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04x08 - Estée Lauder and Goat Meat

Posted: 02/21/24 10:56
by bunniefuu
Previously on Bob Hearts Abishola

Now, watch your step.

We're almost there.

- I know where we are, Bob.

- No, you don't.

It is the warehouse you want

to throw away our home for.

Not throw away, but good guess.

- Are you ready?

- Sure.

- Ugh.

- Ta

Oh, my God.

I know it needs work,

but think of the potential.

- Oh, my God.

- You get a deal on a fixer

[SIGHS] Oh, my God.

Okay, just imagine, instead of these

piles of garbage,

rows of sewing machines.

And, through that door

that's rusted shut, sock ovens

baking away, and

We'd be bringing jobs back to

Detroit and changing lives.

I tried to be a good wife,

but how can I be?

All I do is cook and clean for a man

who barely looks at me

let alone touches me.

It is like living with a stranger.

Ask her if she's taken any lovers.

Mmm, I do not know what smells better,

- you or the stew.


- You always say that.



- I am a sucker

for Estée Lauder and goat meat.

Kaale, Uncle.

- Kaale.

- Hey.

That's your price for

an HVAC installation?

Well, it better be a hybrid split system

or I'm gonna lose it.

He's been on business

calls the entire drive.

BOB: Don't jerk me around.

You're talking to Bob Wheeler here.

I love when he tells them

who they are talking to.

Is your mother not with you?

Oh, she did not feel like it.

She said she would not be good company.

That never stopped her before.

I love my sister, but it will be nice

- to serve a meal without being judged.

- Mm.

Or being told how tired I look.

I get plenty of rest. This is my face.

And we won't have to

pretend we're hearing

Granny's stories for the first time.

That is your grandmother.

Show some respect.


I don't want to brag,

but I just got a multi
-zone HVAC system

for the price of a single one.

I lied, I want to brag.

Congratulations, Bob.

Well done.

Soon, my husband will be compressing

every foot in America.

There's still plenty to do

before the factory is up and running.

Next, I got to find

somebody to redo the floors.

-I know a guy.

He's got a degree in civil engineering

and a smile that lights up a room.

Have you done floors?

[SCOFFS] Have I done floors. Olu?

He has done floors.

Sell it a little bit.

He has done floors!

Well, now I'm worried you

might be out of my price range.

I am, but I can give you a discount.

Use promo code "Your favorite uncle."


Excuse me, is this the famous

MaxDot Manufacturing Company?

It sure is. I'm Bob Wheeler, CEO.

You the floor guy?

[CHUCKLING] We are pretending

not to know each other.

Hey, thanks again for doing this.

Listen, I'm gonna be running

around taking care of stuff.

While I'm not here,

mi factory es su factory.

I must say,

your excitement is contagious.

- [CHUCKLES] Achoo.


So, uh, what do you think

- Should just take a few days, right?

- Shh.

Give me a moment.

Just needs a good cleaning,

maybe glaze it with an epoxy.

- Oh, boy.

- What "oh, boy"?


- That little crack?

- It is little now,

but in 20 to 30 years,

this will be a real problem.

Well, we don't have to worry

about that, I'll be dead.

There is a right and a

wrong way to do this, Bob.

Tunde, I got a whole factory

to get up and running,

and I can't do anything until

these floors are finished.

I understand.

I'll do it the wrong way.

Great. I got to make a call.

Do you have a preference of color?

- Uh, gray.

- Uh, what about speckles?

- No.

- Okay.

I'm doing speckles.

- E karo, Mummy.

- Karo.

This package came for you.

- Put it over there.

- It's from Daddy.

Yes, put it over there.

It could be perishable.

Not unless your father

threw in a farewell ham.

What does that mean?

Nothing. It is just some clothes

and bits and pieces.

Daddy sent you your things?

I told him to.

They were of no use to

me sitting in Nigeria.

Oh, Esu Aje.

It still has the chip from when

I knocked it off the mantelpiece.

You told me that was your brother.

Yes. It was.

Daddy's wedding ring?

Did you ask for that, too?


I would have preferred the ham.

Are you okay, Mummy?

Of course I am.

Do you want to put the

statue on the mantelpiece?

We'll make room for it.

No, thank you.

I would not want to disrupt your

"anything goes" decorating style.


- What's up?

