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03x19 - Nobody Knows the Trubel I've Seen

Posted: 04/27/14 17:41
by bunniefuu
Previously on Grimm.

You sure the child is here?

Listen, when this is all over, you wouldn't mind if I took care of Renard, would ya?

I don't mind at all.

I thought of a name.



You're not getting my child.

If you do not deliver the child within the next two hours, I will give the order for your death and the death of Adalind.

[Baby coos]

You gave her to Viktor?

It was the only way to protect her.

The Resistance has managed to get Adalind Schade and her child away from us.

[Both grunt]

We did it.

Has to be done.

I hope you're right.

I'm gonna have to teach you not to do that in public.

[Light jazz music]


[Indistinct conversation, laughter]

[Tense music]

[Car door closes, engine starts]

Wonder where they are.

Hey, you know my mom. They could be anywhere.

What do you think she's gonna do?

Probably what my aunt Marie did with me.

Move around a lot.

Nick, this baby isn't gonna be anything like you.

She's not gonna be like anybody.

You really think she's as big of a deal as everybody seems to...

[Knocking at door]


Let me get it.

Who is it?

It's Adalind.

What? She's here?

I need your help. Can I come in?

Sean gave her away.

What are you talking about?

He gave my baby to Viktor.

I need you to help me get her back.

Here, come in.

No, no, no, no.

I can't stay. I have to find my baby.

Nick, you got to get your mom out of jail.

I know... I don't care if she k*lled my mom.

That was all my fault anyway.

I just really need my baby back.

They released her a couple of hours ago.


They didn't have enough evidence to hold her.

Is she here?

I-I have to talk to her.

Uh... she left.


No. When?

Right after they let her go.

She didn't want to stick around, considering what had happened.

Okay, well, then you have to get her back.

She'll help me.

Adalind, there's one thing you have to understand about my mom.

When she leaves, she's gone.

Then you have to find her.

She doesn't tell anybody where she goes.

Then you have to help me!

Adalind, if the Royals have your baby, they wouldn't still be here.


I'm not giving up my baby.

There's nothing we can do, Adalind.


Well, I'm not doing nothing.

[Door slams]

I'm not entirely sure she'd make a great mother.

Probably shouldn't say this, but I actually feel sorry for her, even if she did just scare the crap out of me.

Need a ride?

Hey, all we're doing is offering you a ride.

[Screaming] No, no, no, no, no!

Please, no! No! No!

Shut up, shut up!

No, get off me!

No! Get your hands off of me!

Let me go! No!


No! No no!


No, no, no!

No, no, no!

[Tense music]

[Brakes squeal]

[Tense music]


You bastard.

How could you do this?

I'm sorry.

I don't want you to be sorry.

I want my baby!

Nothing I say right now is gonna make you feel any better.

Get her back!

I can't!





I hate you!


I know, and I don't blame you.

Help me.

I don't know how.

Then figure it out, 'cause one day, I'll stop crying.

[Police radio chatter]

The attack was pretty violent.

Hard to tell how many people were involved.

Looks like we've got at least three sets of footprints.

Looks like drag marks.

[Dramatic musical flourish]

Somebody had a really big knife and a really bad temper. Wow.

Somebody really wanted to make sure they were dead.

Well, nothing in the pockets on this one.

No wallet.

Me either.

You know how they got here? Any cars parked nearby?

No, not a one.

All right, let's get some fingerprints.

So we got two dead guys, but one set of drag marks.

So who got dragged?

Well, I doubt it was either of them.

Hey, I think I got something here.

Looks like a black knight...

With blood on it. I don't think anybody was having a game of chess out here.

Could have been here before the attack.

[Scanner beeping]

Office, mark this.

Huh, got some ids here.

All right, let's run 'em.

The first vic is a real model citizen.

Richard Hector Dunn, impressive arrest record.

A few assaults, assorted DUIs, robbery.

What about number two?

Model citizen number two is Kirk Lewelyn Firebaugh.

Huh, doesn't look like a Lewelyn to me.

Anyway, more of the same.

Assaults, b and es...

Oh, here we go... r*pe. More than once.

Well, how did Mr. Dunn and Mr. Firebaugh get way out here to tangle with somebody?

