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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 02/21/24 09:30
by bunniefuu
[Frederick] Who is that girl?

[Duchess of Rochester]
Her name is Clara Dunn.

The Duchess tells me you've
recently arrived in London.

[Clara] Yes.

Can I take it from all this that
you're serious about the girl?

Miss Dunn,
would you do me the honor

of becoming Lady Trenchard?

I don't want to frighten you.

[Clara] I'm not frightened.

[Frederick] I haven't always
found life easy.

I've sometimes felt
myself betrayed.

You've worked for the family
for a long time, Mr. Enright?

Twenty-six years, Your Ladyship.


Is my brother at home?

I read the announcement
of his marriage.

I'd like him to know
he's in my thoughts.

-[horse whinnies]

[James] There's a doctor
on the way.

Thank you for everything
that you did, Miss...

-James Trenchard.

Did you say Trenchard?

-My sister is Clara Dunn.
-[Dawes] Get him in!

I'm sure you appreciate why
the Duke is determined

that Peter's illness should not
become common knowledge.

No one will ever hear a single
word about your past from me.

I want something
on a larger scale.

[Duke of Rochester]
The Marquise d'Etagnac.

She's one of
the richest women in Europe.

We must talk further.

[Frederick] That woman is
extremely important to me,

and you humiliated me
in front of her.

-I didn't.
-You ask me to trust you.

And this is what you do?

-Clara, please...
-[Clara screams]

[Frederick] No, no, no!

If you could step outside
for a moment, Your Lordship.

[Davison] I believe I know
what you're thinking, sir,

but it was an accident.

[glass breaks]

[theme music playing]

Good morning, my dear.

If you say so.

[people chattering indistinctly]

-Same as usual please, Mawd.
-Yes, Mr. Enright, sir.

She won't need much.

She's not feeling
too well this morning.

What's wrong with her?

-She's not...

-Is he back?
-Not yet.

He should have said whether
he'd need any breakfast.

What's taken him out
at this hour?

Early business, I expect.

Aye, aye, what caused that then?

Bed been shaking the walls?
Or is it a lovers' tiff?

[Fletcher] None of our business.

Morning to you too,
Mr. Fletcher.

I don't want it, thank you.

In my experience,
no situation is improved

by going hungry, Your Ladyship.

You want your strength,
don't you?

Is my husband
in the dining room?

I believe he's out.

Must have let himself out
in the night.

I'm sure it's nothing
to worry about.

[Duchess of Rochester]
He was asking if I could

recommend a doctor
who would be kind and discreet.

-Was he?

I recommended Dr. Ellerby.

I thought they seemed
a little off when they left.

And they left so abruptly.

Ah, well,
Frederick is Frederick.

If he wishes for us to know,
he'll tell us.

Mm. I hope they managed
to find Ellerby.

He's extremely reassuring.


Percy, the last time
he was here,

Ellerby suggested
that Peter might benefit

from seeing
the other children occasionally.

I do wonder
if he might not be right.

And Amelia is always
talking about her brother.

He also spoke about some
new treatments which--

I see, Dizzy is at it again.


I do try to choose
the right moment.

I know you do.

But there never seems to be one.
Because there isn't one.

Is there a right moment
to talk about the whole future

of one's family line
collapsing in shame?

Sorry, Mary,
but let's not, okay?

Percy's morning rule,

nothing which won't keep.

Some silver. Thank you.

Fine morning, Your Lordship.

-This foundry?

Does it produce only iron?

I believe so. I know
it's been here a long while.

Is it possible
for an iron foundry

to expand
in order to produce steel?

The steelworks project
which failed

has nothing to do
with this place.

I'm aware of that. I'm asking
if it's possible in theory.

If it is, it would be a more
economic proposition,

would it not, than building
an entirely new works?

I expect they
often sit side by side.

The steel needs the iron,
after all.

It would certainly be
a bigger project

than we've looked at before.

