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02x26 - Dinosaur Train Submarine: A Sea Turtle Tale/Rocket Train

Posted: 02/28/24 10:57
by bunniefuu
Hello, folks. It's me the conductor. Today the family

Rides the dinosaur train submarine and meets an

Archelon, a giant sea turtle, so come on along with me on

The dinosaur train. All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company]

Ohh! Shiny, look! Eggs!

Rawk! It's little babies hatching!

[Squeaking] hello. What kind of babies

Are you?

We're archelons, sea turtles!

Wow! It's great to meet you.

I'm shiny, and this is my sister tiny.

We have so many questions for you.

Sorry. We're in a hurry. We need to get into the water quick

Before any predators can get us.

[Cawing] ok, but--wait! Where's your


We don't know. We just need to get into the sea. Bye!

What?! They don't even know where their mom is?!


Mom, dad!


What is it, kids?

We just saw some babies hatch on the shore.

They were archelons!

Oh. Sea turtles! Where are they?

They've already crawled into the sea and swam away.

Well, that's what sea turtles do after they hatch.

They get into the water as quick as they can.

But we asked them where their mom was, and--and...

They didn't even know!

Kids, I can see that you're upset about the archelon

Babies, but different species behave differently.

Right. Some don't need their parents around when they hatch.

And others get a lot of care from their parents from the

Very start. I was right there when you were hatched. I can't

Imagine it any other way.

We're so glad you're here!

Heh heh heh. We pteranodons are kind of special.

Tickets, tickets, please.

Hello, mr. Conductor!

Hello, pteranodon clan. We have a special guest today on

The train, my nephew gilbert!



Hello, everyone! I'm helping uncle conductor today. Have you

Punched their tickets yet?

I have not. Would you care to?

Oh, boy, would i! Tickets, please.

Ahh. Visited the big pond today, eh, shiny?

We did, gilbert, and we saw some archelon babies hatch

Right out of the sand.

Really? I love archelons.

And then I bet they hurried straight into the sea, right?

Rawk! Yeah. And when we asked them where their mom


They didn't even know!

Yes, but you have to remember, different species

Behave differently.

But I just don't get how archelon babies could grow up

This way.

Yeah. How can something like this even happen?

Uh, uncle conductor, can I show them?

Positively, gilbert.

Archelon moms lay more than eggs at once. This group of

Eggs is called a clutch.

Wow! Eggs.

And I thought was a nestful.

The mom uses her large flippers to cover up the eggs

With sand, and then she heads out to sea.

The mom just swims away?

Oh, that's just the natural way that archelon behave. Once

The babies are safely in the water, they tend to stay close

To shore for a few years before roaming out into the open ocean

Like the grownups.

Right, but once they're full-sized, archelon can travel

Far across the sea. They live a long time and grow up to be


Really? How huge?

As big as the dinosaur train submarine!


Wait! But what about the babies?

Yeah. What's gonna happen to them? Will they ever find their


Kids, it's just nature's way. They just swim out to sea,

And who knows what happens to them?


[Whispering] excellent idea, gilbert.

Ahem. How about if we take the dinosaur train submarine and

Find out the answers to your questions?

The dinosaur train submarine?! Can we mom and dad,


Let's do it, team pteranodon!

[Cheering] [chime]

Time tunnel approaching, and this one's taking us under the


Ooh. Ahh.

Next stop the local western interior undersea station.

Hey. Where's the conductor?

And gilbert's disappeared, too.

All aboard the dinosaur train submarine!


Everything in order, mr.


Aye-aye, skip. All shipshape.

Steady as she goes. Ahead one quarter, mr. Gilbert.


I set a course for the area where the big pond opens into

The sea. We should meet up with our archelon friends as they

Come swimming out.

But archelon babies are so tiny?

How will we ever see them?

Well, you kids can man the portholes--that means look out

The windows--and maybe one of you has sharp enough eyes to

Spot them.


I don't see any archelon babies.

Well, don, it will take a little while to get there.

But I can't wait to see the archelon babies.

Huh. How about we pass the time singing our submarine

Song? Come on, everybody!

♪ Oh, once upon a time in the deep blue sea

A seafaring troodon said to me if you want to see things

You've never seen come on along with me

In my green submarine it's an adventure

That we're on we brought along a pair

Of troodons a t. Rex and some pteranodons

We're gonna find some archelons ♪

[Squeaking] ♪ we'll see things

We've never seen diving down in

Our green submarine down in the sea so green

Deeper than we've ever been we'll see things we've

Never seen diving down in

Our green submarine ♪ hoo hoo! Ahh. The green


That was fun!



