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01x03 - Propaganda

Posted: 03/01/24 13:10
by bunniefuu


What are you doing with this?

Wade, I was look...

Miss Vezi, what are you doing here?




Um, Puleng wanted to go to
the photocopy room.

I gave her directions
but clearly, my directions suck.





♪ Blood ♪

♪ Blood and water ♪


[KB ON PHONE] Hey, uh...

I hope, uh...

[CHUCKLES] Okay, I just wanted to say
that I made you something.

You inspired me.

You're dope. It's dope. Uh...

Anyway, don't stop, yeah?

That's kind of like all I wanted to say.

I'll see you at school. Bye.



♪ I heard 'em
Laughing it up, tagging 'em out ♪

♪ I heard 'em claiming they're back
Saying they vouch, I heard 'em ♪

♪ Saying they love 'em inside and out
And I'm hurting ♪

♪ 'Cause I never had
What they're talking about ♪

♪ They walk as a pair ♪

♪ Handing each other
Backing each other ♪

[CHAD] All right, guys, listen up.
You've got two more days...

then it's D-Day.

And I need your complete focus.

From now on, nothing else matters.

Not your fights with your friends,
not your essays,

and not social media.

All that comes second.

All right, let's shake and bake!


[FEMALE ANNOUNCER] Please note that
the office bearer debate will take place

at the end of the day in Founders Hall
ahead of tomorrow's vote.



Hey. You're that new girl, eh?

You've got some balls.

- Thanks?


[KB] Are you good?

Can I catch up with you later?

Hey, guys.

Cut the fake sh*t, bitch.

"Fikile Bhele is Parkhurst's shining star."

But what does she know
about leading a student body

"when she barely knows the price of bread?"

You wrote that.

I didn't!

[FIKILE] Your name is right there.

This is obviously a mistake.

This is not what I submitted.

- [SCOFFS] Oh, you're the f*cking mistake.
- Whoa, whoa, relax, guys.

Give her a chance to speak.

This is gonna hurt my chances
at Head Girl.

Might as well kiss
that scholarship goodbye.

I didn't write this, Fiks.
You have to believe me.

Your name's right there, Puleng Vezi.

I know, but I don't understand how.

Why be so nice to me
if this is what you thought of me?

Fiks, please, just... just let me fix it.

[REECE] Come on.

You believe me...


It's just high school drama.
It'll blow over.


[PROFESSOR] Right, guys.
Now, go back to your desks,

get into groups of four,
and try the experiment for yourselves.

If you do get stuck,
call me and I'll explain again. Thank you.

Wade, please, can we talk?

Make sure your goggles are on
at all times.

Puleng, right?

Does Fiks really pay that much
for her weaves?


Wade... aren't you supposed
to see everything before it goes to print?

I am.

And you thought that article was fine
the way it was?

- Ensure that all equipment...
- Wade, come on, talk to me.


What were you doing
with Fikile's birth certificate?

Thought so. I'm gonna have to report you.

Please, don't.

[WADE] I don't have a choice.

Please stick to the ratios carefully.

you're gonna stink up the classroom.

[WADE] That's too much.



[PROFESSOR] Everyone out, please.
Out of the classroom immediately.


What the hell, Puleng?

- We have to talk. Wait.
- sh*t.

I'm sorry for putting you
in a tight spot yesterday.

Thanks for not reporting me.

You still haven't told me
why you were snooping.

[EXHALES] I was dropping
my birth certificate off, and...

I saw Fikile's, and I got curious.

But I'll put it back.

Please, just give it to me,
and I'll put it back.

- No one has to know about this.
- Is it always this easy for you to lie?

- I'm not lying.
- Yes, you are!

You've been lying this whole time.

Your real surname isn't even Vezi.
It's Khumalo.

Wasn't that hard to find out.
There's ways around social media.

I don't know what kak you're involved in,

but Fiks' parents are powerful.

They'll get my mom fired if they knew
she let a stalker into the school.

- I'm not a stalker.
- Why did you break into Fikile's records?

Wade, trust me.

You won't understand.

How am I supposed to trust you?
I don't even know you.

All I know is that you broke
into the school's private archives.

And I wanted to give you
a chance to explain.

But I guess I should just go ahead
and report you instead.


She's my sister.


I think...

I think Fikile's my sister.