I reckon there'd be
no end of problems, though.

Would they want to expand?

Would we be able
to undercut Sheffield...

Factors. Not problems.
To be considered and dealt with.

Look into it.

Begin by finding out
whether it's even possible.

And I want to know
why the last project failed.

A report by
this evening, please.

I have an investor in mind.

As you wish, Your Lordship.

[knock on door]

[breathing heavily]
Come in.

[Frederick] I wish to apologize.

My behavior was... absurd,
and I would say unforgivable,

but I'm hoping you can find it
in your heart to forgive me.

-It was as much my fault as--
-It wasn't.

I should never have spoken
with the Marquise,

and I shouldn't have
rushed on the stairs...

It was my fault. Entirely.

[sighs] When I think of
what might have happened...

I hope you aren't in pain?

I'm not.

A slight headache.

The things I said about not
needing you, please forget them.

-Forget them and forgive.

[pensive music playing]


[Oliver] Excellent, James.

[young James] Freddie, now.

[Oliver] Come here then.

Show me what you've got.


[gate creaks]

[gate creaks closed]

Please excuse me.
Miss Dunn?

Reverend Trenchard.
I hope this is convenient.

-I asked at the church.
-Of course.

I'm glad you've come.

How is our poor girl?


Physically she seems
a great deal better,

but I fear her spirits
are very low.


She still hasn't spoken.

-So, we have no idea who she is?

I played a game with her
this morning,

trying to guess her name.

-Oh. [laughs]
-Making outlandish suggestions.

I hoped it might amuse her into
telling me what it really is.


Like Rumpelstiltskin?


Yes, exactly.

No, no, please don't.

I thought that you'd like
to meet Miss Dunn.

Miss Dunn was the first person
to run to your aid.

Yes. You gave us all
rather a fright.

But I'm so glad to see you
on your feet again.

You must tell us how
you came to be near the church.

Are you from this parish?

[James] Thank you, Mrs. Warren.

I'm sorry, this is
a dreadful question,

but do you think
it's possible that she...

Stepped into the road
intentionally? Yes.

I'm afraid
it did appear that way.

We must do everything we can
to make her understand

how precious she is to the Lord.

We are all God's creatures.

I still can't credit
the coincidence

of you being
Lord Trenchard's brother.

I expect we shall see each other

at the house
in Eaton Square sometimes?

Thank you.

-Are you often there?

I haven't received
an invitation yet.

I suppose that's what happens

when one lives
in a grand house in Belgravia.

One forgets
everyone else exists.

I'm not entirely sure
what to do, Miss Dunn.

[sighs] She... She can't
stay here indefinitely.

-Propriety forbids it.

She can't stay here...

with you,
being a single gentleman and...

But what's the alternative?

The poorhouse?

If no one comes forward to look
for her, what else can I do?

It breaks my heart.

[coughing and choking]



Oh, go. Just go!

Oh, dear.

I swear it is
more bone than fish.

I don't know how
you can bear to eat it.

As you've said so many times,
she's hopeless.

If only it weren't so difficult

to find good people
in need of a position.

-I mean I-I really...

-I really think anyone...
-You're right.

That is the most brilliant idea.

Anyone would be better.

Mother, you are a genius.


[horse whinnies and blusters
in distance]

The Doctor's coming,
Your Ladyship.

The one that was here
the other night.

I don't need him.
Ask him to leave, please.

[door opens]

I'll see to this.
Thank you, Mr. Enright.

Uh, Lady Trenchard says
she has no need of you, sir.

She thanks you for your concern.

I would rather see Her Ladyship

and make quite sure
she's recovered.

With a blow to the head...

Well, she's eating and drinking.
[chuckles] She's out of bed.

She says she feels
perfectly well.

I'll see you out of the back
door, sir, if you don't mind.

Actually, I do.

Good day.

[footsteps depart]

[door closes]

Look at the mess she's left.

