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03x14 - Mommy Dearest

Posted: 03/09/14 04:07
by bunniefuu

Oh, hurry up, it's coming!

Okay, breathe, breathe.

Hold on... ow!

Breathe. Steady. Even.

Oh, my God!

Oh, shut up! Just get this thing out of me.

Okay, I can see the baby's head.

Keep pushing.


Give me your hand.


Don't let this thing k*ll me.

I won't, okay? Just breathe.

Look at me, look at me.

You can do this.


Concentrate on me.

Breathe in...

[Inhales deeply]

And out... aah!



You've got to stop that.

Stop what?


Just keep pushing, pushing, and push.


And push, go.

One more push, here it is, here it is.

[Breathing heavily]

[Baby crying]


[Creature ticking]

Here we go.

It was too salty, wasn't it?

Salty means flavor. I like flavor.

Ah, you're just being nice.

Well, I didn't marry you for your cooking.


Why did you marry me?


I forgot to pick up my refill for my prenatal meds today, and I have my six-month checkup tomorrow, and I know you'll go get them for me.

Of course I will.

I could be there and back by the time you get to the car.


You should go to bed. I will.

I'm exhausted.

Don't have any babies while I'm gone.

[Creature ticking]

[Ticking resumes]





[Creature ticking]

[Grunts] Help me.





[Ticking continues]


[Grunting, screams]

Dana, are you okay?


[Creature ticking]



I'm coming in.








[Cell phone beeps]

Does that taste any good?

[Sighs] Not really.

But my wife's been mad at me for not eating healthier, so I'm trying.

Sometimes my cat gets mad at me, and all she needs is a belly rub.

My wife's not a cat.

It doesn't mean it wouldn't work.

Possible as*ault at 3403 Forman street.

Neighbor waiting for contact at the location...

You and your damn cat.

Hold on.

I'm just kidding.

No, no, no, I know that address... 3403 Forman.

My friend Dana and her husband live there.

[Engine turning over, siren wailing]


Help! We're up here!

Over here.

Oh, Dana.

What happened?

I don't know.

I heard her screaming, and I found her like this.

E.M.T.s are here. I'll bring 'em up.


[Breathing heavily]

Hey. Hey, Dana. Hey, you're gonna be okay.

The ambulance is here.

[Weakly] Aswang.



[Indistinct chatter over police radio]

We've got an injured woman upstairs.

What's going on?

I'm sorry, sir.

I can't let you in. No, this is my house.

My wife is inside.

Okay, follow me.

What happened?

We don't know yet.

We just got here.

Is it my wife? Is she okay?


Dana! Dana!

Hey, hey, Sam, Sam.

Don't get in the way.

I promise you, they're gonna take care of her, all right?

She's gonna be fine.

[Indistinct chatter over police radio]


Have you had any problems with the pregnancy?

No, everything's been fine.

Okay, I'll meet you at the hospital as soon as I can, yeah?


[Indistinct chatter over police radio]

[Engine turning over]

[Siren wailing]

[Aswang ticking]

[Tense music]

[Siren wailing]

Neighbor called 911 about 8:40.

Franco and I heard the call, got here a little after that.

We got an as*ault?

Not sure.

But the neighbor responded to Dana screaming.

Dana? Is she the victim?

Yeah, sorry. Dana Tomas. I know the family.

Dana and her husband, Sam, moved here from the Philippines because I told 'em it was a great city... beautiful, safe.

Whatever happened in there is not your fault, okay?

I appreciate that, but I can't help feeling like it is.

Blood splattered on the wall, the ceiling...

Open window.

Looks like an attack to me.

Blood trail...

Through the window.

It could've been how the attacker got in.

If they like climbing trees.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Let's check outside.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Looks like the same marks as on the window upstairs.

Yeah, I saw those too.


I got some blood here.

Looks like we've got our getaway point.

Hey, fellas, I got the witness ready for you out front.

All right, thanks.

Did you see anybody in the room?


You didn't see anybody when you were outside?

I'm sorry. I didn't.

When you found Dana on the floor, could you tell where she was injured?

She was bleeding from her stomach.

Oh, my God, I really hope they don't lose their baby.

Did you notice anything else?


There was this ticking sound.

It kept starting and stopping.

It was kind of offbeat.