- Really?

It does the job.

Shouldn't you be in class?

Have you seen that article about me
in the school magazine?

Fiks, people are gonna write
what they want, but you know the truth.

Because of that stupid article,
everyone's gonna think

I'm just another rich girl
who got everything handed to her.


You're in that pool every single morning

at the cr*ck of dawn.

You even broke records.

No one swam those races for you.

It's just that the article's all lies.

And it's hurting my chances at Head Girl.

Everybody knows you, Fiks.

And besides, look at where we're going.

You can't compare winning Head Girl
to the Olympics.

And that's our end game.

Why is winning Head Girl
so important to you anyway?

It's for my scholarship.

You don't need that scholarship,
your parents can handle it.

Just like that, huh?

No need to work for it.

Fiks, I mean... [EXHALES]
I didn't mean it like that.

I mean, forget about the article.
It's just a distraction.

I get it; It's shitty.

And life is like that sometimes, but...

you need to find a way to turn this
into your fertilizer.


You really need to stop reading at night.

Leave me and my quotes alone.
You sound just like Riley...

- Your wife?
- I didn't mean to talk about her.

I should go back to class.


You're the most beautiful,

talented, hard-working girl

at Parkhurst College.

Are you really gonna let a few words
on a page distract you?

You did what with her tampon?

This is mal, Puleng.

I was desperate.


I haven't said this to anyone,
so please, don't leave.

This would be so much easier
if Fikile didn't hate me.

Why didn't you tell me
about the changes in the article?

I tried to,
but that's when I found you breaking in.

Other than Zama,
I've never had a real friend.

At home, I've been living with this ghost
my entire life.

At school, I was the other Khumalo girl.

But with Fikile, the last few days, I...

I didn't feel like a weirdo or a freak.

[SIGHS] I had a fresh start.

I don't think you're a freak.

This is messed up.

Zama's not even speaking to me either.

So are you going to, you know...

try again to get another...


I can't exactly wait a month for that.

Who knows what'll happen
to my dad by then.

Why would Wendy do this?

Because she's the risen savior.


[WADE] So, um... what are you looking for?

The hospital she was born in.

I couldn't find anything

until I saw that the date
the certificate was stamped is wrong.

Look, Home Affairs made a mistake.

- Wade?
- Hmm?

Will you help me?

This is my mother's job, Puleng.

Why did you lie to her for me?

Because I wanted to give you
a chance to explain.

And now that I have...

will you report me to her?


I don't know.

I'll decide when I see her at break.

You should get to class.



I'll catch up with you later.



Please don't tell me
those are all the banners we have.

Know what? One second.

I don't care how far they are, fetch them.

So, how does it feel
to be part of the revolution?

Oh, come on. It was just a little tweak.

You changed the whole thing.
I never called Fikile a weave queen.

Okay, look, I did my job.

You gave me a puff piece,
and as editor, I made it better.

I made it real.
The student body deserves that.

If "privilege must fall" was so important
to you, why didn't you remove my name?

Because people need to hear a fresh voice!

[EXHALES] Okay, look...

This is a record

of every single warning
or detention I've received.

That's how they wear you down
when you speak up and hit a nerve.

Someone like Tahira could bring good
change. She doesn't suck up like Fikile.

Our school motto, "leader's honor,"
it means nothing if we say nothing.

I don't care.

You changed my words and lied about it.

Just print a retraction.

You haven't been here long enough.

Give it a term. You'll see I'm right.


Fiks, what are we doing, exactly?

Countering the narrative.

- With wors rolls?
- [FIKILE] Yeah.

I bought a bunch to hand out at lunch.

What brings people together
better than food?

The school isn't divided, Fiks.

I think they can all agree
that you come from privilege.

Rolls aren't going to fix systems
of oppression.

- Thanks, Wendy.

This is all I have right now.

Wow. Okay.

Thanks for the support, guys.
Really great.

Put some hash in the sauce,
and I'm sure it'll sell like hotcakes.

How are you allowed to do this anyway?


My mom spoke to Mrs. Daniels
about the article.

- What? Wendy played her advantage.

I didn't say anything.


[FIKILE] Is this the time
to be sexting Mark, Chris?

- It's, um... Zama.
- Zama?

Chill, guys. It's just texting.
We're not getting married.