I'll see if they have any vehicles registered to them.

And get us the next of kin.


That's why we took their limo.

There was no way they could follow us, you know?

No way they could, like, trace our cars.

I'm still worried.

This is the Royals we're dealing with.

The Resistance got Adalind and the baby out of Europe.

I mean, they landed them here in Oregon.

So it only makes sense that the Resistance would be prepared, you know, for the Royals to make a move on the kid.

But the Resistance wasn't prepared.

You know that and I know that, but the Royals don't.

[Sighs] Okay, you ready?

Hang on.

Let 'er rip. All right, glass.








This game is really fun, and I love being green and everything, but we shouldn't play this when we compost.


Plastic. Can.

[Knocking at door]


Who is it?




Well, uh, come on in.

What happened?

She's gone.

My baby's gone.

They took her.


Yeah, that's my brother.

He live with you?

Eh, sometimes.

But he didn't come home last night.

You got him? We found your brother's body off of St. Helen's road.


We found another body with him.

Do you know a Richard Dunn?

Yeah. Hey, what the hell happened?


[Hissing] Grimm!

Take it easy.


You k*lled him!

No, we did not.

But they were m*rder*d, and we need you to calm down and talk to us.

I'm just a cop, and we're just trying to do our job.

Now, do you know where your brother was last night?

Oh, yeah.

Him and Rick went out drinking.

Anyone else with them?

Not that I know.

Do you know where your brother's truck is?

A 2004 Chevy Silverado...

I know what it is.

It's not here. He drove it last night.

Now, your brother's friend, was he a Lausenschlange too?

I don't know what you mean.

Yeah, you do.

What kind of wesen was he?

Same as you?



Anything else we need to know?

Look, I don't know what you think happened, but nobody could have taken my brother and Rick and lived to tell about it.

Except maybe you.

[Siren passing by]

We got some possibilities here on the vics.

Firebaugh and Dunney!

Have some known associates here in the system.

Three of them are dead, two are still in prison, and a half a dozen here in the area.

Too bad there's not a box you can check if they're wesen.

[Chuckling] Yeah.

Wouldn't that just make our lives so much easier?


[Cell phone rings]


Look, man, I'm sorry to bug you, but Adalind is here.

And she is really upset.

She came back to your place?


Didn't see that one coming, did you?

What does she want?

Do you mean besides her baby?

Well, uh, she has no place to go.

She has no money, no car, no insurance.

I mean, not that you need that if you don't have a car, I guess... I don't know.

What do you want us to do with her?

Look, I know this is not gonna be easy, but just see if you can keep her there for awhile until we figure out what to do.

Got a hit on the victim's vehicle.

Firebaugh's truck was found in the southeast industrial.

I got to go.

Nick wants us to keep her here.

For how long?

Till he can figure out what to do.

How is he going to figure out what to do with this?

I don't know.

If she finds out you had anything to do with it... she's got her powers back, you know.

Having her pissed at us? Not such a good idea.

Okay, can we just try to make her feel better for now?

Until we can get rid of her.

Drink this. It'll help you rest.

I don't want to rest.

You're exhausted.

You've been up for two days. You need to get some sleep.

Now, I have to go to the shop, so you can stay here as long as you need to.

Thank you.


Drink up. I'm not going anywhere until you fall asleep.

[Police radio chatter]

That's Firebaugh's truck.

Any surveillance cameras in the area?

No, nothing around here. Whoever dumped it here probably picked this place for that reason.

All right, two guys driving down the highway late at night.

Did they have the k*ller with them?

Or maybe they picked the k*ller up somewhere else.

Well, whoever it was, I'm guessing they didn't know what they were getting into.


If it was, that's one bad-ass woman.

Well, no blood that I can see.

A couple beer bottles, whiskey bottle.

A little late to arrest them for dui.

But in retrospect, I'm sure they would have preferred that.

I got a French fry.




Still crispy.

Not soggy.

Hasn't been stepped on.

So guys got hungry, stopped for fast food, but no bags, no wrappers.

Were these guys that clean?

I don't think so.

Wu. Yeah.

Any idea where this is from?

French fry is like a fingerprint.

Every fast-food restaurant's got its own cut.