And then I saw this shadow move across the window for a second, but...

I don't know, so much was happening.

If you remember anything else, please let us know.

I've got her information.

You said Dana has a husband?

Sam. He's at the hospital.

From what I can see, the fetus was not harmed, but there's very little amniotic fluid left.

As long as we keep her hydrated, her body will replenish it within five to seven days.

Are you saying that someone sucked the amniotic fluid out of her?

I know it sounds a little weird, but that's what it looks like.

How would someone do that?

I've never seen a wound like this, but it looks like she was pierced through the navel with a thick needle.

It was done carefully.

If the amniotic sack is broken, the mother goes into labor or has a miscarriage.

Is there any reason someone would want amniotic fluid?

It can be used for stem-cell research.

But other than that, I can't think of anything.

Can we see her?

You can look in on her, but she's very groggy... possibly suffering from some kind of narcotic or sedative.

We're trying to figure out what put her into that state.

Let's see what the husband has to say.

It's gonna be all right, Sam.

You don't know that.


These are Detectives Burkhardt and Griffin.

This is Sam, Dana's husband.

What happened?

Well, it looks like your wife was att*cked.

Where were you when it happened?

At the pharmacy, picking up Dana's medicine.

And what's the name of the pharmacy?

Are you kidding me?

What, you think I did this?

Sam, the Detectives have to ask you questions.

And if you want to find out who did this to Dana, you need to give 'em answers.

We need to verify where you were, sir.

The CVS on Northwest 23rd Avenue.

I was picking up her refill of her prenate D.H.A.

Is there anyone who would want to cause you or your wife any harm?


Mr. Tomas...

I need a little more medical history on your wife.


All right.

Sam gave me the receipt to the pharmacy.

Time stamp puts him there several minutes before we arrived on scene.

Well, just because he wasn't there doesn't mean he wasn't involved.

I don't think he'd do anything to hurt Dana.

And Dana wouldn't stay with him if ever did.

I've known her since we were in diapers.

And I'd make a joke about diapers right now, but, frankly, I'm not in the mood.

Neither am I.

Look, I really care about Dana, so...

I'd appreciate it if you'd keep me in the loop.

We'll let you know what we get.


I'm just gonna hang here for a while.

No sign of forced entry except for those marks.

This could be almost anything that climbs trees, bigger than a squirrel, obviously.

Neighbor found the victim on the bedroom floor.

Window was open, that was it.

I know. I keep thinking about that poor pregnant woman just lying there sleeping, when something comes through the window at her.

Aside from the bizarre attack on the unborn, any wesen flags on the play?

Nothing, except for those claw marks.

If this is wesen-related, how are you gonna keep Wu in the loop?

We lie.


The basis of any lasting relationship.

[Monitor beeping]

Hey, you don't need to be here.

You should just go home and get some sleep.

I'm gonna stay with her.

I wish there was more I could do.

I promise you...

We will find out who did this.

[Cell phone ringing]


[Speaking tagalog]

I can't do this to Dana.

What would I do if she ever found out?

Find out where she's staying.

[Cell phone beeping]



[Continues ticking]



[Speaking tagalog]

The Aswang has sharp claws.

It can climb trees, walls, and get you wherever you are.



[Gasps, breathing heavily]

[Line trilling]

Tell me.

She had the baby. It's a girl.

A girl?

How are they doing?

Surprisingly well...

Considering our circumstances are a little rustic.

How long do you think you'll be safe?

Until we're not.

Anyone else know you're there?

No one. I made sure of that this time.

The sooner we get her and the baby out of there, the better.

The only way to get to this place is on foot.

I don't think she'll be hiking for at least a few days.

I'll start putting things together.

Do not contact me again until you're ready to go and avoid using the phone.

Good luck.


I'm not coming up with anything criminal on Sam.

Probably won't.

I just talked with his supervisor at Mahal Niyog... a Filipino company that imports virgin coconut oil.

Been with them two years... one in manila, one here.

Had nothing bad to say about him.

And this is Dana's list of medications we got from her ob-gyn.

Pretty standard.

Prenate D.H.A. and a vitamin "D" supplement.

So how did she get drugged?

Maybe it had something to do with what stabbed her.

She could've been injected with something.

[Cell phone ringing]


We're on our way.