- She's funny.
- [FIKILE] Hello? Aren't you gonna help?

- I can't. I have to be somewhere.
- Since when?

Please, will Rowan Stevens, Tahira Khan

and Fikile Bhele meet in Founder's Hall
ten minutes before the last period?

I'll catch you guys later.

Mrs. Thorne, um, is my mom in her office?

She's on a call.

Um, I asked if I could make
some photocopies. She said I could.

[WHISPERS] Okay, go.

- What are you doing, Daniels?


- Honorable dictator?



Uh, what are you doing here?

- Come with me.
- Where?

Come. Just come, okay? Come.


[PULENG] Why are we here?

The grade 11s,
they make Mexican food on Tuesdays,

and there are always leftovers.

Come on, think fast.

- What am I supposed to do with this?
- Hunt.

Oh, sweet.


[CHUCKLES] I don't think you get
how this works, eh?



If I knew we could do this,
I would have made cupcakes or something.

We don't need to buy your votes.

- Fiks?

What should I do about Zama?

Like, I like her, but yo, she's a lot.

Well, get your mind out of the gutter.

[FIKILE] Yeah, you need to focus
on tomorrow's gala.

[SCOFFS] Says the girl handing out
boerewors rolls to win the Head Girl.

What now?

Yo, who did this?

Come on, don't be a p*ssy. Come and say
what you wanna say to Fikile's face!

- Stop, Chris.
- Can't even spell princess.

[PULENG] Dude...

none of these books have been opened
since the school was first built.

I call this my sweet vacation spot
that dwindles in the hourglass.

[CHUCKLES] Well, I guess
somebody's read them.

You're dropping Sylvia Plath
like it's nothing.

You won't find that poem
in there, though, you know?

I read some of her stuff
from time to time

and, you know,
what I like is a bit different.




♪ So hard to find a n*gga
'Cause I hide behind the truth ♪

♪ They claim they leaders Abraham Lincoln
Now come as John Booth ♪

♪ But all they do is mislead us
Like Sarah Connor, science too ♪

♪ Gerald Ford would tell a story
If he was alive too ♪


That's Nasty C.


Is the school band playing Tella?


They play everything.

They won't allow you to listen in
unless you're part of the band.

But from this window,
you can hear everything.

So how come you're not in there
playing with them?

Hey, we should eat
before someone smells the food.



Thanks for not hating me
like everyone else.

I know Fiks is your friend.

But you did say you didn't...

I didn't.

But I'm gonna fix it.


Anyway, I don't wanna be part
of people's drama,

you know, 'cause I have my own.

Wait, there's...

Oh, my gosh.
Are you really trying this old trick?

Well, is it gonna work?



at least not for now.




I have to go.


It's not like this was
a real date, anyway.

So there's gonna be a real date?


Hi, can we talk?

I need your help with Wendy.

Whatever drama you guys have,
I don't wanna get involved.

Wendy changed the article that I wrote.

She twisted everything
to make Fikile look bad.

Now she might lose
the Head Girl position.

I would never ask Wendy
to do something like this.

Fikile's taking a knock over this,
and it isn't fair.

Get Wendy to print a retraction.

Or ask her to tell everyone
that she lied about everything.

Wendy's a good person, Puleng.

What will any of this change now?

- Fikile might lose because of a lie.
- Fikile will win anyway, trust me.

And if she doesn't?

Is this really how you want to win?

Benefiting off her loss?

[PRINCIPAL] Everyone, take your seats.

I have to go.

[PRINCIPAL] Good afternoon, students.

Firstly, I would like to thank
Wendy Dlamini and her team

for setting up the hall.

So, let's give a warm round of applause

to this year's candidates

as they remind us

what it means to be a leader

here at Parkhurst.


Good afternoon.

My name is Fikile Bhele,

and if voted in as Head Girl,
I really want to lead by example.

Some of you
may have the wrong idea about me,

but I wanna show the student body

that through consistency and dedication,
your life can change.


I believe Parkhurstians
can make a huge difference.

We can help create
sustainable social change

by improving our community initiatives,

our school's recycling system,

and other important habits

that will have long-lasting effects
for future generations.

We are the ones who can lead by example.

And we should.

Thank you.


[TAHIRA] Hi, everyone.

You all know me as Tahira.

