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02x13 - Dinos A to Z, Part One, The Big Idea/Dinos A to Z, Part Two, Spread the Word

Posted: 02/28/24 10:47
by bunniefuu
Hello, folks, it's me, the conductor. Today, buddy and

Tiny start collecting all the amazing different species in the

Song "dinosaurs, a to z."

So come on along with me on the dinosaur train. All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪


Tickets. Tickets, please.

Hello, mr. Conductor.

Hello, buddy, tiny, mrs. P.

And how are my two favorite junior conductors today?

Great. We've been memorizing all the names of the dinosaur


Singing the "dinosaurs, a to z" song, are we?

All the time! Would you like to hear it, mr. Conductor?

I would love to. Heh! Say, let's try something different.

How about I say the letters of the alphabet this time and you

Say the species?


[Music begins] a...

♪ Apatosaurus ♪ b...

♪ Brachiosaurus ♪ c...

♪ Corythosaurus ♪ d...

♪ Deinonychus ♪ e...

♪ Einiosaurus ♪ f...

♪ Fabrosaurus ♪ g...

♪ Gallimimus ♪ h...

♪ Hadrosaurus ♪ i...

♪ Iguanadon ♪ j...

♪ Jaxartosaurus everybody!

It's time for a chorus hey, hey, hey

Come along with me ♪ ♪ choo choo choo choo ♪

♪ This is how we memorize dinosaurs, a to z ♪

Now, where were we?


♪ Kentrosaurus ♪ l...

♪ Lambeosaurus ♪ m...

♪ Megalosaurus ♪ n...

♪ Nodosaurus ♪ o...

♪ Ornithomimus ♪ p...

♪ Parasaurolophus ♪ q...

♪ Qantassaurus ♪ r...

♪ Rhabdodon ♪ s...

♪ Stegosaurus ♪ t...

♪ Tyrannosaurus ♪ what time is it?

Time for the chorus!

♪ Hey, hey, hey come along with me ♪

♪ Choo choo choo choo ♪ ♪ this is how we memorize

Dinosaurs, a to z ♪ give me a "u."

♪ Utahraptor ♪ v...

♪ Velociraptor ♪ w...

♪ W? Wannanosaurus ♪ x...

♪ Xenotarsosaurus ♪ y...

♪ Yangchuanosaurus ♪ z...

♪ Zigongosaurus and zigongosaurus

Gets us to the chorus hey, hey, hey

Come along with me ♪ ♪ choo choo choo choo ♪

♪ This is how we memorize dinosaurs, a to z ♪



All right!

Buddy and tiny, I am so impressed that kids of your

Tender age can remember all those long and complicated


You know what's funny? Three of the first dinosaurs in the

Song are on-board the train right now--the ones for "b,"

"C," and "d."

You're right, buddy. There's the "b"--ned.

"B" is for brachiosaurus. Hi.

There's mr. Corythosaurus, sitting in the back.

"C" is for corythosaurus.

I saw derek in the dining car.

Whoo hoo! "D" is for deinonychus.

It's too bad we don't have the "a" on-board. That's


[Bell chimes] whoops! Another stop coming

Up. And wouldn't you know, tiny?

It's apatosaurus acres.

[Both gasp] next stop, apatosaurus acres

In the jurassic time period.

[Steam hisses] buddy, the apatosaurus is

Getting on the train.

You realize what this means?

Yeah. We're gonna have the letters "a," "b," "c," and "d"


Buddy, mom, I just got a really big idea.


Wouldn't it be great if we got every dinosaur species in

The "a to z" song to ride together on the dinosaur train?

Whoa, and sing the song together?

Mom! Can we ask the conductor?

Well, it certainly is a big idea. I'm not sure if the

Conductor could do it, but we can ask.

And since we've already got the first letters on-board,

Why not pick up the rest of the species?

Huh. Of all letters in the alphabet? Ooh, that's a whole

Lot of dinosaurs.

We could collect them all.

The dinosaur train is huge. It could hold species. I know

It could.

And then we could all ride to troodon town and have a picnic

And sing the "a to z" song.

Well--heh!--I love troodon town. Heh! And I love picnics.

Doesn't that sound fantastic, mr. Conductor?

Well, yes, but all those species, and they come from

Different time periods, millions of years apart.

