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03x40 - Xingo Nation

Posted: 02/22/24 20:02
by bunniefuu

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪


Crowds are gathered outside retail titan

Biggie Box for their annual Sample Scramble.

Now, we're not saying it was aliens, but...

Ugh, when is Grandpa gonna be done with this dumb

Sample Scramble?

Nothing on TV speaks to me.

Yeah, it looks like it's gonna be a while.

Ugh! "Xingo" is on.

That's okay, right? [ Groans ]

Not really feeling it.

Hey, kids!

You ready to get Xingy?

Watch out, evildoer!

Your luck is about to run out!

So you won't mind if I watch "Lucky Girl," then?

What? Hey!

I don't want to watch some show about feelings!

Sorry. You said you didn't want to watch anything.


I didn't want it to come to this,

but I can see you left me no choice.

Hey, you can't use the watch!

That's cheating.

Wait, what are you gonna do with Stinkfly?

Ugh, Ben!

Don't be gross!

Your villainous ways are no match

for the power of love

and emotional honesty! [ Cheering ]

Foolish, Lucky Girl,

your vulnerable heart will be your downfall.

That's where you're wrong, Queen Griefenstein!

Being sincere about your feelings

shows the real strength of a hero.

An insecure heart corrupts the soul.

Quite the contrary --

Your brazen sensitivity accomplishes nothing.

Get ready for a...

Oh, it's so nice to see a little boy in touch

with his emotions like that.

Uh, what? I don't have emotions!

[ Grunting ]

[ Laughs ]


Nice try, buddy, but no one gets the drop on Xingo!

Oh! Hey, what gives?

No one but your awful ratings maybe!

Have you seen these numbers?

It's a wonder we aren't canceled already!

We nothing!


I'm out of here!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

What? Cancel?

How can they cancel a great show like "Xingo"

when garbage like "Lucky Girl" gets seasons,

a Japan-only radio drama, and a supplemental comic tie-in

about the Omega Lucky Scouts that showed up

after the fourth season finale when...

Um, I mean, of course

I don't watch a lame show like that!

Don't worry, Xingo! I got your back!


Time to bootleg you a way out of there!


What was that? [ Inhales sharply ]

Is this what being canceled feels like?

I got to get out of here!

Had enough of my special att*ck?

Another one of your flunkies, Queen Griefenstein?

As if I would ever work with a thing like that.

Is this some kind of joke?

Maybe not a joke, but it sure is a "Xinger"!


[ Laughs ]

Get out of here, you little rat!

Lucky Heart Friendship...


Sorry, got bored waiting for that thing to charge

and did some more baking!


[ Coughs ] Fine, you win!

[ Laughs ]

Never underestimate the power of a bad smell.

-Ah! -[ Laughing ]

Ah! [ Laughs ]

How marvelous!

Hey, hey, always great to meet a fan!

Here, on the house!

Queen Griefenstein: Ah, the pain!


You see, Gwen, there are many things

that make life truly majestic,

but there is nothing in this world

quite as beautiful as a free hot dog.

Namaste. Mm.

Guys, I'm glad I found you.

Something really weird is going on.

What happened?

Got sick of stinking up the Rustbucket?

Uh, stinking up?

Ben, what were you doing in there?

It's not important!

I was watching that boring "Lucky Girl" show

and Xingo was in it! Uh-oh!

Is that bad? "Is that bad?"

You don't remember the last time he got out?

Please, no!

No more, I can't take it!

One more time!

♪ bottles of Birch on the wall ♪

♪ bottles of Birch ♪ [ Screaming ]

Huh, I thought that was just a bad dream.

Oh, well. I'm sure those shows

are just doing one of those,

you know, crossover things.

Grandpa, "Lucky Girl" would never sink so low

as to host that chaotic excuse for children's entertainment,

and furthermore, I... Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Save it for your blog, Gwen.

-[ Laughing ] -Do you hear that?

I know that laugh.

[ Laughing ]

Classic Xingo!

Kevin! Tennyson!

Did you set Xingo free?

Uh, nope.

Hey, it's my new buddy, my great liberator, you --

you -- what's his name?

Kevin. Kevin!

You kick that Ben kid's patooey

while I go put marinara in Lucky Girl's wig!


