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05x01 - Say Please and Thank You/Help Around The Workshop

Posted: 02/20/24 09:57
by bunniefuu
♪ Somewhere deep in bear country ♪

♪ Lives the berenstain bear family ♪

♪ They're kind of furry around the torso ♪

♪ They're a lot like people only more so ♪

♪ The bear fact is that

♪ They're just like you and me ♪

♪ The only difference

♪ Is they live in a tree ♪

♪ The berenstain bears

♪ When things go wrong as things might do ♪

♪ The berenstain bears will find a way through ♪

♪ Mama, papa, sister and brother ♪

♪ They'll always be there for each other ♪

♪ The bear fact is that

♪ They can be sweet as honey ♪

♪ Sometimes you'll find

♪ They might be just plain funny ♪

♪ The berenstain bears

♪ The berenstain bears

Brother: <span tts:fontstyle="italic">please and thank you <span tts:fontstyle="italic">can make your day.

Sister: <span tts:fontstyle="italic">they're as nice to hear <span tts:fontstyle="italic">as they are to say.

Now, where are those rain hats?

Mama, I have a big rip in my backpack.

Oh, I'll find a needle and thread.

I need my permission slip signed for my field trip today.

Uh, I'll find a pen.

And I need a ride to lizzy's tomorrow night

So we can work on our project.

Well, if I ask your uncle artie for a lift to the town meeting,

Uh, mama can have the car to give you a ride.

But my quilting club meeting is tomorrow night.

Oh, it's the only night lizzy can do it,

And the project's due the next day.

I'll see what I can do.

I'll ask the ladies to change our meeting.

But that'll be the rd time it's be changed

For one reason or another.

I sure hope lizzy renewed the library books.

(Honking) oh, hurry up, cubs.

The bus is waiting.

It sure is nice that grizzly ted goes out of his way

To pick you up right outside our door,

Instead of at the bus stop down the street.

Especially on days like today,

Not to mention waiting for you when you're late.

He doesn't mind waiting.

Well, I think you're forgetting--

Bye! Goodbye!

Um, what are they forgetting?

Something very important, papa.

Their please and thank yous.

No need to run, I'm used to waiting for you.

Uh oh, I forgot my backpack.



Sister: watch out, lizzy!

Thanks, sister.

Brother: come on, freddy.


Watch it.

I'm supposed to remind you to get

Your math book back from lenny.

Uh-oh, it's grumpy grizzly.

And he looks even grumpier than usual.

Both: good morning, mr. Grizzly.


Kids always messing things up.

I wonder what makes him so grumpy?

Oh no...

A math quiz, and I don't have my eraser.

I have an extra one you can use, lizzy.


Hey, coach?

Yes, brother?

My football helmet's a little tight on my ears.

Hmm, I don't think we have any extras.

Just one for each player.

I sure wish you'd have mentioned it to me sooner, brother.

We have a game tomorrow.


I'll tell you what.

It's kind of late, but I'll see what I can do.

Freddy: yah, brother!


Back to me, freddy!




(Glass breaking)


I guess I'd better go tell principal honeycomb what I did.

Don't worry, I'll go with you.

It was my fault, too.

We're sorry, principal honeycomb.

Well, accidents do happen, brother.

It's good that you two came and told me.


Oh, mr. Grizzly.

It seems that we have a broken window

That needs immediate repair.

Hmph, oh...


He's the grumpiest bear around.

He sure is.


I got you first, smirk.


(Gasping) oops!




I bet that eraser I lent you came in really handy,

Huh, lizzy?

Oh, this just isn't my day.

I must have left my lunch on the bus.

You can share my peanut butter and honey sandwich.


My favourite!

Aren't you going to say something?


What's for dessert?


Go ahead, try it on.

Perfect fit, coach.

It's tommy's.

I got him to switch with cal,

Cal to switch with brian, and brian to switch with lenny,

Who's going to wear your old one.

