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01x33 - Buck-tooth Bucky/Tiny's Tiny Friend

Posted: 02/28/24 09:56
by bunniefuu
Hello, folks. It's me--the conductor. Today we're gonna

Meet a creature called masiakasaurus and learn all

About his amazing teeth! So come on along with me on the dinosaur

Train. All aboard!

This program wa ♪ dinosaur train ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Once upon a time there was a mom

Her name was mrs. Pteranodon sitting on her nest

She heard a scratching and said... ♪

Oh, boy! My eggs are hatching!

♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪


What do you got there, don?

I don't know. It's stuck.

It's--uh--i got it!

So, what is it?

[Bells jingle] baawk! Well, what do you

Know? It's my old tooth collection.

Tooth collection?


Yeah. I used to collect all kinds of things when I was

Young--feathers, shells, even teeth.

You used to collect things? I love to collect things.

I sure did, don, and I loved it as much as you do.

Wow. I'm a collector just like dad.

This tooth used to belong to a stegosaurus. This one is from

A troodon. This little one is from a brachiosaurus kid I knew,

And this last one--i never figured out what it was.

You mean it's a mystery?


Ooh! A mystery! ♪ Da da dah ♪ where did you find this

Tooth, dad?

I found it on a faraway island on a trip with my dad.

So, what kind of dinosaur do you think it came from?

That's the mystery, buddy. I never found out. I'm not even

Sure if it comes from a dinosaur.

I've sure never seen a tooth like that before.

How about you, don? Have you ever seen anything like it?

Yeah. You're, like, mr. Tooth collector.


Hmm. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Nope, I never have. We have a mystery to solve.

♪ Da da da ♪ and we'll help you solve it,


Good. I really want to find out who it came from.

Well, I'd love to find out, too, and, don, you're the

Pteranodon for the job.


Don, what are you doing?

Um, just looking to see if this tooth and yours are the


Hello? I don't have any teeth, remember? I'm a

Pteranodon, like you.

Ah, yes, right. I forgot.

I think we need to go back to the place where dad found the

Tooth when he was a kid.

Yeah. To that mysterious faraway island.

But how do we do that?

On the dinosaur train!

Ooh. Can we, dad?

You bet, team!

Well, I'm going to stay here and have a special day with mom.



Ok, team pteranodon. To the dinosaur train!

[Train whistle blows] tickets. Tickets, please.

Well, greetings, pteranodon family.

Hello, mr. Conductor!

Hello, mr. The conductor.

So where are we headed today?

Look. We found a mystery tooth from dad's old tooth


And we really want to find out where it came from.

Whoo hoo. A mystery, eh?

Yup. ♪ Da da da ♪ we're not even sure if the

Tooth is from a dinosaur.

An excellent specimen, mr.

The don.

Dad says he found it on some island when he was a kid.

It's true. It was an island far away from here.

Hmm. Let's see. Cone-shaped tooth, sharply pointed from a

Faraway island. Folks, I believe the tooth don is holding comes

From a masiakasaurus.

A masheeka-what-us?


Right. Do you know where we can find one?

I do. And, mr. Pteranodon, your memory serves. It's on an


I knew I remembered that.


Masiakasaurus run on their back legs and use their arms for

Grabbing all kinds of things.

What kind of teeth are those?

They're practically sticking straight out of its mouth.

Let's take a closer look, shall we?



[Squawk] look at those teeth.

I believe the term is buck- teeth, tiny.

That means they stick out.

Mr. Conductor, can we visit this masiakasaurus and find out

About its teeth?

Certainly, buddy. All in good time. Oh, time. Oh, my. It's

That time. Time tunnel approaching, folks.

[Train whistle blows] next stop, masiakasaurus

Meadows in another part of the cretaceous time period. Good

Luck with your tooth hunt, pteranodons. Oh, look for a

Fella named bucky the masiakasaurus. You won't be able

To miss him.

Because he's got a mouthful of buck-teeth?

Precisely, don. Ha ha ha!


See anything, buddy?

Hey, I see a dinosaur running on two legs. Kind of looks like

Our masiakasaurus.

[Squawk] good eyes, buddy.

Does it have buck-teeth?

I can't tell from up here.

Dad, can we go see if it's a mashu--mashee--


Yeah, that guy.

Ok, but don't get too close.

Hiya, mister.

Hoo hoo! Hello there, stranger!

Ha ha ha!

[Gasp] buck-teeth! Hey, dad, buddy, tiny, I think I found--


[Gasps] [bells jingle]

Oop, low bridge!

Mister, could you stop, please?

Yeah. We want to talk to you.

[Skidding] ah. Hi. Are you bucky the


Hoo hoo! That's my name--bucky.

