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01x28 - Teddy and the Mudblups

Posted: 03/09/24 16:02
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Dream with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's go
to far off places ♪

♪ And search
for treasures bright ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

♪ Let's build
a giant airship ♪

♪ And sail into the sky ♪

♪ Let's watch the ground
so far below ♪

♪ Let's watch the birds
as they fly by ♪

♪ Fly so high ♪

♪ Come dream
with me tonight ♪

[birds cawing]

Tweeg: But, L.B., won't you do
this one tiny favor for me?

-L.B.: No way, Twank. Forget it.

Hey, flap off!
This is a private conversation.

Keep your voice down, L.B.

-You'll wake Momsie.
-You got a point there.

If anybody needs beauty sleep,
it's your mother. [laughs]

L.B., I command you to bound
over to Gimmick's house

and start a fight between
those three goodie-goodies.

You got it backwards, Twix.

I'm the one who gives you
the orders now.

Quellor said so. [laughs]

I still can't believe
Quellor would be stupid enough

to make you my boss.

Hey, just because he's a genius
doesn't make him smart.

Don't you kind of miss
the old days, L.B.?

We were a team, remember?

I was the brain,
and you were the brawn.

I was never brawn.

I was always sorta
reddish colored.

Oh! You're driving me crazy!

Remember, Tweeze,
from now on, you're driving me.

Oh, that's it!
That's the final straw!

And the name is Tweeg!

Eleanor: Your name will be "Mud"

if you don't stop
that screaming!

-What's going on here?!

See what I mean about
the beauty sleep?

Oh, good morning, Momsie.

Don't "good morning" me,

you green-faced goldbricker.

Now get out!

And don't come back till
you've done something rotten.

Before breakfast?

On an empty stomach?

I'll show them all.

I'll start a fight between
Gimmick and his friends

that will seem like
an all-out Gatang w*r.

-[Grubby smacking lips]

Perhaps if I connect...

Now, I just need to find
something to start a fight.



Huh? [chuckles]

Thank you.
I didn't realize it was so late.

[groans] Wake up, everyone.

Rise and shine.

Yow! Drat! And double drat!

[Grubby yawns]

Can't we sleep just
five more minutes, Teddy?

Teddy: No, Grubby.
Not if we want to get an early
start to the Great Desert.

Gimmick: Yes, indeed.
Let's hurry, everyone.

I can't wait to try
the new pliable habitat.

-You mean the tent, Gimmick?
-Call it what you will.

I think it was
a stroke of genius

to turn the airship's airbag
into a shelter.

It was a very good idea,

And I can try out
this new belt you made
to help carry the crystals.

Grubby: Well, we can't leave
until we've had breakfast.

Come on, Gimmick.
It's our turn to make
oatmeal this morning.

You'll have to do it
yourself, Grubby.

I have to put
the finishing touches

on another new invention.

But, Gimmick...

It's all right, Grubby.
I'll help you.

You know, Teddy,

ever since that crystal
said Gimmick was inventive,

he's been inventing ways
to get out of doing any work
around here.

I'm sure he doesn't mean
to be inconsiderate, Grubby.


Teddy: I'll take these supplies
out to the airship.

-Be right back, Grubby.
-Okay, Teddy.

-Gimmick: Come here, Grubby.

-There's something
I'd like to show you.

If you want to show me
something, bring it down here.




Tweeg: That's it.

[Tweeg mimics Teddy]
Grubby, Gimmick.

Could you please
lend me a hand out here?

Come on, Gimmick.
You've gotta help, too.

This is your invention we're
trying to get off the ground.

All right, Grubby. I'm coming.

Let's see how they like this,
the friendly little creeps.

Nothing like a meal with lots of
iron in it to start the day.


-[door opens]

Time for this bad guy
to make good his escape.

-[window opens]

My gyro distinguisher.

It's covered with oatmeal.

Can't you cook a little neater
than this, Grubby?

Me? I'm always
picking up after you.

Especially since you turned into
such an inventing genius.

Now stop it, both of you.

-Well, he started it.

He, uh, started it.

Please stop it right now.

You're both acting
very childishly.

I am not. Bleh!

You are, too. Bleh!

I think you should
both stop arguing

and try to work this out.

Eh, well, I guess you're right.

I'm sorry, Grubby.

Aw, well, then,
I'm sorry, too.

I guess I'm kinda jealous

'cause Gimmick's got all
the imagination around here.

Oh, don't feel bad, Grubby.

We've all got imagination.

It's just a question of
learning to develop it.