- Come look at this.

Oh, the UP

stainless steel, sock
-shaping oven.

These are the machines

that will allow us

to bring manufacturing back to America.

- Where are they made?

- China.

I will have them installed

at the beginning of the week.

Great. Uncle Tunde should be

done glazing the floors by then.

I did not realize the Tunde

you hired was your Uncle Tunde.

You thought I knew two Tundes?

It is a very common name.

Not in Detroit.


Uncle Tunde's more than qualified,

and he offered. What's the problem?

The first job you have to give,

and it goes to a family member.

Wait a minute,

you helped get your cousin get a job.

You are lenient with your family,

whereas Kofo

lives in fear that I will fire him.


Did I do something wrong?

- Did you?

- I do not think so,

-but please forgive me.

You see?

That's not

- Christina, come here for a minute.

- I'm on a break, Bob.

BOB: Okay, here's the one

we're looking at. [GRUNTS]

It's the UP

the Ferrari of sock ovens.

- Does it go fast?

- Uh,

it can cook 300 pairs an hour

with an estimated curing time

of three and a half minutes.

That fast enough for you?

- I really do not know.


Hey, Tunde.

I am just calling to say I

filled in all the cracks.

What? I told you

not to worry about that.

I wanted to care as little as you do,

but I could not.

This is gonna set us back a whole day.

I am as disappointed as you are.

Some friendly advice:

next time you hire a contractor,

be honest about the scope of the job.

It's a floor, Tunde.

Not yet, but it will be.

Oops, I
-I have to go.

I found another crack. [LAUGHS]

- No, Tunde, Tunde. [GROANS]


I don't know why I thought it

was a good idea to hire him.

Because you are a kind and generous man.

Thank you.

But, yes, it was a very bad idea.



- Abishola?

- Y
-Yes, Mummy?

Here is the menu I want for my party.

Her what now?

I suggested we throw a

party to honor my mother.

What a wonderful thing.


Because I am worthy of honor.

And we never threw her a

proper welcoming party.

Maybe because we didn't

know she was gonna stay.

All my friends from the

church should be there.

- Of course.

- And you may invite some people

from the hospital.

I'm sure Kemi will come.

The lunch lady? Ugh.

I want important people.

- Okay.

- Bob,

is there anyone you

would like to invite?

I'm actually not sure

that I can make it.

- You are coming.

- Okay.

I very much enjoy your mother.

I will leave it to you if you

want to invite your siblings.

Thank you.

- Mm.

- Thanks for stopping by.

Oh, honey,

I got a bad feeling about this.

Yes, it's going to be very awful.

But my mother is having a difficult time

and I want to cheer her up.

EBUNOLUWA: We will have to

deep clean this filthy house.

How about I give you $1,000

and you cheer her up in Atlantic City?



She works hard for the money ♪

So hard for it, honey ♪

I think we can cut into this wall.

Get some electrical feed outside.

- What is that?


It's Uncle Tunde. You got to love him.


What are you doing?!

She works hard for the money ♪


- What the hell are you doing?!

I'm working hard for the money.

You're destroying my factory!

I had to find out the

condition of the subfloor.


So far, so good.

Stop! Stop! Stop!

I have to go.

Always a pleasure to see you, Uncle.


[CHUCKLES] Get rid of him.


For the love of God!


I am renting this

jackhammer by the hour.

Tick, tock, time is money.

Forget the jackhammer.

Tunde, I love you,

but we got to make a change here.

What are you saying?

I have to let you go.

But I am Uncle Tunde.

And you always will be,

but I got to get this factory going.

And I am in your way.

Right now, yes.

I understand.

Hold this.


Wait, what am I supposed

to do with this thing?

Try chipping away at the

ice around your heart.


I do not like the look

of these plantains.

Oh, they are fine.

I'm sure everyone will love them.

Yeah, Granny, they're gonna be great.

Why is the boy speaking?

I do not know.

- Excuse me, young man.

- Hello, madam,

what can I do for you?

My daughter is having a party for me.

Uh, that is nice.

Is there something I can help you with?

No, I just wanted you to know.

What is next?

Uh, rice for the jollof

and meat for the suya.

Okay, you and Dele go get

the rice and I will go

to the meat counter.

This is wonderful.

She's so excited about the party

she has no time to feel sad.

Sad about what?

