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01x39 - The Good Mom/Diamond Anniversary

Posted: 02/28/24 09:59
by bunniefuu
Hello, folks. It's me the conductor. Today, the

Pteranodon family is going to meet a dinosaur called

Maiasaura. Her name means good mother, so come on along with

Me on the dinosaur train. All aboard!

[Whistle blows] ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Once upon a time there was a mom

Her name was mrs. Pteranodon sitting on her nest

She heard a scratching and said... ♪

Oh, boy! My eggs are hatching!

♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teethnd a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] [humming]

Ok. Let's play family. I'll be the mom because moms are

Smart and beautiful and sweet!

Why, thank you, shiny.

Ok. Buddy and don are my kids.

Yeah! We're twins!

I have twins, too, my tiny dolls twiggy and branchy.

Dinotag, twin brother.

You're it!

[Giggling] not so fast, buddy and don.

No running. Play quietly.

I let my kids run all they want because I'm a good mommy.

Well, I'm a better mommy.

I think you're both wonderful moms. You just handle

Things differently.

Giggling] ooh! Dinoball. Heads up,



Heh heh heh!

Oops! Sorry, mom.

You know what? This mom thinks she knows kids who

Would enjoy running around the big pond this afternoon.

Can we go to the big pond, please?

If you're safe and play carefully.

They always do, shiny. Ok, kids. Let's go ride...

The dinosaur train!


[Squawk] sorry. You can't come,

Little ones, but it's your naptime. Wait for me!

[Whistle blows] tickets! Tickets, please!

Don't forget your manners, kids. Stay in your seats.

Ah. Someone's pretending to be mom.

It's the most fun job there is! Isn't that what you always

Say, mom?

You're absolutely right, shiny.

Well, you are a great mom, mrs. "P". Heh heh. Ooh! And

That reminds me. Did I ever tell you kids there's a

Dinosaur whose name means good mother?


Yes, ma'am. It's called maiasaura.

Ooh! Look a flat hadrosaur beak.

And look. She has a small spiky crest right in front of

Her eyes.

But why is maiasaura a good mother?

Maiasaura is called the good mother lizard because they stay

Very near their children.

They're known for being very protective of them.

I would love to meet a maiasaura. I bet we'd have lots

To talk about.

Do you know one, mr.


Sure do. Millie maiasaura and her kids are on board.

They're visiting the big pond.

[Squawk] that's where we're going! Maybe

Our good mother can meet their good mother.

And soon. Big pond! Next stop, big pond station!

[Cheering] ha ha ha!

Come on, mom! To the big pond! Yeah!

Ok, kids. Don't run. Oh.

[Squawk] how do you do? I'm mrs.


I'm millie maiasaura, and these are my children mookie

And michelle.

Nice to meet you.

My, your kids are certainly well-behaved, millie.

[Giggling] whoops! I better catch up

With mine.

[Squawk] the big pond!

[Sigh] tag! You're it, shiny!

[Giggling] ha ha ha! Have fun!

Oh. You have such active kids, mrs. Pteranodon. How do

You possibly keep track of all at once?

Oh. They're fine. They're very used to playing around


[Squawk] ha ha ha!

Tag! U're it, tiny!

[Squawk] timeout! Those must be the

Maiasaura kids. Let's go meet them. Hi. I'm tiny pteradon.

This is my sister shiny and my brothers buddy a don. Are you

Mrs. Maiasaura?

I am, and these are my children mookie and michelle.



You want to py with us?

Oh, that's sweet, b I'd raer they stay here where I

Can see them.

Maybe we could all play right here.

Wonderful suggestion, tiny.

That would be great. We usually play name that dinosaur.

Sounds like fun!

I'll goirst. Corythosaurus!






[Giggling] what kindf dinosa is


No kind, but we're at the big pond, so I want to run

Yeah. We can play hide-and-seek or where's my

Beak or toss and catch or tag!

Whoa! Oh, oh, oh!

[Laughing] 'd play any of those games!

Mookie, did you see how dizzy don just made himself,

And th's just from pretending to play e game. I think it's

Far safer if you stay here.

Yes, mom.

Hey. How about a snack?

Everyone can enjoy a sck, right?


Thanks, mom!

Fish! Whoo-hoo!

Well, we maiasaura are herbivores. We don't eat meat

Or fish. I brought them these leaves. Oh, don't foet to

Chew each mouthful times just to be safe.

M, may I please have some more?

Me, too!

O sorry, kids. I've run out of snacks.

I know! Let's fish for more snacks!