We're the pteranodon family.

I'm tiny, and this is buddy and don and our dad dad.

Pleased to meet you, pteranodons! What brings you to

Masiakasaurus meadows?

Your teeth.

Ha ha ha! Well, I guess I'm not surprised. My teeth are

Pretty special. Take a look.


Ho ho ho ho.

Yeah. Thanks, tiny.

You're welcome.

Say, what's that you got there, don?

It's our mystery tooth.

We came here on the dinosaur train to find out where it came


Oh, that is one good-looking tooth. In fact, I think it comes

From my species. It's a masiakasaurus tooth, the best

Kind of tooth in the world.

So it's a match?

Sure looks like it.


♪ It's a match ♪ my dad found this tooth a

Long, long, long time ago.

Well, not that long ago. Ok, when I was a kid, I collected

Different dinosaur teeth. I don't have any of my own, you

See. Ah?

We pteranodons just have beaks.

I'm a t-rex, so I have teeth. Ah. I use them to slice

And shred meat. What do you use your buck-teeth for, bucky?

Why don't I answer you by showing you? It's lunchtime, so

Let's head over to my place.

That sounds good to me.

Um, what are you having?

Well, I eat all kinds of meat and little reptiles and insects,

But today I'm having a special treat--fish!

Whoo hoo!


I love fish.

Hoo hoo ha ha ha!

Ok, now watch. I got two whole sets of teeth, see? My front

Teeth, which stick out all over the place, and my shorter back

Teeth right here. Yeah. Having two sets of teeth comes in

Mighty handy. The front teeth are perfect for poking and

Stabbing. Ah! And then after my buck-teeth do their job, I send

The food back to my other teeth, the short ones in the back, and

They slice the food up into bite sizes. [Chomping]


[Slurps] ah ha!

Hey, bucky, I think you lost a tooth while stabbing and


Ha ha ha! Well, what do you know? That kind of thing happens

Every now and then. Luckily, a new one always grows back. Say,

Anyone named don want this one for a souvenir?

Really, bucky? I can have it?

I'm offering. Are you taking?



Two masiakasaurus teeth in the collection. Bucky, this is

Very generous of you.

Aw, shucks. T'ain't nothing.

I lose them all the time.

[Train whistle blows] [squawks] there's the train,

Team pteranodon. Time to head home. Bucky, it was an honor to

Meet you.

Thanks for having those amazing buck-teeth, bucky, and

For giving me one.

Bye, bucky.

Great to meet you.

The pleasure and the tooth were all mine. Hoo hoo ha ha ha!

Don, I'm proud of you for helping to solve my tooth

Mystery. And I want you to have my old tooth collection.

Really, dad?

Yeah. You can put it with the rest of your collection, along

With your new masiakasaurus tooth.

Wow. Thanks.

[Giggling] bucky had huge teeth that

Stuck out in the front of his mouth like this.

When he eats fish, he stabs it right into his big front


And then he kind of snaps it back and bites it with his back

Teeth, and then he gulps it down.

Please stop.

Are you gonna finish that?


I'll eat it, then.

Wow, tiny. You ate that fish kind of like a masiakasaurus.

Thanks. Ha ha ha!

[Laughter] please, stop.

Hi there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist, and this is





Madagascar is a big island located next to africa.

Masiakasaurus was a small theropod that lived on

Madagascar in the late cretaceous time period. In fact,

I discovered some of masiakasaurus's first bones and

Gave this dinosaur its name.


[Doorbell rings] point of fact. Way to go, dr.


Well, thanks, guys. I went to madagascar with other

Paleontologists, and we found lots of masiakasaurus bones and

Later put them all together to get an idea of what this animal

Looked like. It was a little predator, only about feet

Long, and weighed about as much as a big dog.

The most amazing feature of the masiakasaurus is its teeth.

Thank you.

The lower front teeth are long and point forward rather

Than straight up like the teeth of most other dinosaurs, and the

Teeth in the back of the jaw are small and thin with tiny

Serrations like a saw. So masiakasaurus was probably a

Great little predator. In fact, the name means "vicious lizard."

Ok, keep watching for more dinosaur discoveries.

This is the fish we pteranodons love to catch and

Love to eat.

Go fish.

[Gasp] ♪ ta da ♪


Fish is the most perfect food in the whole universe.

So then pteranodons are fishavores.

We're carnivores, meat-eaters. Fish is meat.

