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03x01 - Omni-Copped

Posted: 02/22/24 19:02
by bunniefuu

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

[ Whimsical tune plays ]


-Agh, this is not good! -I know what you mean.

All these little towns we pass

are starting to feel exactly the same.

-Mnh! Mnh! -I need new adventures.

There's such a big, wide world out there,

and I'm missing it!

What?! We have actual,

serious problems right here!

Like this fancy new Omnitrix, for one.

Come on. It hasn't been offline that long.

It's barely even been a week.

Five days, Gwen!

Five long, superpowerless days.

I remember it like it was yesterday,

saving the world from a giant cyber-rock,

turning back his invasion

with nothing but my four bare alien hands.

I'm not sure that's how it went down.

Anh, close enough.


It doesn't help that Grandpa's been

weirdly distracted, lately.

Yeah. Yeah, distracted, sure.

Ah! -I mean it! Don't you think

his priorities have been a little, uh,

weird, lately?

Now that you mention it.

Have fun with those video games, kids.

[ Laughter ] Both: Yeah!

Enjoy that cartoon marathon.

Both: Yeah! Whoo! Cartoons!

Hey, how about you two take a break

to check out that comic shop, huh?

Both: Yeah! Comics, comics, comics!

That is a little strange.

But, hey, if it means I get to play

more video games, I'm not gonna argue.

Oh, there you are.

I've got a really big surprise for you.

Both: [gasp!] Surprise?!

You remember my good buddy, Phil.

Salutations, Tennylings!

Both: [dully] Uhhh!


[ Plink! ]

Maybe there are two awesome surprises?

[laughs] You didn't think

I was the big surprise, did you?

Oh, no. Feast your eyes on this.

[ Rotors whirring ]

Both: Wha-a-a-a-a-t?

[ Clanking ]

[ Creak! ]

Phil's been working on this secret project

all summer. I've been helping him

put the finishing touches on it

the past few weeks. Surprise!

-Yeah, surprise. -Wait.

Did it just eat the Rustbucket?!

Ben, you seriously think

I'd let Phil's chopper eat my baby? [laughs]

It's safely clamped on and ready to fly!

After months of research and development,

it's ready and rarin' to go

and I figure who better to test this bad boy out

than my favorite family?

Isn't that wild? A flying Rustbucket.

I was thinking about calling it the Rustcopter.

Both: Ew!

Eee! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!

Oh, my gosh! With this,

we could easily travel to Europe!

We could see the Louvre in France,

even taste authentic European food.

This is exactly what I've been waiting for!

Uh! Gwen! Personal spa-a-a-ce!


[ Zap! ]

Oh. my. gosh!

Ben, are you okay?

I'm better than okay.

Four Arms, XLR.

[ Gaaaaaaaaaaasp! ]

New aliens!

[ Crying out ]


-Hey, not a toy. -It's not hero time.

It's copter time.

But, new aliens!

What if you're timed in all day?

Copter first. -Aliens!

-Copter! -Aliens!

[chuckling] Okay.

How about we decide this with rock, paper, scissors?

Both: Fine!

One, two, three!

Boop! Paper covers rock.

[singsong] Copter wins!


[ Laughing maliciously ]

Let's fly, fly!


Agh! When, when, when will they be here?

It has been hours! [ Tapping ]

What are you doing?

Patience, Smythe. You'll get your chance.

They'll be along soon, and then we'll see

if you are up to the task.

You dare question my competence?

I've been competent since your grandfather was in diapers.

And how has that worked out, so far?

[echoing] You would be wise not to underestimate me.

[ Foosh! ]

All right. Let's see what this baby can do.

Commencing test flight. -Max: Roger that.

[ Beep ]

[ Rotors whirring ]

You really outdid yourself this time, Phil.

She handles like a dream!

[ Laughter ]

Just think of all the places we'll be able to go now!

Yeah, great.

We could cross the ocean with this.

Stop it. We could go to Europe.

Think of all the sights.

Quit it! This is amazing. I'm gonna get started,

planning out an itinerary right now!

I don't see what the big deal is.

Gwen won't even notice if I just --

Oh, man! Is this a dinosaur?!

Who's this cat guy?

Something familiar about him.

Ooh! I like the look of this guy.

[ Machinery humming ]

Okay, we're goin' with the bruiser.

[ Adventure music plays ]



Whoa. Looks like we're hitting

a little turbulence here.

You kids okay?

Who's the man?

Not you, 'cause you're an alien.

Who's the alien?! Ooh!


Uhh! Just fine.

Hee hee.

Hey, pretty cool alien, huh?

Ben, you have no idea what this alien does.

You could've wrecked the copter!