But isn't that what the dinosaur train's all about,

Traveling around the whole mesozoic era?

Well--heh heh!--Yes, but making sure we have enough food

In the dining car and, oh, I'd have to redo today's train

Schedule. I just-- but we'll be meeting new


And comparing all their features. You know, like teeth

And tails.

True, that is what makes the dinosaur train so special, but

Even if we do try to pick up all the a-to-z dinosaurs, we'd still

Have regular passengers to pick up and drop off.

Uh, you are going to drop me off, right? I have a special

Dinner planned with of my cousins.

Yes, mr. Stygimoloch. We'll stop at your station.

Hey, look! We're really close to einiosaurus acres, and "e" is

The next letter in the alphabet and in the song.

Great! A quick stop, we'll pick up jack einiosaurus, then

We'd have "a," "b," "c," "d," and "e."

Oh, gosh, tiny. I'd love to, really, but I pride myself on

Staying on schedule.

We're out of leaves. Can we stop and get more?

Um, mr. Conductor, what did you say the next stop was?

Righty-o. We'll stop at einiosaurus acres, then.

Yeah! Let's go!

After all, einiosaurus starts with "e." Heh! Time tunnel!

Time tunnel approaching!

[Train bell ringing]

Next stop, einiosaurus acres in the cretaceous time period.

Jack? Jack einiosaurus?

Yeah? Who's calling? Ah!

It's tiny pteranodon, right?

And buddy tyrannosaurus.

Yeah. Hi.

Mr. Einiosaurus, I wonder how busy you are this afternoon.

Ah, just the usual. You know, grazing. And what can I do

For you?

[Both talking at once] ...and then we're gonna have

A picnic.

All right. Oh, I love picnics, and I'm the letter "e."

Excellent! Let's get on-board.

[Train whistle blows] I mean, imagine, the sight of

All species in the song, all of us, singing it together in

Troodon town. What an adventure!

Well, yeah, I like an adventure. I'm just trying to

Make it work.

Well, sure you are, and we'll help. What letter's next?

"F." Fabrosaurus.

Do you know any fabrosaurus, mr. Conductor?

Actually, I do know a fabrosaurus named fanny.

Wow. It's like mr. Conductor knows every single dinosaur in

The mesozoic.

[Chuckles] well, not really, tiny. Heh! Just several thousand

Species, and some of them are just merely acquaintances.

Follow me, junior conductors.

Yeah! Whoo hoo!

Fabrosaurus is a small herbivore from the early

Jurassic, with short arms and a horn-covered beak. But to get to

Her, well, we've got to go back to the jurassic. Oh.

It probably wouldn't take very long to stop there and pick

Up fanny.

Hold on to your horns, folks!

[Bell rings] fabrosaurus fields station in

The jurassic time period!

[Steam hisses] mr. Conductor! How are you?

I heard the dinosaur train, and I came to see if you were


Nice to see you, fanny. Oh, and please meet my junior

Conductor friends, buddy and tiny.


I believe miss tiny has a proposition for ya, or big idea.

Really? How exciting!

What is it?

Would you come on-board and we can explain it to you

En route?

I'd love to.

All aboard!

And I'm the "f"? [Gasps] if that isn't the greatest idea I

Have ever heard! We could all go down in dinosaur train history.

You'll be remembered as the most famous conductor ever!

Really? Heh! Gosh.

Isn't tiny's big idea the best, mr. Einiosaurus?

A once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Yes, indeed. I'm confident this a-to-z gathering will have

Historical significance.

Historical significance? Why, oh, I like the sound of that.

And we'll learn so much about all these different dinosaurs.

Kids, did you know that listing dinosaurs in

Alphabetical order--from a to z--is one of many ways we put

Dinosaurs into groups? It's called classification.


And there are lots of other ways to classify creatures, like

Herbivores and carnivores. Now, junior conductors, what letter

Is next on our list?

"G." Gallimimus!

Gallimimus, huh? Well, now, we're gonna need to go back to

The cretaceous time period to pick up my old gallimimus

Friend, a theropod named gabby.

Is there a time tunnel that can take us there,

Mr. Conductor?

Well, if there isn't, well, then we are just gonna have to

Dig one, buddy.

Time tunnel! Time tunnel approaching! We are going back

To the cretaceous!