♪ I'm not the biggest dinosaur

In fact, I'm kind of tiny I don't have teeth or scary

Claws but it doesn't make me whiny

Whenever I meet someone new I march right up and what I do

Is say, "hello there, nice to meet you

My name is tiny" I've met a lot of dinosaurs

And some of them were scary and when I stand right next to

Them I'm kind of ordinary

But if I'm friendly they are, too

And when I say, "it's nice to meet you"

Then they say, "well, hey, the same to you

It's nice to meet you, tiny" ♪ hello, folks. It's me--the

Conductor. Today we'll meet a cimolestes, an early mammal that

Lived alongside the dinosaurs.

So come on along with me on the dinosaur train. All aboard!

Tiny! Tiny! Tiny! Hey, shiny, have you seen tiny?

No. Maybe she went fishing with don and dad.

Hey, mom, have you seen tiny?

I sure did. She told me she was going to fly up to her tiny


Oh. You mean her little hole way up in that tall tree.

Yup. That's the one.

Tiny's tiny place.

Yeah. She has been spending a lot of time up there.

Well, I think tiny just likes having time to herself and her

Own special place to spend it in.

I would go ask her to come down and play, but I can't

Because I'm a t-rex. We don't fly or climb trees.

Hang on, buddy. I'll fly up and ask her to come down.

[Squawk] hey, tiny.

Who goes there?

It's me--shiny.

What's the password?

Come on, tiny. I don't know what the password is.

That's because I change the password every day. I'll give

You a hint. It has toes.

Uh, theropod?

Right. Theropod. Come on in.

Uh! Uh!

Careful not to step on my tiny dolls.

Hmm. Hi. What's up?

We are, in a tree. Ha ha ha!

Well, it's a pretty tight squeeze in here. I'll sit

Outside, ok?

So buddy says he misses playing with you.

He does?

Yeah. He wants you to come down.

Ok. I miss buddy, too. I just like being up here.


It's nice having a place of my own way up high where I can

Be by myself and play with my tiny dolls and pretend and make

Up rhymes. You know, just be me.

My favorite place is down on the beach below the nest. I like

To sit and look at shells and listen to the waves wash up on

The sand.

Yeah. Everyone should have a place of their own.

♪ Whenever I need a little space I fly up to my tiny place

It's where I like to spend my time

And play with dolls and make up rhymes

When everyone's getting in my space

I fly up to my tiny place ♪

Ta da! My tiny place.

Good one, tiny.

Kids! Lunchtime.

Shiny, you found her. Hi, tiny.

Buddy, my old buddy. How you doing?

Good. I was trying to play junior conductor, but I couldn't

Really play it without you.

Sorry I've been spending a lot of time up in my tiny place,


It's ok. I know you like being up there.

Oops. I just remembered. I left my tiny dolls up there. I'd

Better go get them. I'll be right back, buddy!

[Humming] [gasp]

[Screeching] we thought--

Eat you? Nah. I'm a pteranodon. We eat fish. We

Don't eat--wait. What are you?

Oh, uh, I'm a cimoleste. My name is cindy. Cimolestes are


Hi. My name is tiny. What's a mammal?

Well, we mammals have fur all over our bodies. It keeps us


Wow. Fur? It looks warm.

Yeah. Check it out.

Ha ha ha! It is warm. That must be nice on cold nights.

Oh, it is.

Well, it's always great to meet new creatures, cindy, but

You weren't planning to move in here, were you?


You mean to live?


But this is my tiny place.

I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to find another place to live.

See, I had to move from my hole because a big lambeosaurus

Came and ate the tree that I was living in before.

[Gulp] [burp] yeah. The lambeosaurus are

Our new neighbors. They just moved here.

And they've been eating the trees. So I had to move, too.

Well, that's a really sad story, cindy, but can you move

To somewhere on the ground and, you know, make a little nest or


[Chattering] no. I'm afraid of all the big dinosaurs that

Walk around on the ground. They might stomp on me. That's why

Cimolestes need to live way up in the trees.

Well, all right, you can stay.

I can? Oh, thank you, tiny!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Ah. What a relief.

Yeah. Ok. Well, I'll be back.

[Train whistle blows] hey, I thought you were gonna

Get your tiny dolls.


You know, you left your tiny dolls up in your tiny place.

More like her cindy place now.


Buddy, I am so mad. While I was down here eating lunch,

Another creature moved into my tiny place.

Really? A new creature? What kind of creature?

Someone named cindy cimolestes.

What's a cimolestes?

She's all cute and tiny, way tinier than me, and she's

Covered with brown fur.

Whoa. She must be a mammal.

I've always wanted to meet one.

The conductor told me all about them.

Wow. Are mammals different from pterosaurs?

Yup, and dinosaurs. They have furry hair all over their

Bodies, and they don't even lay eggs.

They don't lay eggs?

Where is she?

Up in my tiny place.

Cool. I want to meet her.

I don't think she'll come down to meet you, buddy. She's

Scared of dinosaurs, especially now that mr. Lambeosaurus ate

The tree she was living in.

