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01x34 - Xingo

Posted: 02/20/24 12:07
by bunniefuu

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪


[ Sproing! ] Hey, kids!

It's that time again!

Let's all get Xingy!

Whoo! Yeah!

[Sproing! ]

[Ringing ]

[ Laughs ]

I just don't know how you can sit there, watching reruns,

while the glory of the Grand Canyon awaits.

Excuse me? Reruns?

This is the "Xingo Show" marathon.

The funniest show ever created.

Sorry, Ben. I've seen the show.

It's not that funny.

Hey! Look at me!

I'm breaking outta this crazy little box!

As if.

[ Boing! ] [ Laughs ]

[ Clang ]

Why does he watch such trash TV?!

You know, when I was a kid, they called it a zombie box.

Well, that's a big box of zombie in there.

[ Thunder crashes, lightning zaps ]

Hey, Grandpa?

Are you sure we should be doing this?

Oh, come on, Gwen.

We're not gonna let a couple of clouds

keep us cooped up in the Rustbucket all day.

Where's your pioneer spirit?

[ Lightning crashes ]

[Clang! ]

[Static crackles ] Ugh! Piece of junk TV

can't handle a little bad weather!

Piece of junk TV.

[ Zap! ]

[ Beeping ] Time to upgrade this puppy!

[ Warbling ]

[ Lightning crashes ]

This is awesome. It's so hi-def!

The only thing is, kinda hard to watch TV

when you arethe TV.

[Screams, grunts ]

[ Electricity crackles ]

[ Grunts ]


[ Electricity crackles ]

[Static crackles ]

[Poink! ]

[Poink! ]

[Poink! ]

[ Suspenseful music climbs ]

[ Zap! ]

[ Zoom! ]

[ Boing! Boing! ]

[ Sproing! ]

Heeeeeeere's Xingo!



Ah-hah, ah-hah, ah-hah!

[ Laughs maniacally ]

I...did it! I'm finally outta that stupid box!

Xingo, it's you!

That lightning must've upgraded you

right into our reality.


[ Boing! ] Yeah, kid, sure.

Now, whaddya say we get outta here?

Ooh! Hello, new world.

Let's go, kid! [ Boing! ]

[ Boing! Boing! ]

[ Zoom! ]

[ Splat! ]

Ha hahaha! Didn't feel a thing.

-[ Laughs ] -So much room out here!

So much space!


Uh, what's this?

-That's the Grand Canyon. -What's it for?

Uh, it's a big hole in the ground

and you walk around in it.

Well, that is as boring

as an old-folks' home at midnight.

[ Laughs ] You got that right.

Ugh! This place is so borrring!

So, let's Xiiiiiinnnnggg it up!

[ Laughter ]

[ Slam! Crack! ] Xingo!

I'm okay! Didn't feel a thing.

[ Zap! ] Wa-a-a-a-ah!

Ooh, gosh! Xingo!

[ Sizzling ]

[ Whirl! ]

[ Tink! ] Ta-da!

Don't worry. Lightning never strikes twice.

[ Zap! ] Who-oah!

[ Zap! ] Whoa-oa!

Well, it didn't strike twice.

Buddy, give a friend a hand?

[ Melancholy tune plays ]

[ Tink! ] Hey! Put 'er there, buddy!

[ Zap! ]

Ow! That's not funny!

[ Sproing! ] You're right. It's not.

It's hilarious!


Aw, come on! It was a [squeak] weeeee

bit funny.

[ Snap! ] Ow! Quit it, Xingo!

[ Whap! ] Ha!

[ Helium voice ] Who's gonna stop me, you?!


Oh, yeah?! You and what army?

[ Boing! ] Oh!

[ Grunts ]


This army!

[ Laughs ]

I get it! Army? Arms?

Well, two can play that game.

[ Slaps! ]

I...said...cut it out!

[ Boing! Boing! ] Whoa!

All right. If that's how you wanna play it.

Doink! -Ow!




[ Tink! ] Ow! Hey!


Nana Xingo?

Baked goods?

Yeah, I wasn't buyin' this getup, either.

Whoa! [ Splat! ]

Come back here!

Aah! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


[ Grunting ]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


[ Suspenseful music ]

Yes! Fresh meat for my Xingo kitchen!

[ Zip! ] Hey!

[ Sproing! Boinnnnng! ]

[ Tink! Tink! ]

[ Rattle! ] Comedy?

Or tragedy? Take your pick!

[ Suspenseful music plays ] No!

Yah! Yah!

[ Clanking ] Ooh! Aah! Ooh! Aah!

[ Clang! ]


Do you miiind?!

I'm trying to have some fun, here.

You're goin' back to TV Land!

Aah aah aah!

Ah! Uh! Doi!

[ Zap! ] Ah! Wh-wh-wh-wh-whoa!

[ Thunder rumbles ]

Oh mm mm. [ Sparkle! ]

Ah! No, siree, Bob!

I got places to go, people to prank!

[ Zap! ]

[ Electricity crackles ]

[ Coughs ]

-Ben! -Ben!

