Bob. Um, we met college.

Married 17 years. Never been happier.

All right.

Well, okay.

What about you, Dennis?

What do you mean, what about him?

Well, I'm not being confirmed here.

Well, you're part of the package.

You've had an exemplary career. Some good talking points there.

What can you tell me about Rio Bravo station?

Wow, you have a file on me, too.

Wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't.

Right. Oh, well, Rio Bravo was a joint task force -- F.B.I., D.E.A.

We were taking down the cartels near the border.

I was on the job about a year.

Did good work, took down some bad guys.

Dennis is really proud of the work he did down there.

Going after the cartels is tough.

It's tricky.


Dirty w*r.


Hard to tell the criminals from the cops sometimes.

Anything to talk about?



[ Laughs ] Absolutely not.

[ Chuckles ] We're all good here.

All right.

Well, I'm starving.

[ Chuckles ] Me, too.

Let's eat.

Thank you.

[ Airplane flying overhead ]

[ Breathes sharply ]

[ Yawns ]

[ Breathes sharply ]

Sir, I appreciate you inviting me to work on this case with you.

It wasn't my idea. Abbott made me do it.


[ Breathes sharply ]

I did apologize. I understand what I did.

It's about trust, okay? If we're gonna work together, I need to be able to trust you with my life. Now an apology is easy. Trust is earned.

Just tell me how.

It's Pond.

[ Engines whirring ]

F.B.I.! Stop!

Okay, okay. I didn't -- I-I didn't know it was you.

What do you think you're doing?

I thought you were the other guy.

Who? What other guy?

[ g*nsh*t ]

Do you know who that is? His name's Losa.

[ g*nshots ]

Vega, stay here.

Get Galveston P.D. down here. I'm gonna go find this guy.


[ Lowered voice ] No!


[ Door thuds ]

Get your hands in the air!

I said get your hands in the air.

Off the ladder. Now.

Okay. Stop.

Do not move. I said stop.

Stop -- I will sh**t --

[ grunts ]

[ Clatters ]


[ Plane engine roaring ]

[ Grunts ]


[ Handcuffs click ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Panting ]

[ Handcuffs clicking ]


[ Panting ]

[ Handcuffs clicking ]

Name's Uriel Losa.

He's muscle for a Fort Worth loan shark.

Pond apparently owes a lot.

Now Losa didn't know we were F.B.I.

He thought we were there to collect from Pond for someone else. So why did he start sh**ting?

Said he was just trying to scare us away.

What happened there?

Dealing with Pond. It's nothing.

Minor sprain.

Job well done, you guys. Both of you.

Whatever you got to do to me, go ahead.

It's my fault.

Why is that, Mr. Pond?

Because I got Kirk k*lled.

How exactly did you do that?

My business was off.

So I borrowed money from Losa's boss.

A lot of money.

And I was having trouble paying it back.

Why not just throw him a few rubies?

Yeah. That's what he wanted, too.

I had to draw a line.

I owed him money.

I wasn't gonna hand him my career, too.

But he sent Losa after me.

But he k*lled Kirk instead.

Why would he do that?

[ Breathes sharply ]

I let Kirk borrow my hoodie that morning.

You know, and we, uh, we had the same color, same build...

So Losa must have thought Kirk was me.

And when Kirk went out that fire exit, he k*lled him.

Why was Kirk using the fire exit to begin with?

To have a cigarette.

It's some secret smokers' area that --

Kirk went out there at least six times a day.

Losa must have followed him out.

I hate to burst your bubble, but Uriel Losa was nowhere near the convention center the day Kirk Upton was k*lled.


We tracked him. He was 30 miles away.

He had nothing to do with it.

Still, it was a nice try.

Lisbon (on phone): You know, I almost hated to tell him.

He had it all worked out.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

A guilty conscience is a terrible thing to waste.

In the meantime, we've got nothing, and the gem show ends tonight.

Well, not completely nothing.

Pond said Upton was a smoker?

Well, I think that tells us who's behind all this.

Certainly how I can get a confession.


[ Sighs ] There is one problem.


Well, I'm -- I'm a little sick.

I'm not -- I'm not sure that I can do it.

So what are we gonna do?

Well, you could do it.



You've seen me do this sort of thing heaps of times.

I have no idea what you're gonna say, but I'm pretty sure the answer is no.

Why don't you come by the Airstream and I'll explain it to you?

Why can't you just tell me now?

Because I'd like to see you.

And I was hoping you would bring me some soup.


Tomato or bean, please.

I got it.

