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00x03 - The Worms of Death

Posted: 03/03/24 20:47
by bunniefuu
Yo! Joe!

He'll fight for freedom
wherever there's trouble

G.I. Joe is there

G.I. Joe
A real American hero

G.I. Joe is there

It's G.I. Joe against
Cobra and Destro

Fighting to save the day

He never gives up,
he's always there

Fighting for freedom
over land and air

G.I. Joe
A real American hero

G.I. Joe is there

G.I. Joe is the code
name for America's

daring, highly trained
special mission force.

Its purpose, to defend human
freedom against Cobra,

a ruthless t*rror1st organization
determined to rule the world.

He never gives up, he'll stay till
the fight's won. G.I. Joe will dare.

G.I. Joe
A real American hero

G.I. Joe!

att*ck Cobra!

After a surprise att*ck
on the G.I. Joe Skystrikers,

Cobra and Destro use their
ultra-sophisticated mask device

to steal America's
most powerful satellite,

kidnapped Duke, the
leader of the Joe team,

and terrorize the world by
disintegrating the Eiffel Tower.

Scarlet, Wild Bill, and g*n-Ho

fly to a New England farm
to rescue a famous scientist,

and learn the only
way to stop Cobra

is to build their
own mask device.

But to fuel it, they must search the
globe for three precious elements,

and get them before
Cobra does, or all is lost.

After a tremendous battle
in Cobra's arena of sport,

Duke escapes with the help of
the beautiful sl*ve girl, Selena,

while Snake-Eyes risks his life
for one of the precious elements,

and Cobra turns the world's
leaders into lifeless slaves,

as we begin our third episode,

"The Worms of Death."

[dramatic music]

Surrender to the new order of
Cobra starting at noon tomorrow,

or suffer my wrath!

Devastation! Ruin! Chaos!

[evil laughter]

Egotistical peacock!

Doesn't he realize our
supply of catalytic elements

is too low to activate
his wild threats,

and an empty thr*at
destroys our credibility?

But we retain the
upper hand, Destro.

G.I. Joe failed to
get the red crystals.

We have failed as
well, my dear Baroness.

Your concern is unfounded.

Major Blood may yet succeed
in bringing back the crystals.

He must succeed! He must!

Haven't you programmed
the repair model yet?

If we're not out of here before
nightfall, we could freeze to death!

Ready now, sir.

Then send it in to do its work!

This robot will
bring out the crystals

and deal with any
G.I. Joe survivors!

Repair the search androids!

[electricity crackles]

It'll flush them out,
or finish them off.

[electricity crackles]

[dramatic music]

Look! There was
someone alive in there!

Hold your fire!

Poor Devorah. He's
a walking time b*mb.

[whispers about what's going on]

Let him go! He'll
die soon enough!

Think back, Duke.

There is a picture there,
Duke. Look at it. Describe it.

You are in the Cobra hideout.

Focus. Concentrate.

Yes, I can see something.

I do see something.
Someone, really.

She's coming in clear.

She's in danger. And
that's all I remember.

Hey, we're here!

All right, let's get topside.

We are right over the deepest
trench in the ocean floor.

At the bottom lies a
pool of heavy water.

The second of the
three catalytic elements

we've got to get before
Cobra beats us to it.

You know your team assignments.

Buddy up and get
into your diving gear.

We're going over the side.

[all cheering]

Yo! Joe!

I believe none of us knows
doodly squat about deep sea diving.

So, who do we have to
ramrod this operation?

Good question, Stalker.

And here comes a good answer.

Look at that!

That's Smokey d*ck,
I'm checking out.

Hey, what's
happening, land lovers?

[all cheers for Torpedo]

Well, what are
you all waiting for?

Come on in. The water is fine.

[all laughing].

[radio active rattle sounds]

[dog barking]

[dog barks in pain]

[dog cries in pain]

[dog barking]

There are only two
things to remember.

Take your lead from
Torpedo. This is his turf.

And don't get out
of your depth suit

or the pressure down there
will crush you like a grape.

- Good luck and happy hunting.

Okay, straighten
up your formations.

Synchronize depth gauges.

Ready? Going down!

Hang on to your
heads here, guys.

We're going where few have gone
and fewer still have ever returned.


G.I Joe will return
after these messages.

Now, back to G.I Joe.

[dramatic music]


[dramatic music]


Even though I
cannot see you,

I can tell a young, strong
man you are to shore.

But what you are doing in
these bleak hills, I do not know.

But you will surely freeze to
death if you're not given shelter.


[dogs barking]

Easy now, boy, steady.

Whoever's disturbing
you will have to wait.

We're off.


On your huskies!

[dogs barking]

Your crystals, Destro.

Mission accomplished.

Excellent, Major Blood.

I salute you.

Now we lack but two of the precious
elements which will make us invincible.

Only the G.I Joe team
stands against us.

But if we can get the remaining
elements before they get them,

there'll be no stopping us.

The planet will be ours!


There's a bottom coming up.

We'll step down on that
sort of plateau over there.

And watch out for that fissure.

The stuff floating out
of there is molten sulfur.

The water around it is hot
enough to hard-boil an elephant.

So keep away.

Those odd columns.

I've seen them before.

So have I,
In a nightmare.

I've got it!

They look like giant tube worms.

Giant tube worms?


Hey, do your worm-warring later.

Right now, activate
your pressure suits.

Let's find that heavy
water and get out of here.

This could be a hairy detail,

so maintain radio
contact at all times.

The heavy water pool should
be somewhere down there.

Check your
coordinates and move in.

Looks like a pretty
bad neighborhood.

Oh, I wouldn't say that.

See? No graffiti.

