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03x48 - You Remind Me of Someone

Posted: 02/22/24 20:17
by bunniefuu

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪♪ Oh, finally, we made it to the annual

Bojamboo Festival! Bojamboo, huh?

Something about this seems familiar...almost as if --

Gather 'round, everyone, and raise your cup

of Bojamboo juice!

Here's to another season of good harvest,

good fortune and good people!

Ah! Bojamboo Juice?

Looks like we made it just in time!

I'll catch up with you kids later!

Free candy apples, deep-fried butter,

squirrel bacon mac and cheese!

This place ain't half bad!

Wow, Ben, you're actually having a good time.

I thought you'd be complaining by now. [ Gulps ]

What? When have I ever complained?

Name one time I've complained.




Yup, I can't think of one either.

Anyway, I can't wait to snap a picture

of this Bojamboo character,

another mascot on the bucket list!

Ugh! The Bojamboo is no mascot.

He's just as real as the Forgeti!

Oh, yeah? The big yeti that makes you forget things

with a magical fog?

Uh-huh, yeah, sounds totally real to me.

Ugh, whatever.

The Bojamboo is real,

and so is the Forgeti's fog of forgetting.

I'm getting some squirrel bacon mac and cheese.

Hehe, I know what I'll do.

[ Chuckling ]

Once this Bojamboo comes to collect these offerings,

I'll snap a pic of him and prove to Gwen

he's just a dude in a suit.

Now all I gotta do is wait.

[ Snoring ]

Uh, what? Where'd everything go?

Definitely the work of some dude in a suit.

I'll use Rath to sniff down the culprit. [ Beeping ]

[ Roaring ]

All right, Bojamboo! [ Sniffing ]

You can run but you can't hide from Rath's super sniffer!

Ha! Bingo!

[ Grunting ]

Got ya!

[ Laughs ] This was easy,

maybe too easy, almost like it was a --


[ Yells ]


Um, hello? Mr. Bojamboo?

Sup, loser.

Why are you always trying to hang out with me?

Kevin, what are you doing here?

Tracking the Bojamboo, of course.

I'm gonna capture this freak of nature

and sell it to the highest bidder.

Then I'll become rich and famous and waaaay cooler than you.

Which isn't hard. Sorry, couldn't hear you

over how ridiculous your phone case is,

but I know it had something to do with harming innocent people.

[ Beeping ]

Ugh. [ Roars ]

All right. Let's do this then.

[ Grunting ]

[ Both grunting ]

Ugh. Hyah!

[ Both grunting ]

[ Glass shattering ]

[ Both grunting, straining ]

[ Blink! ]

Whoa, so it's not a guy in a suit. Never mind that!

The Bojamboo is really the Forgeti?

[ Twinkle! ]

Ooh, then that would mean that this fog is --

[ Both coughing ]



Ugh, ugh, my head.

Where am I? Who am I?

Maybe my phone will jog my memory.

[ Plink! ] Ouch! What?

Dang, I got a cool phone.

I must be a pretty cool dude. [ Cellphone beeping ]

No contacts? That doesn't sound very cool,

or I'm a cool loner type. What else am I like?

Ugh, okay, just focus.

There has to be a way to know who I am.

This ought to spark something.

Ew, what's with the mullet?

[ Cellphone buzzes ] Huh, someone's texting me?

Wow, that's a really basic phone case.

"Ben, where are you? Can you grab Grandpa's banjo?"

Ben? My name's Ben?

And this person texting me is...Gwen.

Our names rhyme. We must be related!

Maybe I can find out more about myself on the way.

Ooh, I have a diary?

Looking good, Kevin!

Okay, what else we got here?

Bad-boy muscle shirt, check.

Bad guy checklist?

Oh, so I'm a bad guy?

Well, if that's who I really am,

then I guess I have to be true to myself!

People find the banjo very underrated,

but once that baby gets in my hands...

Haha! I'll show you how to tear it up bluegrass style!

"Bluegrass"? [ Laughs ]

What are you talking about, Grandpa?

I'm talking about pickin' and grinnin', Gwen.

As soon as I get my banjo, I'll show you a --

Here it is, Grandpa!

Here you go! So what's the fam up to?

What are you doing here? I came to bring Grandpa his banjo.

I'm a hero, and heroes do good deeds,

and according to my diary, this kid named Kevin

always shows up to do something bad.

If I ever see him, you can bet I'll stop him!

'Kay, laters.

Um, should we worry about this?

Well, nothing's on fire, so I'd say we're fine for now.

Sounds good to me. Grandpa, you're gonna get us kicked out!

Find a helmet, check.

Find a bad-boy motorcycle, check!

Look cool -- [ Engine revs ]

Ugh! Check.

So I help people with aliens?

[ Crash! ] Ah!

That was weird!