[ Cell phone beeps ]

No, it's -- it's cool.

It's like the red badge of courage, only tan. [ Typing ]

The tan badge of courage.

It's nothing.

Look, you brought the guy in. That's something.

Well, it wasn't enough.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Stops typing ]

[ Resumes typing ]

Cho will come around.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

Hey, Bob.


Thanks for coming.

No problem. What's this all about?

Let's talk a walk.


[ Button clicks ]

Uh, you asked if there was anything in my work with Rio Bravo that could be problematic.

Now...Let's just say, what if there was?

Well, then that's gonna be a problem for Lena.

No, she had nothing to do with it.

Of course not.

But we need squeaky clean.

[ Breathes sharply ]

If the optics start to look bad, well, we may have to look for someone else.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Okay. Then what do I need to do?

You know how hard she worked for this, Bob, and I really want her to have this.

[ Sighs ] All right, look.

As long as you're in the picture, you're potentially an issue.

But if you're not a part of the picture, if there's some distance...

What good is that gonna do?

I'm still her husband.

If, for instance, we can put out the word that you and Lena are going through a trial separation.

[ Chuckles ]

Are you serious?

She won't have to say a word.

We just have to make sure the other side hears it.

It might convince them to leave you alone.

No. I can't do that.

All right.

You want a way to fix it, and I'm suggesting a way.

Let me know when you decide.

[ Phone vibrates ]

Yes, Lisbon?

So, do you think you can do this?

Jane walked me through it. I think I can.

[ Raspy, weak voice ] She'll have an earphone, and I'll be talking to her all the time.

I'll be able to see everything that's going on.

She's gonna be fine.

And what do you need?

Uh...I need Wylie to monitor the security cameras with me.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Taps key, beep ]

[ Device beeps ]

[ Sighs ] Hello, Lisbon.

Can you hear me?


Well, you look good. Very convincing.

I cannot believe you talked me into this.

Oh, you're gonna be just fine. I'm right there with you inside that head of yours.

I'm gonna throw up.

Me, too.

Pre-show jitters. Always get 'em.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Amplified voice ] Good afternoon.

[ Conversations continues ]

Little louder.

[ Louder ] Good afternoon. My name is Teresa Lisbon.

[ Conversations fade ]

I'm a psychic medium.

[ Softly ] Good.

I work as a special consultant with the F.B.I.

As many of you already know, we're investigating a gem heist and the m*rder of two security guards, along with the m*rder of one of your colleagues -- Kirk Upton.

The person behind all this is in this room right now.

Using my gifts, I'm gonna reveal who that person is.

[ Crowd murmuring ]

They're hooked.

Yes, I will unmask Kirk Upton's k*ller... [ Crowd murmuring ] ...very, very soon.

What do you got? What do you got?

Um... Let's try her.

[ Typing ]

I got nine hits here.

I'm gonna need a little time before I can get the right one.

Okay. Lisbon, you mind, uh, stalling for a minute?

Would anybody... like to ask me a question before we begin?

Lots of people. Um...You.

There's no such thing as psychic powers.


[ Typing continues ]

I...I disagree.

What's my star sign?

Come on, you gotta sell it, Lisbon.

Make 'em believe.

I'm sorry. The spirits won't listen if there's any negative energy in the room.

Now you're cookin'.

[ Taps keys ]

Got her -- Mary Kate Barrows.

Okay. Lisbon, you're gonna be talking to someone called...

Mary Kate Barrows.

Just like we practiced, okay?

I'm getting something.

Is there someone named Mary in this room?

Middle name Kristina or Kathy?


Mary Kate. Last name -- your last name, it's two syllables. It's...

B-b-b-- Barrows.


[ Crowd murmuring ]

Mary Kate had a Havanese called Roger that just died.

Wh-what's a Havanese?

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

It's a little dog.

It's a dog called Roger.

Oh, my God.

Mary Kate, Roger...

He wants to say hi and that he's okay.

[ Murmuring continues ]

He can talk?

Well, yes, of course.

All of God's creatures can talk in the afterlife.

Jane: Uh, move on while you're ahead, Lisbon.

Time to lay the gaff.

I'm getting something else, people.

I'm -- I'm hearing another voice right now.

It's a man voice.

Kirk. Kirk?

Is that you?


I will speak on your behalf.

Kirk says he was working with his k*ller.

They were selling stolen diamonds for the gem show.



Tell us who did this to you, Kirk.

Wait, Kirk -- he wants to speak directly to his k*ller.

He says, "Shame on you."

He thought you were friends.