[music playing]

♪ So warm up your imagination ♪

♪ And with some interpretation ♪

♪ And a little perspiration ♪

♪ Anything can fly ♪

All: ♪ But nothing ever happens
if you don't really try ♪

♪ When first I built my tube fan
just to cool a room in summer ♪

♪ The reason that it
pulled not pushed
is still not really clear ♪

Imagine that.

♪ But then an ocean hit me
as it swallowed half my arm ♪

♪ This thing could make the dust
inside my house just disappear ♪

-Your vacuum duster upper?
-So science wins again!

♪ So warm up your imagination ♪

♪ And with some
interpretation ♪

♪ And a little perspiration ♪

Gimmick: ♪ Anything can fly ♪

♪ Now sometimes
even my inventions
might just go awry ♪

-Grubby: Oh, really?
-Gimmick: Yes.

All: ♪ But nothing good will
happen if you don't really try ♪

Tweeg: Everything was going
so smoothly.

I had a terrific fight going

between Gimmick and that
overgrown inch worm Grubby.

Until that Teddy Saucepants

stepped in and ruined it all.


Well, go back and try again.

Remember the dishonor of
the Tweeg name is at stake.

Oh, it's no use, Mummy.

They're taking off
for the Great Desert

in that airship of theirs.

This I must see.

You're right.
It's already in the air.

Now why would they be going
to the Great Desert, I wonder?

-That's it!

They must have located
the legendary gem mines

of the Great Desert.

We must follow them!

You heard her, L.B.

Prepare the wagon.

No, you prepare the wagon,

while I think of a plan
to steal those gems.

But, Mummy, why can't I
think of a plan?

Because we can't wait that long.

-Now start loading the wagon!

They're almost out of sight.

Mush, Tweeg, mush!

Oh, what an indignity. [groans]

What's this, Buffy,
Tweek is working?

We must need glasses, Biff.

Come on, Tweef, pull harder.

Yeah, no pain, no gain.

Build up that muscle.

Yeah, the one
between your ears.

[both laughing]

You can laugh now. [panting]

But when we find
that gem mine,

I'll be rich.

Do you hear me? Rich!


Gimmick: Well, boys, let's get
the pliable habitat in place.

Grubby: You mean we should
put the tent up?

Call it a tent
if you like, Grubby.

The fact remains
that this permits us

to turn the airship
into a house.

Now, let's not dawdle.

-Whatever you say, Gimmick.
-Gimmick sure is grumpy today.

Now first, we have to lower
the yardarm.

[grunts] Okay. How's that?

Lower, Teddy.

If you understood my design,

you wouldn't have to
ask that question.

Sorry, Gimmick.

And now, Grubby,
you lower the airbag.

Okay. I'm lowering it away.

Not like that.
Position it over here.

Well, why didn't you
say so before?

Must I explain everything?

All right,
raise the hot air tube.

Grubby: There sure is
a lot of room in here.

Yes, indeed. [chuckles]

When that crystal
said I was inventive,

it was certainly correct.

That crystal should've said
you were conceited, too.

Eh, what?

Well, my crystal said
I was honest,

and I'm gonna tell you
something honestly.

This tent is okay,
but what else have you made?

A bunch of thingamajigs that
don't do anything, that's what.

Even the airship was a flop
until Leota showed you
how to fix it.

Well, what have you
ever invented?

Grubby, Gimmick,

this isn't the way
friends are supposed to act.

Well, I thought
we were friends,

but after that outburst,
maybe we're not.

Of course
we're friends.

But ever since that crystal
said you were inventive,

you've been so busy
inventing things

that you haven't been
very nice to your friends.


So now you're on
his side.

I'm not on anybody's side.

Grubby was trying
to be honest.

But you don't have to be mean
to be honest, Grubby.

Well, since we came
all this way,

I propose
we stay here overnight.

Well, maybe we should
look for some food.

Now you're talking. [chuckles]

Here's some roots we can eat.

These berries look edible.

We'd better be heading back.
It's getting dark.

-What is it, Grubby?

Grubby: Doesn't that cave
remind you of the one

where the Mudblups captured us?

Yes, I guess it does,
a little.

Oh, don't worry.

I've done a thorough
evaluation of Mudblups.

And for those creatures
to be found this far north

is virtually impossible.

[Mudblups vocalizing]

Teddy, Gimmick, Grubby:
Oh, no! Mudblups!

Well, L.B.?

There's nobody inside, Eleanor.

And, look.
Footprints leading that way.

It looks like,
like five people went by.

They must've recruited
some followers.


Six of those feet belong
to the caterpillar.

I told you, Twink,
don't waste your time thinking.


Aha! The footprints
lead into this cave.

Well, don't just stand there.

Let's follow them.

-[Mudblups vocalizing]
-What's that strange noise?