[squeaking sound]

Now I'm in, att*ck!



Torpedo, carry on
with the mission.

We'll try to cover you.

Roger, Duke.

Heavy water, here I come.

- but you're enjoying this.


Gotcha. Come 'pedo, baby.

Torpedo, what's
your situation? Over.

Lousy. Request permission
to wheel and deal.


Commander of Cobra forces.

You! Baroness.

we've got to work together if any
of us are going to get out of this.

Otherwise, we'll wind
up worm-bombed.


Collaboration with the enemy
is out of the question. I...


On, second thought.

Your idea has merit.

We will help.

With the understanding
that once we are free,

we will split the pool
of heavy water equally.

All right, Baroness,
you've got a deal.

Excellent. Cobra
forces, attention.

Join with the G.I. Joe team and
destroy our common enemies,

the two worms.


They are indestructible.

We have succeeded only
in making them more angry.

They must have a weakness.

And if we don't find
it fast, we're finished.

G.I. Joe will return
after these messages.

Now, back to G.I. Joe.

There's one chance.

The worms have fastened
themselves to rocks at their base.

Blast away their
Anchorage to the sea floor.

If they float up far enough,

the pressure will decrease
and they'll explode.

Yeah, yeah, man, it's working.

Thank you for a successful but
extremely temporary partnership, Duke.

Now, give us your
heavy water as well.

We had a deal, Baroness.

A deal? With Cobra?


Surely you can't be serious.

I'm serious. Yo, Joe!

Now, let's everybody back off.

It cannot end this way.

We've got what we came
for. Let's not hang around.

I'm with you.

We have no time
to pursue the fools.

We have both the
crystals and heavy water.

One more element to go,
and then we are victorious.


Dr. Vandermeer, we
got the heavy water,

but we're still two elements
short for your mass device.

If you don't get them soon,
Duke, it may not matter.

The Cobra Commander demands
G.I. Joe surrender at once,

or he'll disintegrate
New York City.

Your radiation sickness
has gone, me buck o.

A simple dressing of leaves and
herbs draws out the contamination.

And you're none the worse for it.

Your uniform and mask
are on the wall behind you.

I cannot see, so I do not know
why you cover your face, lad.

But whatever terrible
disfigurement is there,

I can see into your heart,
and that is sound and true.

You can't deny it, lad.

Your loyal wolf friend
here, he needs a name.

How about... Timber?

Yes, it's a perfect money card.

You'll not be going
without this, I think.

I went back for it.

It was easy to find.

It's common and
warm, like it is.

Now, one thing more before
you go traipsing off into the snow.

There's an old ice boat
moored at the eastern

end of the Sea of
Ice, just over the rise.

Get in that, and you'll
soon reach civilization.

Saints protect you.

Both of you.

This is a step in
the right direction.

But New York has had it if
G.I. Joe doesn't surrender.

I wish I could see
some other alternative.

If we give up, Cobra will have
a stranglehold on the world.

We've got to keep
fighting... somehow.

Uh, me and Steeler
maybe got something.

You know how Cobra
needs the Relay Star satellite

to send a mass energy
beam down on New York?

Yeah, Short Fuse, go on.

Well, you see, Steeler
and me was talking,

and I said to him,
"Steeler, buddy, I said..."

Will you tell him already?

I'm telling him. I got to
tell him my way, though.

So anyway, I said to Steeler...
- There's no time to tell it your way.

What me and Short
Fuse figured was,

if we could knock
out that satellite,

Cobra couldn't do
nothing to the Big Apple.

So, we built this here
doohickey with Clutch's help.

It's a k*ller satellite.

It's all mounted in a portable
launch gantry and everything.

Well, what do you think?

Crude, roughly
constructed, but magnificent.

It just might do the job.

A little closer.

A little closer to
the Relay Star,

and we
can blow it to bits.

Shock Troop to the grid at once.


This will use up our last remaining
bit of the third metallic element,

but, we have no choice.



They've beamed Cobra
Troops up to the Relay Star.

We have just sealed
the fate of G.I Joe,

and ensured our
future greatness.

Cobra rules!


We have failed to
pull Cobra's fangs.

You will have to surrender now,

unless you can
summon up a miracle.


Guess who I just picked
up at the outer perimeter?

I heard a relay alarm kick in,

you were all busy, so
I went for a look-see.

And here's Snake-Eyes!

[everybody cheers]

I don't know how you
made it back, Snake-Eyes.

Snake, you're alive!

I knew you were too tough to be
finished off by some dumb old crystals.

Hey, who's your friend?

These crystals give us a
chance to meet Cobra head-on,

mass to mass, and a
chance is all we need.

Yo, Joe!

Something's bugging your
big bad wolf, Snake-Eyes.

Well, maybe... that smoke!

The canister! It's a booby trap!

If it blows, we're
all cosmic dust!


The fumes! They have
paralyzing properties!

Must get rid of them before...


Too late!

G.I Joe will return
after these messages.

In our next episode, New York
trembles on the brink of destruction

and Stalker agrees to
surrender the G.I Joe team,

while Scarlet, Wild Bill and
g*n-Ho fly into an erupting volcano

and battle Cobra and
Destro for the final element.

We're gonna lift that sucker!

This is Wilder in the Bronco
with the cactus saddle!


Cut the cables!


We're in big trouble!

Eye in the sky! Going high!

g*n-Ho Joe is going low!

G.I. Joe
A real American hero

G.I. Joe is there

Only with the final element do
the Joes have a fighting chance,

but it's a chance that
may cost Scarlet her life.

All in duel in the
Devil's Cauldron.

Our next exciting episode of
G.I Joe, a real American hero.