That was Dana's doctor. She's awake.

Deepfried pork knuckles...

Is it really necessary to use every part of the animal?

Waste not, want not.

Hey, what's on your mind?


Well, remember those stories grandma Nanita told us when we were kids?

Which one?

The Aswang.

Oh, sure.

Scared the crap out of me.

Good story to keep husbands from wandering away from their pregnant wives.

You remember how Aswang att*cked?

Drug the mother, eat the fetus.

Pig knuckles don't seem so bad now, though, right?

How did they drug them?

Some kind of plant, I think.

You reminiscing about old nightmares?

Old, current.

Remember my friend Dana? How could I forget?

You two were inseparable.

I thought for sure she's the one you were gonna end up with.

Hey, she moved here, right? Yeah.

You two get back together again?

Oh, slow down.

She's married now. Bummer.

But we're still close.

Double bummer.

Actually, she's the victim in a case I'm working on.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Is she okay?

She'll survive, but, uh, the as*ault...

Was sort of of like...

An Aswang attack?

That's freaky.

I think someone's playing a very sick joke.

I would not like to run into one of those.

Thank God Aswang are just a myth, though, right?

We found a large amount of an over-the-counter sedative called valerian root in her system.

That's not on her list of prescribed medications?

She wouldn't be taking this for pregnancy, and in large doses, it can cause blackouts.

She doesn't seem to remember much about what happened. Thanks.
[Knock at door]

Dana, I'm Detective Burkhardt.

This is Detective Griffin.

How are you feeling?

A little weak, but better.

Do you feel up to answering some questions?

All right.

Do you remember anything about the attack?

I remember reading and then falling asleep and then waking up because of this pain.

It hurt more than anything I've ever felt.

I can't remember anything else.

It was like a dream.

Did you see anything outside your window?

II can't remember.

Did you hear anything...

A ticking sound?

Your neighbor Liz says she remembers a ticking sound.

Not really.

Dana, the doctors found a sedative in your system called valerian root.


As in a kind of plant?

I'm sorry. I just got here.

Keep going.

Did you take any or eat anything that contained valerian?

I have a strict list of vitamins and meds to take, and sedatives are not on it.

That's all we need for now.

Get some rest.

So what do you think?

Well, not much to go on yet... no prints, no motive, no suspects.

You come up with anything?

Well, it's gonna sound really strange, but, uh...

What if...

What if what?

What if it's...

[Sighs] Ah.

I am overthinking this.

I should just let you do your job.

[Phone vibrates, rings]


I found out where she is.


Viking motel, room 105.

But you need to be careful.

This could go very, very wrong.

It already has.

[Doorbell rings]

I got to go.

Thanks. Good luck.

[Cell phone beeping]

Drew, what are you doing here?

You busy?

Kind of.

I was just getting ready to go back to the hospital.

They got Dana's results back from the lab.


Have you ever heard of valerian root?

It's a sedative.

They found a lot of it in Dana's system.

That's not possible.

She wasn't taking anything besides her prescription meds.

I'd like to take a look at your bedroom again.

Oh, there's... there's nothing left.

Your forensics guys gave me the go-ahead to clean it up, so...

Look, I got to go.

Dana's gonna be discharged in a couple of hours.

Hey, you don't have to be here.

I just want to be sure I didn't miss anything.

If you did, it's not there anymore.

Remember that Filipino legend... the one about the Aswang?

What does that have to do with anything?

Just an old story.

But, uh, there's so much weird stuff that's not adding up here.

So many similarities.

Look, I don't have time to listen to this.

And I think you should get some sleep.

[Car door closes, engine turning over]

Here it is, valerian root.

It's a natural sedative used in teas and oils, but it can be really dangerous in large doses.

Some call it nature's valium.

So whoever att*cked Dana wanted to make sure she was out cold.

Maybe valerian was used instead of something with harsher chemicals that could potentially harm a fetus.

Why pump out the amniotic fluid but keep the fetus intact?

There are ancient rituals where it's believed the health and youth of a baby can be absorbed.

Your case could have something to do with that.

Yeah, I have an aunt and Uncle that used to eat their newborns' placentas, you know, fry 'em up with a little butter and honey.

But I'm sorry. This is going too far.

Okay, maybe if we cross-reference att*cks on pregnant women with valerian root, we can find something in the trailer.