None of your business.

Go and get the rice.

EBUNOLUWA: Did this goat die of old age?

I am being honored!


Your dad just sent her

all her stuff in a box?

And his wedding ring.

Damn, that's cold.

I think it's very generous.

She can melt the gold down

into a necklace or a tooth.

You okay?

Yeah, why?

You just, you seem stressed.

Oh, I'm fine.

Just sank every dollar I have,

plus I took a loan out using

this house as collateral

to build a manufacturing plant

that has no freaking floors.

Talking about it always helps,

though, right? [CHUCKLES]

Sure, it's a big help.

Hey, uh, question:

are we ever gonna have a party

that's not Nigerian themed?

It's not a theme, Douglas.

They're Nigerian.

- It's a very nice party.

- Thank you.

Everything's great,

except for the plantains.

Auntie, Uncle.

- Bob.

- Hm.

I wasn't sure you would come.

We would never spit

in the face of family,

unlike some people.

She is referring to you.

I got that. Thanks.

What's going on?

My husband kindly offered his services

and your son threw him out.

You can't throw him out,

he's Uncle Tunde.

That's what I said.

I'm not the bad guy.

He was tearing up my floor.

What are they talking about?

Bob fired Tunde.

- Bob, how could you?

- That's messed

- man.


do we have to discuss this now?

I don't want to discuss it at all.

I was recently let go

from a job I loved.

I know how much it hurts.

Does it get better?

I'll let you know.

All right, that's enough.

I was doing something nice for the guy.

So, it was charity?!

Stop digging, Sock Man.

I'll tell you what the problem is.

- Bob hates old people.

- What?

You're always talking

to me about moving out.

So, there's a pattern of elder abuse.

There's no pattern!

Bob, you are shouting.

Please, wait to scream at Tunde

until people are done

paying tribute to me.

- Let's go.

- Aw, come on, guys.

Enjoy your evening, Ebun.

One day, he will turn on you, too.

Please don't leave.

All this excitement has made

up for the terrible plantains.

Sorry I ruined the party.

Ugh, you were just trying to help Uncle.

Might've been nice if you mentioned that

while I was back there taking grenades.

There's no point in the

both of us getting blown up.

Give him time,

I'm sure he will forgive you.

You don't believe that.


Mama Ebun,

I want you to know that everything

- that happened tonight was my fault.

- Eh,

Tunde was being a baby.

Okay, was everybody on my side?

These men insist on being

honored and respected,

even when they do not deserve it.

Where was this an hour ago?

Whether they are right or wrong,

all they care about is their pride.

They can neglect you

for years and then have

the gall to be offended when

you ask for your things.

Are we still talking about Tunde?

Mummy, are you okay?

I am fine.

In fact, I am better than

I have been in a long time.

I'm happy to hear that.

This is my home now, and it will be

for as long as I live. Good night.

Good night.

As long as she lives, huh?


She seems pretty healthy.


- Yes.

- Yeah.

- How is that?

- Perfect.

You are the best picture

hanger in the whole world.


I know what you are doing, Olu,

and it is working.

Hi, Auntie.

Can I talk to Tunde?

He is not here.

Fine, I'll wait outside

till he goes on his 10:00 a.m. walk.

[GASPS] He knows me so well.

Hi, Uncle Tunde.


I'm sorry for disrespecting you.

Did you hear me?


I'm starting to cramp here, Tunde.

You may stand.


Look, I know I screwed this up.

What was your first clue?

I think the problem was

I was underutilizing you.


Because I felt very used.

You're absolutely right.

You're Tom Brady,

and I made you the water boy.

I don't care what position I play.

I just want to be on Team Bob.

I want that, too.

All right,

- I'll come and finish the floors.

- No, no.

God, no.

I was thinking less "hands on,"

more "big picture" role.

We are listening.

"Babatunde Olatunji

MaxDot Senior Consultant."

What do you say?

I know what you are doing, Bob,

and it is working.


The electrician said all of

this needs to be updated.

Well, we want to make sure

we are to code.

I'll get somebody on it next week.

They just say that to try

to get more money out of you.

Uh, let me take a look.

Tunde, we
-we don't need you to do that.

I am the senior consultant.

Let me consult.

- Mr. Olatunji, please

- Oh!

I've decided that all

this needs to be updated.