Oh, well, the new girl
will have to clean it.

She won't. I shall do it.

I won't have
the Reverend Trenchard

thinking we're taking advantage
or that we're slovenly.

Oh! No, indeed,

especially now we know
that he is family.


When the Reverend comes,

would it be possible
for you not to talk?

-Not talk?
-Except to say, "How do you do?"

[chuckles softly]
Of course I must talk.

Oh, I swear,
it was my idea, after all.

[chuckles softly] Not talk...

You aren't leaving? I should
have come down sooner.

[Frederick] I have some
urgent business today.

I'm glad to see you
looking well.

I'm fine. Completely.

Can I come with you?


No. Of course not. Sorry.
I understand. [sniffles]

But I'll see you at dinner,
I hope?


[door opens and closes]

I received a note from
Lord Trenchard this morning.

-A business proposition.
-Well, that's him.

Never one to let
the grass grow in such matters.

Have you known him
for a long time?

Several years.
Family connection.

He's a solid fellow.
Clever, too.

-You're sure of that?

His grandfather was
a first-rate businessman,

a favorite of Wellington's.

His father, less so,
but Frederick was determined

to follow
in the family tradition.

He has no need to make money,
of course.

He's certainly trustworthy.
-Thank you.

It is my instinct always,
before I make decisions,

to be sure
of who I am dealing with.

Quite right.

[bell rings]

I hope you don't mind
my receiving you in here.

The renovations. You understand.

It was the habit
of Marie-Antoinette

to receive guests
in her boudoir.

A long time since
I've seen a lady's boudoir.

Apart from the Duchess's,
of course.

Good day, Madame.

Good day. And thank you again,
mon ami.

[whimsical music playing]


And he says, "Because she
only comes when he whistles."

[all laugh]

You like that one,
do you, Mawdie?

-It's funny.
-Why's that then?

It just is.
All your jokes are funny.

My greatest admirer,
aren't you, girl?

Clear them away now, please.

I, um, I thought I'd come
and see where you all work.

It seems strange to live
in a house and not know what...

What goes on below,
Your Ladyship?

[clears throat]

Mrs. Enright, I would like

to discuss the menus
with you for next week.

Are you unhappy
with what I've been serving?

No. Not at all.

I believe it is
a regular practice.

I remember my mother doing so
with our cook in Hampshire.

In the drawing room,
perhaps, Your Ladyship?

Her Ladyship wishes
to do it here,

so perhaps Mrs. Enright
could fetch her notebook.


The drawing room will be fine
if you would prefer. Thank you.

[Davison] Doesn't she have
a right to be

in whichever room
of the house she chooses?

It is not regular practice
in this house for...

But you've never had
a mistress here, have you?

His Lordship certainly
wouldn't want her upsetting.

Who's upset her? I haven't.

That's enough.

Thank you.

[bell rings]

[Mrs. Dunn]
That must be your reverend!

One moment!

I'll be down!

[Mrs. Dunn]
I shall open the door!

Oh! No, no, no, no, no, no...

What a very pretty place
you have here, Mrs. Dunn.

Thank you. Well, we're
beginning to feel more settled.

It's nothing of course, compared
to what we had in Hampshire.

Oh, the most charming house

which looked out
across a valley.

[laughs] Oh, really?


Oh! [chuckles]
Oh, oh, good afternoon, my dear.

The vicar--
The vicar sends his apologies.

Poor Mr. Bart has taken
a turn for the worse,

and the dear Reverend James
has rushed to his bedside.


Would you care for some tea?

[gasps] Oh, yes, thank you.

Perhaps you could come
and help me?

I'm sure this is all
going to work splendidly.

You know, it really would help
if you could tell me your name.

Or shall I make one up?


Nell. [laughs]

[chuckles] Nell.

You may tell
the Reverend Trenchard,

we have our first miracle.

And what color is the ball?

-[Peter] Red.
-That's right.

Clever boy.