Hey, look! I think I see them!

Could be. We're getting near where the big pond opens out to

The sea.

Rawk! Buddy's right!

It's the archelon babies!

Yay! Whoo-hoo!

Yeah! We found them!

Hello? Mom?

Uh, actually, we're not your mom. We are, in fact, the

Dinosaur train submarine.

Hi, archelon babies. It's me shiny.

And me tiny. Oh, and my family, too, and the conductor

And gilbert.



We just came out to see if you were ok. So, uh, how's it


We're fine. Just, you know, swimming out deeper, looking

For food.

What do you usually eat?


At least that's what we've had so far. We're just babies.

Do you guys mind if we travel along with you? Maybe we

Can help you find squid.

Yay! Squid! Whoo-hoo!

Come on!

What do your keen t. Rex eyes see, buddy?

I think I see...

A big squid!

A big squid? A big squid?!



Yep. It's an adult archelon, probably feet long.

Hello. Are you their mom?

Yeah, I probably am. Did you just hatch today at the big

Pond beach?


Oh, well, then you're probably my babies. See you

Made it out to sea. Nice job! I kind of sensed deep down that

You could do it.

This is so exciting! The babies are back together with

Their mom!

Uh-huh. Hey, mom. Meet our friends. They're something

Called the dinosaur train trampoline.

Submarine. We're pteranodons, and these are

Troodons, and my brother buddy here is a t. Rex.

Whoa! In a submarine. That is really something. So you're

A pteranodon, huh?

Yep. I'm don pteranodon.

Hey. I like that beak of yours.

Thanks. You have a great beak, too!

Yeah. The better to bite squid with. Am I right, kids?

Yeah! Whoo-hoo!

So now that you're all together, do you travel deeper

Into the sea?

Yeah, well, no. We adult archelons swim out deeper,

Looking for squid and other seafood.

But we babies are going to stay in close until we've grown



Yeah, no. They're right, shiny and tiny. It's not a good

Idea to stay in a big group like this. Makes us easy

Pickings for predators.

Wait. After finally finding each other, you're going to just

Swim away out to sea?

And leave the babies here?

Hey. It's the natural way of sea turtles. Eh, they can make

It on their own. They're fine with that.

Yeah! What the nice, big archelon lady said is right.

It's our mom!

Oh, right. I forgot.

Bye! Be safe!

We will!


Rawk! I know. I'm really glad I'm a pteranodon.

[Watch chimes] well, pteranodons, troodons,

And t. Rex, we should be getting back to the undersea

Station and the train.

Mom, dad, can we sit in your lap?

Rawk. Sure.


Hee hee hee!

Ahead full, mr. Gilbert.

Aye-aye, captain. Come on, everybody!

♪ Down in the sea so green deeper than we've ever been

We'll see things we've never seen

Diving down in our green submarine ♪

[Laughing and cheering]

Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist, and this is

Archelon, a gigantic turtle from the cretaceous time

Period. Archelon was the largest known turtle from the

Age of dinosaurs, growing up to feet long and feet

Wide! Check out its pointy beak and look at those huge

Front flippers. They helped archelon fly through the

Water. Unlike most turtles, archelon's shell wasn't made of

Solid bone. It had big gaps in it that were covered with

Thick, leathery skin. Archelon looks a lot like the largest

Turtle living today called the leatherback. Instead

Of a solid bony shell, leatherbacks also have a shell

With gaps that's covered by thick, oily skin, and like

Archelon, leatherbacks are sea turtles and great swimmers,

Often migrating thousands of miles in the open ocean. Just

Like archelon probably did, leatherbacks lay their eggs on

A beach, and grownups leave the baby turtles to hatch on

Their own and take care of themselves. Turtles are

Amazing survivors! They've been around since the very first

Dinosaurs, but take a look.

Today's leatherbacks are usually about feet long.

That's about half the size of the ancient archelon. Ok.

Keep watching for more dinosaur discoveries!

Hello, folks. It's me the conductor. Today the dinosaur

Train is in a race to the triassic against the brand-new

Rocket train, so come on along with me on the dionsaur train.

All aboard!

Ahem, folks. I have an announcement. The dinosaur

Train will be making a special stop at troodon town.