Need help?

Wouldn't hurt.

Anybody else got the heebie-jeebies?


Just because you found me doesn't mean you'll get what you want.

All I want is family reunion.

How's Dana?

That's not going to happen.

If you don't help me, I die within a month.

People die, mom.

It's part of life.

The eldest son always give up his firstborn so that his mother may live a longer life.

This is what Aswang do.

Hundreds of years of tradition.

I won't be a part of this tradition.

You can make another baby.

But you only have one mother.

You owe me this.


I said no!


You're my son.

I'm begging you.


I don't want to die.

This is a plane ticket back to manila.

I'm giving you a chance to leave.


If you don't take it, I'm going to call the police.

Do you understand me?

[Door slams]


Can't believe Sam brought so much stuff.

You were only here one night.

He just wanted to make sure I was comfortable.

Where is he, anyway?

I thought he was on his way over here.

I'm sure he just ran a couple of errands, because I'm not there to help him.

He'll be here soon.

Okay. Well, sure will be nice to be back home.

I'm scared, to be honest.

What happened...

It will be hard to feel safe again.

But you will be.

I'll make sure of that.

Thank you for everything you've done.

You're such a good friend.

I'm just happy you're okay.

What are you doing here?

He's helping me pack.

Sam, you made it.

We were starting to worry.

You okay?

You seem... Yeah, sorry.

It's been a long day.

Can I talk to you for a second?

I'll be back.

Where were you?

You were in such a hurry to get here.

I stopped by to visit my mom.

Your mom's in Portland? Where?

She's at the viking motel, but she's leaving.

She's going back to manila.

Why wasn't she staying with you and Dana?

Because my mom and Dana don't get along.

Well, I guess that explains why she's not at the hospital.

I'm taking Dana home.

The claw marks, blood trail... how do you explain all that?

You're the cop.

How do you explain it?

You hurt Dana in any way...

She's my wife, not yours.

Just get over it.

Leave us alone.

"I arrive in the Philippines at Manila, May of 1904, after a long arduous voyage from..." do we have to start at the beginning?

Yeah, pick it up right before the "and then I cut off his head" part.

All right.

Ohh, "snuck down the putrid alley."

Fetid smell of blood," blah, blah.

"Cut off its..." okay, too far.

Okay, okay.

"After the midwife was able to quell the hemorrhaging, "the young woman gained consciousness.

"She told me it was an Aswang "that had caused the tragedy.

"She had been sold as a bride, "to be impregnated so that her firstborn "may be consumed as a means for a prolonged, healthy life."

This is what we're looking for.

"Aswangs use their long tongues "to inject chewed up valerian root to sedate their victims as they attack."

That explains why Dana can't remember much.

"These att*cks are often incorrectly "diagnosed as miscarriages, and for the process to work, the fetus must be a blood relative to the Aswang."

That's some family obligations.

Wait, what does that say? "I've also learned "that Aswang have an alternate name...

"tik-tiks, due to the ticking sound they make with their tongue."

The neighbor said she heard a ticking sound coming from Dana's house.

Whoa! There it is.

Now we're talking ugly.

Now that we know what we're dealing with, what do we tell Wu?

Oh, no, no.

I don't think an Aswang is a very good gateway wesen for a Kehrseite.

I'm not sure there is a good gateway.

It's more of a hellgate.

We can't risk involving him in something that he doesn't understand.

But we can't let him think he's going crazy.

I know that feeling too well.

And I can't just stand by and...

I don't think we should give him any premature information.

Yes, premature information can be very messy.

Hearing the truth is not the problem.

It's seeing and not being able to explain what it is that pushes you over the edge.

You were confronted with it. You had no choice.

Hank, I'm sorry. I kind of agree with 'em.

I mean, this is life-changing information we're talking about.

Wu needs to know what he's going up against.

You leave him unprepared, anything could happen.

Look, I don't want to drag him into this, not unless we absolutely have to.

If you all think that's the way it should be... Okay.

Let's go see if Dana and Sam have any blood relatives in town.

Sam, can I ask you something?


What's up with you and drew?

Uh, what do you mean?

You're angry with each other.

I can see it. No, it's just we're both under a lot of pressure.

Because of me?

Sometimes I don't understand why you're still friends with him.