It's Tweep's stomach
gurgling again.

No, it isn't.
It's-- It's--

All: Mudblups!

Intruders! Capture them!


We captured intruders.

Take the two ugly ones away.

No, no, the ugly ones.

Hey! Not by the horn!

Now you've got it right.

Take them away.

And you, cutesy,
sit here beside me.

What?! In the mud?!
Forget it, Charlie!

Keep moving.
Keep moving.

I'm moving.
I'm moving.


It sounds like the Mudblups
have brought in more prisoners.

Quick, Grubby,
over here.

It's Tweeg and L.B.

What are you doing here?

Yuck! It's you!

Teddy Dustbin!

If it weren't for you,
we wouldn't be in this cell.

And Mummy wouldn't be
in the clutches

of the king of the mudpies
back there.

Eleanor: This is no way
to treat a lady!

I demand to see
the M.A.V.O. ambassador!

Mummy, are you all right?

Of course I'm not all right.

Would I be screaming
if I was all right?!

What did they do to you,

That mound of mud
wants to marry me

and make me
queen of the Mudblups.

He knows an attractive woman
when he sees one.

My beauty drove
the poor devil wild.

Can you imagine me living in
all this goo and muck?

-Then you'll do it?
-Of course not!

-But you put it on
your face every night.
-How can you tell?

I'd rather rot before
I marry that bucket of ooze.

I'm going to get some shuteye.

Turn around, will you, boys?

But, Momsie, how can you sleep
at a time like this?

I need my rest if my skin
is to keep its girlish glow.

Although a fatwad of good
it'll do me

with that walking slime pile

chasing me around.

Sometimes beauty is a curse.

[sighs] I know. I know.

[sighs, snores]

So the Mudblup king
wants a wife, hmm?

What's with the getup, Twiz?

I've watched you two make
a mess of things long enough.

Now it's my turn.

Guard, oh, guard.

What do you want?

Take me to that gorgeous
lump of mud you call king.

Oh-oh, King-y.

My, you certainly do
have piles

and piles
of sparkling gems.

They don't sparkle
like your eyes.

I'll tell you what.

I'll marry you
on one condition.

Name it, my precious pile
of anthracite.

That you free
the tall green creature

and the short red one.

And you give them
as many gems

as they can carry.

Very well.

It shall be
my wedding present to you.

Oh, thank you.

Now, I must return
to my cell to...

to freshen up for the ceremony.


That was refreshing.

Just let me dress
and I'll come up with a plan

to get out of this dump.

Boy, is she in for a surprise.

You are free to go.

Well, it's about time.

-You, come with us.

The gems in this trunk
are yours.

-Now go.

What's going on here?!

Bye, Mummy.

I'll send you a wedding gift.

How could you do this to me?!

Your only mother
sold down the river!

Tweegy, my boy.

You've finally done something

truly despicable!

There, L.B.!

I masterminded our escape.

I'm rich!

And I've cheated
one little old lady.

Check all three of them
off the list.

I don't believe it.

You really pulled it off,
Tweej. [laughs]

Now help me
with this trunk.

-[thunder rumbling]

That sounded like thunder.

Hey, Gimmick, looks like
you're gonna get that
rainstorm you predicted.


By the bucket-full.

This storm
is getting worse.

My feet are getting all muddy.

I have an idea.
Quick, everybody.

Smear this mud
all over you.

Okay, but I don't think my mom
would approve of this.

Teddy, you look
just like a Mudblup.

Well, maybe a baby Mudblup.

That's the whole idea, Grubby.

[lowered voice]
Hey, guard.

Blup, blup, blup. Guard.

What are you doing in there?

Where are the three

Blup, blup, blup.
They locked us in here.

Blup. Let us out so
we can find them-em-em.

You better hurry.

We'll all be in trouble
if you can't find them.

Come on, fellas,
back to the airship.

The prisoners!
After them!

They're after us.

Run! Eh, er, run!


The sun!


It's too bright!

Go back! Go back!

Teddy: I'm glad the sun
came out when it did.

the Mudblups sensitive eyes

can't endure bright light.

We were lucky, all right.

But you thought of how
to escape, Teddy.

Gimmick: Yes, indeed, Teddy.

You certainly used
your imagination.

Thank you, Gimmick.

It's sure nice to be able
to come back to this nice,

cozy, pliable habitat.

Gimmick: Grubby, I'm sorry
for the way I acted today.

And I'm sorry
about the monkey wrench

in the oatmeal, too.

And I'll never call you
"messy" again, Gimmick.

After seeing those
Mudblup guys,

I think you're the neatest
housekeeper in the whole world.

[all laugh]

[theme music playing]