Check every fast-food fry between here and the crime scene.

Yeah. I was kind of hungry anyway.

Steward's ineptitude got us into this mess.

He should have been able to get that child away from Renard without losing two more Verrat.

Next time, choose your people more carefully.

Yes, sir. Although it was Danilov's man.

Well, I can only k*ll Danilov once.

The Resistance knew the child was there, but how did they know we got the child?

Someone had to have told them. Steward said he was att*cked in his home by three people.

Renard, the Grimm...

And a woman.

And we know Renard is allied with the Resistance.

You may be right, but I think we need to find out who that woman was.

It always comes down to a woman, doesn't it?

Wars are waged, kingdoms lost, hearts broken.

Your highness.


Now, don't go blaming your people for not telling you I was here.

I wanted it to be a surprise.

Well, you succeeded.

What can we get you?

You mean, besides the men responsible for the death of my son Eric?

We're closing in on that.

Like you're closing in on the child?

By the way, do we know if it's my grandchild by my son Eric or by my son Sean?

Until we have the child, we can't be sure, but in either case, it is your grandchild.

The families have given you a great deal of power and responsibility.

That child must be raised within these walls.

Otherwise, these walls will one day fall.

And before I allow a tragic history like that to be written, bloody changes will be made.

Gr But not to worry, nephew.

I trust you will succeed.
[Knocking on door]



Just wanted to see how you were holding up.

I've been better.

I thought I should tell you that Monroe called.

Adalind went back to their house.

She visited me last night.

Yeah, me too.

Probably lucky that's all she did.

What'd you tell Monroe? Just to keep her there until we can figure out what to do.

I don't know how to make things better for her, Nick.

Well, maybe I should talk to her.

No. No, no. If she ever finds out that the baby's with your mother, she'll never stop trying to find her.

It's better if she thinks that I gave the child to Viktor.

What if she tries to contact Viktor?

He'll have no interest in her now.

And even if he tells her he doesn't have the child, she won't believe him.

More importantly, what are we gonna do about Mr. Steward, our FBI agent?


Have you contacted the feds?

Yeah, they're looking for him too.

Apparently, he hasn't shown up for work and he's not communicating.

I think I might have seen him on the street last night.

He may have gone rogue.

[Knocking at door]

Sorry. Wu's back.

He's got surveillance on the suspect.

Watch your back.

Yeah, you too.

Checked 12 restaurants.

Only two had the style of fry left in the truck.

Pulled surveillance on both of them, and lo and behold, got our truck.

But I was a little surprised to see who was driving.

[Taps key]

You're kidding me.

Not exactly your average stone-cold k*ller.

She doesn't look very old.

Thinking 19 to 21 going on deadly.

She's not stupid. She's wearing gloves.

Let's make copies and circulate it.


What kind of female young wesen could take on a Klaustreich and a Lausenschlange?

You're speaking rhetorically, right?

I think it's time to talk to Monroe.

[Canned pop music]

How do they feel?

These are good.

I want to see what they look like with the pants.

Okay, dressing rooms are right back there.


[Lighter snapping]

Oh, don't like 'em?

Too tight.

I'll look for something else. All right.

Hey, something's on fire back here!

Hey, girl.

I like what you did back there.

Pretty sweet. Just leave me alone.

I will, as soon as you give me those boots you stole.

They're my size. Take 'em off.

You think that little butter knife is gonna save your ass?




[Knocking at door]

Shh shh. Shh.

[Whispering] Adalind is asleep.

Do you want to talk to her?

I don't.

We have a wesen problem.


Okay, can we do this at the trailer?


Good, 'cause...

Better to leave sleeping Hexenbiests lie.

You know? Oh, yeah.

Wow, taking on a Lausenschlange and a Klaustreich at the same time?

That takes some seriously large... well, in her case, figurative cojones.

What kind of wesen is she?

I-I don't know.

I guess... You got your Augapfel-Aushacken.

Were their eyes pecked out?

'Cause they'll do that to a man.

No. But they were cut up pretty good.

Okay, could be a Fetide Taillader.

You could smell them a mile away.

Oh, on the other hand, you know what?

You could be dealing with a female Sangrienta Manos, although, truth be told, they usually consume the intestines, so...

