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01x13 - The Black Castle

Posted: 03/10/24 08:25
by bunniefuu
[peaceful music]

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music]

[peaceful music]

[leaves crunch]

[dramatic music]

- We are almost there, Robert.

- [sighs] Yes, my lady.

- I know your horse is tired,

but try to make him go a little faster

if you can.

- Very good, my lady.

[dramatic music]

[dramatic musical score]

- You ready, Cedric?

Off you go.

[dramatic music]

[hooves scrape]

[lance thumps]

[triumphant music]

[peaceful music]

- Oh, well I hit fairly in the
center that time, Lancelot.

No adversary could stand such a blow.

- Neither could you.

You were sitting flat in your saddle,

you'd have been knocked
right off your horse.

- Truly?

- I promise you.

- You don't like to admit it,
but I'm really quite good.

- You are.

But the fact is there's
no room for quite good

in this particular art.

You've gotta be very good indeed,

or else you get k*lled.

Now we'll go again, and remember this time

when you charge, lean well
forward in the stirrups.

Throw your whole weight behind the impact.

- [Robert] My Lord Cedric!

- Robert.

Well, what brings you to Camelot?

What news of my lady, Lorraine?

- She's here, my lord.

- Lancelot, I beg your leave,

an important matters has come up.

- [chuckles] I understand.

Brian, take his spear.

Now whatever you do, don't go
and forget all I've told you.

Remember, it's most
important about the weight.

Good luck.

[rapid hoof beats]

[spear thunks]

[birds chirp]

- Where is my lady?

Take me to her.

- One moment, m'lord.

We are here on a most serious errand.

You'll find my lady somewhat upset.

- What's the matter?

- Her father has been
seized and carried off.

- But Lord Trebizond is an old, sick man.

Who would do such a thing?

- A knight named Torwald surprised him

with a group of armed men.

And he is, he's holding him to ransom

at a place called the Black Castle.

- Take me to Lady Lorraine.

- Very good, m'lord.

[hooves scrape]

- Robert has told me about your father.

- Oh.

I had no one else to turn to, only you.

We rode all night.

- You were right to come.

And you mustn't be afraid.

I will find your father.

- I think you can.

Let me go with you.

- I must ask permission of King Arthur.

- Cedric, I agree that Lord
Trebizond must be rescued.

And while I appreciate your enthusiasm,

a one man expedition
is out of the question.

- But sire...

- Look, you are still an apprentice.

You haven't even won your spurs yet.

You couldn't possibly stand a chance

against an experienced
fighter like Torwald.

- And yet, sire, I must go alone.

- Must?

- For certain reasons.

- Yes?

- Well, Lord Trebizond's
only daughter and I

will marry one day.

She's ridden here to
Camelot to ask my help.

And well, I promised I would give it.

- And you will Cedric, but not alone.

- But sire...

- I have nothing more to say.

[footsteps echo]

- A young man certainly has a hard time

to make his mark these days.

When I think of the reckless
things you did in my name.

- [laughs] But things were different then.

- Oh?

- Well nobody cared if knights

went on foolish missions in those days.

Besides I was lucky.

- No, my lord.

You were young, and in love.

- Yes, and I am.

- Young Cedric is in love, too.

[romantic music]

- How can I possibly refuse you?

I'll let him go.

[triumphant music]

[dramatic music]
[hooves scrape]

- There goes a brave young knight.

- Yes, with an attractive young lady.

- She's his betrothed.

It's very romantic.

- Where are they going?

- To rescue her father,

who's being held c*ptive
by a knight named Torwald.

- Torwald, of the Black Castle?

- Yes.

- But that's impossible.

Cedric's no match for him.

- I'm afraid it's my fault.

I urged the king to let him go.

We must do something.

- Well I suppose I could follow him

and see he keeps out of trouble.

- He wanted so terribly to go alone,

to prove his love.

If only you could manage somehow

to, to help him without
taking away any of his glory.

- That's a great deal more
difficult than just fighting.

- Please, Lancelot.

- I'll do my best.

[peaceful music]
[rapid footsteps]

[dramatic music]
[rapid hoof beats]

[peaceful music]
[rapid hoof beats]

[dramatic music]
[rapid hoof beats]

[peaceful music]

Well Brian, this is where
you and I part company.

Overtake Cedric, and tell him that...

Tell him that King Arthur sent you

to show him the shortcuts.

But your real task will be to slow him up

in any way you can.

- Why, so you can get to
the Black Castle first

and k*ll Torwald?

- Haha, no.

