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01x19 - Angry, Happy, Same Face

Posted: 02/21/24 10:32
by bunniefuu
Previously on Bob Hearts Abishola So what's been going on with you? How was your day?
- Anything interesting happen?
- I met your ex

ABISHOLA: I, uh, I spoke with Bob.

He said he came to see you.

Yeah, he did.

So it all ended well? It doesn't feel like an ending.

When we hugged, it felt like a new beginning.

Really? What are you doing? I am helping Mr.

Wheeler's sister update the product names.

- Oh.

- We're making them sexier.

(BOTH SIGH) It's been a pleasure working with you, Christina.

I really have to go.

O dabo.

O dabo.

- Well, I'll say goodbye, then.

- Well, I'm sure I'll see you soon.

Mm, maybe one day.

Maybe tomorrow.

I live in the neighborhood! Oh, good.

DOTTIE: All right, sounds good.

See you then.

(SIGHS) Bob! Bob! Help! Hurry!
(PANTING) Why are you screaming? Well, you don't hustle if you think it's a drill.

What's this I'm hearing about you visiting your ex? Who told you that? She did.

I just got off the phone with her.

Uh, she was in the hospital, and I wanted to see how she was doing.

She said there was a hug.

Uh, when I said goodbye, yeah, but mostly I was cold and spiteful.

Why'd she call you? She wants to see me.

- Because?
- She wants to apologize face
-face, which is good, because I want to tell her where to shove it face

She really does seem sorry for what she did.

I don't care! She cheated on my son.

I'm sorry it was so hard for you.

Thank you.

And if my seeing her makes you at all uncomfortable, just say the word, and I'll send her a handwritten note encouraging her to shove it.

It's fine see her, don't see her.

It doesn't bother me.

- You sure?
- Absolutely.

- I've moved on.

I got Abishola now.

- Yeah.

She's a peach.

Loving, loyal.

Comes from a good family.

And most importantly, never banged your best buddy.

What was his name? Gary Gendelhoff.


Gary Gendelhoff.

Name should've been a tipoff.

What a d*ck.

I'm gonna go.

And, uh, by the way, next time you need me, use the intercom.

You got it.

Bob! Oh, my God! Bob! We don't need an intercom.

Hey, Kofo.


Oh, you're making a little PB&J there? Actually, AB&J.


An almond butter man.

Are you allergic to peanuts, like me? I don't know.

I have never had the courage to risk it.

You are so sensible.

I'm gonna make one, too.

Excuse me.

Just gonna get the bread there.

So, I talked to Bob, and he is very excited about our marketing ideas.

- Really? That is wonderful.

- Mm


Soon all the MaxDot socks will have special, sexy names,
- thanks to you.

(CHUCKLES): Oh, no.

It was thanks to you.

It was your brainchild.

It was a child born to both of us.

(GIGGLES) You are very kind to say that.


There is no need to jelly two knives.

So sensible.


I am.

(DOORBELL RINGS) I told you I'd see you again.

- Hello, Lorraine.

Oh! Bet you didn't think it'd be so soon.

No, I did not.

Well, I'm kind of like a vampire.

You got to invite me in.

- What if I don't?
(LAUGHS) Good one.

Are you just coming from work? I am at work now.

I take care of Mrs.



So you work for Bob and you date him? Yes.


What could possibly go wrong with that? Mrs.

Wheeler is in the guest room.

- If you want to follow
- Uh, I know the way.

I lived here.

(LAUGHS) Knock

Come on in, whore.

Good to see you, too.

For you.


All is forgiven.

So, um, how you doing? You coming along? What, the stroke? Oh, don't worry about that.

Half of my body doesn't work, but all of it resents you.

I deserve that.

Oh, is that how we're playing it? Playing what?
(MINCING): "I deserve that.

" I do.

What I did was wrong, and all I can do is ask for Bob's forgiveness, and yours.

Oh, for God's sake, what am I supposed to do with that? Dottie from the bottom of my heart, I will always be grateful for how you treated me like a daughter.

Until I threw your love away.

Aw, come here, ya tramp.

Why do you have a baseball bat? I thought this was gonna go differently.

What's the score?
- Nil

- Oh, exciting! Why aren't you watching it in the house? Well, because that is where my wife is.

