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03x20 - Four by Four

Posted: 02/22/24 19:21
by bunniefuu

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪


Hey, Debbie, I just hit my fitness goal today.

Jenny! I just hit my fitness goal, too!


Look out!Look out!



What just happened?

Both: Oh, my gosh! Are you okay?

I-I think so.

I-I'm seeing double.

Both: Of course, you are, silly! We're twins!

You seem fine. Catch ya later!


This place is weird.

You all right there, Ben?

Let's hope that's the worst thing we deal with today

because we could use break from fighting bad guys.

How about we try something fun?

We are in Twin City, after all.

But we can't.

Why not?

Everything here is made for twins.

We don't have to be twins.

We're basically the same age and height.

Yeah, but not where it counts --

the mind!

Ben, they're twins, not clones.

Ah, Gwen, you couldn't possibly understand.

And you do?

Of course! Slapback!

He can make tons of twins!

He could populate this whole city!

I could always have a brother to help out,

sometimes even more!

I would dominate any activity --

on both sides!

And if I ever got in trouble --

nah, that could never happen.

And I could play endless laser tag!

Earth to Ben! Wake up!

Gwen, this is my daydream!

Get out! What's your deal?

I was about to laser-fy everyone!

You still can.

I'm glad you kids are excited, just, you know,

try not to get us kicked out of this one.

I don't know how many more of these places are left.

Well, have fun! You'll know where I'll be!

Eating. Eating.

So, ready to kick some butt, cuz?

Together, we're unstoppable!


Both: Laser tag! Laser tag!

Laser -- Tag?

Wait. What's with the blue vest?

It's so you know who your team partner is!

Your color will match with your sibling or closest friend.

Right, then why do me and my cousin have different colors?

Because we paired him with his brother, obviously.

I'll go get him.

I didn't know I had a brother!

You don't have a brother.

I could've been someone he looked up to!

Gwen, what have I done?!

There's gonna to be so much to teach him about in the world!

You don't have a brother.

I can't handle this pressure!

Ben, you don't have a brother!


Come on, now, your brother's over here!

I said let go of me!


Let go!

I can't believe this.

Of course I would be paired up with you.

Same here. This is a mistake.

What made you think we're even brothers?

Your watches. [ Chuckles ]

I thought it was a brother-bond thing.

Me and my brother have one.

Yeah! Brothers! Yeah! Brothers!

You got to be kidding me! Ugh!

Why are you even here, anyway?

I'm here to win at laser tag! Duh.

Hmm, I'm not buying it.

Who am I supposed to team up with with?

[ Indistinct shouting ] Don't worry.

I'm sure we can find you someone to play with.

...and take you down!

Ah, forget this. I'm gonna fix my mistake.

Hey, Gwen, I have a great idea.

Let's play really bad so Kevin can't have fun.

You in? Of course I'm in.

In it to win it -- with my partner!

What's your name again?

The name's...Fang.

[ Animals growling, hissing ]

Me and Fang here are gonna take everyone down.

Anyways, see you on the battle field!

Dude, your cousin is savage.

Fine. If that's how she wants it,

I'll just beat her and figure out what you're planning.

I told you, I'm just here to play laser tag! Ugh!

Hey, hold on. Don't do anything bad.

Hey, have you seen a moody, snotty, punk kid hanging around?

This will do nicely. [ Chuckles ]

There's no way I can be stopped!

Kevin, I'll be the one to stop you!

What's your plan? Is Forever Knight gonna show up?

There is no plan.

I'm just here to laze somebody --

a bunch of somebodies.

If you don't want to play, then stay on the sidelines.

I can win on my own.

Hey, Kevin!

I sometimes forget that you're a kid, too.

I'm just used to fighting a bunch of old adults

with nothing better to do.

Plus, when we fight,

you're the only one who gives me a challenge.

What are you getting at?

Well, I just figured the strongest

and second-strongest dudes could team up.

How about it? Truce-skis?

[ Sighs ]

You got yourself a deal, second strongest.

First things first.

If we're gonna survive this, you got to listen to me.

Look around us, Tennyson.

This is Chaos Twin Tag.

Only the best of the best teams show up to these events.

Gwen, I can sense you're troubled.

I am? I know he's your cousin.

Wait -- Wait, how do you know --

But when the time comes, don't hesitate to sh**t.

, , , , ...

Whoo-hoo! Go kids!

Uh-oh, they're not on the same team?

Waiter, make that foot-long a double!

..., .

[ Buzzer ]


[ Grunts ]

Ugh, he's such an easy target.