Okay, what if I did?

Then things are about to get heated!

Okay, punk. You want to rumble?

Then come at me, matchstick!

[ Both grunting ]


Time for me to bounce!

Oh! Oh! I want to play, too!

[ Guffaws ]


[ Laughing ]

Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!


There's no saving me, Quinn.

I'm just a bad dude.

No, Kyle. We're not giving up on you.

I don't know, Quinn. He's a bad dude.

No, Bob.

No dude is too bad to save.

Blech! Why so serious?

I hope this gets rebooted.

The Sample Scramble is the biggest scramble

for samples that ever scrambled!

And now for the weather.

Today we're sitting at a constant , Kelvin,

humidity at an all-time normal, and...

Huh?'s raining cats and dogs!

Whoo! Oh!

[ Gasps ]

[ Barking and meowing ]

We need to stop Xingo from reaching any more

reality-based TV channels.

If he can manipulate the weather on local news,

there's no telling what he can do on national television.


[ All screaming ]

Robert: The satellite launch is being lauded

as an outstanding success by the scientific community.

Now that sounds like a broadcast that could use

a little Xingoism.

We go now to live footage of the satellite

completing its first rotation of Earth's orbit.

[ Laughing ]

[ Grunts ]

Now what was that for?

We are not gonna see what happens

if you make it to the national news.

[ Grunts ]

I better get while the getting is good.



[ Whistle blows ]


[ Shark growls ]


We'll bring it to a nice boil, and...

Ah! Kevin!

Forget about Ben for a second

and just get the remote away from girl Ben already!

[ Both grunting ]

You aren't going anywhere as long as I have this remote!

Hey! Kevin!

Little help here, kid?

Give that back! [ Laughs ]

Not your turn to pick the channel anymore!

[ Laughs ]

[ Panting ]




Hey, I thought that remote got smashed!

[ Screeches ]


-Gotcha! -Look out, Gwen!

I'm free!


Get back here!

Grandpa: Gwen, look at this.

Ben and Kevin are on the local news.

We come to you live from the Sample Scramble

where two obnoxious boys who can turn into alien monsters

have engaged in combat.

That's it! Hey, Ben!

Get ready to punch!

On it!

This is your last chance to turn around and go home, Xingo!

Oh, yeah? Or what?

This just in -- It would appear

some sort of unidentified figure

appeared on the satellite stream.

We go live to that footage.

[ Laughing ]

Hey, everybody!

Don't you all just look so little and squishy from up here?

What just happened?

Quit dodging!

Hey! Ow-wow-wow!

Watch where you're throwing them punches, kid!

I punched you?

And you, Kev-a-lev-a-ding-dong!

I thought I told you to nip that kid in the tuchus!


[ Laughs ] He called you ding-dong.

I should have known better than to ask

a second-rate alien kid

to take on the real deal.

What? Second-rate?

Face it, kiddo. You're a bootleg Ben Tennyson,

a second-class alien brat

living in the shadow of another alien brat.

No, I'm not!

Ah! Can't believe I'm even listening to...

Ah! Ow!

What'd you do that for?


[ Laughter ]



No, no, no, no, no!

[ Both grunting ]

[ Laughs ]










Boy, I guess some kids can't handle constructive criticism.

You! Your reign of terror in this world is over!

Oh, yeah? And how's that gonna happen?

Lucky Forces of Friendship, att*ck!

[ All grunting ]

Phew! Woo-hoo!

I'm home! I'm home! I'm home!

I'm home, safe and sound!

Nothing horrible ever happens to me here.

Spleen, my old buddy!

Never been so happy to see you!

I'm okay.

And that's all, folks!

[ Grunts ]

All right! Team Tennyson for the win!

Team Tennyson? Whatever!

I did all the work here.

What are you talking about?

I slugged that fox from here to Wednesday.

It is Wednesday, doofus!

Next Wednesday, doofus!

Gwen: Boys!

On this adventure, we rattled the rifts

that separate friends from enemies.

Emotional honesty is only an arm's distance away.

And if talking about your feelings doesn't work,

then sometimes you got to take action!

Ah! [ Screams ]

That's a strange moral, but I dig it!

This show ain't all bad.

This show is so boring.

You have terrible taste.




One more time!