I don't like the sound of any of them.

[Cell phone ringing]

You wouldn't like the look of them either.

So what else can you tell me about the...



Yeah, we can be there in five minutes.

Change of plans. We got another attack.

[Siren wailing] Victim was cut, only this one's still alive. So I guess I'm going?

Yeah, I guess you are.


[Tense music]

Airway clear.

Bagging her.



[Siren wails]

Uh... mm.

I know. I know.

Stay out of the way.


Looks like the same M.O.

as*ault was reported by a jogger.

His description matches our young suspect.

Said she took off running heading in that direction.

I've got two units in the area.

We're losing her.

Still no response.

I can't find a pulse.


She's gone.

Note the time.

Contact M.E.

This isn't too far from where she left the truck.

All right, get some unis out here to canvass the area.

If she's still here, she's got to be staying close.


[Knocking at door]

[Knocking continues]

[Baby cooing]

I got her back.

She belongs with you.

[Screaming] No!


We've made a grave mistake underestimating him.

I want to know everything there is to know about this Grimm... where he was born, where he went to school, who his parents are, his grandparents, his friends.

Anything and everything about Nicholas Burkhardt.

Can I put surveillance on him?

No, I don't want to alarm him.

He played a part in this.

He definitely knows who that woman was.

[Intercom buzzes]

I hate to disturb you, sir, but Adalind Schade is calling.

Do you want to take it?

Let's see what the Hexen-bitch wants.


I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry for everything that's happened, but I didn't have a choice.

They took me out of the country, and they threatened to k*ll me if I didn't go with them.

What is it you want from me?

I want my baby. Please.

You've got to give her back to me, or let me come to you.

I don't care. Just... please, she needs to be with me.

How is she? Is she okay?

[Mouths word]

I'll do anything, Viktor.


Please, just... just... just let me be with her.

Well, to be perfectly honest, I don't think she's all that happy.

You're right. She misses you.

So then you know that she needs me.

Perhaps, but you had your chance with us.

You didn't take it.

I told you, they made me go with them.

She'll have the best of everything.

You needn't worry. Please.

I don't mean to be cruel, but there's a lot at stake here.

I tell you what, I'll think about it.

Call me later.

No, Viktor, please!

[Dial tone humming]


She thinks you have the child.

Which may not be a bad thing.


I'm done crying.


Hey, you gonna stay another day?

It's past checkout. You got to pay up.

I'm leaving.

You know you're supposed to pay if you stay past checkout.


[Indistinct chatter]

Whew, dude, Skalengeck.

That would be our victim.

No kidding.


You picking up anything else?

Not wesen.

Doesn't mean they're not disguising it.

Oh, you mean like wolfsbane.

What the hell are you doing?

It's so he doesn't smell us.

We're not hunting deer.

That's what that stuff was for?

You figure out where the victim came from?

Skalengecks not being overly hygienic, should be doable.


She's all over the place.

At least we don't have to explain to anybody what we're doing here.

Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Just got a hit on the suspect.

Hey. Monroe.

Haven't seen you since the zombie romp.

Oh, yeah!

Wow, that was a night to remember.

Uh, yeah, it's a night I'd rather forget.

What are you doing here?

Just, uh...

You said something about the suspect?

Yeah, manager of the SRO hotel just called in.

He's got one of our flyers, and he thinks she's there, but not for long, 'cause she's checking out.

We'll take this one.

You want streets blocked off?

Not until we know it's her.


Anything special we should know about the wesen you told us about?

Which one, the Augapfel-Aushacken, the Fetide Taillader, or the Sangrienta Manos?

Yeah, what you just said.

No. Not particularly.

I mean, if you get a chance sh**t 'em.

Actually, if it is a Augapfel-Aushacken, even if you don't get a chance, sh**t 'em.

I'm not sure what I just said, but you know what I mean?

Hotel's at the end of the block.

Hold on. That's her.

Pull over here. I'll get behind her.

[Tense music]







Nick! Nick!


Nick! Nick!

Get off!

Nick, wait.



She's a Grimm.

Get away from me! I'll k*ll you!

Take it easy, okay?

We are not gonna hurt you.

Get away!

Get down.

We're police.

Nobody's gonna hurt you. You understand me?