But she's not scared of you.

Yeah, I know she's not scared of me, but at first she was.

Please, tiny. Ask her really nicely to come down so we can

Meet her.

Ok, I'll try. [Squawk] come on down, cindy. This is my

Sister shiny and my brother buddy. He's a t-rex.

[Stuttering] t-rexes are ca-ca-carnivores, right?

Yeah, but he's really nice.

I am. I'm really glad to meet a cimolestes. I wanted to ask

You what it's like to be a mammal.

What is it like to be a mammal? Oh, it's good, although

I'm pretty small. Almost all dinosaurs are bigger than us


So let's compare features, like what do you like to eat?

Mostly bugs.

Yuck. Oh, sorry. I mean, how interesting.

And you have such great fur.

Yeah. It's amazing. I've never seen anything like it


It's softer and warmer than our sort of scaly skin.

T-rexes have big -toed feet.

They're for stomping around on the ground.

And I observe that you have little claws for climbing trees.

Oh, yeah. I love to be way up high in a tree.

[Squawk] so do i.

Oh, I know, tiny. I'm sorry I moved into your tiny place.

It's ok, cindy. You had to move out of your old home. Mr.

Lambeosaurus ate it.

Actually, your tiny place isn't very good for little

Cimolestes like me. It's really too big. I wish I could find a

Smaller hole in a tree that's just my size--you know, a

Cimolestes place.

[All sigh] hmm.

Hey, tiny, look!

What are you pointing at, buddy?

I see another hole, way up high, near the top of the tree.



Yeah, and it's smaller, too.

Maybe it's just your size, cindy?

Oh, where? Where? Where?

Where is it?

I can show you, if maybe tiny and shiny can carry me up there,

Because I'm a t-rex. We don't fly or climb trees.

Yeah. Come on, shiny.

Let's do it.

[Squawking] there it is!

Um, hello. Hello! Is anyone in there? Hooray! Nobody's in

It! Aw, this is wonderful! Oh, it's perfect. It's not too big,

And it's not too small. Oh, thank you so much, buddy! Oh,

You t-rexes certainly have great eyesight.

No problem.

This will be perfect, cindy.

We'll each have our own place, and we'll get to be neighbors.

And great friends.

Hey, tiny, I'm getting tired.

Can we set buddy down?

I know. Let's take buddy down to my tiny place, and we can

Play neighbors with cindy.

Whoo hoo! I finally get to visit your tiny place, tiny.



Now you get to visit my tiny place for the first time.

Wow. What an amazing view.

Look. I can see the nest from here. And the sea and the

Cliffs. Hey, I can even see the dinosaur train.

[Train horn blows] yeah. Welcome to my tiny

Place. Take a look inside, buddy.

Ooh, it's great. No wonder you like to hang out up here.

I know.

Maybe we could bring up some rocks to sit on.

And some tinier rocks for your dolls to sit on.

And some shiny shells.

Ok, ok. Those are all great suggestions, but remember, it's

My tiny place.

[Laughter] ok, tiny, we get it.

♪ Whenever I need a little space

I fly up to my tiny place ♪ because it's my...

Tiny place!

Ha ha ha!

Kids, time for dinner!

Coming, mom! Bye, cindy!

Yeah. It was great to meet you.

Well, I should be getting home.

Thanks for all your help! See you soon!


[Laughter] aw.

Hi there. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist, and this is a

Mammal called cimolestes that lived during the age of

Dinosaurs, the time period called the mesozoic. Almost all

Of the mammals that lived in the mesozoic were very small

Compared to the huge dinosaurs, but those early mammals shared a

Lot of features with the mammals alive today. They had fur, and

The mother mammals made milk to feed their babies. Back in the

Mesozoic, little mammals scurried beneath the feet of

The dinosaurs. Paleontologists think that cimolestes and other

Ancient mammals were active mostly at night and ate lots of



And dragonflies.

Exactly. So whenever you see a mammal--maybe a neighborhood

Cat, a squirrel, just think--they all had relatives

Living millions of years ago during the time of the

Dinosaurs. Ok, remember, get outside, get into nature, and

Make your own discoveries.

Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods. Let's visit the cretaceous. Many new

Kinds of flowers and insects appeared during this time. The

Most dinosaurs, like tyrannosaurus rex, and flying

Creatures, like pteranodons, lived in the cretaceous. And

That's just one of the stops on the dinosaur train.

Time for a tiny ditty. Being a big dino might be cool, but

How about us little ones? I think we rule. We got the power.

We got the power.

We got the mighty tiny power!

Dinosaur train ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train

We're gonna ride the dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ we're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ ♪ the dinosaur train ♪