Unlike many of you here,

on my first day of school, I took the bus.

I remember when I first came to Parkhurst,

someone gave me the nickname "Scholarship"

because my uniform was second-hand
and my parents didn't drive a Porsche SUV.

I remember sitting alone at break

until a friendly girl
showed me the first bit of kindness

when she asked to sit with me.

She broke a barrier
by simply saying hello.

She got to know me for who I was,

rather than judge me on my circumstances.

While recycling initiatives
are forward-thinking,

most of the students here
barely know each other's names.

This uniform is an equalizer

of sorts on the surface,

but a lot of us have to work
so much harder to make the uniform fit.

I think everyone deserves a chance
to speak and to be seen.

I... I have a question for Fikile Bhele.

As a champion swimmer...

what experience can you bring
to the table if chosen as Head Girl?

Well, dedication is...

Some students have noted
certain privileges

being awarded to select students.

- Do the candidates...
- [PRINCIPAL] Settle down.

You may not speak
unless I've given you permission.

Apologies, Mrs. Daniels.
I do have a question.

One candidate clearly violated
the school rules which clearly states that

any sales or merchandising activity
done on school property

should be applied for, approved,

and announced at least a week prior.

I wonder if Fikile over there
followed such protocol.

Shall I repeat the question?


No, I shouldn't repeat the question,
or no, you didn't follow protocol?

- Which one is it?
- Thank you, everyone.

We'll continue with questions

after all the candidates
have been introduced.


You were amazing.

Did you change Puleng's article
so I'd win?



Now you have a fair chance.

I don't want to win like this.

You need to print a retraction, something.

The next issue doesn't go into print
until after the elections.

There's no point.

I know there's something
you can do about it, Wendy.

You and I believe in the same things,
and this is not who we are.

- [WENDY] Sorry.
- [WADE] That was brutal.

Wendy got what she wanted.

Um, listen, can we talk?
There's something...

make her way to the headmistress's office?

I didn't say anything. Scout's honor.

[PRINCIPAL] Puleng...

thank you for coming so quickly.

[PULENG] Am I in trouble?


Something's happened.


A few days ago...

the police came to us with a new lead.

A real one.

They've been running an investigation
on a trafficking syndicate

that led them to a girl in Beaufort West.

According to the description and history,

they think it's Phume.

They're keeping her
in protective custody...

until they can confirm her identity.

Don't they need a DNA test for that?

We're going to the hospital
after dropping Siya off.

Come with us.

We'd like to have you there.

You said we must stop hiding things
from you, so that's why we're here.



So, this girl...

she's probably Phume, isn't she?

The police seem to think so.




Zama's not here.



[SMACKS LIPS] That's fine.

Will you please give this to her?

She left it at my house.

I've never seen it before.

Are you sure it's hers?

[BLOWS SMOKE] She tells me
you're at that fancy Parkhurst place.

- Yeah.
- Nice.

Look, don't worry about Zama, sweetie.

She still thinks
that everything's about her.



The police...

found my sister.

Will you tell her that?



♪ Who's gonna take your place? ♪

♪ Who's gonna take your place? ♪

♪ Who's gonna take your place? ♪

[THANDEKA] Wozani.

Dinner's ready.



Puleng, it's Wendy.

Listen, I thought about what you said.

I could reprint the original article,
but I deleted it off the server.

Just print a retraction.

I have a better idea.

I can give you the full recording
of the interview with Fikile.

You can post it on the magazine page
or whatever.

Just keep me out of it.

- Thank you.

Thank you.

Whatever you believe,
I don't think I was completely wrong.

Fikile isn't what you think she is.


- Just give me the recording.


Hey. Um...


I know you said you never
wanna speak to me again, but...

I just wanted to let you know that...

I'm releasing the original recording.

Everyone will know the truth now.

It's sorted.

Do you know if Zama... Eh.

Hey. You good?


Puleng said she'd fix
the article nonsense.

- Hey, that's good, see? You're fine.


Is that...


- What's up, guys?
- Hi.

So, we missed you at the party
the other day.

- What?
- You hungry?

Am I missing something?


Just ignore them.

Hey, why weren't you at KB's party?

I didn't feel like seeing Puleng.

Why? What happened?

I thought you and Miss Vezi were tight.

Vezi? You mean Khumalo?