Have you thought any more about

the possibility
of more company for him?

Within the house, I mean.

We might consider it.

And how old was he
when he had his first seizure?

He was four.

And before then, were there any
signs of any worrying behavior?

He was sometimes
a little...distant.


I used to think he was sad
and wonder why.

May I ask a question,
in confidence?

-Of course.
-Did I do something

when I was carrying him,
which damaged him?

I'm quite sure you didn't.

It is a nightmare.

There's nothing like it
in either of our families.

We live a clean
and healthy life.

-I don't...
-[door opens]

Ah, my dear, uh,
this is Dr. Ellerby,

who I've spoken to you of.

-Your Grace.
-Yes. Jolly good. How do you do?


[Ross] It's a family business.

Uh, according to my contact,

it's plagued by infighting
amongst the board

which is holding it back.

No outside investment,
never has had.

They produce wrought-iron.

They've begun
to look at pig iron,

but that's as far
as they've got.

And with steel, you are looking
at the Bessemer process?

-Securing a license?
-Yes, Madame.

But I understand
the process is flawed?

It was. But with one,

or ideally two Bessemer
converters running,

it takes
only 10 or 20 minutes

to convert five tons
of iron into steel.

Before Bessemer,
that would have taken a day,

and the steel
would have been brittle.

[indistinct chatter]

You would require
more space, I assume?

If we're running
two convertors, certainly.

We'd need to purchase
the warehouse there.

[Frederick] I can't see
any difficulty with that,

if we offer the right price.

I've requested a meeting
with the board,

and it's set for next week.

Thank you.
It has been enlightening.

[man shouts indistinctly]

In theory, might the proposal
be of interest to you?

Because I'd like
to meet the board with--


Please keep me
informed of your progress.

I admire your ambition.
It matches my own.

How is your enchanting
young wife?

She's well, thank you.

And happy?

Ah, le marriage.

A puzzle, is it not?

You found a rare treasure,

May I call you Frederick?

Clara--she is not
an ordinary girl.

She has the strength
to be honest.

You should trust her.

She may become
your greatest asset.


Come to Glanville with me,

It's where I grew up.

Childhood home.

I think...'s right that
you should see it,

that you should learn
to know it.

Will you?


[sweeping orchestral music


Welcome, Your Lordship.

[Frederick] Enright.

-Did you play out there?

There's nothing interesting
to be seen up here.

Is there not a nursery?

I'd love to see
where you used to sleep.

Two beds?

That one was my brother's.

You have a brother?
I didn't know.

No, we're not close.

He's younger than me.
He entered the church.

What's his name?


-[Clara] Is it a large estate?
-It is.

Everything you can see.
And more.

The villages,
the farms, the forest.

And it was your grandfather
who first lived here?


My grandmother
designed these gardens.

It was my father
who made it what it is today.

He put a great deal
of work into it.

Perhaps we'll bring
our own children here one day.

Raise them here, perhaps.

I can imagine it's
a perfect place for children.

Come here then!


[Susan] You will be astonished
at how much you can bury.

Never, ever cry.


[Oliver] I almost pity you.

You see, what you need
to understand,

is that you have a rotten core.

You have a bad soul,

which you can never escape from.

You are
and always will be unlovable.

[clock ticking]

[bird calling in distance]

-One moment.
-[knock on door]



My father died in this bed.

Were you here with him?

Were you able to say goodbye?

At the last,
he wanted only James.


My brother supplanted me
in my father's affections,

from the day he was born.

-He turned my father against me.
-That's dreadful.

I try to remember
a time before James.

I can't.

I try to think what my father
might have thought...

of what I might have done
to make him.

-Can you love me, Clara?

You think I'm worthy?
Worthy of your love?


Yes, Frederick.


[romantic music playing]



[birds chirping]

What time is it?

Just after eight o'clock.

-We missed dinner last night.

The servants
must be quite confused.