It's awkward.

I've known him all my life.

He's a close friend and always will be.

There's nothing more to it.


Yeah, okay, okay.


We're home.

That's more like it.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but any progress?

No, not much.

We're looking in the family history.

Trying to see if Sam or Dana have any family in Portland.

Well, I guess you didn't come to the right guy.

Sam's mom's in town. His mom's in Portland?

Yeah, Sam told me at the hospital.

Where's she staying?

At the viking motel.

But I think she's catching a plane home tonight.

I thought it was a little weird she wasn't staying with Sam and Dana.

You know her name?

Lani Tomas.

Hey, I really need to talk to you guys.

I can't quite explain it, but I'm struggling with some stuff right now.

I think Sam might be guilty.



There is this Filipino myth about something called an Aswang.

It's a sort of scary creature that preys on pregnant women.

I think Sam could be trying to k*ll Dana and making it seem like some sort of supernatural event.

Well, um...


That is quite a theory.

All right, look.

I know it sounds a little out there, but I don't know.

I just... I thought I better tell you, you know, just in case.

[Sighs] So, there ya go.

That's my crazy theory.

I know, it's late.

I'm going home.

I'm gonna have a drink.

Not necessarily in that order.


I got to say something.


Yeah, good luck with that.


I-I don't think it's a crazy theory.

Sometimes things can't be explained.

I just hope my past with Dana isn't what's making me think Sam's the bad guy here.

I think you should give your instincts a little more credit than that.

I'm not sure I want to.

But thanks. Good night.

I know what on the verge looks like, and he is definitely on the verge.

He doesn't think any of this is real.

Yeah. Let's hope it stays that way.

Let's go find Lani Tomas.

[Phone ringing]

Are you calling to check up on me?

No, actually I'm just calling to check up on you and see how you're doing.

That's really sweet of you, thanks.

Everything's fine.

Sam's taking good care of me.

Okay, good to hear.

You don't need anything?

I'm good and I'm tired.

And thanks for watching over me.

Well, I can't stop now.

Good night.

Talk soon.



What the hell is that?

Mrs. Tomas got here two days ago from the Philippines.

Please don't tell me she's an axe m*rder*r.

Did she say she was checking out or going home?

Not to me. But she left a while ago.

I saw her get into a cab.

Well, the cab isn't going to the airport.

What cab company?

Radio cab.

I've got the number if you need it.

I know it.

Valerian root.

If that's a drug, I don't know anything about it.

This is Detective Griffin, Portland P.D.

I need a destination address for a pick-up from a viking motel, about an hour ago.








My darling Dana.

Sam called me and told me you had a terrible accident.

I didn't know you were here.

When did you arrive?

Sam asked me to come right away and help take care of you.

What a nice surprise.

You didn't have to come all the way here.

Oh, I did.

Childbirth can be so difficult without someone who knows how to make it easier.


Where's Sam?

He's downstairs, fixing me something to eat.


[Humming gently]

[Humming continues]

That's right.

You just rest.





No, no, no, no, no, no, no!






[Tense music]

Paramedics needed at 3403 Forman street.

[Heavy thud]








Gah... uhh!


It was an Aswang.

Did you see it?

Wu, calm down.

She wasn't like that!

She was not like that!

Dana's alive.

It changed.

I swear, I know what I saw!



I know what I saw! Look at me.

Dana's alive.

Just breathe and calm down.

No, it wasn't her. It wasn't her.

Just breathe, relax.

It wasn't her. It wasn't her.


It wasn't her.

It wasn't her. You're okay.

It wasn't her. It wasn't her.

[Whispering] It wasn't her. That was not her.

It wasn't her.

It wasn't her.

It wasn't her. It wasn't her.

It wasn't her. It wasn't her.

It wasn't her, it wasn't her, it wasn't her.

[Eerie music]


The good news is he checked in on his own.

He's experienced a very traumatic event.

The bad news is whatever happened, he's having a tough time talking about it.

I'm glad you came by.

It might be good for him to see you.

Hey, Wu.


How you doing?

We just, um, wanted to tell you...

Sam's mom had a history of violent behavior.

That's why she att*cked you.

But you saved Sam and Dana.

The baby's gonna be okay.

You're a hero, Wu.



Well, that's good.

That's good.