But I didn't. Anyway,

time to take the new guy for a test drive.

I bet he's really strong.

[straining] Maybe even stronger than Four Arms.

I should call him Big Boy or Brawno or --

Whoa! Whoa, oh, man,

not as strong as I thought, uh!

Ben! Ben! I broke it!

Ben? Aah! Uh!

Rough skies, kids.

Make sure you've got your seatbelts on.

Agh! All good, Grandpa.

Gwen! -Aah!

-Okay. -Look at, uh, Ben, Ben!

Wa-chow! Check me out!

Wow! Your little half-slaps are double-strong.

[ Grunting ]

Whoops! Double-heavy, too, by the looks of it.

So the thing I don't get: who's in charge, here?

Am I me, or are you me?

-I think we're both us. -Awesome!

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Stand on each other's shoulders

and wear a trenchcoat

to sneak into a PG- movie?

Uh... How about...?

Whoo! [ Laughing ]


This is way more fun!

Hee! Yep!

Oh! Ooh!


Whoa-oa-oa! Uh!

Control your Slapbacks, Ben!

I am in control!

[ Clanging ]


[ Warble ]

[ Rotors whirring ]

Oh! What's happening now?

You guys hangin' tight back there?

What are those?

Meet Ben's new alien!

Uh, aliens!

Remarkable, a duplicating alien.

Ben, control your Slapbacks.

-My name is not Slapback! -I don't know.

You slap him on the back and get more of him.

Seems fitting to me. -Well, maybe

we should vote on it. All opposed?

-Aye! -And those for Slapback?

-Aye. -I like it.

Me, too.

Anh, it's growing on me.


[ Laughter ]

Whoo-hoo! I'm indestructible!


[ Alert beeping ] Having...trouble pulling up.

Gwen: Are you ready to spend the whole summer

with us, Grandpa? -[laughs] Are you kidding?

Best idea I've ever had.

[ Beeping continues ]

Agh! Just...gotta

compensate for the weight.

Oh, no! I overshot.

Kids, be careful!

[ Beeping continues ]


[ Clanging ]

[ Growling ]

Confound it!

The one time I actually want to find those Tennysons,

and I'm completely clouded out!

Just my luck. -[Warbling]

No. I do not think it's a good time

to have a conversation about carbon emissions!

[high-pitched] Ohhh!

Unh! Aah!

There's only one family who would flaunt

that garish technology so shamelessly!

We've found our mark, gentlemen.

Man the cannons!

Full steam ahead.


[ Alert blaring ] Maybe I should've added

some airsick bags. Ah. Whew.

Come on. Doesn't this remind you

of the good old days?

Okay. So have we established

why it's a bad idea to play with new aliens

in the experimental airship?

[nervous laugh] Yeah.

Anytime you wanna rein those guys in,

[chuckle] that'd be great.

Oh, maybe we did take it too far.

Yeah. I already waited five days.

What's one more afternoon?

No more mystery aliens

until we're back on solid ground?

You got it!

Feels good to get all my pieces put back, anyway.

Glad to see you Slapbacked together.

Gwen, stop trying to make Slapback a thing.

That's what I like to see:

sitting back and learning to take turns.

-Max, look out! -Both: Aah!

Was that a cannonball?

Who att*cks a state-of-the-art

secret airship with cannonballs? Agh!

Oh, I've got a pretty good idea of who.


Quickly! Starboard cannons!

[ Blasting ]


All right. Which of you new guys wants

to go for another test drive?

-Ben! -Oh, right.

We just talked about that, didn't we?

Okay, original-recipe aliens only.

[ Zap! ]

Release the air mines!

We'll blow them out of the sky.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

Cannonbolt: Ready to take it back to the basics.

[ Grunting ]


[ Resonating ]


Potzblitz. Uh, I mean,

ha-ha! I have you now!

You've fallen right into the jaws of my trap.

My illustrious collaborator will be --

Stop that at once. Are you even

listening to me?!



Confound these Tennysons! Oh!


Do you people have any idea

how expensive those are to build?!

Well, that was quicker than usual.

[ Chuckle ]

[ Beep-beep ]

[ Resonating ]

Urh! [ Resonating ]

[ Zap! ]

[ Whir ]

-Ben, that was amazing! -I know, right?

Sometimes I forget how awesome Cannonbolt is.

Good call on using a classic alien.

Wow, Ben. That's pretty mature of you.

Also, I gotta admit: this ship is amazing!

[laughing] Yeah.

All right. Where should we go, kids?

Actually, let's set her down for a bit.

I need to finish tuning it up.

Also, to remove the stuck cannonballs.



You've won the day, Tennysons,

[ Sinister music plays ] but, soon, night will fall,




Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!