That would take all the
glory away from Cedric.

No, whatever I do, I mustn't k*ll Torwald.

I'll have to get into the castle somehow,

challenge him to fight,
and then soften him up.

Leave Cedric to finish him off.

- Suppose Torwald won't fight?

- You'll leave that to me.

I'll provoke him until he does.

But Brian, what I really need is time.

And that's where you come in.

You tell Cedric you
know all the shortcuts,

but make sure he doesn't find them.

I'll rely on Calloden
to get me there first.

[pats shoulder]

Good luck.

[dramatic music]

[peaceful music]

- Sir Cedric.

King Arthur sent me to show you the way

to the Black Castle.

- But I know the way.

- Sir, King Arthur sent me
to show you the shortcuts.

- Oh, very well.

[birds chirp]
[rapid hoof beats]

As I remember the road, it
was distinctly this way.

- Oh no, m'lord.

I know the road well

and it cuts through
the stream by the ford.

- But there's no stream there.

- But there is, m'lord.

- I don't believe it.

- If there is water,
I'd like some to drink.

It's been a long ride.

- I'll fill this water pouch,

and bring it back to you my lady.

- Alright, but be quick about it, boy.

We'll wait here.

[peaceful music]

[dramatic music]

[rapid footsteps]

[dramatic music]

- What's wrong with you, my friend?

- Torwald.

He had me beaten.

Only crime was to ask for salt.

- Oh, perhaps I can help you.

- What would a knight
like you care about me?

- Who knows?

Perhaps you can help me too.

How many men at arms does Torwald have?

- I dunno.

He has a crossbowman named Magnus

who can k*ll a deer at a hundred paces.

- Hm.

- But if the truth were told,

Torwald doesn't need men at arms.

He himself fights like 10 men.

- Oh, we shall see.

[footsteps echo]

[knocks on door]

That's a grim looking place.

That where he keeps his prisoners?

- Aye, they say there's someone there now.

A-a Lord Trebizond they say.

[door rattles]

- Oh, we want to see your master.

- That's impossible.

- Nothing is impossible.

[dramatic music]

[door rattles]

[dramatic music]

- How do I announce you, sir knight?

- I'll go with you, save you the trouble.

[dramatic music]

- Did you ever see this
strange knight before?

- No, but the peasant is one of your own.

- I don't like it.

Where is the Welshman?

- Gone hunting.

- We'll have no more hunting.

His job is here.

[knock on door]

- Say the word, my lord,

and this strange knight
will not leave here alive.

- Be ready in case I need you.

[footsteps echo]

[knock on door]


[footsteps echo]

Who is this knight?

- My name doesn't matter.

I'm here on behalf of one of your peasants

who asked for salt and
was given a beating.

- You are bold, sir knight.

Do you know who I am?

- I know who you are.

[gloves rattle]
[footsteps echo]

And I'm here on a question of principle.

Every lord is expected to
provide salt for his peasants.

- Let the peasant submit
a petition of grievance.

- I have no time for petitions.

- You have no time?

What kind of interfering upstart are you?

- You insist on fighting?

- [chuckles] It's fortunate for you

that I'm in a good humor today.

Come along.

- You're gonna give
the man his salt, then?

- That's what you want, isn't it?

[footsteps echo]

- It's skill we learn at Camelot.

Skill and ease.

- That's quite good, Cedric.

- Well, there's no place for quite good

in this particular art, Lorraine.

A man must be very good
indeed, or he'll be k*lled.

- Oh.

- Don't worry though,

if I cannot subdue him with sword,

I shall try lance.

Maybe both sword and lance.

- At once?

- Yes, it's, uh, it's
a new type of strategy.

I was showing it to
Lancelot just the other day.

I wonder what's keeping
that confounded boy.

- Sir Lancelot receives
instruction from you, Cedric?

- Well, um, he's willing to lend an ear

to any new fighting tactics,

and why not?

I listen to him.

Ah, here you are at last.

- You were right my lord.

- What do you mean?

- There was no stream there after all.

[peaceful music]

[dramatic music]

- Satisfied?

[dramatic music]

[suspenseful music]

- Tell your man to drop his crossbow.

Come on!

- Drop the bow!

[dramatic music]

Neatly done, sir knight.

But if you value your life

you'll leave this castle at once.

- Not just yet, Torwald.

There's unfinished
business between you and I.

- If it's satisfaction you want,

save your breath.

I've no intention of fighting you.

- Suppose I demand satisfaction?

[door clicks]

[footsteps echo]

- You've been making a number of demands

since you walked in here uninvited.