It took me a whole lunch hour to get you one that fit,

But I did it! (Laughing)

Believe me, it wasn't easy.

That reminds me.

Lenny still has my math book.


Brother: but the worst part about breaking the window,

Was the look mr. Grizzly gave me.

He sure is grumpy.

Everyone's grumpy once in a while.

Even me.

(Sighing) not like him.

He's grumpy all the time.

He's the grumpiest bear around.

Well, there must be a reason for it.

By the way, sister, I convinced my quilter's club

To change our meeting, again,

So I can give you a ride to lizzy's tomorrow, ok?

That lizzy.

I did a big favour for her two times today,

And she didn't even say thank you once.

I can certainly understand how you feel.

Saying please and thank you is important.

And it's not just about being polite.

It's about letting people know

You appreciate the things they do for you.

Saying please and thank you is a small thing, but it means a lot.

It sure does.

It's also very easy to forget to say please and thank you.

We all forget sometimes, so that's why we should always

Try very hard to remember those three little words.

We never forget, papa.

Sister: never.

Can I have some more berries, mama?

Sister: me too.



Gee, I guess we...

I mean, I did forget.

Thank you for the extra berries.

Yes, sorry, mama.


Three little words that mean a lot...

...that we should always try hard to remember to say.

Oh, and thanks for going to all that trouble,

So you could give me a ride tomorrow, mama.

I appreciate it.

I really do.

I know you do, sister.

But it's still nice to hear it.

Gee, now that I think about it, there's a few more thank yous

I forgot to say today.

Hey, did you guys see that cool tv show last night?


Thanks for waiting, grizzly ted,

And for picking us up at our house.

We really appreciate it.

You're very welcome, cubs.

It's very important to remember to say please and thank you.

Three little words that are easy to forget, but mean a lot.

They mean a lot to everyone.

Oh, thanks for lending me your eraser,

And sharing your lunch yesterday.

You're the best friend in the whole world.

Thanks for saying that, lizzy, it's nice.

While we're at it,

Thanks for going to the office with me yesterday, freddy.

No problem, that's what friends are for.

Mama and papa were right.

It feels good when someone appreciates

Something you do for them.


Coach? Hmm?

I'm sorry I was rude to you yesterday.

I didn't thank you for all the trouble you went to

To find me a helmet that fit.

Oh, it was nothing.

No, it took your whole lunch hour,

And I appreciate it.


Well, thank you for saying so, brother.

Oh, by the way,

It wouldn't hurt to say thanks to, uh...

Tommy and the rest of the team.

I know, they're on my list.

I'm telling you, freddy, thank you is a magic word.


Uh, there's no magic word in the world

That could ever get grumpy grizzly to smile.

Maybe thank you can even work magic on grumpy grizzly.

We go around here every day messing up the floors,

The classrooms, the lunch room, filling the waste paper baskets,

Dropping candy wrappers, you name it.


Well, it's mr. Grizzly who always has to mop

And clean up after us.

And fix broken windows.

I guess it is a big job.

A big job no one ever thanks him for, I bet.

You think that's why he's so grumpy?

Maybe it's time someone said the magic words.

Principal honeycomb,

I wanted to thank you for being so understanding yesterday.

The important thing is that you came

And told me about it right away.

There's another important thing.

Something everyone forgets about.

It would be nice to find a way to thank mr. Grizzly.

For repairing the broken window?

For that, and all the other stuff he does around here.

He does a great job, principal honeycomb,

And it would be nice to say thank you.

Hmm, that would be a very good idea indeed.

And as a token of our appreciation

For all you do for us,

On behalf of the students, teachers, and myself,

I would like to present you with this plaque to say

Deeply and sincerely, thank you, mr. Grizzly.

Bear: atta boy, grizz!




Don't worry about it.

It's my job.

That's what I'm here for, and as I understand it,

I do a pretty good job, too.

Thanks, mr. Grizzly.

You're welcome.

Just be more careful next time, hmm?