Let's get you back home, little guy.

There we go! [ Shouts ]

Man: Hey, what are you doing to our bikes?

Man, being a bad guy here isn't even a challenge.

There has to be something even more bad I can do.

Okay, let's see. What's next on the list?

Capture the Bojamboo.

Hold him for ransom and sell him to Area .

This plan doesn't make any sense!

Welp, if I wrote it, then I guess I gotta do it.

Looks like I was gonna take a picture with the Bojamboo

to show Gwen it was fake.

Why would I write this down?

Well, I guess it's time to prove Gwen wrong.

Oh, are you kidding me?

What am I supposed to use as Bojamboo bait?

Hey, did you trash this place?

Not cool! What's your name, kid?

The name's Kevin.

Keep an eye out for it in the headlines

when I capture the Bojamboo.

Kevin?! I knew you'd show up.

You're not getting away with this!

Wow, I really deal with this on a weekly basis?

That's annoying. Peace.

Ah! It's hero time!

[ Blow lands ] Ah! Get off!

Ben Tennyson! Ugh!


Ugh, time to put this thing to good use!

Sounds like a good idea!

[ Both shouting ]


Whoa! Ugh, uh, uh, ah!

[ Beeping ]

Ah! Yeah!

Oh, this must be the alien thingy!

Whoa, I'm on fire!

No, I am fire! [ Laughs ]

Come on, come on, how do you work?

[ Yells and whimpers ]

You stay right there, Tennyson!

I just thought of a better plan.

Get back here!

You won't get away with this, Kevin!

Whew, so that was part one of a twelve-part --

Wait, do you smell something? [ Pop! ]

Okay, now something is officially on fire.

Grandpa, we have to get the people out of here!

Right! I'll get some water.

[ Bluegrass music plays ]

E-Excuse me, everyone, I have an announcement.

The forest is on fire.

You need to evacuate.

[ Laughing ] Yo! "Forest on Fire"

by Need to Evacuate is my favorite bluegrass song!

Really? Huh.

Look, the Bojamboo is over there,

and he wants to give you presents.

He went that way.

[ Crowd shouting ]

Come out, come out, wherever you are, Bojamboo.

Kevin needs his paycheck!

Uh-oh, this is bad.

I just wanted to draw him out.

Wait, if I'm a villain, why do I care so much?


Hey, what gives?


Caring is your biggest weakness! Give it up!

Wait, that wasn't a very heroic thing to say.

So you have these alien powers too, huh?

Let's see who's stronger!

Heatblast and Undertow: Bring it on!

[ Both shouting ]

The Bojamboo is the Forgeti?

Wait. Why do I feel like I've already said that today?

He's mine!

Not so fast, Tennyson. Huh?

Why am I calling him by my name?

Ugh, my head feels weird.


Pump faster, Grandpa!

[ Panting ] [ Squeak! ]

Ugh. Oh.

Ben, did you start this mess?

Hey, the name's Kevin, and my plan to flush out

the Forgeti backfired, is all.

Kevin? Forgeti?

Wait a minute. Ben thinks he's Kevin,

and Kevin has been acting really nice,

and then the Forgeti showed up,

and it's totally real! Hee-hee!

Oh, he made Ben and Kevin forget who they are.

Super. Well, I guess it's Gwen to the rescue again.


Ugh, yeah.

There, you're safe now.

Hey, when are you gonna realize

that maybe you're not the best hero?

What? Grrr.

I'm the best at everything!

Help, help!

There's a monster trying to eat me!

Rath will save you!

For some reason.

Hyah! Whoa, what did you do?

Just playing to their instincts.

[ Both grunting, blows landing ]

Whatever happened to capturing the Bojamboo?

I'd rather beat you!

As if you could, Tennyson!


[ Both grunting ]

[ Thudding ]

[ Growls ]

[ Boing! ] Yah!

[ Thudding ]

Rah! Ah!

[ Both yelling ]

[ Thwap! ]

Ben, Ben, come on! Remember who you are.

So maybe I'm not the best hero, but I sure make a great bad guy!

Yeah? Well, I make a pretty great Ben!

Now this is more like it!

[ Yells ]

You're going down, Kevin! Yah!

[ Both grunt ]

Ugh! Ugh!

[ Both groaning ]

[ Both sigh ]

Too tired to kick your butt anymore.

Me too.

Hey, dweeb, I got to admit.

Being a hero ain't easy. I don't know.

I guess it just comes naturally to me.

Though I can't say the same for being a bad guy.

Why don't we put this behind us

and enjoy the rest of the festival, huh, kids?

I'm sure once we explain what happened

to the townspeople, everything will be fine.

[ Growls ]

[ Crowd murmuring ] Hey, everybody!

W-Why're ya looking at us like that?


[ Snoring ]