[both laugh]

I have a meeting
with my estate manager.

It may go on for a few hours.
Will you be all right?

I'll be fine.

I'll come back as soon as I can.


Lady Trenchard and I are
to give a dinner on Friday.

There will be at least
eight guests.

We hope you'll all work hard
to make the occasion a success.

Mrs. Enright, we shall decide
upon a menu together.

Yes, Your Ladyship.

Enright, please direct
any questions to Her Ladyship.

Thank you.


[door opens]

-[door closes]
-I like authoritative Clara.


Blimey, they'll be dancing
on the table after this lot.


If that fails to impress her,

well... [sighs] then I'd venture
her interest isn't sound.

I have no reason
to believe that's true.

Thank you, Ross.
You've worked hard.

Lady Trenchard.

This is Mr. Ross,
my business manager.

How do you do?

Honored to meet you,
Your Ladyship.

And may I extend
my sincere congratulations

-on your recent nuptials?
-Thank you.

Your Lordship.

She's younger than him,
isn't she? And prettier.

You could be talking about me,
Mr. Ross.

Oh, a recipe for
a successful marriage, is it?

I'm sure of it.
They seem happy,

especially since
they went to Glanville.

-Ah. What happened there then?
-Who knows?

Well, he's in a better mood,
I'll say that.

And if it gets him
off my back...

[Mrs. Enright] Hmm.


And when will I be seeing you
on your back, Mrs. Enright?

You're a tease.

You're a devil.
Let me get on now.

[Ross] Good day to you,
Mr. Enright.

-How are you, Frederick?
-We're both extremely well.

I haven't seen you
since you sent to me for--


-I hope the matter was resolved.
-It was. Thank you, Duchess.

It... It meant a great deal
that I could turn to you.

You have
an elegant house, Clara.

Thank you. There's still
a lot I'd like to do.

But I'm learning to love it.

[indistinct conversations]

You have changed.
I can sense it.

He has opened his heart,

and now you are happy.
Am I right?

Frederick is everything
I hoped for in a husband. More.

This makes me very glad.

The last time I saw him
I encouraged him to be brave,

to trust.

I think it worked, yes?

Yes. I think it did.

At which point,
poor Henry sneezes.

The shot hits a tree...

[all laugh]

...rebounds and hits him
in the foot.

[all continue laughing]

It was a freakish accident,

and young Archie Grosvenor,
he says, um,

"Bless you!"

[all laughing loudly]

[Netherbury chuckling] Ah,

Henry always was
a liability with a g*n!

[Duchess of Rochester]
I hope he recovered.

Yes, he's--he's still standing.

On one leg, presumably?

[all laugh]

I'm afraid g*ns and hunting

have lost their charm for me,

when one becomes
the quarry, you know?

Ah, yes.

But I'm still happy
to eat the result.

[all laugh]

the destruction wreaked

by those blighters in Paris.

To think of
the Palais des Tuileries

being burnt to the ground.

[Netherbury] And where
did it get them? Nowhere.

Early graves and good riddance.

I confess to a little regret.

I could not embrace, naturally,
the cause of the Communards,

but when people have a dream

for which they are
prepared to die,

does it not stir one's soul?

Well, we must wish la belle
France a peaceful future.

[all] La belle France.

La belle France.

I witnessed
an accident recently.

A young girl walked out
in front of a carriage,

-right in front of me.
-[guests] Oh, dear.

-Was she badly hurt?
-[Emily] Quite badly.

But the vicar from the church
I attend

rushed out and rescued her,

and he has since made himself
responsible for her welfare.


She has come to us
as our servant. [giggles]

What an extraordinary story.

Though her scones
leave a little to be desired.

[all laugh]

Hopefully, she will improve.

Yes, um, but here's
the most extraordinary thing.

It turns out that this
chivalrous clergyman

is your brother, Lord Trenchard.

The Reverend James Trenchard.