Isn't Puleng's surname Vezi?

The girl I came with to your party
is Puleng Khumalo.

Yeah, that's weird.

Why would she be using
a different surname?

[CHAD] You're looking so good
in the water.

Yesterday's problems
are not today's concerns.

- Is that from

Excuse me. I would never stoop that low.


- I'll catch up later. Get to class.
- Is that...?

[CHAD] What's up? [KISSES]

[RILEY] Hey, you forgot your lunch.

Thank you, babe.

- You didn't have to come all this way.
- I know.


What time are you getting home later?

I could move some meetings.
We could have dinner together.

I'm gonna be late.
We have a gala tomorrow.

Rain check.

Give me your hand.

[RILEY] Can you feel that?


[JOFFE] Right, at the end of the lesson,

I would like you all
to hand in your essays

on the effects of the genocide
by King Leopold.

And thank you, Wendy, for the suggestion.

I really look forward to reading
what you've all written...

[WENDY] Ma'am? Um...

Shouldn't we move on to Thomas Pakenham's
Scramble For Africa?

We need to know
how the white man scrambled for our land.

This very land was probably stolen.

I'll be right back.

[KB] Fiks?

You okay?


Get off your soapbox, Minister Dlamini.

Excuse me, Chris?

We are tired of your lame-ass
propaganda magazine.

My magazine exposes the injustices

that most of us face
every single day at this school.

It exposes sellouts.

Rah. Can we all just chill, please?

Yeah, whatever, Uncle Ruckus.

- Oh, f*ck off, Wendy.

All you've done is bring people down.

Your magazine, it's nothing
but a glorified tabloid.

And don't try to act
like some struggling hero.

Sporting a tired dread beret
while eating expensive dinners,

paid for with our "unwoke" tax money
by your corrupt parents,

doesn't make you one of the people.

It just makes you a joke.


This is taking forever. I'm gonna be late.

Couldn't we have just done this at home?

The police want to make sure
everything is controlled.

I think it's better this way.


I... I need to go to the bathroom.

What do the police have on you, Dad?


I think let's...
let's discuss that at a later stage.

Uma tells me you're in
the magazine society of the school.



[IN ENGLISH] What does that mean again?

These schools aren't teaching you
the right things.

It literally means
"you who ate a man and told his story."


It doesn't have anything to do
with eating a person.

It has everything to do
with being courageous...

and fearless.

Write that down
in that journal I gave you.


I'll put it there,

alongside all the other
precious things I write.

Okay, looks like we can go.

They'll call us
once the results are ready.

I don't wanna raise anybody's hopes,

- but...
- I know.

♪ Only if you stay here, baby ♪

♪ Forever ♪

♪ Forever ♪

[THANDEKA] I cannot wait
until I'm done being your taxi driver.

[SCOFFS] Don't wish for it too soon.

Why not?

[SIGHS] I mean, just think about it, Ma.
I'll be out of the house soon.

What will you do without me?


Well, I'm actually going to have
so much fun without you.


Just my luck. I'll get my one daughter
back as soon as the other one leaves.

I really hope it's her, Ma.

So, your dad and I
have applied for a loan at the bank

to pay for your studies.


Ma, I can't let you guys do that.

It's done, Puleng. It's done.

You should know by now that we would do
anything for our children.







Parkhurst's been good for you.



[EXHALES] sh*t.



[MALE ANNOUNCER] The winner of the men's
open 50-meter freestyle

is Chris Ackerman for Parkhurst High.

- Wendy.
- [WENDY] Uh, hold on.

Where's the recording?

[EXHALES] It got deleted.

What do you mean?

Exactly that.

You can't keep messing with people's lives
for political nothings.


Hey, are you okay?
Where have you been all day?

[EXHALES] They got a lead on my sister.

What's wrong?

Fiks' birth certificate...

Forget about it.

I was wrong about her.

Look, my mom's waiting for me, so I...

- Maybe we can find a different way...
- Yeah, I just...

Yo, weren't you supposed to help Fiks out?


Fiks, she said you were going to correct
the whole article thing. What happened?

[WADE] You didn't write the article.

- And I kept space for you for Fiks' race.
- Oh, yeah.

Didn't you say
your mom was looking for you?

Uh, yeah, she is.

I have to go. I'll see you later.