Yea you guys can come and watch.

Have you ever seen pteranodons catch fish?


We'd loveo!

Great! Let's get in the gee. I--you know, I don't

Like you getting too close to the water. You could fall in,

Or-- what ife come along and

Watch them the who time? If there's any problem, we'll be

Right there.

Oh, all right.


Don't run! You'll trip on a root or something.

Hey. I see some fish over there!

[Gasp] got it! Pteranodon!

Oh, that was so fast. He'll get hurt.

Don's fine, millie. He dives like that all the time.

[Cheering] hey. You guys want to come

Up here and help me spot fish?


No! That rock is too high.

You might slip.

Please, mom. We'll be so careful.

Millie, you need to make your own choice, but if it was

Really dangerous, I wouldn't let buddy go.

[Sighs] ok. Just be careful.

We will!

Hey! I see two of them.

They're big!

Come on, shiny. Loop the loop.



This is so cool!

Hey. Now that everybody's got a fish, how about we play

Something else?

Yeah, like dinoball.

Dinoball? What's that?

Oh! You've never played dinoball? Ohh!

You'll love it. Come on!

Just stay where we can see you.

We will!


[Squawk] they play it all the time.

It can't be that dangerous, or your kids wouldn't play it,


Right! Besides, dinoball means lots of running, so the

Kids will sleep better tonight.

Oh, I like that. Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha! Me, too.

Here it comes, mookie!

Go, mookie, go!

Whoa! Maiasaura run on legs?

Or . We're faster on .

[Squawk] [squawk]

I did it! I scored!

Way to go, mookie!

Thanks, mom.

It is fun, isn't it?

It's actually quite fun. Ha ha ha!

I got it! Ohh!

[Gasp] mookie, michelle! I knew

This would happen.

I got it!

[Cheering] are you sure you're ok?

We're great! We just fell, that's all.

We can still play, right, mom?

Oh, all right.

Yes! Thanks, mom!

Hey. Kick it, mookie.

Bye! Great playing with you!

We loved it. Thanks for teaching us how to play


This was the best day ever!

Thanks for everything, mrs.

Pteranodon. You're such a good mom.

You're the good mom, millie.

After all, maiasaura means good mom. You are so protective, and

Your kids are so sweet and polite.

Yes, they're great kids, but your kids are really

Adventurous. They really know how to have fun. Let's do this

Again sometime.

[Squawk] all aboard!

It was fun meeting the maiasaura family today.

Yeah. Their mom was nice, kind of nervous, but she felt

Better after she spent some time with mom.

That's because we have the best mom ever.

[Squawk] ok, kids. Time to sleep.

Sing us a lullaby, please!

All right.

♪ The sun has gone behind the sea

The moon comes up to light the sky

No matter how big you grow to be

I'll always love you this is why

I'll always be your mom that will never change for you

Not miles or years or newfound friends

Will take that away from you I'll always be your mom

Now it's time to say good night the stars that glitter

Small and bright will light up all the dreams

You keep so take this with you

When you sleep I'll always be your mom

That will never change for you not miles or years

Or newfound friends can take that away from you

It's super and it's true

I'll always be your mom ♪ hmm.

[Squawk] hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the

Paleontologist, and this is maiasaura.





The name maiasaura means good mother lizard.

Paleontologists named this large duckbilled dinosaur the good

Mother because in addition to the fossils of grownup animals

They found the remains of nests, eggs, and babies. It

Looks like the moms and maybe the dads, too, brought plant

Food to the babies, who stayed in the family nest for a while

After hatching. Today, lots of animal moms take care of their

Babies after they're born, including elephants, whales,

And even crocodiles, and what kind of animal is this?

A kangaroo.

Of course. Kangaroo moms stay particularly close to

Their kids. Birds are also very good animal moms. Here's a bird

You may know.

It's a robin.

Robins guard their babies, find all their food, and teach

Them to fly. Robins are really good moms. Now there's plenty

Of great moms in the world of animals today, and it's amazing

To think that dinosaur moms were taking care of their

Babies more than million years ago. Here's to all you

Moms out there. Great job!

Thanks, mom!

Ok. Keep watching for more dinosaur discoveries.

Dinosaurs had tails! Time tunnel! Time tunnel

Approaching! Hold on to your tails!

Tails are fast. They look really powerful.

Oh! Hey, hey!

Ha ha!

Do you guys want to climb on my tail?



It's like a big club.


Wow! What a tail!

