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00x04 - Duel in the Devil's Cauldron

Posted: 03/03/24 20:48
by bunniefuu
We'll fight for freedom
wherever there's trouble.

G.I. Joe is there.

G.I. Joe, a real American hero.

G.I. Joe is there.

It's G.I. Joe against Cobra and
Destro, fighting to save the day.

He never gives up, he's always there,
fighting for freedom over land and air.

G.I. Joe, a real American hero.

G.I. Joe is there.

G.I. Joe is the code
name for America's daring,

highly trained
special mission force.

Its purpose, to defend
human freedom against Cobra,

a ruthless t*rror1st organization
determined to rule the world.

He never gives up, he'll
stay 'til the fight's won.

G.I. Joe will dare.

G.I. Joe, a real American hero.

G.I. Joe!

Using the mass device, Destro
and Cobra Commander steal a

powerful satellite, kidnap
Duke, and terrorize the world.

To stop Cobra, the Joes must
build their own mass device

and fuel it with three
precious elements,

but they've got to get the elements
before Cobra does, or all is lost.

Duke escapes from
Cobra's arena of sport

with the help of the
beautiful sl*ve girl, Selena.

And the Joe team battles
Cobra at the bottom of the ocean,

while Snake-Eyes risks his life
for a canister of radioactive crystal.

But the canister
is really a b*mb,

and it's about to explode as
we begin our fourth episode,

"Fuel in the Devil's Cauldron.".

Good boy! Liquid
can filter fumes!

Maybe enough time to get
Fusion b*mb out of here.

We don't have time to spare boy,

so keep your paws crossed.

Here we go!

Look out!

Timber, you're my kind of wolf.

Thanks to Timber and Cover Girl,

we've still got a chance.

There is a remote possibility
we can activate our mass device

with only two of the
required elements,

if and only if

the synthetic meteorite flakes I
have devised complete the equation.

I shall need an
object for the test.

- Bye, baby.

Take good care of
her, Dr. Vandermeer.

We've been
through lots together.

I shall do my best.

Snake-Eyes, the homing device,

prepare to receive transmission.

The electromotive force
field seems to be adequate.


Ooh, baby, what they do to you!

I wouldn't use that w*apon
unless your insurance is paid up.

Without the third element,
we are no match for Cobra.

The catalytic ingredient
we need is to be found

where the so-called
Ring of Fire emerges

from the continent
of South America.

It is a center of
extraordinary volcanic activity.

More than 100,000 years ago,

a gigantic meteorite survived
entry into the Earth's atmosphere,

plummeted into the crater
known as the Devil's Cauldron.

That meteorite is the last source
of the pure metallic compound,

which is our third
missing element.

It remains there still,

in a deadly sea of red hot lava.

What's that?
- Look at that screen. Unreal.

What's the pattern?

An ultra-secret message
on the video scrambler.

It's only used for
terminal condition white.

Condition white?
Like in White Flag?

No way!

I'd do anything if I didn't have to
be the one to deliver this message.

But the President and
the Joint Chiefs have just

ordered me to assemble
the entire G.I. Joe Force

and surrender, as
directed by Cobra.

No way!
- You're putting this on, right, Stalk?

You're out of your gourd!
- Come off it, Stalker!

You're reading this wrong. There
must be a foul-up in transmission.

It's no mistake. As
soon as our entire outfit

and its support and supply networks
have been repositioned as demanded,

I will formally turn it all over
to the Cobra Commander.

We've won, don't you see? Won!

Don't try to talk me out of it.

It's not my decision.

They don't know we're eavesdropping
on their super-secret transmission.

So it must be the truth!

Victory, Destro!

I said victory, Destro!

Is it not sweet?

[Cobra laughs]

I see the forces of our enemy
marching to the designated staging area.

But until the moment of surrender,
I shall knock out G.I. Joe out.

Where are you going?
I've arranged a banquet.

We still lack the third element
to power our mass device.

At this delicate juncture, I shall take
no chance of anything going wrong.

I will lead the search for
that final ingredient myself.

Paranoid fool.

We've won, I tell you!

It'll take several hours to
complete the surrender operation.

Then I will...

I've crushed them!
They're finished!

[Cobra laughs]

We must stop these
evil men, Ramar.

If not, they will enslave
others as they have our people.

Give me but one opportunity,

one uncut moment,
and I will repay the swine.

This is my moment of triumph,

and I'm not having any fun!

You, sl*ve!

Come here and amuse me.

There's nothing like a show of
spirit to add spice to the contest.

Now let's see who or
what shall I have you fight.

I've got it!

[Cobra laughs]

[Cobra laughs]

Wonderful! Delightful!

[Cobra laughs]

Wherever you are, Duke, you must
not let the evil ones vanquish you.

You must fight on.

I pray that you will.

It's now my duty to ask all the G.I
Joe team members to report to the...

Will you get out of
the picture g*n-ho?

Sorry, Stark.

They're kinda cute, you know.
Better than an electric train set.

Relax, Stalker.

You weren't transmitting
when G.H took a play break.

As far as Cobra knows, we're taking
their surrender ultimatum seriously.

I hope I was as
convincing as these models.

My only previous acting
experience was playing

a pumpkin in the school
Thanksgiving show.

You were great!

Breaker discovered Cobra was
intercepting our ultra-secret transmission,

and you gave them the
show we wanted them to see.

Let's hope it buys us enough
time to get that third element.

Okay, listen up. Operation:
"Big Lift" is about to get underway.

Yo, Joe!

Get down too close to that
lava and it's barbecue city.

Hey! Whoa, far out!