Let me go!

You're a Grimm?

Get these off of me!

Are you sure?

Nick, I saw what I saw, man. There is no mistaking that.

I'll k*ll all of you!

I don't think she knows what you're talking about.

Listen to me. Hey! Listen to me.

You're a Grimm?

So am I.

You've heard that before?

It doesn't mean anything.

Yes, it does.

It's just something they say before they try and k*ll me.

Now let me go.

We're gonna put her in the back.

Open the door.

Dude, I am not getting in the back with her.

Well, I am. Get in the front.

You're gonna try to k*ll me.

No, we're not.

I'm sorry, but stop it. All right?

You're gonna get yourself hurt.

And I don't want to do that.

You're gonna arrest me?

We're not gonna do that either.

What are we doing, Nick?

Just drive.

[Engine turning over]

The guys who att*cked you were wesen, and the girl in the park the other day was wesen.

You know what a wesen is, right?

Okay, he is a wesen. He's a Blutbad.

You know, I don't think we need to get into that just now.

Well, I have to figure out what she knows.

She is a Grimm, okay?

Whether she knows it or not.

What's your name?

Sure you don't want to arrest her?

Not if she talks to me.

Screw you.

Oh, that's a start.

What do you want to do with her?

We can't just drive around.


What's your name? Where are you from?

All right, let's take her in.

[Intercom buzzes]

Sorry to disturb you, sir.

Adalind Schade is on the line.

You said she should be put through.

I'll take it.


I can't live without my baby.

That's understandable.

I have thought about it.

If I could just see her...

I think I might be able to arrange that, but there is one thing I'd like you to do first.


You remember how the Grimm took your powers away?


It's time to return the favor.

You have the blood of the Grimm in you.

That makes him vulnerable.

Her name is Theresa Rubel. Born in New York City.

Long way from home.

She's 21, and she's got quite a history for someone so young, covering a lot of states.

Mostly breaking and entering, petty theft.

Surprised there's no assaults.

There probably were, just not reported.

Her last known address was Washington state psychiatric facility in spokane. That was... Two months ago.

That makes sense.

She doesn't know she's a Grimm.

She probably thinks she's going crazy.

And if she ever told anybody what she saw...

No wonder she's got mental health issues.

If she was admitted to one mental health facility, she's probably been in and out of others.

We need to pull her juvenile records.

Whoa, take a look at this.

What are you doing with that?

You did this, right?

Give it back to me.

I'm gonna take you out of here and show you something.

We're just holding you for now.

No charges have been filed.

But if you try anything, I will book you for m*rder.


Turn around.

[Handcuffs clicking shut]

All right.

Get out.

There's something I want to show you in there.

Yeah, sure there is.

I'm not going in there with you.

I don't blame her.

I wouldn't go in there with us either.

You don't have to go anywhere.

What kind of cops are you anyway?

That's a good question.

I wish I had a good answer.

Take her cuffs off.

You sure?


She needs to see this for herself.

What is that?

Look at it.

What is this?

The truth that no one's ever told you before.

There's a lot more of it in there.

You need to go in there to... what do you mean, this is the truth?

I'll get us some coffee.

This is gonna take a while.

It's my truth too.

I see what you do. No, you can't.

Everything in these books, I can see too.

I don't understand.

Neither did I.

I thought I was going crazy, but I had somebody who could explain to me what a Grimm was.

Now, you said that they called you that.

Yeah, some of them did. I didn't know what that meant.

That's why I brought you here.

I want to explain to you what it does mean.

Tell me.

[Knocking at door] Yeah.

Ms. Schade is here to see you.

Send her in.


I don't know if I'll ever forgive you.

I don't know if I'll ever forgive myself.

I know you think you did the right thing.

I don't know, maybe you did.

The Royals never would've stopped.

Probably would've k*lled me.

I don't think I'll ever understand it completely, but at least I know our baby's still alive.

[Door opens and closes]



Hey, I'm glad you're here. I picked up Chinese for us.

Well, I... I hope you picked up a lot.

Juliette, this is Theresa Rubel.

Hi. So...

So Theresa's staying for dinner?

Nobody calls me Theresa.


So what do they call you?

They call me Trubel.