Are you having problems? Not as long as I stay up here.

- Who is that?
- Spam.

- Also spam?
- Yes.

- You can block that, you know.

- That's okay.

- It is easy.


- Ah
-ah! Who's MWS? I told you.


Spam bought you a jar of organic almond butter? It's scary how they know what we like.


Tell me.

Promise you won't be mad? No.

- MWS is Mr.

Wheeler's sister.

- Oh, you fool.

You told me you put an end to this nonsense.

I tried, but she would not take rara
(no) for an answer.

Maybe that is because when you said rara she did not think you really meant rara.

- Go ahead, look at it.

- That's okay.

Look at it! She also went to the farmers' market and bought me jelly
- from the jelly man.

- Oh, Kofo.

What should I say? Be firm.

Tell her you shouldn't do this.

It is naughty.

We shouldn't do this.

It is naughty.

(PHONE DINGS) She sent back a winky face.

Why is she winking? We were very clear.

Is that my ex
-wife's car out front? Yes.

She and your mother have been catching up.

I'm sorry.

This must be really weird for you.

- Why?
- Well, my ex
-wife in the house talking to my mom, you, me.

Okay, it's weird for me.

She came to ask for forgiveness.

How is that a bad thing?
- You are an amazing woman.

- I am.

Oh, my God, you guys are so cute! I gotta admit, I did not see how this was gonna work, but now I do.

I get it.

Love is blind.

Love is wonderful.

- You leaving?
- Yes, yes.

Thanks for letting me do this.

I know it was a little uncomfortable.

Is it? I hadn't noticed.

Aw, you silly goose.

And, you, you my dear Abishola, oh, you have cast quite a spell on our Dottie.

She can't say enough good things about you.

Thank you.

(WHISPERS): Don't let Bob ever take you for granted.

Make him see you.

-bye! Is it weird yet?
(KNOCKING) Hang on.

(MUTTERS) Come on in.

I'm gonna have to call you back.

What's up? We have an HR issue.


One thing after another.

Show him.


Is that Questlove? It is me.

Baked by your sister and left on Kofo's scooter.

Oh, God, she's baking faces again.

She has done this before? It's the first time I've seen it in chocolate, but yeah.

Show him the note.

"I could just eat your face.

" She means that in a playful way, right? For now.

What happened to the last guy? Oh.


Nice dude.

He's no longer with the company.

We're fired.

I knew it.

No one's getting fired.

Did you tell her you're not interested? I did not.

You said you said rara.

Did you not say rara? Honestly? Rara.

Rara? It means no.

That's good.

You do not want to say rara to my sister.

She does not respond well to rara.

What happens? Rara makes her a little cray

So what should we do? Well, you don't want to encourage her.

But you don't want to piss her off, either.

So just go about your business as if everything's normal.

- Everything is normal.

- There you go, cling to that.


- Hey.

- Hey.

Oh, you got my new Mexicali chicken.

- Tell me what you think.

- Okay.

Hold on.

- Mmm, it's good.

- Mm

The secret is raisins.

And how'd you come up with that? We were out of beans.

Gloria, can I ask you a personal question? I'm 48.

(SHORT CHUCKLE) Are you still in touch with your first husband? Hell no.

Ooh, there's a raisin.

Why? Bob's ex
-wife has recently come back into his life.

Oh, yeah, that's a white people thing.

They always trying to find closure.

You know how you find closure? Go down to boxing gym, talk to the husband of the woman your husband is screwin', tell him where they shackin' up.

Now, that's closure.

I love a story with a happy ending.

- Mm

- Abishola, you cannot let this woman back into his life.

That is what I thought at first, but she seems like a good person.

So what? I seem like a good person when you first meet me.

(CHUCKLES) I never thought that about you.

She has also made peace with Bob's mother.

Oh, so she playing the long game.

You are in big trouble.

No, Bob would never go back to her.

- Okay.

- It is your life.

I should get back to work.

- Bye

- All right, dear.

See you later.

We got through to her, right?
- I can never tell.

(SHORT CHUCKLE) I've known her 20 years.

Angry, happy same face.

Ooh! Another raisin.

Hey there.


Did you find a special treat on your scooter today? I did.

Did you taste your face? Goodwin did.

It wasn't for Goodwin.