I got to lose him.

I know I'm great, but this is crazy.

There are so many people here.

Kevin, I think I have a plan --

Ugh, Kevin, you butthead!

I should've known better than to trust you!

Where'd you go?

Wah! Gah!

Man, all these guys and their crazy weapons.

Time to increase the score times four!

[ Beeping ]

[ Both laughing ] Huh?Huh?

Huh? Aw, yeah!

[ All screaming ]

[ Laughs ]


If Kevin wants to play dirty, fine!

I'll show him real firepower!

Pew pew! Hiyah!



[ Grunts ]

[ Laughs ]

Ben: Hey, Quad Snot!

Freeze! Hey!

I knew you were up to something evil!

Speak for yourself.

sh**ting me is costing our team points.

Take a look at your score.



Face it, Dead Heat, which do you hate more --

me or losing? Ah!

Both: Gwen?

Hey, Fang!

Got anything a little more heavy duty?

Here, take this, kid.

Now, that's what I'm talking about!

[ Grunting ]

Cover! We need cover!

Hurry up and run!

Quad Hack! Ugh!

Gwen must have hit my Omnitrix!

Maybe if you hadn't built your own janky version of one,

it wouldn't glitch out because of a tiny laser!

Agh! Out of my way, dweeb! Whoa!

I'm too big of a target like this.

[ Groans ] Why can't I change back?!

Hiyah! What's your deal?!

I thought we were supposed to stick together!



Seriously, Kevin?!

Get back here!

Oof! What?!

[ Grunting ]

[ Laughs ]

Wow, Kevin, who's the second-best tagger now?

New high score!


[ Laughs, grunts ]



[ Grunts ]

[ Fang grunts ]


[ Grunts ]

[ Groans ] We don't have time for this!

Listen up, Kevin, I hate you and you hate me

and my awesome skills, but if we want to win,

we're gonna need to work together.

Truce-ski, for real this time?

Ugh, fine.

But this only lasts until the game is over!

[ Groans ] Ow.

Let's get back to laser business.


Both: Yeah, together we are -- Arms!

Wow, the one time you do some basic math,

and it's still wrong!

I don't need math to play laser tag!

Let's lock and load!

This way! Follow me!

Follow you? Who made you leader?

I know what I'm doing. Trust me on this!

[ Groans ]


Get 'em!

Great, we're surrounded!

Way to go, Kevin!

We might be surrounded, but they're out-armed!


This is awesome. We're actually winning!

And we've nearly caught up with Gwen!

And speaking of Gwen... Ben!

Wait! Stop!

I will not be placed last on the leaderboard!





[ Whirring ]

[ Groans ]


Earn your fangs. Finish what you started.

It's nothing personal, Ben,

it's just the way the game is played.

I seriously can't believe this is happening.



Kevin! No!

Why did you have to have such an epic moment?

I should have been the one

to have such an epic moment!


Yo, chill!

I just needed Gwen to sh**t my Omnitrix again

so I could glitch back to normal.

Shhh. Kevin, shhh. It's over now.

Just what are you two even doing?

I'm not doing anything! I woke up to this!

Huh, looks like the scoreboard shorted out.

I guess it doesn't matter who really won.

In the end, what matters is that we've grown as people.

Just give me a second here.

[ Laughs ] Yes! In your face, Ben!

Whoo-hoo! Grandpa! Grandpa, Grandpa! I won! I won! I won!

Max: Great job, honey!

Welp, I guess it's time for us to go back

to being mortal enemies.

Eh, I don't know about that anymore.

What? Facing off against your cousin

was one of the hardest fights I've ever encountered.

I've had to entirely re-think my whole nemesis system.

And besides,

she's a heck lot more savage than you, dweeb.

Good job out there today, kid.

If you're ever looking for some work, let me know.

Here's my card. a Laser Town business card.

Wait, do you work here?


I'm... The Janitor.

See ya around, kid.

[ Gasps ] Oh.

Are you being serious?

You're dumping me as your archenemy because of Gwen?

Don't know. Maybe next time we meet,

you can prove you've got what it takes

to give me a real challenge --

but until then, later, loser!

I know I shouldn't be upset right now, but I am!

Why can't I come to terms with this?

Ben, is there something

you'd like to say to your cousin?

[ Sighs ] Congratulations, Gwen.

You might have won, but I think it's fair to say

that you and I are pretty evenly matched.

True, but I'm the only one holding the trophy, sucka!

Yeah, boy! I'm the winner!