♪ I'm not the biggest dinosaur

In fact, I'm kind of tiny I don't have teeth

Or scary claws but it doesn't make me whiney

Whenever I meet someone new I march right up, and what I do

Is say, "hello, there nice to meet you

My name is tiny" I've me a lot of dinosaurs

And some of them are scary and when I stand right next

To them I'm kind of ordinary

But if I'm friendly they are, too

And when I say "it's nice to meet you"

Then they say "well, hey, the same to you

It's nice to meet you, tiny" ♪ hello, folks. It's me the

Conductor. Today, the kids are going to explore a cave with

Dad, and they may just find a sparkling mineral, so come on

Along with me on the dinosaur train. All aboard!

Who wants to play toss and catch?

We do!



[Squawk] dad!

[Squawk] ha ha! Oh! Oh! Ok. Toss another

One, buddy.


Dad, you always make that catch.

I guess I'm a bit distracted, kids. You see, it's

Your mother's and my anniversary.

Your anniversary? What's that?

We celebrate the day that we first met years ago.

Did you give her a present?

Not yet. I guess that's why I'm distracted. Need to think

Of a special present for mom, but what?

Cleaning day!

♪ La la loo ♪ actually, don, today's even

More special than cleaning day.

It's dad's and my anniversary.

Ooh! What you gonna do for dad?

I'm not sure yet, but I want to do something very special

For him.

So a present for mom.

Mom loves flowers.

[Buzzing] yikes!

How about a funny-shaped rock? This one's sort of shaped

Like a chubby iguanodon or maybe a--

Uh, son, that's a piece of dried-up dinosaur poop.

Yikes! Bad present!

I know what mom would like, a shiny mineral from that cave,

The one we explored right near here.

Now that's a good idea.

We'll find a shiny mineral to surprise her with.

Wait. What's a mineral again?

Well, it's a shiny stone that forms deep underground,

Where it's very, very hot. When they cool off, they become

Minerals. Let's go to the cave and try to find one!

We're going caving!




Let's see. Oh, I know. Get dad a weird-shaped rock. I saw

One that looked like a chubby iguanodon.

Well, I was thinking about something more special. Oh!

I've got it! I'll make your father a big fish dinner with

My special recipe.

Ooh! Dad loves big fish dinners!

But we must make sure to keep it a surprise. Don't tell

Dad, ok?

Oh! Don't worry. My beak is sealed.

We've got some fishing to do. Come on!

Whoa, team! Not so fast!

Mom's gift is a surprise. We have to get to the cave without

Mom knowing about it. I'll see if the coast is clear.

We'll wait here.

[Squawk] hello, hon.

Hello. Goodness.

No. My fault.

Ha ha ha!

I've got to watch where I'm swooping. Well, anyway, I'm

Just g-gonna go and check on the kids.

Ok. Don and I are just going to, uh, fly around, so--heh

Heh--see you!

See you!

[Squawk] wow! That was a close one

With mom. I think she went back to the nest.

Oh, no! Then she'll see us fly past her to the cave!

Unless somebody distracts her.

Nothing distracts like something shiny. I'll do it!

Here I go. I'll brawk when the coast is clear.

Operation surprise mom is a go.

Whew! That was a close one with dad. I think he went back

To his trees.

Yeah. He doesn't know what we're up to.

No, but we're going to have to get down to the sea and do

Some fishing without him seeing me if I hope to serve my

Special fish dish.

Hi, mom! Hi, don! What's up?

Oh. Hi, shiny. Well, don and I were--

We were gonna go fishing.

Uh, but not for anything special. Just fish, plain, old


Sounds good. We all love to fish! Can I go with you?

Sure. Can you keep a secret?

Today is your father's and my anniversary, and I want to

Surprise him with a big fish dinner.

He loves big fish dinners!

But it's a secret.

Ooh. A secret. I like that.

Should I check if the coast is clear so you can fish?

Great idea!

I'm off!

[Squawk] all clear, mom.

Thanks, sweetheart. Come on, kids! Let's catch some fish.

[Squawk] ok. That's the coast is

Clear, go fly signal. To the sea cave, team!


Made it. Ok, kids. In we go.


This cave is so cool!

Yeah, and also cool, like not as hot, you know, hot hot.

I get it, buddy.

Look. This cave is made up of different kinds of

Rock--bumpy rocks...

And smooth rocks. Weird.

This plant can grow with hardly any sunlight.

[Water dripping] and there's water dripping in

Here. I guess that's how the plants can grow.

Hey. Some of this rock feels different.

It's softer.

It does seem softer.