Well, miss tiny, we need to pick up some supplies and do a

Quick checkup on the engine. As you know, we troodons are very

Devoted to keeping our train in the best condition at all times.

And I bet after they work on it the train will run smoother

And maybe even faster.

It just might, buddy, my buddy. Next stop, troodon town

Train station!

Well, the dinosaur train is all spruced up and as good as new.

Good as new, sonny boy?


Ha ha ha! This old dinosaur train?

Hello, thurston.

Oh! Thurston, this is mrs.

Pteranodon and her kids buddy and tiny.

Greetings, greetings! Heh heh heh. So, mr. Conductor,

Still transporting dinosaurs on this creaky, slow, old train,


Creaky, slow, and old?!

The dinosaur train isn't slow.

Or old!

Ha ha ha! This just in--the dinosaur train is a train of

The past. The future, my friends, belongs to the rocket



Yes, whoa. It's the latest invention from the brightest

Minds of dinosaur train industries.

Well, good for you, thurston. You have quite a

Train there. Then again, you always liked shiny new things

Ever since we went to school together.

You went to school together?

Oh, yes, yes. Dinosaur train conductor school. Sonny boy

Here and I didn't just go to school together. We were

Friends, right?

Well, yes, most of the time.

Ha ha ha! We liked to compete! It was a friendly

Competition to be the best student conductor!

And now we're both real conductors on real trains.

Yes, real different kinds of trains. Heh heh.

Thurston! I will have you know that the dinosaur train

Runs as well or better than the first day it rode the rails.

That's nice, but it's, uh--heh heh--no rocket train.

By the way, have I described its features?

Actually, no, you haven't.

Well, I'm glad you asked, buddy. The rocket train engine

Has a high-tech navigation system. There's an expanded

Menu in the dining car, higher ceilings, and softer seats in

The passenger coaches. Ha ha!

And of course, it gets you anywhere you want to go in the

Cretaceous, jurassic, or triassic faster than any other

Train around. Huh, huh?

Well, clearly dinosaur train industries has been busy. Good

For you, thurston.

So is the rocket train gonna take the place of the dinosaur




Well, I guess we'll see, won't we?

We shall see.

Blaaaugh! Oh, we shall see, won't we? We're just testing

Out the rocket train to see how she runs. We have high hopes!

Mother, you scared me!

I wasn't scared. I jumped because I like to exercise. And

And and .

Hello, mrs. Conductor!

Hello, pteranodons. Hello, thurston!

Hello, professor.


That's what thurston and sonny boy called me when I was

Their teacher at conductor school. Oh, these two were the

Best students I ever had, and now they're the two best

Conductors in the whole mesozoic era. You're both

Equally good. I'm not playing favorites here. Ohh! Speaking

Of trains, I received a message from troodon railroad control

That pauline proganochelys needs to be picked up at her

Station in the triassic. Would either of you conductors be

Willing to get her?

Me! I will!

I'll do it!

I wonder who'd get to the triassic first, the dinosaur

Train or the rocket train.

Well, I don't want to make any predictions, but here goes.

My rocket train will go to the triassic, pick up this

Proganochelys, and be back here before the dinosaur train gets

Halfway there, and I'll even take a detour through the


Say, how about a friendly contest, thurston? Rocket train

Versus the dinosaur train!

Ohh! Excellent idea, sonny boy. After all, we do have to

Test out the rocket train's capabilities. A race to the

Triassic could be fun.

Are we sure it's safe to race the trains?

Absolutely! All due respect, thurston, but do you even know

Where pauline proganochelys lives? I can show you on a map.

As I believe I mentioned earlier, the rocket train has a

New high-tech navigation system. I don't need your

Old-fashioned maps. Ha ha. To the trains!

All aboard!

All aboard. Please mind the platform gap.

Boy, that rocket train is really smooth and flying.

Wow! Look at it go!

Uh, do you think you can, uh, get any more speed out of




Ha ha ha!

Time tunnel. Time tunnel approaching.

It's been a while since we've been to the triassic time


And it's been a while since we've seen pauline


Well, sonny boy's busy up front trying to get as much

Speed out of the dinosaur train as he can, so...

Maybe we need a refresher on proganochelys and the triassic.

Proganochelys has a strong beak, armor-covered feet and

Tail, and a boney shell.

Proganochelys can't pull its neck into its shell, right?