Please and thank you.

Three little words that are easy to forget, but mean so much.

Sister: <span tts:fontstyle="italic">try it one way, <span tts:fontstyle="italic">then try it another.

Brother: <span tts:fontstyle="italic">there's more than one way <span tts:fontstyle="italic">we can help each other.

Now we'll just let these candy apples sit

Until they harden.

(Imitating motor)

Mama, what's taking papa so long?

I need him to fix my airplane wing.

He has been looking for that glue

An awfully long time, hasn't he?

Maybe we can fix it.

How are we going to do that without glue?

Well, as papa always says,

There's more than one way to do anything.

Now, let's see.


It works, it's fixed!

And we didn't even need papa's glue.

Thanks, mama.

(Imitating motor)

I know that glue is here somewhere...

I don't think you're ever going to find it in here.

Don't be so sure, mama.

I like having everything out like this.

That way, I can see everything,

And get my hands on what I need right away.

That is, when I eventually find it.


I knew it was here.

Well, we already found another way to fix brother's plane.

Hmm, good thing too.

This bottle's empty.

I'll get some more while I'm at the hardware store.

I have to pick up the wood

To make squire grizzly's porch swing.

I'll have to get a move on if I'm going to get it finished

For lady grizzly's birthday party next weekend.

(Phone ringing)


Mama, it's ms. Grizzle.


Hello, mama, I need a few bits and bobs

To finish lady grizzly's quilt for her birthday party tomorrow.

My shop will be open later today, ms. Grizzle.

Please drop by any time then.

Ok, see you later.

Oh, no.

What is it, mama?

Papa's mixed up the dates.

He said he had to make the porch swing for next weekend,

But lady grizzly's birthday party is tomorrow.

Papa has to make a whole porch swing in only one day?

He works fast, but he's going to need some help.

And I think I know one way to save him some time.



I must be in the wrong workshop.

(Laughing) papa, this is your workshop.

(Laughing) so it is!

It hasn't looked this tidy since the day I built it.

Everything is in its own special place.

So when you need a... A tape measurer...

Ta-da! There it is, right where it belongs.

Just remember to put your tools back where they belong

So you know exactly where they are the next time you need them.

Thank you, mama.

Thank you, cubs.

This is gonna save me all kinds of time.

Good, because time is one thing you don't have, papa.

Lady grizzly's birthday party is not next week.

It's tomorrow.


Oh, I've never made a whole porch swing in one day.

Well, I guess today's the day.

With my workshop so organized, all I need is a helper.

We'll have this porch swing done in no time.

And I'm going to need sister's help at the quilt shop.

Ms. Grizzle's dropping by.

Ms. Grizzle does have a hard time

Making up her mind, doesn't she?

First, we measure out all the pieces.

Hmm, tape measure...


Ms. Grizzle, we're all set to get whatever you need

To finish lady grizzly's quilt.

Now then, I need to see some cloth for the border.

Not too bright.

Some matching ribbon, nothing frilly.

Oh, I just remembered.

The wallpaper in lady grizzly's room is blue.

Don't worry, ms. Grizzle.

We have lots of blue.

Hmm, I thought corduroy would be nice, if you don't mind.

Not at all.

So that's blue corduroy, ms. Grizzle?

Yes, thank you.

Although, white does go with anything, doesn't it?


Ok, pieces are all cut.

Now we shape them with my loop-edged flanging rasp.

Hmm, and where might my loop-edged flanging rasp be?


I guess we're going to have to ask mama where she put it.

Don't worry, papa,

I'll be back in no time.

Goodness, lady grizzly is such a dear friend of mine.

I want this quilt to be perfect.

Would you mind letting me see the first samples

You showed me again, please?

Of course, ms. Grizzle.


Mama, where did you put papa's loop-edged flanging rasp?

A loop-edged what?

I have no idea what a loop-edged anything is,

Let alone where I put it.

But he needs it now.