And water is always dripping here in the cave.

How are caves made? I don't think they just appear.

I have a hypothesis. Maybe water makes caves.

Water? But, buddy, caves are made of rocks, and rocks last


Actually, buddy's on to something, tiny. This softer

Rock here is limestone, and a lot of the rock in this sea

Cave is that softer rock.

Ooh! It's a sea cave!

Yep! And as water pours and trickles through the rocks for

Many, many years, it erodes it.

What does erode mean?

Well, it means the water washes the rock away enough to

Form a cave. The water carves out the cave!

And it washes the rock away until the minerals stick out

And you can find them?

Exactly, tiny. Oh, right. A mineral for mom. That's what

We're here for! Ok, team. Let's do it!

Yeah! Let's find a mineral!

[Squawk] good job! We have so many fish

For dinner, mom.

Well, it isn't just an ordinary dinner. It's a really

Special one.

Can we catch more, mom?

All right. Then back to the nest. I have some preparing to

Do. Ok, kids. One more dive.


Hmm. Don't see any minerals in here.

Aha! Something's catching the light over here.

Ooh! Is it a mineral? Did you find one, dad?

Can we see?

Uh--unh! I would let you see, but I think I might


Oh, no.

[Squawk] that's the last of them.

That was quite a fishing trip.

And this will be quite a fish dinner. Oh! Time to start

Preparing it. So much to do. Ha ha ha! I wonder what your dad

Is doing now. Probably relaxing.


, , , Pull!

♪ Da da da ♪ a little fruit.

[Humming] ♪ fresh veggies ♪

Some leaves. Ha ha ha!

[Humming] mom's busy in the nest. How

Is it--ohh! What in pangaea is going on?

Dad's stuck.

Hi, shiny. Heh heh.

[Squawk] here! I'll help!

Ok. Ready, set, pull!

[Groaning] ha ha ha!

Phew. That was an adventure, huh, kids? Heh heh. Oh, and

After all that, I'm also empty-handed, I guess. Ohh!

Uh-oh. I think I'm stuck again.

We can dig dad out of this.

Unh! Thanks, buddy.

What a weird-shaped rock.


Buddy, you found a shiny mineral.

May i?

It's not just any shiny mineral. I think it's a

Diamond, the shiniest mineral of all!

I think it is a diamond, shiny, and it's the perfect

Present for mom!

Now all we have to do is polish it.

Shiny, where are you?

[Squawk] wow, mom! This is beautiful.

There you are. Shiny, the dinner is ready. Go find your

Dad and tell him I need to see him.

Hee hee hee!

Dad, mom needs you right now.

Now? But I'm still polishing her diamond.

Go ahead, dad. We'll stay and shine it up for you.

Yeah! We'll bring it to you.

We can do it!

I know you can, team.

Thanks! Well, hon. That is one beautiful sunset.

It certainly is. A lovely end to quite a day. I am so

Hungry, but I have a bit of a problem.


Too much food. Surprise!

[Squawk] whoa! Your famous -layer

Fish dinner?!

Happy anniversary, dear.

Oh, hon. What a wonderful gift. I wish I had as great a

Gift to give you.

Psst, dad.

Oh! I just remembered. Heh.


Oh! A diamond!

[Squawk] oh, it is so beautiful.

Happy anniversary, mom and dad!


Hey. Who wants food?

We do!

[Cheering] happy anniversary!

Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist. Did you know

That there are several different kinds of caves? Some

Caves, like this one, form on land far from any ocean as

Water dissolves rock underground, leaving behind

Huge caverns. Other examples known as sea caves are made by

Waves hitting against a rocky seaside cliff over and over for

Many years until the rock actually wears down. That's

Called erosion. Most sea caves are pretty small, but a few get

Very large.

Like this cave!

One huge sea cave on the coast of oregon called sea lion

Caves is as big as a football field.

Arr! Arr! Arr! Arr! Arr!

Ok. That's it for now.

Remember, get outside, get into nature, and make your own


Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods.

Let's visit the jurassic. It was a warm, damp climate full

Of both jungles and forests.

The first known birds and many of the biggest dinosaurs, like

Stegosaurus, lived in the jurassic, and that's just one

Of the stops on the dinosaur train!

♪ And we figured it out ♪ ♪ we figured it out ♪

♪ We worked together and figured it out ♪

[Laughing] wow! Great!

Go, team pteranodon!

We love playing games!

Like pteranodon dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train

We're gonna ride the dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ we're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ ♪ the dinosaur train ♪