[Train bell rings] next stop, gallimimus gulch

Station in the cretaceous time period.

Gallimimus. I wonder what they're like.

Gallimimus sounds a little like ornithomimus. Maybe they're

Small and speedy.

[Brakes screech, steam hisses] hello, gabby. Long time,

No see.

Mr. Conductor, hello! Lots of dinosaurs on-board today.

Indeedy do, gabby. Oh, we can explain. Buddy, tiny, will you

Do the honors?

[Both talking at once] ...and then we're gonna have

A picnic.

I'm in! Let's do it! Come on!

All aboard!

Well, nice to meet you, derek. Theropod dinosaur, eh?

You look fast.

I'm pretty fast, but, you know, so is buddy.

Ha ha ha! I'm pretty sure I'm not as fast as a gallimimus.

Look at those legs.

Yup. Oh, I'm all about speed.

I love running fast. Take a look at this. [Grunting]

Hootin' hadrosaur!

She's fast!

When we get back to troodon town, we can have a foot race,

See who's the fastest of all the dinosaurs in the "a to z"


That would be so cool. I'm sure there's lots of other fast

Dinosaurs in the song.

So far, we've picked up "a," "b," "c," "d," "e," "f,"

And "g." Who's next?

Maybe you could sing it for us.

[Music begins] ♪ a! Apatosaurus

B! Brachiosaurus c! Corythosaurus

D! Deinonychus e! Einiosaurus

F! Fabrosaurus g! Gallimimus

H! Hadrosaurus ♪

Hi there. I'm dr. Scott, the paleontologist. You probably

Know by now that dinosaurs came in all shapes and sizes. There

Were giant, meat-eating theropods like t. Rex, and even

Bigger plant-eating sauropods like apatosaurus. There were

Little dinosaurs, such as tiny feathered microraptor, and birds

Like archaeopteryx. Some dinosaurs, like corythosaurus

And cryolophosaurus, had crests.

And then others, like triceratops and einiosaurus, had

Horns and frills. Scientists have a word for such a wide

Variety. We call it diversity.

The pteranodon kids are helping to gather a great diversity of

Dinosaurs-- different kinds.

Now, sounds like a lot, but paleontologists have discovered

Almost , different kinds of dinosaurs. One dinosaur species

The pteranodon family just met is gallimimus, a cretaceous

Theropod with big eyes, a long neck and a long tail and long

Legs. We think it was a fast runner, a lot like this

Modern-day animal, the ostrich.

Every year, paleontologists like me discover new kinds of

Dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures, and there's plenty

More out there waiting to be discovered. Maybe you'll grow up

To be a paleontologist and discover some amazing new

Creatures. Ok, keep watching for more dinosaur discoveries.

Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today, the pteranodon

Family continues to collect all the different species in the

Song "dinosaurs, a to z."

So come on along with me on the dinosaur train! All aboard!

[Tiny squawks] isn't our "dinosaurs, a to z" trip going

Great, buddy?

Yeah. So many species of dinosaurs are already on-board

With us. We have an "a," a "b," a "c," a "d," an "e."

Don't forget "f" and "g."

Now we just have to invite the rest of the alphabet dinosaurs

Onto the train, and then we'll all ride to troodon town for a

Big picnic.

[All clamor] we still have a lot of

Dinosaurs to meet and invite on-board. Who's next?


I hope it's a hooting hadrosaur.

Well, we'll find out soon enough. Hadrosaurus haven

Station, in another part of the cretaceous time period.

Hello. You must be hattie hadrosaurus.

I am. Hello.

I'm tiny pteranodon, and this is my brother buddy, and, of

Course, the conductor.

We were hoping to hear you hoot.

Ooh! Hattie isn't the hootin' kind of hadrosaur! Ha!

Mother! What in hadrosaurus haven are you doin' here?

Oh, I was visiting my old friend hattie.

Mrs. Conductor is right.

As you can see, my crest isn't the kind that hoots.

But she can still ride the rails with us. Come on, call it.

All aboard!

I can't wait for you to meet the other dinosaurs. We're

Gathering every species in our "a to z" song.

Oh, I love that song!

Choo choo!

Welcome, hattie. I'm jack einiosaurus.

And I'm mr. Corythosaurus.