Ah, sister, could you help ms. Grizzle?

I'm sorry, I'll be right back.

What does it look like?

It's about this long, with a slidey thingy on top,

And a red handle.

Thanks, mama.

Just remember to put it back in its place

So you know exactly where it is the next time.

That way you won't have to waste time looking for it.

Hmm, I'm going to need my half inch beveled dado bit next.

It's about this big, grey, with one flat end that spins around,

And a round end that doesn't.

Sister: these pink buttons look nice, ms. Grizzle.

Mama: yes, a perfect match for your fabric.

Yes, thank you, perfect.

Do you have any others I haven't seen?

I think we have a few more samples.

Are you sure you're going to have enough time

To finish lady grizzly's quilt for her party?

Loads of time, once I find the right buttons.


Half inch beveled dado bit!

One flat end that spins around.

No, not it.

Nope, sorry.


Well, let's get to work.

Time's a-wasting.


Ms. Grizzle: do you have any ribbon that's frilly, but not too frilly?

Mama: how about this, ms. Grizzle?


Brother: uh, papa... Needs... A...

Oh, I forget!


It looks like a screwdriver.

Yellow handle, hole in the middle.

I found the perfect shelf for that.

Perfect once you know where it is.

Not so perfect if you don't know.

Maybe you should tell me everything else

You're going to need while I'm here.

Good idea.

Ok, um, a rubber mallet,

C-shaped clamps, glue bottle,

L-shaped ruler...

Is that everything?

I think so. Thanks, mama.

Hmm, everything except my dowel cutter, sandpaper, chisels,

Paint brushes, and who knows what else I forgot?

Oh... There's no way I'm going to get

That porch swing done in time.

Mama was trying to help me speed things up,

But having to go get her every time I need something

Is slowing things down to a snail's pace.

And wearing out my feet.

Which way's better, papa?

Your way or mama's way?

Well, mama's way is good because everything has a special place.

That's good, but only if you know where those places are.

And my way... Well, I could see everything out in the open.

That's good too, but you had to dig around to find anything.

Papa: my way isn't perfect, but it's the only way I stand a chance

Of getting the squire's porch swing finished on time.

I hate to undo all the work your mama did, but I have no choice.

We have to dump everything out where I can see it.

Are you sure, papa?

There's no other way.

But you always say there's more than one way to do something.

Maybe there's a way to do it both ways.

Your way and mama's way.

Both ways? (Chuckling)

You mean with everything put away in its place,

But still out where I can see it?

Hmm... Maybe you're on to something.


Everything is out where I can see it, my way.

But all tidied up, mama's way.

Put both ways together, and it's the best way.

Now, stand back.

This woodsbear has a serious deadline.

Brother: hooray!

You did it, papa.

Thanks to you for reminding me

That there's always more than one way to do something.

And putting my way and mama's way together

Helped me get the job done lickety-split.

Hmm... I wonder why the squire hasn't come by

To pick up his swing.

I'd better give him a call.

Ms. Grizzle: cloth, buttons, ribbons.

Absolutely perfect.

Thanks to both of you, this quilt will be

The nicest present ever for lady grizzly.

My, I don't know how you're going to finish it by tomorrow.

Why would I want to finish it by tomorrow?

Lady grizzly's birthday party isn't until--

Next weekend.

Next weekend?

But ms. Grizzle,

You said on the telephone that it was this weekend.

I did?

Oopsy, you know me.

I get mixed up sometimes.

Well, thanks again, bye.

How's the swing coming?

Well, it's finished a week early.

At least we learned something from this experience.

And what's that?

Maybe we should show you, mama.

It's a little bit your way, with everything in it's place,

And a little bit my way, with everything out

Where I can see it.

Mama: just like you always say, papa,

There is more than one way to do something.

You betcha, and now I know that better than ever.


Oh, mama, I forgot to get some thread.

It has to be just the right colour.


Take all the time you need, ms. Grizzle.

Everything is out where you can see it.