Yes, but it's just nice to share.

- The cake was for you.

- I know.

You should eat it.

I definitely will.


Hey, I was thinking maybe we could go out for a drink after work.

Oh, I would like to.

But sadly I cannot.

Is that a no? No, it's not a no.

-and that no is not a no.

What about tomorrow?
(SHORT CHUCKLE) Once again, yes, I cannot.

Boy, you must be a busy little bee.

(CHUCKLING) Yes, I am.

Every day.


That's okay.

We'll find another time.

Won't we? Of course.


Well, go make your honey, little bee.

- All right.


- Bzz right back atcha.

- Yes, bzz.


I am trying.

Aw, damn it, Lorraine.

(HORN HONKS) Can you see me walking? Why you sitting out here? Uh, we are waiting for Abishola.

Oh, she's probably stuck talking to my ex

I told you that was her car.

You know about Lorraine? Just that you were married for 12 years.

And she slept with your friend, Gary Gendelhoff.

I'll tell Abishola you're waiting.

I would like to meet this ex

I would like to meet Gary Gendelhoff.

(BOTH LAUGHING) Abishola, come, sit, join us.

No, this is your special time with Lorraine.

Don't be silly.

Come on, you gotta try one of my brownies.

No, I do not "gotta.

" Hey, Mom, Abishola, horrible mistake I made when I was young and foolish.


I made your favorite brownies, Bobby Socks.

You want one?
- No, thank you.

- Good choice, Bobby Socks.

Uh, sorry to bother you.

Can I use your bathroom?
- Sure.

- And who is this? Olu, Tunde, this is Lorraine, Bob's
- ex


Your Facebook picture is not very current.

- Is Gary here?
- Bathroom's
- down the hall, Tunde.

- Yeah, I know where it is.

DOTTIE: Lorraine, Olu and Tunde are Abishola's aunt and uncle.

Lovely to meet you.

Lovely to meet you, too.

They should stay for dinner.

Are you staying for dinner? Aw.

How sweet of you to ask.

Will one of those pills k*ll me? What do you say? The more the merrier.

- Okay, stop.

- Wh
- Is there a problem?
- Yes.


It's time for you to go.

- Wait, did I do something wrong?
- Not yet, but you are getting very close.

Oh, w Bobby Socks, do you want me to go? Don't ask Bobby Socks.

He's too nice to say how he feels.

I'm not that nice, but keep going.

Goodbye, Lorraine.

(SIGHS) Dottie.

(CHUCKLES) Sorry, kid.

Looks like there's a new sheriff in town.

A Nigerian sheriff.

Well, it was nice to meet everyone.

Tell Gary I am waiting for him to respond to my friend request.

I'll come back for the brownie pan.

No need.

Drive safe.


(CHUCKLES) I don't want to embarrass you in front of your family, but that was the sexiest thing I have ever seen.

Are we still staying for dinner? Sail away, sail away, sail away Sail away, sail away


I d
-I didn't see you standing there.

Lucky for us.

That way we could hear
- your pretty singing.

- Oh.

I was just messing around.

Well, you should mess around more often, 'cause it was great.


Uh, s
-so listen, uh, Douglas and I were just talking about how hard you work.

I'm recharging now, but, yeah, I'm a sled dog.

You are, which is why you deserve a break.

Oh, like a long weekend? Sure.

Or a month in Arizona.

Remember the spa with the massage therapy and yoga? And all the pretty horses? What was the name of the one you liked? Buttermilk.



I bet she misses you.

You know, she only let me brush her.

Then she probably needs a visit as much as you do.

- You think?
- I know.

How about we get you home, get you packed up, and first thing tomorrow, you're hanging out with Buttercup.

- Buttermilk!
- Sorry.


Everything's fine.

- Okay.

Let me just say goodbye to Kofo.

- Uh, Kofo had to take a couple days off for a family emergency.

Oh, no.

Is everything okay? It'll be fine.

It was a good emergency.

Can we stop and get Buttermilk some apples? Uh, they'll have 'em at the stable.

I want to stop for apples.

We're stopping for apples, Bob! It was so nice of Mr.

Wheeler to give us a paid vacation.

Nice had nothing to do with it.

He's just trying to buy our silence.

Turns out it was for sale.


Can I have my phone back? Rara.