A non-hooting crest, huh?


And your crest hoots? Well, let's hear it.

Heh! Here goes. [Hoots] tiny, I am so proud of you...

Oh, my. The schedule and all these dinosaurs...

You know, you remind me of someone--a young me!

Thanks, mrs. Conductor.

Aw, I want to be on teams, tiny.

How am I ever gonna...

Girl power!

[Giggles] I usually call it tiny power.

Let's use that tiny power and collect some more dinosaurs.

...all these dinosaurs.

Sonny, you're pacing. That means you're nervous. Calm down.

Take a deep breath.

[Inhales] so, have set up a command


I have, mother! To the caboose!

All right. Tiny and I will help with the train routes and

The time tunnel decisions.

Good. Buddy, will you help me direct all the dinosaurs that'll

Be coming aboard?


And we'll need plenty of meals: carrion for the


And plants for the hungry herbivores.

We should get the word out across the entire mesozoic era

To all the a-to-z dinosaurs that we're coming to pick them up.

We need to find a cretaceous bird and a jurassic bird to fly

Around for us.

[Loud squawk] did someone say cretaceous bird?

Elliott enantiornathine.

At your service.

Did someone say jurassic bird?

Arlene archaeopteryx. This is perfect. Arlene, elliott, could

You fly around the cretaceous and jurassic, and tell all the

Dinosaurs in the "a to z" song about the big idea, and invite

Them to ride the dinosaur train with us?

Ha ha! I'm honored.

I may be an old bird, but I'm honored to help out. And

Let's fly!

Bye, arlene! Bye, elliott!


Ok, we're up to the letter "i," so the next dinosaur to

Pick up is iguanodon.

We know iggy iguanadon is that big theropod that does all

The funny walks.

All right. Heh! Next stop, iguanadon inlet station!

[Train whistle blows] oh, here's the train now.

Carry on.

[Brakes screech, steam hisses] hello, hello! Heard all about

Tiny's big idea to get all the species together. Brilliant!

Ready to join in.

Yay! Thanks, iggy!

But, by the by, I brought a friend along. A "j" friend,

Actually. Next on the old species song list,


Hello, I'm jackalyn.

I'm buddy, and this is tiny.

With that beautiful crest, you look like you're a hadrosaur.

I am, thanks. And what's more, I'm your "j" dinosaur,

Jaxartosaurus. May I come aboard?

Absolutely! All aboard!

As a hadrosaur, I love using my long legs to reach up high

For leaves. And plus, I have this crest, kind of like

A helmet.

I do like your head helmet, jackalyn.

Why, thanks, hattie. My, this is so exciting, traveling on the

Train, surrounded by so many creatures.

With so many features, eh, buddy?

Right. So many different ways to walk.

Here are a few. I can walk on legs and legs. Now , now

. Now again.

There are so many different groups of dinosaurs on-board.

How about if we do a shout-out to see how many

Different groups are on-board right now?

Ok, everyone! Shout out when you hear your group!

Any carnivores here?




Let's hear it from the herbivores!


Who eats meat and plants?

♪ Omnivores ♪ omnivores!

Ok. It's time to invite the next species on-board. We're up

To "k."

Kenny kentrosaurus!

Kenny's in the jurassic time period. I hope arlene's told the

Jurassic dinosaurs about our a-to-z big idea.


Next stop, kentrosaurus savanna station in the jurassic

Time period!

[Thundering footsteps] I hear kenny, and now I see

Him. Hi!

Hello! Tiny, buddy, mrs. Conductor, arlene told me

All about your big idea.

Let's do it, man.

Well, chop chop, big fella!

We have other dinosaurs to pick up.

I'm coming. Hold your hadrosaurs.

Ok, we've got the letter "k."

Next is "l"--lambeosaurus!

Where can we find a lambeosaurus?

Why, we have a whole family of lambeosaurus back at

Pteranodon terrace.

They're our next-door neighbors.

[Squawks] time tunnel!

Time tunnel approaching!

Next stop, pteranodon terrace!

[Train whistle blows] [squawks] hey, buddy, tiny.

Hi, hon. Hey, hi, kids. Hey, we heard all about your a-to-z big

Idea, tiny. The news is all over the cretaceous.

[Squawks] really?

Sure is. I'm proud of you kids.