What on Earth is going on?

Was that who I think it was?

I, uh,maybe

made a mistake and let Xingo out of the TV?

Wait! Whaaat?!

That's not even theoretically possible!

Apparently, it is.

Don't worry, guys. I got this!

[ Zap! Zoom! ]

What even is this?

Do you think I'm a bird or something?

[ Clang! ] Aah!

[ Doink! Doink! ] Hey!

[ Z-Z-Z-Zip! ] [ Panting ]

[ Thud! ] Oh!

[ Sproing! ]

Huh, you know, seems a lot more obvious

from this angle.

Kinda surprised you fell for it.

Now, if you'll excuse me. Hoo-hah-hah!

Get back here, you little rat!

Whoa, whoa whoa, whoa whoa whoa whoa!

I said I'm not a biiiiirrrd!

[ Clang! ] Bawk!

[ Sputters ]

And I ain't a rat! I'm a Xingo, get it?


Time to give him the old Xingo Bingo.

Aah! [ Poof! ]


[ Caw! ]


Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!


[ Thud! ] Aaaaaaah!

[ Sizzling ] Ah! Ahhh!

Agh. Helllloooo! Busy, here.

We need to talk. Don't you get it?

You're fighting an unrealistic opponent


[ Zip! Zip! Zip! ]

Enough of this runaround.

[ Dialing ] Hello, XingCo?

I'd like to place an order.

Now, what exactly did you do to bring him here?

Okay, well, the TV wasn't working right,

so I went upgrade to fix it, but then the lightning hit

while I was upgrading the dish.

Then Xingo popped right out of the TV!

I mean, at first it was fun, but then he started acting

like a total-l-l jerkface!

Ben! You just Xinged out!

I what?

You were all [stammers]

Gah! Uh, anyway, the lightning strike

must've Xinged your watch.

You have Xingo powers!


If that's true,

time to fight fire with fire!

[ Zing! ]


[ Boinnnng! ]

[ Whistle! ]

Oh, yeah! That's real cool!

But you wanna see somereal firepower?

Look what I just got!

[ Boom! ]



Heh-ujh! Uh...

I'm not sure what to do.

You're the one that's seen every episode of that show.

So, get Xingy!

Get Xingy, huh? Hmm.

Whuh! Whoa-hoa-hoa-hoa! Cool!

Ohhh, can this come off?

Let's try this. Slam. Dunk!

Stop right there! I'm a fire chief.

[ Screech! ]

Oh, my mistake. So sorry.

Tell you what, let me make you breakfast.

That would be swell, thanks.

[ Thud! ]

[ Laughs ]


[ Clang-scrape ]

[ Thud! Sizzle! ]

Order up! There!

Now you're breakfast!

[ Ding! ]





[ Poof! ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Circus music plays ]

No more!

Not now, Xingo. I've still got a spring in my step.

Oh, well, then, let's cut a rug.




Maybe try some stuff thatisn't pun-based?

What's that, Gwen?

Icannon hear you.


Batter up!

-[ Screams ] -Ooh, fouls it deep

into the canyon!

That one is outta the stadium

and won't ever be coming back!

[ Yells, beep-beep ]


If we're going cartoony, what's more cartoony

than hitting you with a fiery car?

Hmm. How about a metal bus?

All ashore that's goin' ashore!

-, good buddy!

I'd say that's a wrap, Hot Pants!

[ Honk-honk ] Oh!

All aboard the pain train!

We gotta get somewhere safe.

Is there such a place?!

[ Rattle! ]

[ Whistle blows ]

[ Crash! ]


Is that Ben's face?


[ Thud! ]

All right. This is too kooky, even for me.

[ Scampers ]

Ben, we gotta get Xingo!

Roger! Liftoff!

Yo, Xingo! There ya are!

I've had enough of this!

[ Thud! ]

I'm gonna go back to my own world!

[ Zoom! ] Where things make sense!

[ Zap! ] Whoa! Okay.

At least Xingo's gone.

That was something. Still his biggest fan, Ben?

Not anymore.

I'm just not cut out to be as crazy as Xingo.

Guess I'll have to find a new favorite show to watch.

You're not going to be watchingany shows.

Thanks to Xingo, this TV is beyond busted.

[ Electricity crackles ]


I guess we're gonna have to entertain ourselves

the old-fashioned way.

♪ On top of Old Smoky ♪

♪ All covered in mud ♪

Come on, Ben! Come on, Gwen! Who's with me?

♪ We're gonna see mountains ♪

♪ And maybe a flood ♪



[ Melancholy tune plays ]

[ Beep ]

Max: That working, kiddo?

[ Thunder crashes ]

[ Grunting ]

Ugh! It's no use!

All the sticks are way too wet.

We're never gonna pop this popcorn.

That's okay, kids. We can still cook inside.

It's not the saaame!

I got this.

[ Zap! ]

Not even nature can ruin

this Tennyson poppin' popcorn party!

[ Popping ]


[ Sizzle ] Aw, pop!

Time to throw stuff.