Righty-o, buddy, but take a gander at that neck. It is

Covered with spikes to protect itself from predators.

And proganochelys has a spiky tail, too. It's one of

The first turtles ever.

Yes, indeedy. After all, proganochelys comes from the

Triassic time period. It tends to be hot and dry there, and

It's full of small dinosaurs and other amazing reptiles.

[Chiming] hold on to your hats, folks!

Oh! Oh! Time for a time tunnel!

Time tunnel approaching! Yes, indeedy do.

Whoa. What was that?

Ahh. A lovely day in the jurassic, and I still have

Plenty of time. It's not like that creaky, old dinosaur train

Will get to the triassic before I do.

Warning. Steep hill approaching.

Ha ha! No problem! Computer, full throttle!

Full throttle.

[Gears grinding] hmm. Ok. What's, uh--heh

Heh. What's going on?

Nothing. Everything is fine.

Oh, oh! Oh. This isn't good.



[Fast] everything is fine.

Please mind platform gap.

[Boing] next stop proganochelys pond

Station in the triassic time period. Hello, pauline. Your

Ride's here.

Hello, mr. Conductor, buddy, tiny.

Hi, pauline!

By the way, we are the first train to get here, right?

Well, if you mean has anyone else come by to pick me up

Today, the answer is no. So I guess you are first.

Wait. We b*at the rocket train here?

Great job, mr. Conductor!

Oh! The old dinosaur train has still got it.

Rawk! The dinosaur train is the greatest!

You can say that again, tiny.

Rawk! The dinosaur train is the greatest!

[Cheering] well, it's back to troodon

Town, pauline. All aboard!

I do wonder what could have happened to thurston and the

Rocket train.

Maybe he got lost.

Troodon railroad control just called. They want the

Dinosaur train to--and I quote--"please go help the

Rocket train. Thurston is stuck on herbivore hill in the


Right! A couple of miles out of stegosaurus forest!

Let's hit it, sonny boy! Haw haw haw!

Look. There's the rocket train.

Hello, thurston. Trouble?

Oh, it's just temporary. I must have hit something pretty

Big on the tracks because, let's face it, nothing can stop

The rocket train.

But something did stop the rocket train.

[Sighs] yes, you're right. It did stop,

And I'm glad the old dinosaur train is still working well

Enough to help the rocket train out.

Yep. The dinosaur train is running great. We rode to the

Triassic, picked up pauline, and then we got the call to come

Save--i mean--heh heh--help you.

Hello, everyone! The rocket train is back!

[Cheering] but wait. The dinosaur train

Is pushing the rocket train?

Isn't it working at all?

Oh, it will be zooming along later today faster than ever,

In fact.


Oh, I might as well admit it. The rocket train completely

Broke down. I have to thank the conductor for rescuing me, and,

Buddy and tiny, I may have said some mean things about the

Dinosaur train, and, well, that was wrong. I promise, I will

Never make fun of anything old again or say anything is too

Slow or not modern enough. The dinosaur train is still the

Best train around and always will be.

Huzzah to that!

[Cheering] thurston, we have a problem.

The rocket train needs some major repairs. It won't be

Rocketing through the mesozoic for quite some time, and,

Thurston, you won't be conducting for a while.

Grab your tools. Time to take apart the rocket train engine.

Good-bye, tiny, buddy, and mrs. Pteranodon. Farewell,

Professor. Sonny boy, I must admit it. You--you are the best

Conductor ever.


All aboard!


Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist! I know quite a

Lot about dinosaurs and fossils, but I don't know much

About trains. I do happen to know somebody, though, who is a

Train expert.

Point of fact--i love trains and know a lot about


Go for it!

The "rocket train" is just like high-speed trains

Used today in many countries.

Japan built the first high-speed trains. Like all

High-speed trains, those in japan run on electricity! A

Train like the dinosaur train is called a steam locomotive.

Instead of electricity, these trains get their power from

Burning coal or wood. Point of fact--high-speed trains can go

Much, much faster than the dinosaur train. How fast? Most

High-speed trains travel at around miles an hour!

That's times faster than a car on the highway! Thank you.

Wow! Thanks for all the cool information. See you! Ok.

Remember, get outside, get into nature, and make your own


We love playing games!

Like all aboard!

You can play, too, online at!

And lots of other games!

There's so much to learn about all kinds of dinosaurs!

♪ Ride the dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

♪ The dinosaur train ♪