-[Netherbury] Well, well.
-[all chattering softly]

-So, this is St. Jude's?
-[Emily] Yes. In Chelsea.

-Not so very far from here.
-A great coincidence.

He explained that he was unable
to be at your wedding.

Otherwise, we would have met.

Yes. My brother's devoted
to his flock.

Prior engagements. A pity.

My maid was hit
by a wagonette once,

on the Brompton Road.

-[door closes]
-[Clara sighs]

I've had the carriage
brought round.

Thank you, dear. Thank you. Ah.

Thank you for coming.

It meant a lot to us
to have you here.

Oh, well, this house is--
is quite wondrous.

-I'm very proud of you.
-Thank you.

I'll come and see you
more often now, I promise.

[door opens]

-[door closes]
-I miss you.

Well, you know where to find us.

The Reverend James Trenchard.

I hope I'll meet him soon.
You like him, I think.

I mean, you think highly of him?


Humility and gentleness...

not to mention other qualities.

I like everything about him.


A full outline of my proposal,

including an account
of my meeting with the board,

which went exceptionally well.

Thank you.

Forgive me for combining
business with pleasure.

Is there any other way?

I was hoping I might call on you
early next week,

-to discuss how we can proceed.

I will read your proposal
with interest.

A delightful evening.

[Clara] I'm sorry about Emily.
It must have been a shock.

I didn't realize
James lives so close by.

You were extremely gracious.
I was proud of you.

It's you.

You make me strong.

-Come to bed.
-Hmm. Soon.

[birds chirping]

[clock ticking]

[man in distance] Peter!

Oh, Peter! [shouts indistinctly]

[man] Peter! Go on! Peter!

[man shouting indistinctly]



[Clara] He's there.

[Marquise] Giovan Lucca,
it will be nothing.

[Marquise speaking in French]


[gate creaks]


My name's Clara.

I'm really glad I've met you.

I'm not very brave
when I'm out alone.

-What is your name?

I think I've seen you
once before, Peter,

in Belgrave Square.

Will you hold my hand
so I'm not afraid?


Lady Trenchard. Forgive me.

Hello, Peter.

Should he go back
to Belgrave Square?

Ah, yes. That's a good idea.

I've brought you a new book.
It's very funny.

I think it will make you laugh.

Shall we go and read it?

Thank you.

His family will be
extremely relieved and grateful.

The Rochesters?

It was lovely to meet you.
Enjoy your book.


Lady Trenchard?

I called in on you again.

Yes, I know. Thank you.

You were very kind, but as
you can see, I'm quite well now.

You seemed unhappy...
that night.

And I know it's not really
my place to say--

No, it isn't,

and nor does it seem quite
professional, I must say,

to comment on something
which is none of your concern.

I felt it that night,

what you were thinking,
and you were wrong.

Then forgive me.

You know nothing about me
or my husband.

You know nothing of what
he's had to deal with.

Please stay away from us.


-[door creaks]

Good heavens.

Has something happened, ma'am?

No. Nothing.
I needed some air, that's all.

I hope you weren't seen!


The propriety
of His Lordship's house--it...

It's paramount.

-I hope you understand--
-I know that.

Kindly speak to me in future,

Your Ladyship, if you have
need of anything.

As a matter of fact, there is
something you can help me with.

Does His Lordship's brother
ever call here

and try to see him, perhaps?

Why do you ask, Your Ladyship?

Does he?

I do have some understanding
of the situation.

Was there a time
when they were children when...

I think there must have
been a time when...

there was affection
between them?


Whatever you think
you understand, Your Ladyship,

I fear I need to warn you
that you don't.

Some things are better
left well alone.

And some are better mended.

Not this.

I'm sure you wouldn't wish to
bring trouble upon His Lordship.

[Clara] Of course I wouldn't.

His happiness
is my only concern.

Then we are in agreement.

Yes. Thank you, Enright.

Your Ladyship.


[whispering] James...