Thanks. We came back to pick up larry lambeosaurus, if he'll

Come with us.

Can we come along on the "a-to-z" trip, too? It sounds

Like so much fun.

[Both squawk] let's do it, team pteranodon!

Yay! Whoo hoo!

Now all we need is larry.

I see him. He's right over there.

Mmm. Oh. Uh, these are my leaves, not yours,

Mr. Pteranodon. I can prove it.

Heh! Larry, this isn't about leaves. It's about joining us on

The train for the a-to-z gathering.

Oh. You mean tiny's big idea?

There's gonna be a picnic, right, with food?

[Squawks] that's right, mr. Lambeosaurus.

Perfect! See ya on-board, slowpokes.

Mmm! These leaf loaves are terrific. Mmm! Hello. Larry


Hi, larry. I'm gabby.

Oh, what a team we make, tiny. Makes me feel so young,

Doing this with you. Ok! Who's next on the a-to-z list?

After "l" is "m."

Why, thank you, don.

Let's see. "M."


[Train bell rings] next stop, megalosaurus marsh

Station in the jurassic time period. We're picking up

Manny megalosaurus.

Hello. Arlene told me all about the a-to-z plan. Sounds

Like a winner, tiny.

Hi, manny. I'm buddy. It's nice to meet another theropod.

Likewise. By the by, folks, I brought along an old chum

Who's also from this time period. A chap named norm.

That's me. Norm nodosaurus.

Hello. I'm tiny pteranodon, and this is buddy and

Mrs. Conductor. How are you?

Actually, a little nervous about your a-to-z adventure.

I usually like to be alone.

I'm not sure if I want to come along with you today. Sorry.

Norm, you're very important to us because you're the "n" in

The "a-to-z" song.


So many dinosaurs. Maybe the troodons need to add another

Observation car.

Oh! Good idea, tiny!

Ahem! Let's get another observation car hooked up,


I understand how you feel, mr. Nodosaurus. Would you like

To ride in the last observation car? It's not as crowded as the


We can bring you some lovely greens.

Well, sure. That sounds nice.


Norm, your bony body plates are kind of like our friend's,

Hank ankylosaurus.

You're right. Hank and I are different, but we're both

Ankylosaurs. I have bony plates from my nose to my tail.

All aboard!

Tiny, we are a winning team.

Our collective tiny powers are workin'.

Thanks, but, you know, we couldn't have picked up all

These dinosaurs without everyone else's help, too.

Can we pick up some more dinosaurs?

Oh, we will, don, but first, let's eat lunch.

What do you say, tiny?

How about we start lunch with a song?

Well, I can't really say, but I can sing.

[Music begins] ♪ a! Apatosaurus

B! Brachiosaurus c! Corythosaurus

D! Deinonychus e! Einiosaurus

F! Fabrosaurus g! Gallimimus

H! Hadrosaurus i! Iguanodon

J! Jaxartosaurus everybody!

It's time for a chorus hey, hey, hey

Come along with me ♪ ♪ choo choo choo choo ♪

♪ This is how we memorize dinosaurs, a to z ♪

Where were we?

♪ K! Kentrosaurus l! Lambeosaurus

M! Megalosaurus n! Nodosaurus

O! Ornithomimus... ♪

Hi there. I'm dr. Scott, the paleontologist, and this is

Nodosaurus--a plant-eating, armored dinosaur, or ankylosaur,

About feet long.

It had short legs, a wide body, and a long tail. Like other

Ankylosaurs, nodosaurus had bony armor covering its body from

The tip of its nose all the way to the tip of its tail. But

Look. Unlike some ankylosaurs, nodosaurus didn't have a bony

Club on the end of its tail.

Because nodosaurus probably couldn't use its tail to fight

Off meat eaters, paleontologists think it may have defended

Itself by getting low to the ground so only its bony armor

Would show. Today, mammals called armadillos do pretty much

The same thing. They also have an outer covering of armor, and

When they're threatened by a predator, armadillos roll up

Into a ball to protect themselves.

Ok, remember, get outside, get into nature, and make your own


We love playing games...

Like all aboard.

You can play, too...

And lots of other games.

There's so much to learn about all kinds of dinosaurs.

Go to

♪ ...the dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Train whistle blows twice] the dinosaur train ♪