- We need to talk about the thingamajig.
- Yeah.

[ANNOUNCER] Next up is the women's open

Fikile Bhele of Parkhurst

must b*at the previous record to qualify
for the World Junior Championships

in Sydney.

[HEART b*ating]

[GIRL] Good luck, Plantation Princess.




[MOUTHING] Come on.






[SIGHS] Fiks, can I...?

You were never gonna come through
for me, were you?

Never wanted me to win.

That's not true.

Look, I'm sorry, but I can explain.


I won't believe you anyway.

[THANDEKA] Ah, Zama.

[IN ZULU] How are you?

- [IN ENGLISH] How are you?
- I'm fine. How are you?


Hi, big boy.


Do you wanna come in?

I can't be long. My mom is by herself.


My mom said they found her.

Is it really her?

Looks like it.

Yo, friend.

You thought you had problems, nè?

Good luck trying to live up
to your once missing, now found sister.



I've been a penis, nè?

- Just a little bit.
- Mm. A lot.

- Yeah, a lot.
- Yeah, a lot.

But, friend, you just left me.

I'm sorry. I should've told you
I was changing schools.

[EXHALES] The way those kids live.

I got so angry
when you started posting with them.

Yeah, but it's not about that.

But why Parkhurst?

Chris doesn't even have
nice things to say about you.

I wanted to...

I thought I was doing a good thing.

[SIGHS] I was wrong.

You speak to Chris about me?

I just missed you, I guess.

I missed you, too.

- I love you.
- I love you.


Ah. Selling to complete strangers now,
huh? Since when?

Not all of us have trust funds
to fall back on.

This girl's gotta make a living.

- [CHRIS] Hey.
- Hey. Thanks.

You guys heard from Fiks?

- Let me actually call.
- [REECE] Mm-hmm.

She's probably riding
that fine piece of meat of hers.

- I mean, I would if I was...
- Hey, hey, shut up about it.

She'd k*ll us if KB found out.

I'm just saying,
looks like Fiks has other plans.

Two sh*ts of tequila, please.

Ooh. If you want that kind of night,
you should just ask.

Yo, you good?

Come on.


Hey. What's going on?

Ooh! Tahira for Head Girl.

You know what? Maybe I'll have
something stronger after all.

Uh, no, no. You, come with me.

Hey. Hey.

It's not over.

It is.

They told me before the race.

Tahira's our new Head Girl.

It's not even about being Head Girl.

- I just don't wanna lose that scholarship.
- Fiks, first of all, you won't.

And secondly, you don't even need it.

I do, Chris.

Otherwise, they're all right.

I'm just another fluke

who can't earn anything
without Daddy's help.

- No, you can't believe it.
- Why not?

Everyone else does.

- Maybe it's true.
- No.

That article messed with your head.

Okay, all of this is Puleng's fault.

I don't care about her anymore.

Yeah, you do.

Because she's a liar, Fiks.

Her real name is Puleng Khumalo, you see?

It says her surname is Khumalo, not Vezi.


Why does that matter again?

She's that child abductor's daughter.

Fiks, she's been lying this whole time.

'Kay, but that doesn't mean anything.
I would too if I was in her shoes.

She almost got expelled
from her old school for fighting.

She's sketchy, Fiks.

What if she did all of this to you
on purpose?



The police called.

The girl's DNA
and your father's wasn't a match.


- is there anything...?
- No.

I'm just tired, mntanami.

I think we all are.



[PULENG] Wade.

What are you doing here?

Uh... sorry, I had to show you something.


Couldn't it wait until tomorrow?

You know my mom's black, right?

how did you know where I live?

I'm the principal's son. [CHUCKLES]

I know where everyone lives.

That's kind of disturbing.

Are you okay?

Remember that lead
I was telling you about?

It was a dead end.

I was wrong about everything.

Maybe not everything.

- Look.
- [PULENG] Yeah, I've seen that.

[WADE] There's a name.

[PULENG] Who's B. Jaxa?

I don't know.

But if we can find whoever this is
and talk to them...

they might have the answers
you're looking for.





where do we even start?

♪ Blood ♪

♪ Blood and water ♪

♪ Blood ♪

♪ Blood and water ♪

♪ Blood ♪

♪ Blood and water ♪

♪ Blood ♪

♪ Blood and water ♪