You're spoiling for a fight, aren't you?

I'll make you wish you'd never been born.

The guardroom adjoins my chamber.

A shall arm at once and meet you there.

- Excuse me, farmer.

[footsteps echo]

You see any riders in the forest?

- A knight, a lady and
a young squire, sir.

- Did they look as if they
were on their way here?

- Well, I don't know.

If you look now, you might see them.

[footsteps echo]

[birds chirp]

[door clicks]

- Well done, Brian.

[footsteps echo]

[knife thunks]

[dramatic music]

- You want to see me?

- Swine, I needed you when you were late.

Put on your armor.

- A man must eat.

- You can eat when you've
finished your work.

That's what I pay you for.

Get him into his armor ready for combat.

[dramatic music]

- Hm. this will be a short fight.

I'm hungry.

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music]

[peaceful music]

- Just as I thought, the very
spot we left an hour ago.

- I can't understand it.

- This time, we'll go my way.

[dramatic music]

- If you k*ll him, there'll be
an extra gold piece for you.

[door creaks]

- En garde, Torwald.

[sword strikes]

[knights scuffle]

[swords clatter]

[knight groans]

- Took a blow on the arm.

[knights scuffle]

[armor clatters]

[knight groans]

[knights scuffle]

[swords clash]

Twice he could've k*lled the Welshman.

- He's not trying to k*ll him.

[swords clash]

[knights scuffle]

- Come on, fight.

[dramatic music]

Do you yield?

[dramatic music]

[armor rattles]

[footsteps echo]

- You fool, he saw you.

- He's coming in here.

- You'd better get out.

But remember, we have to k*ll him now.

[footsteps echo]

- So this is how you won your fame, eh?

Are you all right, my friend?

- Yes, I'm all right.

[Lancelot chuckles]

- Get out.

- I want my money!

- I pay you for winning, get out.

[box clatters]

[lid slams]

- Bought and paid for, eh?

Torwald the Great, the man
who lets others fight for him.

- Well, why should I risk my life

when I can buy oafs like
that to do my fighting?

[trumpet blares]

- Cedric!

Heaven be praised.

[trumpet blares]

- Who is that?

- A young knight on an honorable mission.

- Another impulsive
fighter like yourself, eh?

- Yes.

And this time it'll be a fair fight,

and we'll see how that fierce
reputation of yours stands up.

- Guards, stop him!

Stop him!

[rapid footsteps]

[birds chirp]

[bell rings]

- Good people of the Black Castle.

An intruder is at your gates.

A quick fisted fool with
nothing better to do than fight.

But fear not!

Your valiant lord will
meet him in single combat.

[crowd cheers]

[footsteps echo]

Your great and powerful master,

Torwald the Magnificent
will meet this interloper

before the gates.

He will ride forth alone,

and fell him with one
blow of his mighty sword.

[crowd cheers]

[footsteps echo]

- Sir, perhaps I could get into the castle

from the rear and...

- I've no more need of your help.

You've cost me three hours already.

- I did my best, sir.

[birds chirp]

[crowd cheers]

[Lancelot whistles]

[footsteps echo]

- I delayed Cedric as long as I could.

- That's all right, Brian.

Don't worry.

Cedric's a good enough
fighter to beat Torwald.

[trumpet plays]

[drum roll]

[dramatic music]

[swords clash]
[dramatic music]

He'll sh**t Cedric.

[dramatic music]

[rock clatters]

[dramatic music]

[crossbowman yells]

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music]
[swords clash]

[dramatic music]

[peaceful music]

[grass rustles]

[peaceful music]

- Oh, sorry.

- You were magnificent, my son.

What courage!

No fighter in England could have surpassed

your deeds this day.

- This was my inspiration, sir.

- My dear!

I shall be proud to have
you as a son-in-law.

- I should think so, Father.

He captured the Black
Castle single handed.

[cheerful music]

[rapid hoof beats]

[upbeat music]

♪ Now listen to my story ♪

♪ Yes listen, while I sing ♪

♪ Of days of old in England ♪

♪ When Arthur was the king ♪

♪ Of Merlin the magician ♪

♪ and Guinevere the queen, ♪

♪ And Lancelot the bravest knight ♪

♪ The world has ever seen ♪

♪ In days of old ♪

♪ When knights were bold ♪

♪ The stories told of Lancelot ♪

♪ In days of old ♪

♪ When knights were bold ♪

♪ The stories told ♪

♪ Of Lancelot ♪

[music fades]