[ Crowd murmuring ]

Everyone's on the edge of their seat.

Keep going, keep going.

The smoking bit.

Wait, I-I can't -- I can't hear you, Kirk.

You got to speak louder.

Smoking? Wait, wh-what does smoking have to do with this?


He says, "I hope they have a lot of nicotine gum in prison."

Tell us, Kirk. Just give us one name.

[ Chuckles ] He says he'll tell us.

But he wants the k*ller's mother to guess first.

He wants the k*ller to see the shame in her eyes.

God. Kirk's m*rder?

You? [ Mutters under breath ]

Bibby -- Stay out of it, okay? [ Breath quavers ]

You got 'em, Lisbon. Now close the deal.

If the k*ller identifies themselves, they'll get a deal with the F.B.I.

If not, I'll find them myself.

No deal.

Baby, don't be stupid.

I'm not stupid! Mom! I'm smart! And I can do whatever I want with my life because it's mine! It's not yours! It's not Kirk's! It's mine.

Bibby, please!

Kirk and I ran into each other one night at a bar. He had just gotten divorced. We had a few drinks. One thing led to another. We realized that we both needed money -- him for his kids, and me... to get away from my mom. So we came up with a plan.

I knew when the gems would arrive
from the U.S. buyers that I had gotten to know over the years, and Kirk knew someone who could pull off a heist.

Someone who also needed money. A friend from his teenage years. So Elon Bell stole the diamonds.


No one was supposed to die.

When Bell k*lled those two guards, Kirk freaked out. But by then, it was... It was too late.

Once I got the gems, I used my cover as an appraiser. I switched the vendors' registered gems with the stolen ones, and then I sold the vendors' gems on the black market.

And then we showed up.


Kirk wanted to come clean.

And I said he we should discuss it.

[ Shouting inaudibly ]

But there was no discussing it.

[ Thud ]

Everything I had been holding inside just came out.

I couldn't stop it. [ Breath quavers ]

[ Sighs, sniffles ]

That woman didn't really talk to Kirk, did she?

Of course not.


So how did she know I was chewing nicotine gum?

Mother like yours isn't gonna let you chew bubble gum.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Buttons click ]

You okay?

Mm? Yeah, yeah.

It was just a long day, that's all.

Well, I've been looking houses for sale in Georgetown, and they're not as expensive as you think.

I mean, they're expensive, but they're beautiful houses.

[ Inhales sharply ]

[ Exhales ]

Look, Lena...

I don't think I want to go to D.C.

You know, I have a good unit here, seniority, and I don't want to give those things up.


We can be a 2-city couple, right?

Dennis, stop.

No, no, no. Other people do it.

I think it's -- this is about Rio Bravo, isn't it?

Now I never asked you what happened down there, and you didn't want to talk about it, and I respected that.

But I can't do this anymore, not if you're acting like this.

Lena, I can't.

Baby, it's me. You can tell me anything.

No, trust me, it needs to be this way.


Because you're going to be asked questions, and if any of those questions involve Rio Bravo, then you need to be able to say that you don't know anything about it.

You need that, Lena.

Now, we'll see each other on weekends and holidays.

[ Sighs ] You're gonna be working seven days a week anyway.

It's probably better that I live here.

Sir, could you please stand up?


I'm gonna fall and I want you to catch me.


Then I'll do the same for you.

No. It'll just take a minute.

Vega, you fall right now, you're gonna hit the floor.

Well, it's a trust exercise.

I know what it is.

Well, we did them all the time in training.

They really work.

I'm sure it did in Quantico, but not here.

Then what do I do?

I mean, I have to do something.

[ Sighs ] Do your job.

I understand.


[ Exhales ] Vega.

I'm going to the firing range tomorrow after work.

You want to come along?

I'd like that.


[ Scribbling ]

[ Crickets chirping ]

Lisbon: You need to get some sleep.

Jane: Mm-mmm.

You were very good. Very good.

We were very good.


It was fun, talking to all those people with you whispering in my ear.

[ Laughs ]

I'd do it again.

What if we just left?

Just took off?

Like, on vacation?


Just leave.

Mm-mmm, go someplace different, move on.

Well, what do you want to do?

Oh, I don't know.

But are we really gonna work for the F.B.I. for the rest of our lives?

Look at dead people, chase bad guys?

It's who I am, Jane.

I know.

Just thoughts.

[ Whispers ] Just thinking.

[ Breathes deeply ]

Good night.

I'll come and check on you tomorrow, okay?


Good night.

[ Sneezes ]


[ Door opens ]

Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.