What'd you see?
- What do you think I see, for Pete's sake?

What are we looking for?

If I say, "Hey, whoa, far out!"
I must have found it, right?

- It's the meteorite!

We're there!

This is it!

Man, look at that baby!

That's the payoff!


Okay, by the numbers. Move!

We're gonna lift that sucker!

Check your cables and
electromagnets and fasten your seat belts.


This is Wilder and the
Bronco with the cactus saddle!

My old daddy taught me how to dip
a net to catch a mess of blue crabs.

This is about the same, except
this old crab weighs about ten tons.


We gotta lift it quick
or the magnets will melt.


Got it!
- Reel 'em in!

Yo, Joe!
- Yeah!

Lift that sucker!

All men go!


Out of sight!

Way to go, Scarlet!

Far out!

We're losing her!

Blowing more
cables on the double!

This is all we got, babe!

If this don't work,
we're cooked!

And I'm talking cooked!

Yo, Joe!

Go, go, go!


G.I. Joe will return
after these messages.

Now, back to G.I. Joe.

Cut the cables!


They've cut the meteorite loops!

Look out! It's gonna hit!

Let's hear it for Big B!

We have only one target,
and that is the volcano itself!

Concentrate your
fire at this level,

just below the surface
of the lava in the crater.

When we break through, the
lava spill will trigger an eruption.

An eruption will pop the meteorite
into the sky like a champagne cork.

Then we'll net it before
G.I. Joe realizes they've lost!

(Evil laugh).

What can I do?

Oh, come in, Destro!

I demand you acknowledge
your commander-in-chief!

Destro! The G.I.
Joe force has not surrendered yet!

Repeat, not surrendered!


I will wait no longer!
My Patience is ended!

I demand your surrender at
once, or I shall destroy New York!

Our total force
hasn't assembled yet.

You surely don't want
a partial surrender.


How long to
complete the process?

An hour and a half?

Two hours at the
most, if we're lucky.

You will not be lucky, fool!

You will be vanquished!

That is all!

They have taken far
too much time as it is.

Frankly, Commander, I
suspect some sort of trick.

So do I.

Tell me, do we actually
have enough catalytic

elements to disintegrate
New York as I threatened?

I do not know.

We have scavenged Destro's
original shipment containers

and found only a handful
of the meteorite metal.

It will have to suffice.

I'm through waiting
for G.I. Joe's surrender.

Destroy New York!

The homing devices are in place!

Destroy it now!

I hear and obey!

It cost us a third element.

But it worked!

[cobra laughing]

The tera-point force!
- This is the end!

It's certain!
- Oh no!

The end of the world!

Any second now!


You'll pay for this,
sl*ve! You'll pay dearly!

New York still stands.

My threat has been proven empty.

Our future rests
with Destro now.

Unless he brings back the meteorite,
our mass device will be useless!

Maintain your fire!

We are almost through
with the lava lake!

Uh-oh! What we've got
here is a game of dirty pool!

With a capital D for Destro!

He's undercutting
the lava in the crater!

When that crater wall breaks,

we could have us one
humongous blow-up!

It'll send that old
meteorite pushing out

faster than a field
mouse at a Tomcat picnic!

If that meteorite gets into
free fall, we're in big trouble!

Eye on the sky! Going high!

Uncle Joe is going low!

Yo! Joe!

Bogeys at six o'clock!

Bogeys at twelve o'clock! High!


Don't let them interfere
with our mission!

Maintain laser
fire at all times!

Way to go, Joe!

sh**t! Skunk hole!

Cobra's got a catcher's
mitt coming in at 15,000 feet!

We've done it!

Fall back and
prepare retrieval net!

[Destro laughing]

It's late eight for the
mountain! Look out!

[Destro laughing]

Perfect! Perfect!

It's a high fly ball
to deep center field!

Let's try a shoe-string catch!

Now we have it!

Steady, steady!

Yo, Joe!

Scramble, Cobra! Well caught!

[Destro laughing]

I hauled it in! sh**t!

It's your party now, G.H.

The joint ain't jumping, babe!

Prepare to repel boarding party!

G.I. Joe will return
after these messages.

Now back to G.I. Joe.

Yo, Joe!


Yo, Joe!

Don't let him get away!

Yo, Joe!


I'm bringing him in!

The mopping up is complete.

Except for Destro.

Scarlet was on his tail!

They found me!

That was Scarlet's thermal arrow!

No further! If you sh**t,
you'll hit your friend!

Step into the clear,
Destro, if you've got the guts!

I have no time
for childish games!

I intend to deliver a healthy
supply of the meteorite to Cobra,

and Scarlet will accompany me.

I believe the expression
is, "Till we meet again."

[Destro laughing]

The steel-scalded b*mb's
got the meteorite and

Scarlet, and there's not
a thing we can do about it!

For the moment, no, there isn't.

But we now hold the last
remaining portion of the final

catalytic element we need to
make our mass device work.

I can only hope, for
Scarlet's and all our sakes,

that we're not too late.

We'll break your spirit soon
enough, my dear Scarlet.

Seeing you a groveling sl*ve
will provide me with great pleasure.

[Destro laughing]

Groveling before
a meatball like you,

isn't my style, Destro.

You're a paradox, Scarlet.

You little fool!

You fused the controls!

We're both finished!

G.I. Joe will return
after these messages.

In our next episode, Scarlet
becomes a sl*ve to Cobra,

and she and Selena
lead a sl*ve rebellion.

While Dr. Vandermeer
completes the mass device,

and the Joe team locks in deadly
combat with Cobra and Destro...
